"'Daily Voting News' For December 30, 2005"
(9 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 12/30/2005 @ 8:37 pm PT...
Excellent John, now is the time to hit Diebold square in the face about their interpreted code!!!!
First these bastards should not have any right, any right to alter any of the state laws already in affect.
Second they need to be de-certified alltogether and explain why illegal banned interpreted code is doing in the machines...
Third on top of going to court, we need to hold additional open tests in California on both the Touch-screens of ES&S/Diebold.
Finally we need to get a lawsuit together against Connie McCormack, who apparently has been trying to alter CA's voter laws non-stop and put up further lawsuits against these criminals like Shamos in other states.
Who wants to get the voting back? ITS UP TO US ONE AND ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Action Alert
Doug E.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 12/31/2005 @ 3:08 am PT...
The link for the story on CT:Middletown is leading to the wrong story. Have you got a link to the Middletown breaking news?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 12/31/2005 @ 4:47 am PT...
Keep up the work Brad - without an accurate vote tally the Majority can never save America from the cluthces of the corrupt neocons..
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 12/31/2005 @ 7:35 am PT...
The link Catherine mentions is still mis-linked ... it has to do with machines coming from Reno to Washington state ...
BTW ... if you add "target="_blank" to you links it will open a new window and not blast the current Brad Blog spot a blogger is at ...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
John Gideon
said on 12/31/2005 @ 9:43 am PT...
Catherine and Dredd,
Thank you for catching what I should have caught. The correct link is now with the Middletown article.
Thank you for the recommendation about "target=" I'll see if I can change my macro to do that.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 12/31/2005 @ 10:41 am PT...
Thanks to both Brad and John - for keeping us informed!!! There is hope!!!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 12/31/2005 @ 12:02 pm PT...
I'm sure the problem here in Connecticut remains Sen. Chris Dodd.
Last January I attended a rally outside the Capitol in Hartford. It was held to protest the Nov. 2004 election results, but also to lobby for paper trails in upcoming Connecticut elections, to prevent our state from becoming another Ohio or Florida in the future.
The word going around was that Dodd was keeping the state legislature from enacting such a bill. He had worked on HAVA, and was focused on making sure all new machines ordered could be used by blind people, as mandated by HAVA. The machines did do that, but they were also hackable (as we have learned from the recent Florida test). Dodd apparently made a commitment to Diebold and/or E.S.&S. that the HAVA architects would recommend these machines to the states, without considering the possibility that they'd be hackable.
Recently, when Kerry told Dodd, "There's a problem with these machines," Dodd got angry at him. Moral: You can tamper with voting machines, just don't tamper with a politician's ego.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 12/31/2005 @ 5:08 pm PT...
Folks the article with the latest about Middletown, CT is a humdinger. (Thanks, John, for fixing that link.) It's of huge relevance to electronic machines, even though the story is about a lever machine.
(They recently discovered a certain lever on a machine has been broken since 2001!!! Now there will be a new election, new inspections open to public scrutiny, and a much tighter range of testing since the previous inspection routine never revealed the defect. It's a great precedent for what ought to be happening when there are problems with electronic voting machines.) And the reporter, Melissa Bailey, has done a great job covering the story.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 12/31/2005 @ 6:28 pm PT...
Reading over the news and the DailyKOS link on the same subject, I was glad to hear that someone in the Governor's office in North Carolina was indicating his resistance to a special legislative session. That is good news if it can be believed. But as was also pointed out, 3/5 of the legislators can petition for a special session too and , as I predicted, the county election officials are making a host of poor-mouth arguments which are intended to drive legislators toward that special session. The Dems want to look even-handed and frugal with tax dollars. I would not be surprised if they caved even if the Governor holds his ground.