Refuses to Meet with Cindy Sheehan in Crawford
'Ultimate Sacrifice' Not Enough to Distract 'President' from Vacation
By Brad Friedman on 8/7/2005, 5:29pm PT  

"If he doesn't come out and talk to me in Crawford, I'll follow him to D.C. I'll camp on his lawn in D.C. until he has the courtesy and the integrity and the compassion to talk to somebody whose life he has ruined."
-- Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, Killed in Iraq on 4/4/04

As reported yesterday, Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed last year in Iraq, continues to camp out outside Bush's ranch in Crawford. She is requesting a meeting with Bush who is apparently too busy enjoying his vacation to meet with an American who made the ultimate sacrifice for his War on Iraq.

Apparently a few folks in the Corporate Media are paying some attention. Go figure. The story even made its way onto Wolf Blitzer's normally completely useless radar.

Here's a video of his interview today with Sheehan (Windows Media Player version --- courtesy of David Edwards), along with Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) echoing how outrageous (not to mention politically stupid) it is for Bush to refuse to meet with this courageous American hero.

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