"Valerie Plame Wilson Describes Sibel Edmonds Disclosures as 'Stunning'"
(39 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 3:06 pm PT...
That America no longer exists but has been supplanted by Amurka is a bit stunning.
Now back to the Matrix ...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 3:37 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 4:15 pm PT...
Our media isn't covering this story because we have state media. That is anything that goes out has to be approved by the govt. How often does MSM cover election fraud? I am disappointed in Amy Goodman and Randi Rhodes...but I am sure they are not allowed to cover either one of these stories.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 6:14 pm PT...
Hey WOW... wildly off. Amy, I'll vouch for, Randi I don't know. Never hear her, but summizing your wildly wrong. I know Amy had Brad on! Whats up Molly?
{ED NOTE: I've never been on Amy's show. - BF}
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 6:26 pm PT...
Its ALL just scared rabbit syndrome, if ya ask me. Its democracyblowing.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 6:50 pm PT...
It is sad that the FBI is making a big deal of just arresting two people for spying for China. In comparison to this, they were just stealing pencils from the office.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
John Dowd
said on 2/12/2008 @ 9:15 pm PT...
I listened to the audio. I recommend listening to the whole thing. VP at one point was talking about how after working with the CIA's Publication Review Board for over a year, the CIA informed her that she must not publish over half of her memoirs, because they divulged the dates of her employment with the CIA, and that information was classified. That got my attention, and so I went to the page she mentioned, and WOW, THAT is interesting:
Check it out here:
The details are amazing, and seem like KGB or more like Boris and Natasha, except for how chilling it is to have these things actually happening--just bizarre stuff.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 2/12/2008 @ 10:23 pm PT...
Breaking News: Roger Clemens Seems To Have Been On The Juice
Arlen Specter Investigating The New England Patriots
DailyCIAKOS Says There Is No Election Fraud
Nothing to see here, please move along.
Personally, I do not believe there is a need for the cia, nsa, and all of these other mickey mouse war mongering and corrupt institutions. We the people have been spied on. We have cointelpro like crap all over the internet making every real story look like a kooky conspiro-tainment production.
Bob Marley said rasta don't don't work for no cia.
Sibel Edmonds is a beautiful and courageous woman.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 4:50 am PT...
Valarie and Sibel. Stay away from GITMO. Supreme bushie says courts can't stop torture:
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia rejected the notion that US courts have any control over the actions of American troops at Guantanamo Bay, argued that torture of terror detainees is not banned under the US Constitution and insisted that the high court has no obligation to act as a moral beacon for other nations.
"We don't pretend to be some Western Mullahs who decide what is right and wrong for the whole world," Scalia told a BBC interviewer Tuesday, defending narrow interpretation of the reach the US Constitution gives the nine justices on the country's high court.
Scalia said it was "extraordinary" to suggest that the 8th Amendment, which prohibits the government from engaging in "cruel and unusual punishment," could be applied to the actions of US interrogators questioning foreign subjects detained overseas. In his view, Scalia said that while the 8th Amendment would prohibit locking up someone indefinitely as punishment for a crime, for example, the CIA or military would be perfectly justified keeping a suspected insurgent or member of al Qaeda imprisoned forever if the detainee refused to answer questions.
(Scalia wags tongue). What fascism? What election machine problems?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/13/2008 @ 5:22 am PT...
FISA... Actually, we may be fighting with a specialized version of a classic Rovian Noise Machine for the attention of the legislators.
There were, and have been in past votes on this issue, some reports of certain Senator's offices getting 60% of their calls in favor of immunity. Now.... either the wingnuts are vastly more popular than the polls would have us believe... or the wingnuts are vastly more organized than they've ever given any indication of being before... or a specialized lobbying campaign is being targeted at legislators... probably at legislators regarded as weak, vulnerable, or otherwise malleable.
These reports were from Daily Kos commenters and were, perforce, carefully worded to avoid the dkosian headliners reflexive banning of anyone posting anything they even think might even resemble a "conspiracy theory"... but this much filtered through: someone's got a fairly organized and probably funded effort going on to lie wholesale to legislators about an imaginary wave of popular support for telecom immunity and warrantless wiretapping.
That they were deceived won't save the legislators from the wrath of the voters come primary day... assuming the voters are allowed any wrath... but a Noise Machine operation wouldn't care about that. The damage will have already been done.
How to check this out? How to verify it? How to counter it NOW... when the Bush Dogs in the House are already being given their marching orders and Pelosi is planning a graceful cave-in with Boehner's help?
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 6:39 am PT...
So, now who's the traitor? Finally, we find the name of the inside guy who torpedoed Plame's project. Now, how did this find its way onto Cheney's desk? Who did that? More names, please.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 7:04 am PT...
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 7:31 am PT...
the zapkitty #10
Yep, and "somebody" might have given them free long distance and special phone lines for the exercise??
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/13/2008 @ 9:49 am PT...
... Dredd wondered...
"Yep, and "somebody" might have given them free long distance and special phone lines for the exercise??"
Now that's conspiracy theorizing... and no evidence for any of your suppositions
But finding out the percentages of calls/faxes/emails to House members that are for/against the Senate bill and comparing those percentages with area and national polls to see if they're even in the same spacetime continuum seems both reasonable and necessary.
Even a "vocal minority" would seem hard put to get a Democratic Senator's call ratio up to 60/40 in favor of this Orwellian nightmare... which is the kind of range that has been reported in several dkos comments over the past few months.
The input of voters can only be a part of this battle... but it would be plain stupid to throw away any of our efforts with the trite phrase "The wingnuts have a better phone campaign"...
... without ever bothering to check out if that was actually the case when the call ratios are so very far off of what Americans have actually stated that they wanted.
First check the possibility. Then verify any results.
And then make sure that the ..."moderate"... House Dems understand that it won't be the wingnut phone calls that will be throwing their asses out of Congress at the next primary if they bend over for Bush again.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 9:58 am PT...
Loosely connected 91-1 info for those interested.
237 nuke handling deficiencies cited since 2001
now some quotes from article ...
"The response he received went only as far back as June 2001 because the ACC Safety database no longer has any records of Dull Sword incidents from 1992 to 2001, said Maj. Thomas Crosson, an ACC spokesman. Air Force officials could not explain why those incidents got deleted from the database."
"Dull Sword is a term used by the Defense Department to describe a nuclear incident like Bent Spear, Broken Arrow and Nucflash. A Nucflash, which is a nuclear weapons accident that could create the risk of war, is the most extreme. A Broken Arrow is an accident that is not expected to cause war. A Bent Spear is typified by a “significant incident” involving nuclear weapons, according to Air Force Policy Directive 91-1."
"The 509th Bomb Wing which operates the B-2 Spirit bomber at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., alone recorded 111 of the 237 safety deficiencies, by far the most for one wing. Meanwhile, the 5th Bomb Wing, the one responsible for mistakenly loading the six nuclear warheads had 45 incidents and the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale had 50."
"Minot airmen with the 5th Bomb Wing loaded a dozen AGM-129 cruise missiles to the wings of a B-52 on the morning of Aug. 29 without realizing six of the missiles were loaded with nuclear warheads. The B-52 sat on the runway without special nuclear guard until it took off the next morning and landed at Barksdale when an airman with the 2nd Bomb Wing discovered the mistake nearly 36 hours after it was made."
"The opening statements, along with at least the first round of questions, will be open to the public. But the rest of the hearing will be closed."
and yes that was "Air Force Policy Directive 91-1" coincidence abound...
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 10:03 am PT...
“This, I believe, is the right way to go for the security of the nation,” said Senator John D. Rockefeller, the West Virginia Democrat who leads the intelligence committee. His support for the plan, after intense negotiations with the White House and his Republican colleagues, was considered critical to its passage but drew criticism from civil liberties groups because of $42,000 in contributions that Mr. Rockefeller received last year from AT&T and Verizon executives.
(NYT, emphasis added).
So who should Siebel and Valerie bribe contribute to?
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 10:42 am PT...
the zapkitty #14
Indeed. Speaking of conspiracy theories, Sibel does not believe the bushie WTC 7, 1 & 2 conspiracy theory.
A few days ago an engineer who designed and worked on components of the WTC for 35 years joins Sibel in doubting bushie conspiracy theories:
I was Senior Project Design Engineer in charge of the design of the electrical systems for the WTC Complex in NY.
Employed by the consulting and engineering firm, Joseph R. Loring & Associates, Inc., I was also a licensed Professional Engineer and was directly associated with ongoing projects at WTC for some 35 years before retiring in mid 1997.
Though an electrical engineer by trade, I was also very familiar with the structures and their conceptual design parameters.
(His Bio). Wow this guy is not a nut, but he does not believe the bushie version of reality. Here is what he says:
On September 11, I watched the live TV broadcast of the progressive collapse of the World Trade Towers with disbelief, as the mass and strength of the structure should have survived the localized damage caused by the planes and burning jet fuel.
I viewed the presentation of Richard Gage and other related material, which compels me to believe that the fuel and planes alone did not bring the Towers down. I, therefore, support the proposal to form an international group of professionals to investigate all plausible causes for the virtual freefall and the almost total destruction of the WTC structures.
(ibid., emphasis added). Is an infection growing or is the truth growing?
My opinion is that the bushies are more likely to be lying than hundreds of competent pilots, engineers and architects, professors, military experts, and others.
Keep up the good work Sibel.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/13/2008 @ 11:49 am PT...
And even before Dredd pinned his hopes on the House opposing the Senate FISA catastrophe the following Bush Dogs were busy delivering an ultimatum to Nancy Pelosi... cave or cave.
And at this very minute... 2:25pm EDT 2-13-2008.... they are busy killing any hope of a time extension and are forcing a House vote for the Senate bill... and telco and Bush immunity. And this is happening NOW.
The "Democrats" who are leading the House capitulation:
(from mcjoan's article at dkos)
Rep. Leonard L. Boswell, D-Iowa --- Phone: (202) 225-3806, Fax: (202) 225-5608
Rep. Marion Berry, D-Ark. --- Phone: (202) 225-4076, Fax: (202) 225-5602
Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark. --- Phone: (202) 225-3772, Fax: (202) 225-1314
Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D. --- Phone: (202) 225-2611, Fax: (202) 226-0893
Rep. Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, D-Ala. --- Phone: (202) 225-4801, Fax: (202) 225-4392
Rep. Melissa Bean, D-Ill. --- Phone: (202) 225-3711, Fax: (202) 225-7830
Rep. Heath Shuler, D-N.C. --- Phone: (202) 225-6401, Fax: (202) 226-6422
Rep. John Barrow, D-Ga. --- Phone: (202) 225-2823, Fax: (202) 225-3377
Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Fla. --- Phone: (202) 225-5235, Fax: (202) 225-5615
Rep. Joe Baca, D-Calif. --- Phone: (202) 225-6161, Fax: (202) 225-8671
Rep. Dan Boren, D-Okla. --- Phone: (202) 225-2701, Fax: (202) 225-3038
Rep. John Tanner, D-Tenn. --- Phone: (202) 225-4714, Fax: (202) 225-1765
Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah --- Phone: (202) 225-3011, Fax: (202) 225-5638
Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn. --- Phone: (202) 225-4311, Fax: (202) 226-1035
Rep. Lincoln Davis, D-Tenn. --- Phone: (202) 225-6831, Fax: (202) 226-5172
Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D-Ind. --- Phone: (202) 225-4636, Fax: (202) 225-3284
Rep. Tim Holden, D-Pa. --- Phone: (202) 225-5546, Fax: (202) 226-0996
Rep. Charlie Melancon, D-La. --- Phone: (202) 225-4031, Fax: (202) 226-3944
Rep. Dennis Moore, D-Kan. --- Phone: (202) 225-2865, Fax: (202) 225-2807
Rep. Christopher Carney, D-Pa. --- Phone: (202) 225-3731, Fax: (202) 225-9594
Rep. Zack Space, D-Ohio --- Phone: (202) 225-6265, Fax: (202) 225-3394
But be aware... some will now just lie when you call. My representative's office lied to me about their position and others have reported similiar lies.
Don't let that stop you. Make it clear that you know what they are doing and that you will not forget whatever they may do this day... and you will remember it come the next election day.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 11:57 am PT...
We need Valerie Plame as CIA director in the next administration.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 3:00 pm PT...
The media is complicit in the demise of America. If they would only tell my story too.
I have fake forged remand orders from the Social Security Administration Appeals Council in my SS Disability file. The Inspector General must go play golf everyday because he just closed the investigation and I am told to " just get over the abuse"....
I feel like I live in Russia or Nazi Germany and it won't be long til you do too.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/13/2008 @ 6:13 pm PT...
(Last FISA interuption... and my belated apologies to those following the Wilson and Edmonds threads.)
An attempt to hijack the House's proposed "Protect America Act" extension and ram through the Senate FISA abortion in its stead was foiled tonight by Representative Conyers and House parliamentarians.
In the House Rep. Conyers called non-germane on a "Bush Dog"-led attempt to hijack the House PAA extension bill via an amendment substituting the text of the Senate FISA bill instead. When the matter was voted on the House found that the amendment was indeed not germane to the bill.
Whereupon a weird combination of Republicans, Bush Dogs, and progressives voted to kill the PAA extension altogether.
The progressives know that the PAA is an atrocious law that was never really needed in the first place... and the R's and the dogs just want to terrify the House Dems into submission with another "terrorists will eat you" time squeeze.
Therefore... barring Pelosi, Hoyer, and Rahm egging each other on into another capitulation... when the PAA expires this weekend the original and still perfectly good FISA law will be in effect again.
Keep calling... especially the Bush Dogs. Be firm and polite but don't let the dogs' various staff lie to you about "not knowing" where their bosses stand on this issue. They know... and so do you.
And when you get an answer one way or the other explain to the staffer that all too many Senators are now on record as having lied to their constituents while simultaneously caving in n FISA... so gently ask the staffers if they are sure that their principal isn't lying at this time.
When the staffer answers you can politly agree with them... the question serves to get the point across that you will remember any betrayal.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2008 @ 7:04 pm PT...
The Sibel Edmonds Documentary: KILL THE MESSENGER
I also found THIS interesting. I didn't know Obama was so afraid of Iran. Somebody better tell him about Sibel Edmonds. Even if Obama doesn't really want to go to war with Iran and/or Pakistn he will be convinced that he should, unless he opens his eyes that is. I also didn't know that he was related to Bush and Cheney, butit's really from long ago.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 5:20 am PT...
Sibel and Valerie know spy stuff. Dredd knows congress stuff about spy bills:
The blue bush dogs in the House could not get the retroactive telecom immunity into the bill days ago before the Senate began the current FISA vote, so it is not logical yet to think just because they are fascists that they will be able to now.
There is only one less vote since Lantos died yesterday. The House already voted the retroactive immunity provision down before, and there is every reason to have the audacity of hope that they will again.
Keep hope alive!!!
(Dredd Sedd). David Edwards over at Raw Story made this observation concerning FISA:
The fate of the surveillance law remains unclear.
(Raw Story). I think Valarie and Sibel would be against spying on Americans. Sibel knows!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 5:51 am PT...
The revelation of the outing of Brewster Jennings back in 2001 validates many of my postings and op-eds in where I claim that the Wilson Smear story was nothing but Rovian spin to distract from the destruction of Brewster Jennings.
The entire Wilson 'Smear' angle was a set up from the start to create the excuse of the outing as being an effort to discredit Wilson. The main stream media (and most bloggers) swallowed and regurgitated this bullshit from the start and never once questioned this bogus story and excuse even though it originated from the WH.
From the start Rove/Bush wanted ethical Plame out of there so they could lie with impunity about Iran when the time came...which is now.
Treason By No Other Name
Brewster Jennings True Target Not Wilson
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 6:02 am PT...
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 6:28 am PT...
RE #23 and the republican troll ...
Valerie and Sibel, stay away from McPain ...
The preznit blush has threatened to veto any bill that limits or forbids water torture a.k.a. waterboarding.
So the conference committee reviewing the FISA bill (HR 2082), after it passed the Senate 68-29, attached a provision that forbids water torture.
McCain voted against the provision but the Senate passed it anyway.
If the preznit blush vetoes it he will veto the spy on america act and the retroactive immunity for telecoms provisions in the act.
My guess is that if the conference bill gets thru the House, preznit blush will add a signing statement saying he will obey those parts he wants to and not obey the rest, instead of vetoing it as he promised. As usual for this "law and order" preznit blush.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/14/2008 @ 6:54 am PT...
Actually, Dredd... perhaps not.
According to comments at various blogs last nights victory may have been just for show as well... because at 4pm yesterday the House Rules Committee passed a resolution setting up special rules just for Thursday, February 14, 2008 specific to a "bill addressing foreign intelligence surveillance"...
It's a very unusual type of rule and was last seen being used to ram an unamended version of the Senate's original PAA act through the House (when the Senate did the cave'n'bail and left the House with no time to debate the issue)..
... and it could be used to either ram through an unneeded but face-saving PAA extension today... or to ram through an unamended Senate FISA bill today.
Anyone want to place some bets?
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 11:53 am PT...
The House held Myers and Bolton in contempt, and passed a resolution directing an action against them. If the AG fails to do so, the resolution gives the House plaintiff status to bring the contempt issue before the Judicial Branch of Government, "the courts".
Boner cried, lied, and did a cut an run. FISA is on ice until the House gets good and ready to strip it of retroactive immunity.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 2:56 pm PT...
Vman #24! Damn Straight, and that's probably also why British weapons expert David Kelly is now dead and subsequent investigations question that it was really a suicide like the original whitewash said it was. Not too much of a coincidence I think that his last emails were sent to Judith Miller.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 3:24 pm PT...
Excellent post.
Sibel Edmonds has snared one tentacle of the octopus that has been dealing in narcotics, nuclear secrets, and illegal weapons sales for decades. The blog Antifascist Calling has just posted another very detailed piece on this international criminal network, titled Deep State, Corporate Crime. It's a must-read.
Also, don't miss Key Clinton Backer Guilty in Sibel Edmonds Case at the blog Let Sibel Edmonds Speak.
The term "deep state" refers to a political system, composed of high-level elements within the military, security and intelligence services, the judicial branch, and important commanders of organized crime. Although the term originated to describe Turkey's political system, it also correctly describes the USA, Great Britain, Pakistan, Israel, and others from roughly the 1970s through today. A peek at the ATC board members listed in Deep State, Corporate Crime gives one an idea of the numerous players who benefit politically and financially from deep state politics. Keep in mind the ATC board is one of hundreds of deep state lobbies and CIA cutouts created to carry out ilegal and deadly deep state activities.
Deep state activities during the 1970s and 1980s are well documented, though higly complex. The now defunct bank BCCI was one of the primary institutions used to launder the money used in this illegal narcotics, nuclear, and weapons trade. Although it is well-known that BCCI functioned as the CIA's money-laundering facility, Democratic Senator John Kerry helped whitewash the CIA's connections to BCCI during the investigations of the failed bank's criminal activities during poppy Bush’s presidency.
While the Bush crime family is well-known, with poppy Bush a former CIA chief, and generations of war profiteering and graft, the role of the Clinton crime family in deep state politics is more well-hidden. Here are a few of Clinton’s connections to the 1990s deep state. Support of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army, well-known for heroin trafficking, and the war on Serbia to ensure a secure flow of heroin from Turkey to western Europe is one. Another is the assistance governor Clinton provided to help cover for the CIA’s cocaine trafficking into Mena, AK. One of the best summaries of Bill Clinton’s connections to deep state politics is in this chart (top of page), depicting the relationships various Clinton associate had to BCCI, and this compilation of sales and thefts of weapons techology to China.
To learn more about the USA's deep state activities prior to 1990, start with The Politics of Heroin; CIA Complicity In The Global Drug Trade by Alfred McCoy, The Last Circle by Carolyn Marshall, and books by Peter Dale Scott.
It’s a steep learning curve to bring oneself up to speed on decades of CIA and deep state criminal activity, but it is crucial to know the context of Sibel Edmonds’ revelations, 9-11, and the threat posed by unaccountable intelligence agencies that also control much of the world’s narcotics and illegal weapons trade. The threat posed to democratic societies, and the world in general, by intelligence agencies run amok makes CIA asset al Qaeda look like a cuddy teddy bear. The war on terror is a mere cover for the profits and operations of those who control deep state politics.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/14/2008 @ 3:29 pm PT...
Well, the House has adjourned and while there was a lot of Republican uproar at the time it seems that there was NO FISA capitulation today.
Not even an unneeded-but-ass-covering PAA extension.
Much as I'm loath to join Dredd in celebrations... given what both houses of Congress have done to us all time and again since 2006... I must say that the House Democrats deserve credit this day.
They finally appear to have evolved a collective spine... let's hope they like the combination of strength and flexibility such an evolutionary advantage offers and that they will exercise it every day.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 3:40 pm PT...
Right on The_Zapkitty ... except I wish the dems would stop apologizing for being American every time they put a boot in those Amurkan asses!
After all they work for us and we want to raise up America and put down Amurka.
Every vote must count, government must disclose what it is doing, and there must be accountability.
AND, as The_Zapkitty shows, all of us will back them when they are standing up for our beloved America.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 3:55 pm PT...
For anyone who hasn't seen or is unclear on the Sibel Edmonds case regarding Israeli and Turkish penetration/manipulation of our American national security made possible by the Neocons - check out the below video- it's the best overview on the Sibel Edmonds penetration and expose of this Neocon war and lie machine I've seen. It's a pretty snappy movie and a great overview - it sure blew my mind
Sibel Edmonds: Kill The Messenger (must-see video)
It’s the most complete synopsis/overview I’ve seen and gave me the necessary background/context to let me wrap my mind around this complex story. It’s 52 min long and excepting 2 minutes in the middle had me ‘glued to the tube’
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2008 @ 6:06 pm PT...
Ginger #33
Thanks. That is good video.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 2/15/2008 @ 12:50 pm PT...
I know this is somewhat atithetical to this excellent thread, but I stand corrected. Sorry Brad and Molly, since it was a while back I think I got this Free Speech TV clip mixed up with Democracy Now's Link TV.
Though, I still say Molly, suggesting Amy Goodman isn't allowed to report on election fraud is incorrect. I guess I'll just have to be the media and try to find an answer.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 2/16/2008 @ 7:34 am PT...
#4 Ancient: Hey WOW... wildly off. Amy, I'll vouch for, Randi I don't know. Never hear her, but summizing your wildly wrong. I know Amy had Brad on! Whats up Molly?
Wasn't Randi recently attacked in a NY park? What was up with that mysterious facial paralysis Amy had for several months? Could these be scare tactics used on media? Reminds me of the Russian poisonings and threats.
Also, Grossman may be a Jewish name. Why are there so many Jews in the government involved in high crimes? Just asking...
#31 ZapKitty: I must say that the House Democrats deserve credit this day. They finally appear to have evolved a collective spine...
The word is out on the streets about the dems. The polls show people are fed up with the lies, spies and scams. They want a drastic change from 'business as usual'. The dems must, at least, act concerned.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 2/17/2008 @ 11:48 am PT...
Hey, great site Eagle. Yeah, I believe anybody daring to speak the truth in a viable media forum most certainly is subjected to intimidation. Remember Olbermann's anthrax attack? All the more reason to support them, IMHO! Amy has bell's palsy, I heard her quip about what's the big deal if someone has a physical condition on her show a while back. My dad who passed away recently got bell's palsy from a misdiagnosed tumor putting pressure on the facial nerve, but I don't know the cause of Amy's. And PLEASE don't let any rumors start. I did hear about the Randi Rhodes attack and have to admitt the same thought crossed my mind. Maybe their waiting till they steal the next election before they start making us disappear. Meanwhile, those brave folks are the targets. Kinda why I got upset at Molly for her comment.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 2/17/2008 @ 12:24 pm PT...
Ya know Eagle, since the msm is part of the operation, the general public just have no clue how far down this facist track we are. I think if they did realise, there would be a tsnunami of public outrage and we could get rid of those 2/3s of the senate FISA stools!
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2008 @ 11:20 am PT...