A Federal Judge in Lincoln, Nebraska on Wednesday became the third such judge to rule that the GOP/George W. Bush Late-Term Abortion Ban is unconstitutional.
The new law, struck down yet again, is similar to one that was struck down four years ago. Like that one, this one also refused to take into account the health of the woman requiring the procedure. In other words, Big Government Republicans tried to ban Medical Doctors from performing procedures that may be medically necessary for a United States citizen.
Perhaps I should also ask why Republicans hate United States citizens so much!
The U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf -- a Ronald Reagan appointee! -- "ruled that Congress ignored the most experienced doctors in determining that the banned procedure would never be necessary --- a finding he found 'unreasonable.'", according to CNN.
I don't care what Religious Fundamentalism you prescribe to, such bills forced into law via willfull avoidance of scientific fact, medical judgement, the health of the citizenry, and the will of the judiciary (including the Supreme Court of the United States who had previously knocked down the similar bill) by Activist and Extremist Legislators and Executives is anything but "conservative".
Apparently it'll require a loss this November (God willing) for the real conservatives in this country to have a chance at reclaiming their party from the TheoCons who've hijacked it and are trying to ram every single breach of the U.S. Constitution they can down our throats while they still are in power. Though one wonders if the Fake Conservatives that control the GOP have now gone so far off the deep end, that the once Grand Ole Party may never be able to reclaim itself from the charlatans that now own it.