No More Time: Heading to DC
Maybe this event will turn the tide
By Katrina Wilcox on 9/23/2005, 7:41pm PT  
Special BRAD BLOG / Velvet Revolution coverage
of the Sep 24-26 Rally in D.C.
Guest blogged by Katrina Wilcox

So ... my fellow warriors on the path to truth, accountability, and justice ... are you tired of begging yet? Have you signed enough petitions, written enough letters, called your representatives enough times to finally realize that none of that is really going to do any good? Are you bone-weary, frustrated, and just plain pissed that your endless pleading continues to fall on deaf ears? Yeah ... me, too.

You don't need to be told that we live in insane times. We have definitely fallen down the rabbit hole. And while we are reeling ... trying to gain our footing, trying to make sense out of it all, trying desperately to do something to make it stop - they continue killing. Every day, every moment, every second ... they are killing more in Iraq and now in America. We are out of time. No more time for trying to convince our representatives to finally do the right thing. No more time to wait for the next rigged election. No more time to wait for that hopeful someday of completed investigations. We must stand up and stop them now.

But how? Has this sinking feeling been shadowing your actions? That maybe they can never be stopped by working within the system. That using the rules laid out by the system to affect change from within the system will never work. First ... the system is corrupt, rotten, and broken. Second ... they keep breaking all the rules while at the same time demanding that we follow them. Third ... no system of power ever has built into it any way for anyone to take the power away from those who hold it. Ever.

Maybe the only sure fire way to get this administration of criminals and their enablers to quit ignoring us is for a couple million of us to plunk down around the White House and Congress and shut down the government ... till we get our country back. Maybe you have a better idea. If so, please speak up.

In the meantime, my husband and I who have never protested before are heading to DC with video equipment and digital camera, protest signs and protest shirts, rock solid determination and stubbornness to participate in what we hope will be the biggest gathering ever. Maybe this event will turn the tide. It wasn't an easy decision to go. But these articles convinced me that I had a duty as an American:

Also ... One other thing made me damn sure I should go to DC. What we all saw with our own eyes. What they did to Americans on the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. They made it crystal, blood-chillingly clear that they have declared war on all of us. From now on - it is either them or us - down to our last dying breath. Bastards.

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