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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 10:03 AM
Historian Arthur Herman on the momentum in the war against the jihadists, and not just in Iraq

The US public and policymakers need to recognize how this happened - and draw lessons from this success.

1) We need to acknowledge that the Iraq war wasn't a "distraction" from the War on Terror, as critics still complain, but its centerpiece.

It's not mere coincidence that our success against al Qaeda globally comes along with success in Iraq. For all its setbacks and frustrations, the Iraq war drew jihadists into a battle they thought they could win, because it would be fought on their home turf - but which they're now losing disastrously.

2) The US decision to "stay the course" in the Iraq war, which was also widely mocked and criticized, served to thoroughly demoralize the jihadist movement.

From its start in spring 2003, the Iraqi insurgency has been entirely built on the premise that it could use suicide and roadside bombings, sectarian slaughter and the torture and murder of hostages to force America out of the Middle East.

If Democrats had won the White House in 2004, the jihadists might have succeeded.

Instead, America doggedly refused to give in to terror, despite 4,000 combat deaths and massive antiwar sentiment, and unwaveringly supported an Iraqi government that was at times feeble and confused - and proceeded to break the jihadist movement's back.

Obama's greatest defect is his refusal to understand the war and our accelerating successes across its many fronts.  Obama's election would signal the jihadists that they had hope of an American retreat.  McCain's victory will signal that the defeats they had suffered over the past two years would continue.

The stakes could not be higher.  Senator McCain will be pushed by MSM to talk about everything except the war, and while he will indeed have to do so again and again (he's giving a speech today on the economy), he must refocus the debate over and over again on the war and the "tipping point" we are approaching.   

Scott Johnson relays that Obama will raise $100 million in June --an amount that reflects the anti-war movement's deep commitment to retreat, the left's hatred of Bush, the energy of the African-American community and youth vote and the war-weariness of the public. Obama will outraise and outspend McCain, but McCain's central message will be two questions that the vast majority of Americans will answer correctly:  Do you want to win the war or lose it?  Shall the enormous sacrifices made by America's military and their families be for the high purpose of extending freedom to others while protecting our country, or will they be gambled away on wishes and rhetoric? 

UPDATE:  See also Kimberly Kagan's and Frederick Kagan's "How Prime Minister Maliki Pacified Iraq" in today's

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Joe writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:18 AM
Even Iraq Sunni Arabs get it
better than Barack Obama does: fered/79524/
Joe writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:21 AM
Words of wisdom for all politicians...
"If you don't win, you're going to be fired. If you do win, you've only put off the day you're going to be fired."
Leo Durocher
biPOLar writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:25 AM
my liberal friend asked me...
Who are we fighting?

I said we were fighting against insurgents funded by Iran. I said al Qaeda was virtually destroyed in Iraq. That's the good news.

How long will it take?

I said it would take about six more years.

How many casualties will we suffer.

I said we would lose about 2000 more soldiers.

How much will it cost?

I said another $700 billion.

He said it wasn't worth it.
pat writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:36 AM
With America at War - DNC Progressive
Useful Idiot Jan Schakowsky attempts to smear the Commander in Chief: kowsky-ges-capt.html
clarityseeker writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:44 AM
The Left bleats loudly...
...over the Scott McLellan opinions. The Left holds up McLellan as their newest exhibit that "BUSH LIED".

That's funny, the Left is not saying anything about yesterday's Washington Post editorial refuting any, "BUSH LIED" narrative they've been stuck on for years: 6/08/AR2008060801687_pf.html
clarityseeker writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:50 AM
Rockefeller Report "outtakes"...

Nowhere is there any implication or accusation as to "BUSH LIED".
Nowhere is there a HINT that Bush lied.

Hmmmmmm.......another infamous charge by Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, Victicrats, Marxists, Socialists within the DEMORAT PARTY:

Rockefeller Report OutTakes:

On Iraq's nuclear weapons program? The president's statements "were generally substantiated by intelligence community estimates."

On biological weapons, production capability and those infamous mobile laboratories? The president's statements "were substantiated by intelligence information."

On chemical weapons, then? "Substantiated by intelligence information."

On weapons of mass destruction overall (a separate section of the intelligence committee report)? "Generally substantiated by intelligence information." Delivery vehicles such as ballistic missiles? "Generally substantiated by available intelligence." Unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to deliver WMDs? "Generally substantiated by intelligence information."

The Left Lies, and Liberal's cries...

Dustoff-507 writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:09 AM
DON'T give us the truth dang it! LOL

Gezzz lib's/Dem's what can I say. How in the heck we won WWII is beyond me.
Cuban Pete writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:12 AM
Here they come, the neo kommies... tell us how right the jihadists are...and how wrong America and conservatives are. Sing your new anthem from your new fuehrer/messiah, "God Dam* America", you neo leftists!
Pasadena Phil writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:23 AM
Whistling past the graveyard again
The GOP has the wrong candidate! You guys should have nominated a Republican!!! It isn't the radical left that is sending Obama money, it's a wide swath of America. His average contribution is about $93. Now you can expect to the corporate money that Hillary was getting. Meanwhile, that whizbang McCain fund raising machine has folded up shop and turned to RNC for the indirect big donor money. There is a God when an enemy of the first amendment gets hoisted on his own petard.

On issues, the war in Iraq is winding down and will be a very small issue by November other than its cost. The economy, however, will be front and center and McCain is about as bad a candidate as there is to argue about economic policy. Why didn't he go on record last week to vote against the McCain-Lieberman-Warner Cap and Trade Bill? Why is he not speaking out against the "windfall profits tax bill" being discussed today in Congress? McCain is a big-guv Dem sailing under false colors and will crash and burn in November.
inchdeep writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:33 AM
McCain Is Toast.
Still holding my nose for him, but don't hold out much hope. He needs a new charge everyday for Obama to have to answer, not just speeches the media won't cover.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:34 AM
Just six more months, right?
If we just stay six more months, right? And if that doesn't work, we'll stay six more. And if that doesn't work, we'll stay six more? And six more after that?

Repeat until we really are there 100 years from now?
inchdeep writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:40 AM
100 years
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:34 AM
Just six more months, right?
If we just stay six more months, right? And if that doesn't work, we'll stay six more. And if that doesn't work, we'll stay six more? And six more after that?

Repeat until we really are there 100 years from now?

Thank God we both will be dead by then so you can stop writing you lefty cr*p and I won't be able to read it. Oh I for got you messiah Obama can raise you from the dead so you spew more nonsense for future generations. I feel their pain.
BobFromGoshen writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:45 AM
Obama deficient in leadership skills
We have achieved success in Iraq because President Bush has consistently resisted public pressure to pursue the responsible course of action. Leadership is not a popularity contest. And the President's approval rating has taken a big hit for it.

Obama is not a leader, pure and simple. He hasn't brought one substantive idea to the Senate in the three plus years he has been there. His vision of America is more of the same income redistribution on a massive scale. He is risk-averse or he might have stood up to his mentor, the Reverend Wright, and denounced those racist sermons. He is merely a follower, watching polls and being politically expedient and calculating. He is not fit to be the leader of the Free World. Instead, he needs to put his thin resume back in its file and hang his empty suit in his closet.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:59 AM
[Thank God we both will be dead by then so you can stop writing you lefty cr*p and I won't be able to read it. ]

You don't have to read it now. Though, I find it sad that the 'conservative' position is to blindly keep letting the government policies run their course without question or comment.

Hugh and co. have been repeatedly touting that the 'war isn't that bad' or 'things are going much better than expected' for the last three years.

I fully expect that in another six months we will get yet another report telling us how swimmingly things are going and if we even think of using that to justify pulling out one troop, we are clearly terrorist loving lunatics.
Dustoff-507 writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 12:27 PM
Hmmm thanks to you lib/dem's. Were still in Germany, Japan. Shall I go on?
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 12:41 PM
Dustof f
[Were still in Germany, Japan]

Which we shouldn't be.

[Shall I go on?]

By all means.

Perhaps if you listed the several dozen nations we currently have troops or personnel stationed in, folks might start questioning whether or not we really need them there 60+ years after WWII and nearly 20 years after the Cold War.
Doug writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 12:48 PM
Good post and mostly good comments!
HH: Another winning post and right on topic, hitting at the VLWC and its minions!

Too darned bad that you and Duane insist on posting those "Pastor Pages" from Rev. Jeremiah Wrong's newsletter. That racist is one and he's another associate along with Aryes and Father P. too, typical friends of BHO. But, those posts are not productive nor useful.

So, I'm going to look for another conservative blog and wish the HH Townhall blog the best but doubt your readership will continue to hold up.

wolfy writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:09 PM
Definition of Success
"We have achieved success in Iraq because President Bush has consistently resisted public pressure to pursue the responsible course of action."

I guess the far right considers defense cooperation with Iran "success." And I suppose the "tipping point" is that the Bush administration is now conceding that they may not get that "security agreement" for which they were planning. In winger world, down is up, and up is down. Sentient Americans have been listening to your disingenuous crap for too long. Get real, the public isn't falling for your shtick any longer. The wheels are flying of the GOP bus, and the majority of the radical right is still living in la la land.
Dustoff-507 writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:15 PM
Nice Dread
Yet, I've never seen the dem's/libs take action to remove them.

But Iraq.... NO!!!

Your point is No point
jtb-in-texas writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:19 PM
The problem is that too many Americans
can't think their way through a complete sentence, much less a complicated thing like winning against al Qaeda.

After all, most Americans believe what the alphabet networks tell them on TV.

I am convinced that Obama is as dumb as a box of hammers; but he will likely win because Americans are just too dumb to come in for supper on their own...

We're going to get the government we deserve.

May God forgive us for what we've done with the blessings we have received.

May God have mercy on us, even though we obviously don't deserve it.

May it please God we have another opportunity to learn our lesson without destroying our country, let us repent from our sins, and help us to start sharing our blessings with the people who need them.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:21 PM
That's specious reasoning...
Whether or not the political powers that be have the will to question whether or not the United States really needs to have troops stationed in 100+ countries, doesn't invalidate the question or my objection to the policy.
cottoneyed writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:33 PM
So i guess we just have
to give up and give the muslim jihadists what they want, for they want to live in a world without the permissive culture fostered by white liberals, they want to exterminate you, you think you can talk your way out it, you cannot and the ONLY thing that stands between these butchers having their way with you are those of us who see the true nature of these nuts and KNOW that the only alternative is to fight them because that is the only thing that they respect; buggsy, you idiot, those who are willing to fight for your right to be a white liberal moron should just let them have their way with you, and at the same time rid the world of the most corrosive ideology it has ever known, thats exactly what we should do and it wouldn't take them long as you white liberals could not defend yourselves.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:49 PM
[So i guess we just have to give up and give the muslim jihadists what they want]

That would be an either/or fallacy.

We have more than the two options of: stay in Iraq forever or stop fighting against terrorists altogether.

To assume that because one objects to the preventative Iraq War, one therefore must want the United States government to do nothing at all against Al Qaeda is not a valid conclusion.

ScarletPimpernel writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:52 PM
Dread is not a Dem/lib, ahem
Believe it or not, The King of Bad Analogies is not a Dem/lib. I'm not sure what his theory of defense is but it involves not doing anything, ever, if it costs more than a hundred dollars.

It took the colonists here at least 13 years to get going on Democracy even though we had thousands of years of history of it behind us. But, Dread and his ilk expect the Persians to get it down pat after 5 years or so.

They also think the Iraquis and Afghanis should have jumped up and did it all by themselves, you know like us Americans did. Oh, that's right, the French had a small part. Anyway, like the Jews in the camps, and the American slaves, the Iraquis should have just thrown off their oppressors and the terrorists via their own means.

Dread knows that it is important to save a buck on small things like the future so we can spend it on important things like Planned Parenthood and Public Education since those programs work way better than national defense strategy.
wolfy writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 1:53 PM
Wrong Time, Wrong Country
"So i guess we just have to give up and give the muslim jihadists what they want..."

Cottoneyed, don't you think that after 9/11, we should have taken the fight against muslin jihadists to Afghanistan, where the enemy is sprouting up and flourishing as quickly as opium poppies? Just asking.
Salty Alaskan writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:00 PM
You advocate a dangerous path. What do you think would happen if we unilaterally withdrew all our international bases?
wolfy writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:03 PM
I'll get this one for you Dread
"What do you think would happen if we unilaterally withdrew all our international bases?"

Slippery slope.
Salty Alaskan writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:07 PM
Slippery slope
Wolfy, don't be so coy, please expound. Give some examples of what that means.
Akennas writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:08 PM
"Are you going to close down the Mosques?"

If necessary to preserve the Republic.

"Arrest every imam who wants to destroy Israel and outlaw Christianity?"

If necessary to preserve the Republic.

"You talk about winning the war without discussing the utter durability of the ideological wellspring you have chosen to fight."

They can bleed, they can die, they are neither immortal nor unconquerable.

"How long before you face the fact that "winning" as you call it requires genocide."

Again, whatever is necessary to preserve the Republic, meaning our freedoms and liberty.

"What are you prepared to do, Mister Ness?"

Whatever it takes.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:09 PM
[I'm not sure what his theory of defense is but it involves not doing anything, ever, if it costs more than a hundred dollars.]

Which again, is a false conclusion.

I just don't agree with your assessment that invading another country and engaging in expensive, poorly planned nation building exercises with minimal oversight of contractors is great for national security.

Nor do I think it is necessary to have troops stationed in Germany, Japan, etc. They are our allies, they are capable of fielding their own armed forces and they are unlikely to revert to Imperialist governments. They can maintain stability within their own spheres of influence quite well on their own and foot the bill for doing so.

[Planned Parenthood and Public Education since those programs work way better than national defense strategy.]

I don't want a dime going to Planned Parenthood ever. And in a perfect world, I'd like to see Public Education abolished.
Kimberly writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:17 PM
Fortunately, Obama understands perfectly the effects of Bush's war and the detriment it has caused this country in a thousand ways. Lying our way into occupation by force is the ultimate crime. Torturing prisoners while claiming not to is a crime on many fronts. This administration has been a failure on too many fronts to name readily, and yet the RW continue to suggest that what has been done in our name these past 8 years have been "good". Good for whom? Halliburton, the oil giants, KBR? Yep. The war profiteers have made out like bandits scoring a huge heist, and you have helped their cause.

What a group.
wolfy writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:17 PM
Maybe I Jumped the Gun
Your comment wasn't quite the slippery slope argument. You can read more about logical fallacies here:

But I don't think anyone is arguing that we should withdraw "ALL our international bases." But nearly everyone agrees that Iraq was, and continues to be, a disastrous geopolitical error on the part of the Bush administration. Why on earth would people vote for a candidate (McSame) that will continue nearly every aspect of the Bush doctrine? McCain voted with Bush something like 97% of the time.
ScarletPimpernel writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:28 PM
Dread, you're forgetting
We want our troops near by if need be. It doesn't make sense to have them docked at Annapolis or stationed at Ft. Riley if we need them "over there" quickly. That's why we keep them there. Plus, I'm assuming that it is part of an agreement/treaty as well.

What SHOULD we spend the money on instead?
ScarletPimpernel writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:29 PM
Wolfy, Afghanistan?
Haven't we been there for years already?
Salty Alaskan writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:29 PM
Slippery Slope
1) Dread was advocating not having international bases, see his response above. He thinks other countries should be left to their own devices. Dangerous and irresponsible to our international interests in my mind. Some appeal on the fiscal front.

2) Yes, you probably did jump the gun. Thanks for bringing up something completely irrelevant to my question.

3) I didn't say anything about Iraq, why are you bringing it up? I asked a specific question which you seemingly wanted to answer, but still haven't answered.

4) You managed to seque into a second completely irrelevant point that had nothing to do with my question. Thanks for the bumpersticker sloganeering.
Akennas writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:36 PM
What a mindless myrmidon. You keep slamming into the same facts with the same blathering, brain-dead arguments and are surprised every time by the fact you ran into them again.

We did not lie our way into occupation - we moved on the best available information, and after 9/11, we weren't going to wait around to be hit this time.

No prisoners were tortured, at least not by us, at least not by any reasonable standard.

MaryStella writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:37 PM
Fight terrorist, wherever
they may be.
Muslim Jihadist did not existed merely in Afghanistan, the Taliban, part of Al Qaeda was florishing/trained in Afghanistan and was dealt with. Next step, fight and destory wherever the terrorists may be; will be the right place and the right country, before they end up in your country.
Especially countries that train terrorists groups and supply arms that kill our soldiers. These countries should be blown to dust. (At least one, to set an example!)
America's security should trump politics.
We need to return to the D-Day Resolve, as terrorism and jihadism ideology is the enemy of mankind, return to the same faith, honor and resolove of the "Greatest Generation",
to stand up to the evil of hate, and destrtucion ideology, before it is too late.
Akennas writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:39 PM
Only evil or stupid (or both) people believe it was a disastrous geopolitical error. Truth is, we didn't go far enough - we should have taken out Syria at the same time. I'd much rather be feared than admired.

If McCain will continue the Bush Doctrine, I will vote for him. Anything less is a betrayal of our country.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:51 PM
[We want our troops near by if need be.]

Why? We are not Globocop industries requiring a precinct in every corner of the globe in order to keep the peace. Other nations or alliance, like the EU, can handle European defense and local conflict resolution. It is not our job to police the world.

Aside from which, carrier groups are mobile.

[What SHOULD we spend the money on instead?]

I don’t know. 9 trillion in debt or 38 trillion in unfunded liabilities, maybe? Take your pick.

[1) Dread was advocating not having international bases, see his response above. He thinks other countries should be left to their own devices. Dangerous and irresponsible to our international interests in my mind. Some appeal on the fiscal front.]

Yes, I am. But as I said above, I am willing to settle for a sufficient debate on the question of whether or not we need all those bases.

And I don’t necessarily see the danger to our interests. Trade would continue, our troops would be closer to home to provide for national defense, and we would still have the world’s most advanced army.
Col Bat Guano writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:55 PM
Bush's primary error with Iraq was not implementing the surge strategery from day one as the current situation evidences. He was lowballing the response based on (bad) advice from Rumsfeld, which was seen as weakness so AQI (Petraus' term) took advantage. American withdrawl from the region as the left desires (snce America = imperialism) would descend the region back into chaos and murder as the pre-surge condition evidences. How long will it take to create stability? Ask the enemy. They won't tell you (nor Obama at one of his proposed Oval Office afternoon teas) the truth. The truth is "probably forever" to maintain vigilance against the horrific evil we've seen from the Islamofascists the past few years. I would rather see our troops in the mideast, just like in Europe, Japan, and elsewhere for the long run than see another Eric Berg having his head sawed off amid a gurgling scream that eventually stopped on internet video. That's the kind of people the Left advocates we leave the mideast in the hands of. How that's a compassionate policy escapes me. Perhaps you can explain it.
cottoneyed writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 2:59 PM
Our presence in Iraq,
guarantees that when the world is at war, this country will have oil to fight it and cannot be held hostage because of it, Bush/Cheney saw a opportunity to achieve this security and they took it and when that war starts they will be look on as visionaries, hardly a "geopolitical error".
ScarletPimpernel writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 3:02 PM
as if, Dread
You know the money will never be used appropriately. I'd rather set up a friendly democracy in the ME. It will be nice to have another vacation spot.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 3:15 PM
[You know the money will never be used appropriately. I'd rather set up a friendly democracy in the ME. It will be nice to have another vacation spot.]

Hope you still feel that way when the dollars in your wallet are worth less than the dinars over there.

[Our presence in Iraq, guarantees that when the world is at war, this country will have oil to fight it and cannot be held hostage because of it, Bush/Cheney saw a opportunity to achieve this security and they took it and when that war starts they will be look on as visionaries, hardly a "geopolitical error".]

One, if this was the motivation, they should have said so.

Two, we could probably have converted the entire nation to nuclear, funded solar research, and subsidized hybrid cars for the amount of money this adventure will cost in the long run.
Salty Alaskan writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 3:28 PM
The argument for me comes down to prevention vs. cure. Having forces in a particular region can prevent the outbreak of hostilities. Regional stability is the basis of trade, economic development and general prosperity, which is what we want. So to Scarlet's point, it is in our interest to keep bases where we have economic concerns and/or may need to deploy quickly (think Korea, Taiwan and Middle East).

On the other hand, if we only react to conflict, we are subject to the whims of others (think Kuwait, Korea and Yugoslavia). Also, deployment requires treaty agreements, which we may or may not have at that particular moment with the country in question (think Guantanamo/Cuba, Panama and the ever present UN).

We would have to completely restructure our military to be home based and on carrier groups. That would probably require additional carrier groups/transports to be effective. The financial cost for that may or may not be offset by home basing. I'm not versed enough on military matters to know the efficacy of this course, but I can see its appeal.

Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 3:37 PM
[On the other hand, if we only react to conflict, we are subject to the whims of others (think Kuwait, Korea and Yugoslavia). Also, deployment requires treaty agreements, which we may or may not have at that particular moment with the country in question (think Guantanamo/Cuba, Panama and the ever present UN).]

Which again, is a plus in my book, as it's one more layer of hassle we have to go through before we commit troops to a foreign conflict.

[That would probably require additional carrier groups/transports to be effective.]

I don't think we will need anymore necessarily. We went from peacetime to full mobilization of our nation and fought two wars simultaneously back in the day and won.
wolfy writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 3:39 PM
No Do-overs Allowed
"Bush's primary error with Iraq was not implementing the surge strategery from day one as the current situation evidences."

You all will never git it will you? Bush's primary error was leading this country to war under false pretense. Bush's primary error was massaging the intelligence to fit his jingoistic agenda. Bush's other primary error was thinking that when America finally caught on his sham, they would be all forgiving for the over 4,000 dead, disgraceful medical care for thousands of injured soldiers a la Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and a big rubber stamp veto from him and McCain on a new GI Bill. And why is the deafening silence with regard to the newfound Iran/Iraq alliance in defense in recent days??? Well it just doesn't fit the right wing cheerleading squad meme.

The radical right just keeps their fingers plugged firmly into their ears la, la, la, la, la, la... I can't hear you!
Salty Alaskan writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 3:53 PM
Not Quite
We disagree on your first point, see below why.

"I don't think we will need anymore necessarily. We went from peacetime to full mobilization of our nation and fought two wars simultaneously back in the day and won."

Apples and Oranges. In today's world we are talking about weeks or even days to mount an adequate response to regional conflicts. In Korea it would be hours. Force projection is more than the troops, it is the entire logistics train. This is one of the big arguments for keeping the bases, as they provide much of the local infrastructure needed by our modern military that carrier groups simply cannot provide.

Transort is a huge problem for all branches of our military. I encourage you to read up on this well known issue.
Dread writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 4:08 PM
Point that establishing and ferrying supplies is a challenge, but it's not an insurmountable one.

And again, it is another challenge that would help ensure that we are only going to butt into regional conflicts that do not involve us when it is absolutely necessary to do so.
Col Bat Guano writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 4:22 PM
You seem to be lumping me in with a cheerleading squad for the Bush Admin. Far from it. I'm glad he finally wised up with the surge, but it came far too late and was implemented on the verge of utter disaster. BTW, "The Bush Lied, People Died" refrain is getting a bit old, isn't there some new soundbite argument available by now?

The Left seems to keep their fingers in their ears and screams "There's no such thing as evil." or multiple renditions of "Kumbaya." How many bloody, headless stumps bleeding out on the floor in front of silver-eyed men will it take before the Left acknowledges men such as Zarqawi, bin Laden, need to be dead and buried (or left for the vultures) versus tried and convicted? The fact that AQI and an AQ in general defeat is the developing situation is another point where Left fingers stay firmly implanted in ears. Is it still a dangerous situation? Absolutely. Could it revert back to chaos, insanity, global terrorism? Absolutely, the evidence is there, which is why I would vote for a man who recognizes the same versus a starry-eyed, smooth talking greenhorn who has no idea what he's saying hence the recent case of althete's tongue with regard to Jerusalem. The difference between the Left and me is I'm not willing to accept the possibility of a resurgent Islamofacsism out of concern for the safety of me and mine - even you and yours.
dudley writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 5:15 PM
Who wins?
I wonder what conservatives mean when they talk about the "Left?" The "Left" won World War II; the "Left" got us out of Vietnam, a disastrous war that cost 50,000 American lives and demonstrated the tragic consequences of pre-emptive attack. Now the "Left" may rescue us from the sad, deadly misadventure in Iraq.

Jihad is a religious term for struggle, to improve muslim society. Terrorist acts have been part of Jihad's worst manifestation. Those who profess it believe they are part of a holy war, that God is on their side. But is God part of the struggle? What if there is no God?
Salty Alaskan writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 5:40 PM
Not that you will get it, but your steam of consciousness exhibits your unconscious incompetence.
dudley writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 6:11 PM
Way up north
Prove it, dufus. The unconscious ain't about competence, it's about the little salty "man" who in dreams comes forward and says, Salty, my boy, I don't care what you want. I hate Alaska. Let's go to Vegas, win big. Then I'll do EXACTLY what we want.
Cicero writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 6:25 PM
And "winning" means what, exactly?
As Thomas P.M. ("Perpetual Militarism") Barnett, one of the architects of the Neocon Wars, has said, "Let me be very clear about this: The boys are never coming home." How do we "win", when, as Doug Feith admitted to Hugh in an April 23 intereview: "Yeah, it was something like 75% of the people who were early on identified as the top leadership of al Qaeda were then captured or killed. Now of course, in the meantime, they’re generating more people as you and I have discussed. This is a dynamic situation." Heh, "dynamic" indeed. And it's not only leadership that auto-generates as a result of our mindless policies in the Middle East, but arguably millions of radicalized Muslims have or will become willing followers. Combine that with the fact the the West, America included, has lost the will to keep potential jihadists from setting up outposts in its midst, then the question of what "winning" really means becomes even more unanswerable.

Morons. Your "solution" is merely to bomb the Middle East into submission, with, as the League of the South's Mike Tuggle puts it, "Israel serving as the base camp of Western domination in that unfortunate, long-suffering region." Then, when someone comes bearing common sense and realism, you brand him a "kook" or a "nativist":

Maybe the so-called "center right" deads to get off dead center and recover its principles.

Not to mention its sanity.
Cicero writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 6:28 PM
"Needs" to get off dead center.
Col Bat Guano writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 7:14 PM
Over 3,000 Americans were killed back in 2001 before we had troops in Iraq, killed Zarqawi, chased the Taliban up into the hills, etc, etc. Remember? Guess not.

Some of them were no doubt decapitated when the towers came crashing down on their heads. I know that wasn't video-taped to satisfy the macabre tastes of certain individuals (you?). Regardless, that was still a cruel death I wouldn't wish upon certain numbskulls perusing this site who will remain nameless but know who they are.
NeoConScum writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 8:13 PM
Sissyroe...How's That al Qaeda In Iraq
working for ya, Laddy Buck?

You your sorry a** ilk are utterly invested in American Defeat...and, it ain't coming about. Your scum sucking butchers have died by the thousands and thousands and thousands and Iraq is becoming a Victory for Freedom. Dissappointing, I know. But, it just makes my day.
NeoConScum writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 8:16 PM
Briggsy, You Pathetic Twit...Genocide
was exactly what we saved the Iraqis from, Nitwit.
Akennas writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 8:17 PM
A day of reckoning approaches...
(Why is it liberal traitors like Brob feel they have to resort to profanity to make points? Because they equate emotionalism with reality - "If I scream loud enough and make enough of a scene, I'll get my way". Ten-year-old potty-mouthed brats, all of them.)

And I said traitors intentionally. I know more than one military man and woman stationed overseas who cannot wait to rotate back once the job over there is done and complete the work of fighting all enemies foreign AND domestic, Posse Comitatus be damned, and hunt down the Copperheads in our midst.

Traitors, be afraid. Be very afraid.
clarityseeker writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 9:07 PM
Well stated...........well, except for one thing. Bjob is also a RACE-BAITER. Has been called on it several times. She has never once apologized, shown any remorse for acting as such, and, is actually quite proud od it.
wolfy writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 10:52 PM
Crazy Trigger Happy Neocons
"I know more than one military man and woman stationed overseas who cannot wait to... hunt down the Copperheads in our midst."

Oh, I see. Profanity is bad. But threats are okay. You guys are hoot and a holler. All I can say is, "conservatives" have rightly earned every bit of their minority status to this point. Prepare yourselves for even greater irrelevance in the months to come. Love and kisses.
arch writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 11:37 PM
dudley writes: Tuesday, June, 10, 2008 5:15 PM
Who wins?
I wonder what conservatives mean when they talk about the "Left?" The "Left" won World War II; the "Left" got us out of Vietnam, a disastrous war that cost 50,000 American lives and demonstrated the tragic consequences of pre-emptive attack. Now the "Left" may rescue us from the sad, deadly misadventure in Iraq.

Jihad is a religious term for struggle, to improve muslim society. Terrorist acts have been part of Jihad's worst manifestation. Those who profess it believe they are part of a holy war, that God is on their side. But is God part of the struggle? What if there is no God?

Arch says"

There you go again Dudley, exposing your libtard disease for all to read. No better example of brain malfunction can be attained at this forum. Not only do you champion leftism and the slavery of God's created people, but you question your own existence by the simple ignorant question of " What if there is no God" Then you can surely give us the run down of how we all got into existence without a Creator, Right? My Lord you are simple!
Akennas writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 12:02 AM
These aren't threats. These are blood-oath promises. If I were a Copperhead of any prominence (and that included several elected officials), I would put my affairs in order in a hurry. And I would be in NO hurry to "bring our troops home."

You don't allow cancer to grow - you cut it out before it kills you. There is a cancer growing in this country, and it is called Marxist leftism, which has found a willing home in the Democratic Party during the 60's and and has been nurtured there, in the media and in academia ever since. It is reaching its culmination in the Obama campaign. Pray to God they are defeated by the ballot, which will make the bullet unnecessary.
arch writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 1:59 AM
Pray to God they are defeated by the ballot, which will make the bullet unnecessary.

Arch says

The bullet will be necessary for the libtard mentality we experience now. Should we be chastined with an Obammy presidency with a libtard congress, the bullets will fly shortly as the survival of the fittest will prevail. The morons would have us disrobe in front of rapists.
Akennas writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 2:17 AM
Oh no, wolfy...
I am very, very sane. I have never seen things more clearly than I do right now. The time for compromising with evil is over. It is time to destroy it, before it destroys me, my family and our liberty. The GOP is losing because they have compromised their principles, trying to gain the approval of the left, trying to be DEM-lite. If the GOP had stuck to conservative principles, best expounded by Ronald Wilson Reagan, it would have today an insurmountable majority in all significant circles of power. That is the one thing for which I have difficulty forgiving either Bush 41 or Bush 43: rather than build on the Reagan legacy, they squandered it.

There are some things worth fighting for, dying for and, yes, killing for. It is better for one man to die than for a whole nation to perish.
arch writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 2:24 AM
This is worth repeating
Akennas writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 2:17 AM
Oh no, wolfy...
I am very, very sane. I have never seen things more clearly than I do right now. The time for compromising with evil is over. It is time to destroy it, before it destroys me, my family and our liberty. The GOP is losing because they have compromised their principles, trying to gain the approval of the left, trying to be DEM-lite. If the GOP had stuck to conservative principles, best expounded by Ronald Wilson Reagan, it would have today an insurmountable majority in all significant circles of power. That is the one thing for which I have difficulty forgiving either Bush 41 or Bush 43: rather than build on the Reagan legacy, they squandered it.

There are some things worth fighting for, dying for and, yes, killing for. It is better for one man to die than for a whole nation to perish.
MaineConservative writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 10:12 AM
arch and Akennas
What is wrong with the two of you? Your words are frightening, and seem as though they would be attributable to a Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, etc. - "either agree with me or we'll kill you".

I will fight to the death for democracy, conservative principles and the values on which this great country was founded, but there is a process that this can, and will, work.

I will never agree with anyone like wolfy on almost anything political, but you guys do look like lunatics.
Pasadena Phil writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 10:26 AM
Echoing MaineCon's sentiments
This entire GOP campaign has been nutty from the beginning. There was never an opening for reasonable people to participate in rational discussion because RINOs were so determined to focus only on "electibility". The only reason the discussion has gotten even more shrill is because the two candidates are so alike that the GOP has resorted to insanely bizarre fear-mongering and subliminal race-baiting. If you really want to see what it looks like from the outside, read Camille Paglia's most recent column;

Yes, I understand that she is a lesbian and liberal, but she is a rational and disciplined thinker. To that tantalizing "Democratic center" that the McCain camp so covets, the GOP looks no different than the loopy left. This would change fast if the GOP were to somehow shift gears and find a way to dump McCain and nominate a Republican. If there are no more bona fide Republicans left, then nominate a conservative.
MaineConservative writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 10:34 AM
Well said Phil
We will at some point resort to nominating a conservative.
NeoConScum writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 11:21 AM
Seems several folks here--Left & Right--need to take a cold water swim. Guys, chill.
Cicero writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 11:40 AM
PseudoConScum writes:
"You your sorry a** ilk are utterly invested in American Defeat...and, it ain't coming about. Your scum sucking butchers have died by the thousands and thousands and thousands and Iraq is becoming a Victory for Freedom. Dissappointing, I know. But, it just makes my day."

All he's capable of, apparently.

The quality of discussion here has really gone down the tubes of late.
Ryan01 writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 12:06 PM
""You your sorry a** ilk are utterly invested in American Defeat..."

The clown who wrote the above is a "dittohead". That explains his incoherence and total inability to use facts, logic and critical thinking skills.

You mentioned Barnett above. I watched a recording of a power point presentation he gave a while back before a group of officers. Barnett admitted due to the trade imbalance and the federal deficit that the one thing the US would have to provide to continue the speading spree would be to provide troops for the rest of the globe. Barnett is a real lunatic. No wonder Hewitt likes him so much.
Akennas writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 7:19 PM
"What is wrong with the two of you? Your words are frightening, and seem as though they would be attributable to a Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, etc. - 'either agree with me or we'll kill you'."

I never said anything remotely close to that. What I did say is I and many others refuse to be the frog in the slowly warming pot. I refuse to further compromise with evil. And Marxist radicals embrace evil. My words could have been written by Patrick Henry or Thomas Paine. Are they frightening to you as well?

"I will fight to the death for democracy, conservative principles and the values on which this great country was founded, but there is a process that this can, and will, work."

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement - up to the caveat following the comma. What you wrote then could have been spoken by reasonable people in Russia in 1917, or Germany in 1932. What do you do when the reins of power are handed to radicals? What CAN you do at that point? Are you willing then to "fight to the death?" Really? HOW do you go about doing that when you've already given up power?

"I will never agree with anyone like wolfy on almost anything political, but you guys do look like lunatics."

Nicely dismissive. One man's lunatic is another man's clear-headed visionary. Too many people are complacent, lukewarm and ennervated. I myself have been for way too long. This conservative has decided to make a stand. Too many conservatives won't.
NeoConScum writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 8:27 PM
Ry-Ry01...SO Good To See Your Tiny
Paulbot head above ground, Lil' Guy! Counciling your ilk on manners, Pauley Boy? Seems like old times. Gives me the warm fuzzies.
arch writes: Thursday, June, 12, 2008 12:25 AM
MaineConservative writes: Wednesday, June, 11, 2008 10:12 AM
arch and Akennas
What is wrong with the two of you? Your words are frightening, and seem as though they would be attributable to a Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, etc. - "either agree with me or we'll kill you".

I will fight to the death for democracy, conservative principles and the values on which this great country was founded, but there is a process that this can, and will, work.

I will never agree with anyone like wolfy on almost anything political, but you guys do look like lunatics.

Oh my God! You have misinterpreted us both MaineConservative. I would never insinuate the idea you got from my post. I like you would fight for the freedoms and liberty of this nation to the death in a defensive way only. Bullets and bombs are for the enemies who would threaten them.
Cicero writes: Thursday, June, 12, 2008 10:11 AM
"You mentioned Barnett above. I watched a recording of a power point presentation he gave a while back before a group of officers. Barnett admitted due to the trade imbalance and the federal deficit that the one thing the US would have to provide to continue the speading spree would be to provide troops for the rest of the globe. Barnett is a real lunatic. No wonder Hewitt likes him so much."

Yep, absolutely a lunatic. I've seen that presentation. And Barnett says essentially the same thing in the 8-part interview he gave Hewitt back in early 2007. The transcripts of that interview are still available here.
ApolloSpeaks writes: Thursday, June, 12, 2008 11:35 AM
What Arthur Herman says about reconciliation of Shia and Sunni is over optimistic. The Sunnis are hell bent on taking back Iraq from the Shiites. They do not accept Iraq's right to exist as a Shia controlled state. The Sunnis joined with al Qaida to defeat the Shia and drive out the US. When al Qaiad became a greater threat the Sunnis joined with US forces to defeat them. This has done nothing to soften Sunni animosity toward the Shia and hatred of the Maliki gov't, whatever its successes in fighting the Mahdi Army.

The Sunnis are no more reconciled to Shia rule today than they were in 2005. If the Iraq government were to meet all of its benchmarks tomorrow, including passage of the Oil Law, it would mean nothing to the implacable Sunnis. And what goes for Iraq's Sunni Arabs is equally true of the entire Arab Sunni world. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt refuse to open embassies in Iraq because they want the country to return to the status quo ante of Sunni rule-and will work for that end against US interests.

Meanwhile, as we pursue the mirage of nation building in Iraq nuclear Iran is replacing Saudi Arabia as the regional hegemon while turning Iraq into an economic client state. We are pursuing an Iraq First policy in an Iran first region, where Iran is emerging as the dominant regional power-a policy that is lagging behind reality and is dangerously, dangerously obsolete.

Until we move to an Iran First policy in the region understanding that a nuclear armed Iran is more dangerous to US and regional security than a sectarian war in a broken impotent Iraq the evil power of Iran will continue to grow drawing the region closer to the abyss of nuclear war.


There is no better way.

Cicero writes: Thursday, June, 12, 2008 1:17 PM
Out of Iraq and out of Iran.
As the late Wm. Odom told Hugh, Iran's going to get the bomb, whether or not we embark on your futile endeavor. We may slow down the acquisition, but they'll get it regardless. It's only a matter of time. This fellow agrees: sthavethebomb1

The "better way" is to forsake this politically and economically disastrous quest to be the world's hegemon before it's too late. Huntington is right.

ApolloSpeaks writes: Thursday, June, 12, 2008 8:33 PM
William Odam was a fool who stupidly believed that terrorist Iran-the killers who invented suicide martyrdom-is a status quo power that wants the bomb for deterrence. He was in the same league as Neville Chamberlain who completely misread Hitler and mistook him for a conventional statesman. Iran is a jihadist state and a nuclear Iran means nuclear jihad. Every leader in the Middle East knows this regime, knows what it seeks and knows the danger that they are in, even if you don't, Cicero. Read my essay The Rise of Nuclear Iran and educate yourself into the terrifying reality of this sick, evil, twisted regime.

This nation will pay for the folly of its nation building project in Iraq, a completely futile enterprise. The success of the surge is a mirage, it's the lull before the cosmic storm. If Bush leaves office with the mullahs still in power it is likely he will end up the sorriest ex president in history.

Ryan01 writes: Thursday, June, 12, 2008 8:45 PM
"Ry-Ry01...SO Good To See Your Tiny
Paulbot head above ground, Lil' Guy! Counciling your ilk on manners, Pauley Boy? Seems like old times. Gives me the warm fuzzies.

Yep, Scum, you prove my point above with this. You really are retarded.

On a sidenote there is one thing filled with sweet irony, the idea of a president whose middle name is Hussein. After all the years of whining and b*tching about Saddam you possibly get stuck with a president with Hussein in his name. That's poetic justice delivered to stupid, arrogant neocons.

Knowing that will have the same effect as someone dragging a piece of chalk across the blackboard with you fools.
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