By Brad Friedman on 10/10/2005, 10:06pm PT  

{Blogged by Brad from the long --- very long --- and winding --- very winding --- road.}

It was just a few weeks ago that I was exposed as being a "CIA Internet Fake" --- whatever that meant --- by the nutcase Fintan Dunne over at Mr. Dunne still seems to have a problem contacting me, or at least writing me back upon my inquiry to ask him "What the hell are you smokin', son? And can I get some?!"

But I digress. For now comes the news that I'm actually a Zionist disinformation artist secretly taking over the anti-war movement in order In fact, I've read the article twice, and I still can't really tell what I'm actually supposed to be doing in my new secret role, because I can't make much sense out of the article written by Eric Hufschmid. (Seriously, can't these conspiracy theory whack-jobs at least try to make some sense when making these cases?) Other than that, all I can figure is that it's Hufschmid who might well be the disinfo artist he's accusing everyone else in the world to be, and that he seems to hate Jews and he seems to be a Republican (or at least hate anybody who ever supported a Democrat...I guess...good luck if you can make any more sense of it than I).

Anyway, if you can get through his incredibly long and confusing report, you'll see that near the end, I am, along with Velvet Revolution, part of the great big super-secret scam to control the world!

Now if I could just figure out what the great big super-secret scam is, and when I get paid for it, we'll all be in great shape!

Of course, as with the earlier shocking exposé revealing my secret work for the CIA, and my subsequent ridicule of the notion, my similar ridicule of...whatever Hufschmid's premise is...would be exactly what I would do if he really was on to something! I'd try and discredit him with an article just like this one so that the horrible truth revealed via his cunning investigation would be laughed at and subsequently ignored!

So, once again, you --- dear BRAD BLOG reader --- don't know what to believe any more do ya?! And, of course, that's just what us Super-Secret Anti-War Zionist Internet CIA Fakes hope!

Phew...Hopefully, my evil agenda is now safe once again!

Man, this shit is exhausting.

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