It's probably a good time to launch a preemptive strike against the Rovian propaganda that is sure to come where "Exit Polling" reliability is concerned.
As you've seen me post here in the past, the only way they can effectively steal the election is to precondition the public to disbelieve exit poll results. I'm sure Rove's got the "Swiftboating Of Exit Polling" set to launch in the popular media in the next couple months, and it seems that predicting their move in advance, and taking steps to make them look stupid when they do it, is better than simply responding (on the defense) when they do.
Here's a flashback:
Rove has telegraphed his punch, and now it’s up to all of us to call BULLSHIT on his BULLSHIT.
Speaking on a recent NPR interview, Rove stated that he actually sees upward of 36 different polls – many of which predict a GOP victory in the coming elections.
He’s simply lying.
He’s lying to create a mindset of doubt – in order to better enable the theft of the election through means other than the ballot box. The GOP has effectively hijacked America. Bush did not win the election in 2004. Exit polls don’t lie…but Rove does.
Revisit the exit polling data from 2004 and share it with others:
Call it to the attention of the media. Let the media know that we WILL NOT TOLERATE another stolen election, nor will we tolerate their complicity in disparaging the validity of Exit Polling as a valuable check against election fraud.
CNN’s Jeff Greenfield was interviewed about the forthcoming elections, and his parting comment at the end of the segment was what would have appeared to be an off-handed disparaging remark about the reliability of Exit Polls.
Greenfield was/is shilling for Rove – and this was a TALKING POINT ordered up by Rove. “Exit Polling” had not been part of the prior discussion, but was something that he slipped in at the end of the segment – as if ordered to do so.
Learn about the company Rove has hired to conduct and report fraudulent exit poll results – which will stand in sharp contrast to all other exit polls:
The GOP has employed a firm called Penn, Schoen, & Berland to skew exit poll results in the past in order to achieve their own political ends. They are on Rove’s payroll:
Electoral Fraud Is the First Step on the Road to Tyranny
November 2, 2004: Overcoming a six point exit-poll advantage by Senator John Kerry, George Bush is re-elected President. Several statisticians have calculated the probability of this anomaly as one in a million --- in effect, impossible.
Former Pollster Pleads Guilty to Fabricating Results
Tracy Costin, the former owner of polling company DataUSA Inc., entered a guilty plea to conspiracy to commit mail fraud for fabricating the results of polls the company conduct on behalf of, among others, President Bush in 2004.
One of the polls presently being cited by the media is conducted by Bloomberg. Don't trust the source. They're simply lying about a "close race."
Conduct your own random poll and see if it ends up close. No chance. They're just lying. The more they lie, the more they create their own reality.
It's what they do:
''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality --- judiciously, as you will --- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''