"Exclusive: Death Threats Against Obama and 'Traitorous Liberals' Posted On Rightwing O'Reilly Contributor's Website"
(44 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 8/14/2008 @ 10:40 pm PT...
There is too much poison broadcast on American media. It's an election year and emotions are running high. I prefer the approach of those who, like Stephen Colbert, can lighten the mood.
Such as this little piece of irony:
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 6:11 am PT...
IF we had a functioning Justice Department, Subpoenas would already be at "Townhall"'s door, and the originator thereof would be being interviewed by battallions of FBI agents. Since we don't, it is up to the Secret Service to stiffen protection around Obama. (I once knew the son of a T-MAN who said his dad maintained that the FBI was too hungry for publicity, and rarely actually DID anything!) I think that this episode actually shows where the real crazies in our so-called Society are. I cannot remember anyone actually issuing a death threat against "W" - even though he has definitely done some things that might have earned him dozens, were the "Liberals" in our Society quite as nutty as the "Conservatives." I certainly hope that the nutcase who posted on Townhall is a big enough coward so that he (or she) doesn't actually attempt to carry out the threat. Finally, if Rupert Murdoch were any kind of an American, he'd FIRE O'REALLY tomorrow!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 7:59 am PT...
Not to defend the posts, or websites in question. but...
That's nothing, read a few rawstory comments.
Since FISA/NSA/and whoever are all snooping on us now, the powers that be must not have seen any of this nonsense as more than a "baseless threat." Something that should be covered under their ISP's TOS/AUP.
These people ain't going to do what they say. Think about it. Secret Service ain't going to let that happen. You can't even have a protest anymore that isn't in a free-speech zone. And if they were organized enough and planning on doing it, they sure the hell wouldn't say it publicly on a server documenting every IP address in /var/log/messages.
I bet the people posting that crap, got no plan to do any of the crap they say, they are just angry, frustrated and drunk, liquid courage. Drunken Buddhas typing at the keyboard, venting anger. Trying to stir the pot in essence to get others pissed off. It's all shock value.
What we don't need is a giant witch hunt, making criminals out of citizens who have done nothing wrong. Citizens wouldn't be pissed off if the real criminals destroying the US Constitution didn't make it this way.
The websites in question should have moderated that crap out, defusing it early on.
Anybody could do post that kind of crap with a proxy/zombie/tor connection. Furthermore they can make it look like it was someone else.
If anything the Oath Of Office breakers have made the situation so that, citizens can not protest, or get meaningful feedback and accountability from government. Citizens seeing it this way, having been ignored by their representatives might feel the only thing left is to make idle threats. Our oath breaking officials have made it this way by placing government in an isolated bubble.
Open up the path to make government accountable, and oath breakers removed from office, elections honest, and all this nonsense will stop.
Instead what's more likely is that some new law will be passed making criminals out of angry citizens (of all parties), who elevate the matter in what is currently "an unacceptable manner."
Of course this is just my opinion...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 8:33 am PT...
Those are some sick puppies. I disagree with the previous poster; those threats are menacing and real and should be investigated. If we have people in our military who intend to take national political matters into their own hands, they need to be routed out and isolated where they can do no harm. It would only take a few examples to take the bluster out of them.
And I simply LOVE the irony of Miss Carpenter's site being the host of this vicious and probably illegal hate speech.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 8:35 am PT...
This is exactly part of the reason why people elevate "idle threats."
News crew crashes Denver's DNC 'concentration camp'
Perhaps you'd like to do your homework now and see what happened at the 2004 RNC.
When people get treated like that it's no wonder we have cyberspace lit on fire with "idle threat" nonsense.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 9:23 am PT...
This also comes down to the question of the Oath that active duty military took.
Where does exactly their oath stop?
When you say it does?
This question is a lot more deep than than appear on the surface, the military is not stupid, each soldier knows right from wrong, but they don't know how to stop domestic attacks on the US Constitution. The oath they took doesn't clearly draw lines. Enlisted folks (I can't speak for officers) were not trained on what to do.
An officer can refuse an illegal order. (I learned this from BlackBoxVoting.Org)
An enlisted soldier can't enforce an unconstitutional FISA law. --- so there's your problem.
I ain't saying that the crap posted was legal or illegal, I am saying that we don't need a witch hunt ruining lives, with new laws written on the fly to make expressing your thoughts have a chilling effect. I am saying that this needs to be thought out better than just passing some new crap ass quickly unread law to make criminals out of people who are pissed off. The FOCUS is wrong, why are the people pissed off?
What we need is for Oath Breakers to be held accountable.
A soldier knows when the US Government has gone completely wacked and needs power needs to be removed. (As per the US Constitution) That's called a mutany, from my understanding.
This whole thing is a psyop mindfuck. It's dividing people, when the website in question should have moderated the situation.
I ain't saying it's right to threaten anyone.
I am saying think about what is going on around you. The United States isn't at that point yet.
You'll know when it is. And it ain't yet.
Think beyond the posts on that website for a moment. Think about what the ramifications of suddenly cracking down on cyberspace are. You probably don't even understand what I am saying unless your a system administrator. My money is that your not one.
Some of my posts on Bradblog could make you cringe, does that mean you need to wreak my fucking life? (I never gave any specifics) Cause you re-word shit in such a way or I typed it in such a way that you think it could be considered a threat. I ain't the crazy person here. I am fucking trying to tell you THINK ABOUT WHY THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING. I ain't going after Obama or some other target. (Kinda pissed off at Pelosi right now) but I ain't going after some fucking target. I ain't wacked out. I don't have a history of attacking countries for no reason.
But with your logic you'll make me a criminal.
And that's not right.
Please. Get that in your head.
Not some fucking drunk who is pissed off.
I ain't planning on doing NOTHING.
It's unfortunate that the current administration is so fucked up that it makes honest citizens (like myself) so pissed off that sometimes we say things we shouldn't. And then later on, hold it to fuck them up.
But what can be worse is taking it out of context, and making criminals out of people that simply are pointing shit out and venting their thoughts. If you can't express your thoughts, and be kept in check by common sense then what does that say?
The moderators on O Reily suck. Good luck trying to post something like that shit on my website. It won't happen. I personally would delete it.
Should we really be making criminals out of people that say things like
So really, what your saying to me is that even though all your communications are being snooped on, and you can be investigated for the fuck of it, when it's proven your just a shit fuck nobody, drunk posting at the keyboards your still guilty of a crime?
What if the United States of America becomes a dictatorship? What if there is no recourse to hold anyone accountable because so much corruption has festered, that so many buffers and insulators have been put in place via technology and law that it really does look like our government is rogue?
Is it illegal to fucking talk about what to do?
If you really think the guy posting that shit on the blog in question is a threat, then go knock on his door, ask him how he's doing, check if he even has the resources to do what he said.
This whole thing is nothing but nonsense.
Maybe I am off somewhat as your saying a target was named while I am saying DEFEND THE US CONSTITUTION.
That don't mean you can threaten the POTUS. As much as I fucking HATE Bush, I would by my oath have to protect him.
As the same time there seems to be no way for someone who swore an oath to stop this unconstitutional shit.
So I will just bloat my belly on fast food, suck down another 6-pack, and watch the war. Cause there's fucking nothing I can do until we get these RAT-fuckers out of our government.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 9:57 am PT...
I put up with this.. On a daily basis.
"August 15th, 2008 at 00:07:28 From: Dmaker
should Dmaker be turned into a criminal? Or IP Blocked?
Maybe a bad example, as I see it's maybe pointing to the president of Poland not the US.
Maybe this one?
"August 15th, 2008 at 02:07:47 From:
Take to the streets!"
I say no. Get rid of the fucking drunken Buddhas access to websites.
What does the poster mean by take to the streets?
There's hell of worse shit.
Search Rawstory + Insects
This isn't threats, it's piss poor moderation. On whatever message board, blog, cms, or script.
(That the fascist mainstream loves to label all as a blog)
The O Reily posts are a symptom of poor programming and moderation.
Maybe you want the iPatriot Act rolled out to combat it?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 8/15/2008 @ 10:31 am PT...
Phil -
You may want to go back and read the article again. It's as much about the hypocrisy of singling out only "far-left" sites in order to smear them, when rightwing sites feature same and often worse.
As I noted in the article, when it's a pseudonymous commenter posting, it's not the same as someone actually sponsored by the site itself, and could, in fact, simply be someone trying to make the site look bad.
That said, the threats posted from "Akennas" a the site of the woman who was complaining about such posting from "vicious far-left" sites, seems damned serious to me. And whether the poster intends to do anything or not (and yes, he/she does have their own blog over at Townhall) clearly they are fomenting others to do so, if you read those comments in full.
Given the rash of recent, yet under-reported attacks on perceive "liberals" (see Unitarian church shooter in TN, see the AK Dem Chair gunned down, see the attacks on Dem Senators by the 'Anthrax Killer', see the DoJ's own hiring practices, allowing applicants to be illegally turned down simply because they are believed to be "liberals" or Democrats.)
Open season on 'liberals' is upon us. And that O'Reilly has so mislead his viewers is astounding, if hardly surprising by now.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Kate Henry
said on 8/15/2008 @ 10:49 am PT...
These threats need to be reported to the Secret Service. You can safely bet if those threats were against McCain and were found on a liberal website, not only would the secret service get involved, it would be all over the MSM.
BTW, who assigns the Secret Service? If I were Obama, I would want to hire some of my own help for guard duty. I wonder if he trusts the Secret Service individuals who have been assigned to him.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:04 am PT...
Rupert Murdoch is not only no kind of American, he isn't even a Canadian. He's an Australian.
Perhaps I missed the irony tags.
Rupert is uniformly disliked throughout the english speaking world (although in England disliked is an understatement, despised is more correct), not because he's an Australian, but because he's an arrogant prick asshole (my opinion). Rupert and Bill O'Reilly have a lot in common, particularly their overinflated opinions of themselves and their worth to society.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:35 am PT...
I grew up seeing variations of this same rhetoric..from the john Birch Society, to the posse comitatus movement, to the Patriot groups, to the Militia movements... it's the same conspiracy theories and threats updated and re-polished. For those of you who think it's mindless blather, I would remind you that the same blather energized Timothy McVeigh to murder 168 people.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:36 am PT...
"These aren't threats. These are blood oath promises."
W-O-W ! I'd say these are fightin' words fer sure pumpkin head!!
I'm sure Falafel Man's 'security police' will be out to get this Akennas fellar and question him and his gun-happy buddies. 'Falafel Man 'has ways' to find addresses of people that use words that inflame him; words like K-E-I . . Oh, I better not, I'm ascaired of the Falafel Man!!
Falafel Man and his ilk are a sad group of hypocrite puppies who are jealous of most democrats because we were right about NO WMD's.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
michelle l.
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:37 am PT...
Without firing a shot is how my grandmother said this country would eventually fall [or be sold] to foreign interests. Seeds of division, distrust and discord are being sown at the highest positions in politics, the media and at blog sites.
The liberal-biased comments O'Really noted are unnecessary and destructive as are those posted at conservative sites. If it were possible, he would do well to consistently practice what he preaches, (if Blooper Blurdock would allow it.)
For right-wing Biblical scholars and anyone else interested, the wisdom for today is something like this, "A nation divided against itself falls."
If American veteran soldiers went to Iraq to gather truth, why would any conscientious American be opposed to that?
A little truth serum in Washington DC's public water system might liberate the entire planet, or surely provide scripts for a delightful comedy –– or harsh, dramatic reality.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:44 am PT...
Kate Henry
It was always the Treasury Department in charge of the Secret Service, but now it's Department of Homeland Security. If you go to the DHS webpage, you will see that they have taken over a bunch of agencies, or duplicated their function, and all these little arms are armed. This has created radical interagency strife, and no small amount of distrust. Also the Secret Service has called off security checks at Obama events early more than once. So, yeah, I'd hire my own as supplement if I were Obama.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:46 am PT...
Brad, respectfully. I have had a death threat against me.
I had to call a specific number to request my own line be tapped. The whole process what highly uncooperative. (albeit this was pre-PatriotAct) I am simply saying that it's not a reason to roll out yet another poorly thought out piece of crap legislation which makes criminals out of citizens that may have had a little too much to drink and talked shit.
"Given the rash of recent, yet under-reported attacks on perceive "liberals" "
Agreed there are hell of recent attacks on liberals. I won't deny that. Frankly we can't stop it without specific tools.
"AK Dem Chair gunned down"
Wasn't premeditated, or posted on any website/blog as a threat. (correct me if I am wrong)
"clearly they are fomenting others to do so, if you read those comments in full."
I don't disagree, as I said above, it's stirring the pot, attempting to get others to become pissed off, pure shock value. ... However, other people don't HAVE TO get pissed off. They are only compelled to.
"Dem Senators by the 'Anthrax Killer'"
I still don't know the truth behind that. Do you?
I'll give you that it's interesting that suddenly it's recently been dusted off and brought to the front of the news agenda again.
"the DoJ's own hiring practices"
Corruption. Broken Oath Of Office. Elections are not invalid. That's why that's allowed to fester. --IMO
"Open season on 'liberals' is upon us. And that O'Reilly has so mislead his viewers is astounding, if hardly surprising by now. "
And like I said (in another post), use the, " "Advanced Bonewits Cult Evaluation Frame." " and put your favorite corporate media name in each of the fields. You'll quickly find that corporate media is a dangerous cult.
Meanwhile why don't the enlisted have the authority to defend the US Constitution when they swear an oath to protect it? Nobody will answer that. Will you?
It seems that we have a trust authority problem in the United States, and it's not like I haven't brought that up OVER AND OVER here on the Bradblog.
e.g. Why aren't security clearances yanked, pending an investigation?
Answer: because enough agencies have been corrupted that actions like this will never be carried out. IMO- it's called subversion. Which is supposed to be illegal.
I am not defending, the posts.
Shouldn't out time be better spent getting the Network's public file made publicly available when such blatant attacks on anyone are made?
Shouldn't the ISP's TOS/AUP (already legal) be used instead of raising the whole thing to a higher level? (adding a poorly thought out law)
Or would it be better to make all communications so insecure and un-trustable that not even the most basic commerce can continue. (Given FISA, and other nastiness by the shills and other rogues control over the spying.)
Or we can just say fine I read the shit and I don't get it. I am a fuck up. Chilling effect on my future communications. Since I don't want to be the next target. Maybe I should shut the fuck up now while I haven't been targeted?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Joseph Capp
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:54 am PT...
Dear Editor,
The real danger here is there are many people who don't do their home work who listen to O'Reilly for news. One of my closes friends listens to him. When I question him on the facts and what has been done to our constitution he is truly unaware. I think he gets his news from almost exclusively from O'Reilly, along with it his self righteous anger. This friend was a left wing person as long as I knew him. But now he has shocked me and the power of the media has shocked me.
Joe Capp
Brooklyn N.Y
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 11:59 am PT...
Michelle, L
I ain't opposed to veterans going back to Iraq to find out the truth. As long as the truth can be validated.
On the other hand, a website scrubbed the offensive shit, why do we need to half-ass mirror it without the logs or even knowing if the server has a rootkit installed?
Taking a snapshot of Diebold Premeire website with database errors showing is MUCH different than gathering evidence of a death threat.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 12:12 pm PT...
I am done arguing here.
Although I don't approve of the posts on that "blog" I also don't approve of the direction this discussion is headed.
Points that I have raised are completely ignored.
Why should I bother to post under the same name ever again when the potential to spin that shit around on me exists?
Phil will take hiatus #3 from Bradblog.
Maybe cooler heads will prevail when you all step back and stop picking up fish on the shore as the ocean recedes. The tsunami is 95% crested over your heads, but since the sun is shining the wrong way for you to feel the darkness looming, you travel deeper for the bigger fish in the distance.
Bottom line...
Go investigate the bastard, and when you find out they are full of shit and incapable of doing what they said, I'll still forgive ya. If your of the family that it's illegal period, then go lock em up. It's just one idiot. Who Cares!
And hey if you think I am crazy, come knock on my door and talk with me for awhile, instead of secretly planning on knocking my door down invading my privacy, and killing all my pets, you'll find I am not a threat at all.
Prison planet indeed.
Alex Jones is right on that.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 12:27 pm PT...
If this wonderful American that uses the screenname Akeenas is to be true to his/her words, would not the website be as liable for not speaking out about this?
This is the problem when rightwing thinking is taken seriously... it leds to the weakminded fool to lash out against those that try to understand while defending those that convince them to spread hate as their surrogates.
Is it any suprise that books by Savage, BillO and Hannity were found at that guys house in Tennessee that shot up that 'liberal' church?
I will not be scared off by those that have a few to many screws loose, with my Obama bumper stickers on my car, my Obama 08 sign on my front lawn, and the money I happily give his campaign, if I'm to die at the hands of a rightwing lunatic, my family will use my death to help save this country by exposing the rightwing hate that did me in!
See me at and
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Thomas Brown
said on 8/15/2008 @ 1:13 pm PT...
Listen up: I know what has happened.
There was a time when political discourse, even of the most vitriolic and combative kind, was directed at POLITICICANS, be they Conservative or Liberal, and the remedy was to NOT VOTE FOR THEM.
But of late, especially in the Bush years, the Right Wing Hate Media have changed the discussion to attacks on Liberal CITIZENS, and either saying or implying that the remedy is to KILL THEM.
And it is absurd to talk at all about Left Wing Hate Media... there's no such thing; I've seen lots of strenuous criticism of Wingnuts, but almost never actual threats or calls to violence against Conservative CITIZENS.
I AM ABSOLUTELY SURE that the recent killings of Liberals and Democrats are a DIRECT RESULT of this change in rhetoric, and Hannity, Coulter, Limbaugh, etc. ARE COMPLETELY TO BLAME for their deaths.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 1:21 pm PT...
Are this people completely they really want a civil war over ideology...does the name Rodney King..ring any bells...?
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 1:56 pm PT...
I went to Ball State University with Amanda Carpenter, where she attempted to make a name for herself by cheaply attacking professors who didn't share her ideological delusions. She put posters of a professor up everywhere, photoshopped to look like a terrorist, in mock-up of a WANTED poster. The prof had been arrested for "trespassing" on a slaughterhouse farm, which he was eventually fined 1 dollar. She tried her untalented little heart out to make a case of this.
She was also heard making racist, anti-black jokes at some little get-together of her and her 8 or so misfit friends of right-wing losers. Everyone else on campus hated her.
When David Schlosser, author of FAST FOOD NATION came to campus, she and her goons stood outside the event handing out McDonalds coupons.
She is an untalented hack trying to be Ann Coulter. Her writing style is not worth a bucket of warm spit. She ended up in the very Hellhole she deserves with the Fox "News" crowd.
Her karma is catching up to her.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
Paul McCarthy
said on 8/15/2008 @ 2:09 pm PT...
O'Reilly is really missing the most notorious left wing blogger of them all, this Devil's Jester of a Brad Friedman of none other than Sodom 'n' Gomorrah Los Angeles! What you saw in "Day After Tomorrow" is only a taste of what the Lord is going to heap on that Southern Californian sin hole in Divine Punishment for the insolence of this bespectacled Bezeelbub Brad!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
michelle l.
said on 8/15/2008 @ 2:28 pm PT...
They killed my pets, my son and my Dad, Phil, and locked me up more than once, then threw it out of court when I called their dirty bluffs. In fact they stalk you 'til ya die after they 'git ya in "the system." My dad sold law books to some prominent Virginians and died young at 39 during the Missile Crisis, active for the USN, 1962, then my uncles all died mysteriously young––so who did he piss off?
If you believe the Fascists will ever confess to the truth, then you're a gullible insane person trapped in this "crazy" world they've created. You cross a fascist criminal and they will make the proper arrangements to absolutely destroy your entire life and the lives of your family and children if need be.
I come from the kind of old, Virginia, and colonial family that my grandparents would turn over in their graves to know I'd ever seen handcuffs, much less have been shackled or brutalized by salaried police paid with American tax dollars.
That's the way it works. These people will absolutely destroy your life and I and my family are not the first they've done it to, and won't be the last.
Like Porter Goss says, "just another one of those mysteries..." And you can bet it will never happen to him, or to any member of his family. But he's one who could tell the truth, because he knows what's going on.
But lawyers won't sue lawyers, and fascists don't rat out fascists. There is no policing system for fascist organizations or fraternities. In Virginia we called it "old blood money," because those were the ones who had the means and power to keep their crimes covered, generation to generation.
Eventually, before you know it, they've wiped out your whole family - and, this isn't half of it:
These people are like Ever Ready Bunnies ––they just keep going and going. You won't cross a state line, that they can't pull a string to destroy your life. That's how they work.
When you've got a guy boarding up directorships for private prison facilities, banks, license tag facilities, steel manufacturing, and healthcare too, he's pretty powerful.
When the "Dixie Mafia" is reputed to be ex-cons on leashes for the "Big Boys," then you have to ask, "who's working for whom?"
There's a private army out there?
Maybe my political cartoons in Jesse Helms country pissed off some of their mob friends. If they didn't have mafia as friends, they woudn't have any friends at all, so?
The way all of that works? They use the same lawyers! "ER, I have this little problem, I need to take care of?" (enough said)
Right now I'm watching "The Facility Group" story to see how far it reaches from Cobb County, Georgia to Mississippi and then on into Carlson/Minnesota territory, Greenville, NC, Wilmington and Massachusetts. Looks like the beef people plotted a restaurant plan somewhere in there?
The other interesting one is whether they're going to uncover the Florida mafias, laundered money lining the beaches in condos, and how they're all connected to politicians who will accommodate them all by passing needed casino laws to appease the buddy-boy developers. And then I'm really interested in the Siegelman, Health South case and whether it's connected to the Lexington, Kentucky Comair Crash and CCA (see below.)
Another interest is the Judge Vance bombing, because I'm inclined to disbelieve most reporting when it comes to the "lone idiot-nutcase" theories. It's usually more like some spoiled, twisted affluent people just don't like the way things are going and covertly figure a "mysterious" way to make things change.
I'm also inclined to investigate casinos, gambling, lotteries and find out how military officers and retirees are involved. In the echoes of my mind gambling was placed in some of the active duty headquarters for the overseas stationed soldiers. And as I recall, being a Nam generation baby, I'll never forget how afraid my boyfriend was his number was next up on the "birthday lottery," which is as insane as Bush's game of placing a picture of Bin Laden & Co, on playing cards.
Was Alexander Haig on the Board of MGM Mirage when the building caught on fire? And if Governor Sonny Perdue hadn't tempted the Lord by prayin' for rain would his friends have died in the plane crash?
Seems to me, the Abramoff Crowd is, was and has been a bunch of gambling fools; he and his orthodox friends are going to get the Religious Right Christians to justify with the Lord investing in casinos and turn the USA into the Gambling destination for Global Fascists and NWO Elites.
Where will they house the camel jockeys? In Denver's 5 X 5 yard dog kennels––AFTER the Democrat convention is finished with them?
But then, I'm "crazy," so, why be curious ........?
And if you want to know how the brainwashing is accomplished, I can tell you that, too, from personal experience and observation. For "JUSTICE," there was one guy in the Cobb County, Georgia Kangaroo Court who said, "It's easier just to plead guilty and pay the fine. I've been here THIRTY-TWO TIMES."
"Plead guilty and pay?"
When you realize the Justice system is an industry, referred to as the "compliance industry," then you'll understand more of exactly what's happening in American courts with the cooperation of folks like O'Really, Blooper Blurdock, and Rusty Limberger.
This past ten years has been quite an American journey and eye opening experience for a crazed, "alcoholic," female, "mentally ill" political cartoonist like myself.....
Next Post: Trashing and Terrorland, how it works...
So, here's the rest of my original post, that I initially tried to tame!
Thoughts are with victim families of the Knoxville area "liberal" Unitarian church – who unexpectedly hosted violence, murder and hatred, surely the result of social, religious, and/or political programming.
On this fascist planet, spreading hate and increasing crime can often enhance business, profit and personal success with some of our most noteworthy political criminals having earned millions in the publishing industry alone.
Particularly white collar crime is often rewarded with fame and fortune, while white collar, military-based prisons are comparable to resorts for comrades with similar interests to make acquaintance.
Consequently, it's a national tragedy that with all of the waged, planned wars, trillions in national debt, 45 million without healthcare; Americans have corporate accountants and executives happy with the profits gained from social and political division, disputes often solved in expensive courts with expensive attorneys.
Surely these talk show hosts, liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, male and female, would enjoy coffee with John D. Ferguson, to discuss profits and pitfalls. Perhaps they could invite Akennas, Wolfy and associates for cocktails. (COCK TALES)
(Prison for Profit...... )
8-14-08 NYSE: CXW $28.21 +0.63
CCA: Corrections Corporation of America, Nashville, TN
John D. Ferguson, CEO & Chairman, CCA
"Ferguson has enjoyed salary upgrades from $135,000 in 2000 to $695,000 with a million dollar bonus in 2006 as CCA's profits have doubled since 2003."
-----How very interesting that Limbaugh's most recent concern is with womens' uses of their mouths, when it's obvious he secretly hates women. Apparently he still yearns for them in a rather perverted-kind-of way.---------
"... if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all; Gloom, despair and agony on me......."
Every little girl should be required to take a good, sound karate course and keep it in her back pocket in preparation for the rest of her life.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 8/15/2008 @ 3:04 pm PT...
If You Speak The Truth Under in the United States of America under any republican administration.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Katz Freedman
said on 8/15/2008 @ 4:33 pm PT...
Bill O'Reilly has no idea how to deal with bulletin boards, blogs, or even political chat rooms. So, he makes a big yelling segment to bolster his false paradigm of "right/left" or "liberal/conserrvative" labeling. All of that is a joke. The parties are all run by the same people. The MSM is owned by corporate interests.
Honestly, this BillO Reilly is one of the meanest humans alive, in all ways.
And, the poster this other side has, is also one of the paid hacks that attempts to control message boards, chats, and discussions, at all sites. If you ever visit these modes of discussion, you will notice the "trolls" in the room. These guys are always there, always talking, and always mad. They hate "LEFT" or "RIGHT", when there is no such thing.
There are selfish mean people, and then there are normal loving caring people.
But, this "Left/Right? Liberal/Conserative?" dichotomy does not exist.
It boils down to:
Do you believe the law should be enforced equally, or do you believe that some people should get away with screwing the rest of us? We are all in this boat, together.
Looks like we are sinking fast, too.
No doubt, some will blindly blame everyone else.
For me? I am canning fresh garden stuff, as fast as I can, because it's gonna be a long cold winter. No doubt.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 4:59 pm PT...
I searched the Townhall Blog for the comments you've shown. They were comments originally posted in response to an article written by Hewitt entitled, "There's No Substitute For Winning" ( Oddly enough the posted comments that you've shown in your screen-shot have been removed. All comments posted on Wednesday 6-11-08 between 11:22am and 8:26 are gone.
Even more telling is the blog articles "comments" link, that indicates there were "84" comments. I counted a total of "67" posted comments with no entries showing that the blog host had removed any objectional or otherwise comments.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Bill Berkowitz
said on 8/15/2008 @ 8:18 pm PT...
More About Amanda Carpenter:
Horowitz's Campus Jihads: With liberal professors in his crosshairs, David Horowitz is engaging in some good old-fashioned campus cleansing
by Bill Berkowitz, October 9-10, 2004
On the Ball State University campus, posters "announcing that history professor Abel Alves was 'WANTED'" was put up by Amanda Carpenter, a senior, who said she put up the posters in order to attract attention to her website, the Muncie, Indiana Star Press reported. The professor's "alleged offenses include indoctrinating freshmen with liberal books, such as Fast Food Nation, and guest lectures by the Humane Society."
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 8/15/2008 @ 8:47 pm PT...
It just takes one wealthy and harmed individual to sue and set the record straight. No one denies free speach but self censorship is not only encouraged it is necessary for free speach to continue. When Faux "News" takes the position that they can spew lies and treachery over the airwaves and calls for the death of individuals then you know that free speach is in trouble. No culture can stand and continue when death threats are made daily against prominent figures in society. This is nothing more than outright barbarism and chaotic wickedness.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
William Cormier
said on 8/16/2008 @ 8:13 am PT...
In the last few months, there appears to be a frenzy building within the hate-mongering right-wing radio and TV hosts who call for violence and are not challenged by the FCC or any segment of our law enforcement apparatus. Violence is rising, and I believe it's just the tip of the iceberg. I have been following the change of attitudes and the sharp rise of police brutality that is manifesting itself across our nation - and only by disseminating the truth do we have a chance of bringing about change - and there will be causalities.
As a writer that has constantly shouted-down violence in my Blog and when I was a moderator of a Liberal/Progressive discussion forum, I am dismayed that the hate-mongers appear to be gaining in momentum. Too many of those that believe in violence have been affected by propaganda and lies, brought to us daily by the likes of O'LIEry, Coulter, and a host of right-wing instigators. They play the hate card to take the public's eye off of the real issues that are plaguing our society and the ill-informed and zealots eat it up like candy and somehow believe they are the true "patriots" of our era, when in fact they are nothing more than enablers of a criminal and fascist regime.
The irony of the situation is they are also losing their homes and are having a hard time feeding their families, but right-wing hate-mongers blame it all on the Liberal/Progressive movement - when in reality it's caused by Bush's failed economic and foreign policies. They desperately need a scapegoat, and unfortunately, it's us that attempt to wake-up our fellow Americans that bear the brunt of the blame and hostility. Speaking from personal experience, I have been threatened, someone tried to break into our home while all were sleeping, and I am often followed unmercifully by elements that I haven't been able to identify.
We have moved and now are transferring our domain name(s) to an anonymous registration system that will not allow the public to be privy to our whereabouts by performing a "whois" search. Those of you who post comments using pseudonyms rather than your real names are in less danger, at least for the time being, but those of us who choose to write using our real names are becoming the targets for the right-wing's hate machine which is exploding upon the Blogosphere at a frightening pace. Retreat will do nothing more than embolden those who use hate and violence as their tactics to intimidate and hope that we remain silent and afraid - believing that their actions will make us cower in fear and quit writing for freedom. Exactly the opposite must happen in order to counter the hate and propaganda - and it has to be a concerted effort by all of us that truly believe in liberty and freedom.
Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter - Right-Wing’s Hate Purveyors
Police Brutality Is Rising - How Can We Stop It? Updated
We are fighting a battle for the hearts and minds of America and are desperately attempting to move our government back to its constitutional beliefs and the rule of law. As the threats increase, we need to act accordingly and intensify our efforts to wake-up the general population so that more Americans are aware of how our nation is embracing fascism rather than the democratic principles our military once fought and died to protect and preserve - which is the duty of anyone that is truly patriotic that believes in the American way of life.
All we can do is try not to be a victim, and remember that self-defense is guaranteed to us by the rule of law - so when danger knocks at your door, at least be prepared to defend your life and family; complacency could cost you your life, and as unbelievable as it may sound, these nut-jobs feel no remorse in killing women and children too as evidenced by the recent attack on a Libertarian Church. The true terrorists that pose a real danger to liberals/Progressives exist in these United States, and until we return to sanity, being a writer that supports our constitution and the rule of law may be hazardous to your health and standing in a country that has lost its way. Only we can guarantee change, and as it was during the civil rights movement, we are faced with bigotry and an effort by those that would rather live under authoritarian rule and fascism - which makes them the real traitors that are attempting to destroy everything our forefathers fought and died for during the past two-hundred years. We must not allow their ultimate sacrifice to have been in vain.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 8/16/2008 @ 10:47 am PT...
My haitus, takes an early retirement.
"Those of you who post comments using pseudonyms rather than your real names are in less danger, at least for the time being, but those of us who choose to write using our real names are becoming the targets for the right-wing's hate machine which is exploding upon the Blogosphere at a frightening pace. Retreat will do nothing more than embolden those who use hate and violence as their tactics to intimidate and hope that we remain silent and afraid - believing that their actions will make us cower in fear and quit writing for freedom. Exactly the opposite must happen in order to counter the hate and propaganda - and it has to be a concerted effort by all of us that truly believe in liberty and freedom."
This guy get's it. And it also a way to take out a legitimate website, maybe their security is lax, or maybe they don't have dedicated moderators, it all leads to a chilling effect in MY opinion because you can't express your thoughts when your thoughts are re-spun and used against your own TOS/AUP or worse. (All is needed to get these type of website shut down a site is a wireless connection and a tor link. And furthermore to destroy someone on a personal level.) Next time you'll shut up and not comment. It really doesn't matter where the threats come from, when they have already interfered, the damage is done. I am about at that point where you say, quit writing. It's so much less of a hassle to promote cool shit (bands Music, Products!!) than to point out the bad shit. It's a happier world when one is talking about cool new stuff as opposed to old crusty bad stuff. But also there are the shock jocks that are stirring up the pot to make folks (again their own choice) to post ideas that they wouldn't normally post.
I fell in that fucking trap. Brainwashed by the likes of Michael Savage ( I have several of his fucking books, no I won't give them to ya, I destroyed them. ) But I dumped the asshole, when I realized that he didn't give a fuck about the electronic voting threat. And I have since, put distance between his ideas on gays, and liberals. I now know it's CORPORATE not (d.) vs. (r.) I now know it's okay to be gay, I now know that the dude was totally full of shit. I didn't at the time. But I did follow him like a brainwashed fucking lamb for a few years, it's because the only thing ON THE AIR, was the fascist corporate crap was ON THE AIR.
"We are fighting a battle for the hearts and minds of America and are desperately attempting to move our government back to its constitutional beliefs and the rule of law. As the threats increase, we need to act accordingly and intensify our efforts to wake-up the general population so that more Americans are aware of how our nation is embracing fascism rather than the democratic principles our military once fought and died to protect and preserve - which is the duty of anyone that is truly patriotic that believes in the American way of life."
Yep, exactly. We're fighting against an adept dangerous cult by definition.
I'll hang around on the Bradblog, as long as I don't feel like I am getting framed as a nutjob.
But the moment that happens. I'm out. I am human, I get pissed off, I cool of, I talk shit. I do a lot of things, but my only purpose is to restore the US Constitution.
Again, as an enlisted puke, I wasn't trained on how the fuck to do that. And still to this day nobody will answer this.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
christian single
said on 8/16/2008 @ 11:20 am PT...
Oreilly claims to be an independent.
If that is so, why are there no independents who guest host his show. THey are all far-right and far-far-right. Where are the independents or lefties that he can banter with like he does with Miller or Morris?
He really has no clue. He attacks these "vicious far-left" sites and has no clue what is going on in the "vicious far-right" sites and blogs. Just look at the vicious sites attacking Obama.
Oreilly is an amazment.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
michelle l.
said on 8/16/2008 @ 12:08 pm PT...
Mr. Cormier,
With proper understanding it's possible the "right" could be reached. Having been born, bred, sworn to the South in the Bible Belt, it's well recognized far-right and extremist ideas often originate from these areas, and from farmland areas in the west.
What I personally found incredible is the number of people in these areas who are illiterate "Baby-Boomers." In explaining to my elder brother I'd met several folks nearly my age who could not read or write, he was astonished, finding it incredible such a thing could be possible so near the 21st century and––in the U.S.A.
I even had a private conversation with a Pentecostal Holiness elder advising him his church should set up reading classes to help adults improve their quality of life.
What happened in many of these situations is in order for the families to maintain their family farms, the elder children dropped out of school to help with the farm work, chores, and caring for the younger children. There also appears to be high levels of dyslexia and/or attention deficit disorders in some areas.
The Southern family's social life and culture was church and family. Growing up in even a smaller city, few families were inclined to participate in cultural events, and even now small towns struggle to have local "opera houses," or events for hosting less religious activities.
One New Yorker commented, "There's no culture down here." And the truth was, except for larger cities he was pretty much on target.
Another observation, after moving around to different areas, is that "word of mouth," or gossip is very powerful in these areas.
People can't or won't read and will tend to follow-the-leader, who, if that person happens to be a preacher or lawyer, judge or businessman; his word and opinion is trusted until proven otherwise.
And in some areas where crime, corruption or drugs is prevalent, there's some accompanying fear and/or intimidation.
The extremist, and "far-right" definition clouds the fact that these are good, genuine Americans, in fact, the best people in the world when it comes to honesty and good intentions.
If there could be a way to reach out to them in other ways, I believe these are the people who could help incredibly to return this country to the compassionate and good natured homeland it used to be.
It's disheartening to see Republicans exploit religious people to further their personal and political agendas. It wasn't enough that Mr. Abramoff violated Native Americans to place Republicans in power, or Ralph Reed's involvement with the Christian Coalition, in trickery to encourage Republican votes.
The sickening part of it is after they patronized these religious people for gaining personal power, then they turned coat to ridicule, betray and belittle them.
The Tennessee religious winds blew the words "Obama is a Muslim" around small midwest churches and frightened the little people like you couldn't imagine. The Republicans have America's religious so afraid of Muslims, they're sure it's the end of the world. And sadly, it's probably part of another Abramoff engineered scheme, to have American might on the side of Israel while a chosen few profit from more war.
Now as McCain's crew utilizes religion and money once again to so deceptively influence these innocent people, there are those of us who recognize the deviousness of those designs.
Whether he or Obama will be the best leader for this country is yet to be known, but why bring Moses into this? Why bring Judeo Christian belief into this at all? Why throw more coals on an already hot fire? Why fan the flames?
Obama has two things to his disfavor among certain right-wing circles: his color and his name. Otherwise he's an American, while Republicans cast his image as being a demon and follower of Muslims and as the Anti-Christ, even Satan himself.
This is incredible trickery on the part of the Far-Right, but sadder still is the fact that we have Americans gullible enough to fall into the trap.
Republicans creating these religious ads are preying on an American innocence, creating fear and distrust and what they are doing is pure evil, and it's evil to the very core.
Conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, right and left have no meaning when it comes honesty, truth and what's good for this country. The truth is many of these "far right" religious folks might find they're closer to the "left" than ever imagined if they really considered the definitions.
Having grown up in the "Christian" environment, I never would have thought I'd see 70% of Christian people condoning the death penalty and condemning abortion in the same breath. I never would have thought I'd see a "Christian" write that "God Hates" anything at all.
It's frightening to know that things have changed so dramatically since the 1960's in this country.
There are many things that have changed in the "Christian" environment, although the extreme sectors still "damn" those judged as "bad people," which is one of the reasons little girls "in trouble" ran away for illegal abortions, or went to homes for unwed mothers secretly in the South.
More forgiving than most, "Christians" are quick to forgive the "non-perfect," but often fall short in avoiding cruel, unnecessary and sometimes dangerous judgement of others.
I truly enjoyed your comments, and am so sorry you've suffered. But for it all, ever thankful for the information highway of the internet, things will eventually change for the better.
It's never good to be alone, but to stand firm for a just cause for all American people while confronted with threats, adversity, stalking, and terror, even in your own home is a sign of enduring courage and commitment to building a better future.
I have bookmarked your site, find it very encouraging, and wish your family peace for the future. We have to believe "Good" will prevail.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 8/16/2008 @ 12:59 pm PT...
"What I personally found incredible is the number of people in these areas who are illiterate "Baby-Boomers." In explaining to my elder brother I'd met several folks nearly my age who could not read or write, he was astonished, finding it incredible such a thing could be possible so near the 21st century and––in the U.S.A."
To take it yet another step, add in technology, add in the lack of understanding it. Add in lack of php, mysql, or plain html skill. Then add on top of that specifically coded scripts that do not allow for a re-edit, or for pgp signatures, or spell checking. Add into that anger, confusion, and just like you said, drugs and alcohol, and what you end up with is what we now have.
"This is incredible trickery on the part of the Far-Right, but sadder still is the fact that we have Americans gullible enough to fall into the trap."
They fall into the trap because the only news they hear is from the same corporate source, if that be on their radio, tv, or the only half-ass literate person in their click.
I once worked at a nursery (plants), and there were probably fifty different languages spoken there, different religions, different viewpoints. The Sick's
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 8/16/2008 @ 1:01 pm PT...
Without a Fairness Doctrine, I guess hate speech is now legal, but only for the GOP. The veiled death threats are not there just to give an idea to a deranged mind, but also serves to put a chill into liberals who dare exercise free speech. That scare tactic won't work for most of us in the land of the brave. Americans have always been willing to fight and die to keep our country free. Still, some Americans will fall silent rather than run the risk of stating an opinion and for that (and many other acts) the necons are shameful.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 8/16/2008 @ 1:01 pm PT...
Oh great, 3/4'ths of my last message got munged.
The Sick's == SeeK's
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 8/16/2008 @ 1:03 pm PT...
I left an open tag. I am sure of it.
[Ed Note: Well, if you did I cannot find it. And your comment is definitely not there after "the Sick's", which you say should be "SeeK's", and I am thinking, "Did he mean 'Sikhs'?"... so am completely clueless as to how to help you out with this mess.... --99}
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
michelle l.
said on 8/16/2008 @ 3:47 pm PT...
"The system" needs a very close examination, and one as Thomas Jefferson would have which clearly defines the separation of church and state. When money is exchanged, non taxed trinkets sold, when taxes are levied, religious causes are funded with tax dollars, and when politicians utilize religion to achieve certain goals, or religions utilize politics for the same, then, certain aspects of Constitutional Law should come into immediate question.
For many years these issues have stagnated, although there have been news items regarding them from time to time.
The overhaul should be not only of the examination of religion vs. the state but also of the American System of Justice to establish a policing system outside those educated by the Bar Association, if the Bar associations are not capable of enforcing rules defining limits of abuse and neglect allowed by their membership.
In these affluent private sectors there has to be a way to protect the population at-large, the heartbeat of this country, from abuse, malpractice, and fraud. If institutions or bodies of legislators, of medicine, law, industry or finance cannot enforce strict rules to prevent negative, even illegal occurrences then Congress should appoint committees to oversee these "industries."
(Yet as it is, Congress appears to be an ineffective group of self-centered, yet well paid and insured Americans who move at slower paces, and appear to care little to nothing for gathering truth or eradicating injustice as long as they win elections. )
And then as privatization enhances the bank accounts of a few, the issue of prisons for profit should be examined closely.
How can "the law," "government," or "the state" try and convict a person, and then fairly allow private individuals to imprison him and profit by it? If there is profit to be made shouldn't that money go back to those tax payers or victims the "criminal" offended?
How can a newspaper splatter the mug shot picture of an accused person across a community or state, when that person has yet to stand trial or be found guilty or innocent?
How can ACS or other private companies fairly profit by placing cameras at stoplights or collect private, personal data for the courts and monitoring traffic with their industry?
Can we define what is the responsibility of the government and what can be farmed out to a chosen few politically invested businessmen?
It's because the "JUSTICE" system has become a "Compliance Industry" where a few people are raking in dollars while others are coping to survive it.
We're losing sight of right vs. wrong in this country in more ways than one.
In response to Mr. Cormier's statements regarding lawyers and the law handling breaches, it often does not happen the way stories and books say it should. Many times people facing avalanches of misdeeds and illegalities have their cases shelved in the back of filing cabinets, or simply ignored, postponed, or prolonged by courts and judges. The issue then becomes whether the plaintiff can endure the time lapse and stress incurred during the postponements.
The other issue is when an attorney violates a client, it's the client's word against his with or without documentation. Thousands of dollars are handed to attorneys daily for lost causes, and the money is not refunded, much like a doctor's fee for treatment of an incurable illness.
Phil you've been in situations with differing languages and people, they worked together. But did you know that if you work for Walmart they have speech police? If you speak of religion and are reported, then you will be fired.
So you see, "Constitutionality" is just another argument, and depends on the situation, and whether a challenging type of person has the stamina, good health, scholarly and good-willed attorneys, and financial backing for support.
It is not supposed to be variable or selective, but the contemporary design for Justice and Human Rights in reference to Constitutionality, today is exactly what elected politicians have allowed it to become.
And as some lawmakers will speak of "crafting" laws, you can be sure they have friends who will prosper from the designs and make plans far in advance of the rest of us having an inkling of what is happening.
Remember the Stealth was kept a secret for 20 years. So did your grandparents have opportunity or knowledge to purchase stock in those companies? Or were they private, afterall?
Think about it. There are tons of things Americans need to be thinking about, and MSM is not going to alert them to it. Industry is not going to shoot itself in the foot or curb its own profits.
It's up to us lowly bloggers and internet news hounds to "craft" new horizons, unravel mysteries, and discover truths, so people will finally have something good to hope for.
It's time for CHANGE...change....change!
There aren't many old songs as hopeful or inspiring as Wind of Change, by the Scorpions, a German rock group.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 8/16/2008 @ 10:36 pm PT...
Phil: Keep posting. You almost fell in the drink trying to step on the boat but it happens to the best of us. You still made some very valid points. Frankly i don't care for the New Order's A or B choice. The problem in this country is that the plan to control the media and just plain mislead and misinform the American people has been so succesful that people can't the big picture that up is down and right is left.
The Bush Administration are greedy, self serving, destructive loser criminals that define an impeachable rogue (republi-dem) regime. In 2008, they are simply perpetuating their rule as an Impirialistic Federal governing body after years of manipulating the system although many still don't get it.
To help, that's why they have a:
1. Corporate monopoly on the US mass media
2. Refuse to fix a broken system of elections and abolish a rigged system of electronic computer voting machines and tabulators
3. Two candidates that have already accepted millions and millions of dollars from corporate interests and who talk more and more alike although they supposedly started out diametrically opposed.
Get a clue! The rights you lost are gone and they are not coming back WITHOUT A FIGHT. The stranglehold of the invisable investment bankers and oil barons using their system of debt that's been in place since 1934 has been a complete success FOR THEM. That is our problem. As long as the people who print US currency at their private bank (although called the Federal Reserve) will continue to rape our country and our world until their destructive system implodes, mother nature rebels, or some dumbace human final lets the nukes fly, we are dead in the water.
Go ahead and take death threats seriously. That's a good thing. Considering the history of this country, i think a black man with an arabic sounding name should consider the thickest private security possible.
Once the US government takes back control of printing currency and makes a return to the gold standard to back the US dollar, we can start to slow our chaotic spin. Then value will return to the US dollar as well as our form of government.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
michelle l.
said on 8/17/2008 @ 10:00 am PT...
"A" candidate will win the Presidency. Yet, the shadow government has tested the waters and found assassinations come and go, and details can stay comfortably concealed for generations.
If I were a brown person with a Muslim name, I'd be very watchful, lest my face appear on a Las Vegas playing card generated by investing retired military officers, and industrial war machine manufacturers.
Maybe good Americans, on a mass scale, will finally wake up and demand the truth.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 8/17/2008 @ 5:40 pm PT...
Every day is a new day. (found a nice bad 512MB ram chip yesterday, 64k eRRoRs were causing random crashes in all applications. chip removed, op's check good.)
First 99. There's a left arrow at sick look for sp (like in spelling) that's where it munged out. Cause it thought I was doing an a href= Perhaps it's better to leave it snipped off at this point since I did ramble.... o;)
Oh and thank you for looking. And thank you for working eight times as hard, at triple your current pay.
[Ed Note: No, really. There was bubkes after "sick" on the admin page too, yer left arrow included. Thin air. Gone. Poof. And, yer welcome, and, yes, rambling gets out of hand around here sometimes.... --99]
Second, G.B.Dancer. I don't even know what my point is anymore. maybe it's that I don't want to be the next example by people who jump to conclusions and don't think things out. They just make everything illegal and make criminals out of everyone--seems to be easier for them instead of actually working to figure out what the proper course of action should be.
This voting thing needs to be fixed (not rigged.) Kind of like getting a fixed loan you know what your getting, as opposed to a rigged loan. these people that got power right now are into so much, it's impossible to be coherent even when I am stone cold sober. they will happily remix words to their ends.
third to stay on topic, I am saying look at the comments at rawstory. I see crazy death threats in there on a daily basis, it's not rawstory owners that are the problem. Chilling effect freaking legislation is NOT THE FUCKING ANSWER.
finally, if saying that if you/they/them/oathbreakers (hypothetically) take a shot at me, and I threaten to take many a shot back at you, is some kind of death threat, then YOU are crazy not me. I have always had a god given right to self defense. But also the responsibility to NOT GO THERE unless the fucking worlds coming to an end. And again, we ain't there yet.
Now let's get rid of these fucking rigged voting machines and get our country back. One legal step at a time.
Power to the people!
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 8/27/2008 @ 12:50 pm PT...
If you read my entire entries, you will see I was reporting what my military friends were contemplating, not saying what I would do. The final line on re-read can well be interpreted as a threat to Senator Obama, and I truly regret that - it is actually a paraphrase of a scriptural reference.
However, I do not apologize for saying I have never seen things so clearly, or that the Copperheads in our midst must be opposed with every fiber of our beings, by force if necessary. That, however, would ONLY be if all legal recourse has disappeared. As long as we can vote and speak and educate, that powder will remain dry. I pray every day that the ballot will always be sufficient.
You may find it surprising that in that regard, I find electronic voting an abomination. There is SO much room for mischief. Why are we in such a freaking hurry to get the results? It's not like any of these officials is going to be inaugurated in the next 24 hours. Take your time, use verifiable paper ballots, insist on voter ID, and get it done in order and as transparently as possible without revealing the identity of the voter.
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Patriot 4 Life
said on 8/29/2008 @ 2:40 am PT...
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 10/28/2008 @ 4:08 pm PT...
For all you Christian Conservatives who are preaching hate and violence to Obama and his family and supporters, know this: God's commandment clearly states: THOU SHALT NOT KILL. So if you really believe in GOD, then you will also be judged by GOD and burn in HELL for all of eternity.