Parallel Election Shows Strange Electoral Anomalies...
And RAW STORY has the scoop, as usual!
By Winter Patriot on 8/18/2005, 12:06pm PT  

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

Our busy friends at The RAW STORY have some big things happening today. Here's an excerpt from one of them [slightly edited], by Miriam Raftery:

San Diego Democratic mayoral candidate, Donna Frye, may have been robbed of her mayoral seat in the July 25 local election as citizens' audit parallel election vote shows shift of 4 percent, Raw Story has learned.

Frye, who served three years as a council woman in San Diego, California, previously ran as a write-in candidate in November 2004, but was deprived of San Diego's top seat due to the city's Registrar of Voters, Sally McPherson, blocking the count of 5,547 ballots on which voters had written Frye's name, yet failed to also fill in bubbles. The disputed ballots would have given Frye a victory by 3,439 votes.
A team of statisticians from California State University- Northridge - have analyzed the data, concluding that the probability of luck or chance as the cause of the observed deviation is less than one in 1,300 - or .000678.

Activists suspect fraud. "I am troubled by the prospect that we are losing our democracy very quickly. We've been voting on machines that were never intended to be tools of democracy," said Brina-Rae Schuchman, noting that Diebold machines utilize "secret software."

There's much more where that came from. Please read the entire article: Exclusive: Citizens Request Recount in San Diego Mayoral Race.

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