On the continued Bush/Cheney tactic of taking virtually everything Kerry/Edwards have to say completely out of context. (For background, see FactCheck.org's take on just one recent Bush/Cheney commercial.)
CORDDRY: Yes, John, and therein lies the fundamental problem with the Kerry campaign. The enormous gap between what John Kerry means and what the Republicans say he means.
(laughter, applause)
STEWART: I don't...I don't...I don't think I follow what you're saying.
CORDDRY: Look, John, the Bush camp's been very clear that John Kerry would give France the veto over U.S. security and John Kerry has had a real hard time being straight forward about admitting what the Republicans say he believes.
STEWART: Why, why should he admit that? It is, it is the opposite of what he said in the debate?!
CORDDRY: Right, John, and that's the problem. This constant flip-flopping. John, say what you will about George W. Bush, but you always know exactly what he says John Kerry stands for.