Guest host Nicole Sandler with Carter Center chair Jason Carter and health insurance industry whistleblower Wendell Potter...
By Nicole Sandler on 11/13/2020, 6:07pm PT  

What a day this has been! And what a day for Brad & Desi to take off. But I've got it covered. It's NICOLE SANDLER, back to guest host today's edition of the BradCast. [Audio link to show is posted below.]

Things got interesting last night, when CNN finally called Arizona for Biden, and the snowball started rolling. By mid-day Friday, CNN also called Georgia for Biden and North Carolina for Trump, dispensing with the last two races still to be settled. Their final tally: Biden 306 electoral college votes to Trump's 232. The other news organizations quickly followed, and Trump now appears to be toast.

But Georgia is still doing an audit/recount, as Brad explained in detail earlier this week. Apparently, this was going to happen regardless of the outcome. I learned that when I spoke with JASON CARTER, Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Carter Center, which is observing the audit. This is the first time the Carter Center has jumped into US elections, as our practice of employing different voting systems in each state does not meet the Center's criteria for their election observer program.

This afternoon, Donald Trump spoke publicly for the first time since Nov. 4 at 2:30am when, in a very strange moment, he declared himself the winner of the race. Today, the White House announced he was going to talk about progress toward a coronavirus vaccine. Of course, all the networks took the feed live because surely he'd mention the election he lost. He did not. Just like COVID-19, he must figure that if he just ignores it, it'll go away.

But in the middle of this global pandemic, Trump was still trying to take our health care away. The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday heard the Trump Administration's third challenge to the Affordable Care Act. I invited WENDELL POTTER, the only whistleblower from the health insurance industry to step up, to tell us how it went. These days he heads an organization called The Center for Health and Democracy...

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