I'd rather put this year in my rearview mirror as quickly as possible, but that doesn't mean I'm looking forward to 2024...
Ted Rall, this blogger's favorite toonist, is rounded up for the year by WhoWhatWhy. Here's my favorite from among those.
There's a great deal of interpretive dance both implied and inferred in that one.
The end of the year brings collations of all types, and the best of 2023's political art from across the nation and around the world are helpfully gathered by The Daily Cartoonist. Peruse and enjoy (to the extent possible).
It's been my privilege to supply these cartoon collations to Brad's blog for these many years. The toons will continue on Sunday, brought to you by Brad (or someone he selects to do so). As always, if you're capable of financially supporting the work of these talented artists, please do so.
[ED NOTE: A 'Cup of Kindness' for our dear, departing PDiddie... --- BF]
Perry Dorrell blogs as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs,
usually on topics concerning the strange brew of Texas politics.
He's also (still!) on Twitter @PDiddie.