Catching up in a brief "off the road" moment with another item from the good Mr. Conyers' blog posted yesterday.
Some months ago he promised not to let go of the Election Reform issue. As far as we can tell, he has kept that promise --- without fail --- each and every moment since then.
From his latest public volley yesterday:
Especially When All the Votes Were Not Counted
The mainstream media seems to be waking up to the idea that all of the post-election talk about a mandate was just that: talk. Under the understated headline, "Doubts About Mandate for Bush, GOP," the Washington Post reports that the President's poll numbers are plummeting, his social security privatization plan and cuts are unpopular, and Congressional Republicans are abusing their power and are, likewise, very unpopular. They conclude that maybe there was never a mandate after all. In other words, they conclude "the main question facing Bush and his party is whether they misread the November elections."
The second point is the continued disregard of the most obvious explanation for these low poll numbers by the mainstream media. They wonder: how can a President, just re-elected, have such low poll numbers and hold positions on the issues that are so unpopular? Is he already a lame duck? Better questions: was he just re-elected legitimately, or was voter suppression and machine malfunction or malfeasance used to manipulate election results? In other words, maybe these polls, rather than our broken election system, better reflect the true will of the people.
On the money, as usual, Congressman.
But allow us also to include this mouth-watering notion also from his same blog item:
While we do not know if Conyers was referring to anything in particular beyond the current tanking approval ratings for Bush and Cronies, we have some early word ourselves about a coming wave (perhaps a tsunami even) which may be coming ashore soon. Even within the next 24 hours or so...
We'd recommend you keep an eye on The BRAD BLOG over that period for a few details as we're able to release them...