"Day After..."
(7 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 11/5/2014 @ 3:00 pm PT...
who forgot to buy Anonymous some beers and make sure they stopped the rigging again this year?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Jim Spriggs
said on 11/5/2014 @ 5:25 pm PT...
who forgot to buy Anonymous some beers and make sure they stopped the rigging again this year?
A couple of hours ago I was just thinking about if only Anonymous intervened, then lo and behold, I see your comment.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/5/2014 @ 7:53 pm PT...
Once again, there is no way to know that ANY of the machines were not "casting votes for the wrong candidates." Just because an X shows up on the screen where you want it to, does NOT prove that your vote was counted correctly.
I notice Brad is careful not to call them "voting machines" in the article. They're just "machines."
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Jim Spriggs
said on 11/5/2014 @ 7:54 pm PT...
I think about Bush v. Kerry in 2004 when it comes to exit polls "not getting it right." Exit polls being sloppy and biased is the characterization Larry Sabato, who is either dishonest or delusional, made on Fox & Friends (not a cartoon show like I once thought) concerning today's mid-term:
“I want an investigation of the polls in Virginia,” he said. “They were completely wrong, just as they were in Georgia. They were also way off in Illinois. And I could go on and on. Boy, is that an industry that needs some housecleaning."
Back in 2004 I remember John Zogby was calling for answers to explain why his exit poll was so far out of the margin of error:
'Zogby Asks for Bipartisan Panel to Investigate Election'
(the article I linked to was written by prominent global warming shill Marc Morano when he worked for CNS prior to his stint as Senator Inhofe's footman.)
Zogby's polls have always been accurate up to that time, and I remember looking back and wondering if in that year it was no coincidence that voting machines were being used more than ever before and that they had probably been flipped en masse (now, it's almost taken for granted they were hacked and/or simply withheld):
Morano's 2004 article quoted Larry Sabato:
When asked whether he thought Zogby might be trying to spread the idea of voter fraud to explain his mistaken pre-election prediction, Sabato responded, "I can't comment on [Zogby's] motives. I have no idea. But I can tell you this. This whole [election fraud] hullabaloo is malarky.
It's as if Sabato was put into a stupidity-induced coma and then just recently revived, because he seems to have learned nothing from 2004 until now. Maybe if he spent less time talking to corporate stenographers and more time studying our f*cked up election processes he could bring himself up to speed and make himself useful.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 11/5/2014 @ 8:24 pm PT...
Listened to you live tonight from NEW ORLEANS, where we won't have a Senator until Dec, 5th. (arrrghh!)
GREAT show tonight, Brad and Des. By far the most extensive coverage of (these horrors) out there / thank you / circulating you like mad.
For the first time in my life I did NOT monitor election returns, last night. Instead I went to bed early, ate well, spent some quality time with my fella and tried to ignore the inevitable. Beenie Weenies are a great tonic for all election failures that ail….
…and a fifth of vodka doesn't hurt.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 11/5/2014 @ 8:29 pm PT...
OH~! And this: circulated your link re: vote-flipping in VA to my mother and several other locals. My mother wrote back:
"So Munkin, here’s the deal. The country must be made of up ignoramuses. They hate gridlock, but voted for the party that shut down the government. We didn’t quite lose Mark Warner, and you don’t seem to quite have a Senator, but you were right about the good news.
"...All over our local stations they’re showing the video of the touch screen machine flipping the vote from Republican Scott Rigel to his opponent. He’s furious, and he’s calling for paper ballots! So I encourage you to get your Election Integrity people to contact his office to let them know the story of the touch screen machines. (These seem to be Deibold). The Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe) is also on this case. So there's a semi-sane Repulbican and Democrat in Virginia that need information….
Sic your guys on them!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 11/6/2014 @ 6:49 am PT...
Joni and Sarah are going to go to DC town and castrate it to get rid of the nuts.