By Brad Friedman on 9/17/2014, 6:30am PT  

It's hard to compete with Maine's Paul LePage for the title of Nation's Dumbest Governor, but Louisiana's Gov. Bobby Jindal, who pretends to think he might be a viable Republican Presidential candidate in 2016, seems to want to give him a run for his money.

Jindal's new plan to deflect criticism about his denial of global warming and anthropogenic climate change in his state --- which is rapidly disappearing into the ocean --- seems to be to employ the old "I know you are, but what am I?" strategy that works so well for 7-year olds.

In remarks announcing his plans for an energy policy this week, Jindal, while receiving a spiritual pat on the back from George Orwell, called the Barack Obama administration "science deniers," according to Politico:

"The reality is, right now, we've got an administration --- the Obama administration --- that are science deniers when it comes to harnessing America's energy resources and the potential to create good-paying jobs," the Republican and potential 2016 candidate said at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.
"Absolutely, let's listen to scientists, absolutely..." Jindal said. "But let's not do so in a way that hurts our economy."

Asked about his personal views on climate change, he said he believed that the climate is "always changing."

"It's not controversial to say human activity is contributing" to changes in climate, he said, but he said he would "leave it to scientists to decide how much, what that means..."
Pressed on what he meant by calling the administration "science deniers," Jindal pointed to "their approach to energy policy," saying the White House should push for building the Keystone pipeline and blasting Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

Got that? It's science denial for the EPA to regulate emissions that the vast consensus of world scientists say are threatening the health of our planet. And it's science denial to not push for dirty Canadian oil sands to be pumped through the Keystone XL pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico for export over seas --- oil sands that, if fully exploited would be "game over for the climate" according to climate scientists.

If I wasn't on jury duty this week, I suspect I'd have a few more responses and/or fact-checks for Jindal's idiocy above. He can't really believe that stuff he says, right? Well, either way, now that I think of it, the dumber he is, or at least appears to be, the more viable he might become as a Republican Presidential candidate in 2016.

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