"Exclusive: Supreme Court Decision Derails Federal Fraud Suit Against Voting Machine Company"
(29 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 1:29 pm PT...
All of this is a hell of a lot more that just a string of coincidences (re SCROTUS and the stalling by the DOJ), which has no other conclusion than They're quashing all evidence that the machines are rigged.
But we already knew that.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 1:54 pm PT...
The ptb's are all over the internet astroturfing that everything uncovered by citizen bloggers is urban legend hoax material.
Election fraud gets turned into vote fraud and general incompetence in need of tweaking.
Uncounted - Election Fraud
Today in Massachusetts we got more of those strange fake clouds manufactured by specific aircraft. The fakes want people to feel ashamed to even question it. But thank God for Paul Moyer, Jeff Ferrell, and Rosalind Peterson.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 6/27/2008 @ 3:32 pm PT...
Do you think the fix is in yet?
To quote that famous British 60's rapper Pete Townsend, "meet the new boss SAME AS THE OLD BOSS." No need to turn the off the light on the way out because global warming climate change is a hoax by environmental groups. OK to swim at the North Pole this summer, just watch out for the oil tankers. Any day now it will be proven that an Iranian micro-chip terrorist plan recovered in an Iraqi passport in front of World Trade Tower Building #7 moments before it fell in 6.5 second on 9-11 although not hit by a jet will all the direct evidence required for the bush administration to attack Iran.
In the anals of bush government, this evidence collected on 9-11 6 hours before the 47 story World Trade Tower building experienced a globlal collapse, the 1% elite illuminati represented by bush administration official and their private military force now know beyond a reasonable doubt that Iran had as much to do with 9-11 as Iraq and must be bombed into submission because they are jealous of our version of US style democracy and plan to take out the white house in October 2008. bush, cheney and all these mutherfckers in Washington are left with no other choice but to attack immediately.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 3:37 pm PT...
This totally sucks!
Our legal heros back down because of the money?
Why doesn't the law firm allow a chance for volunteers to donate the needed funds?
Why doesn't Singer take his case to the state level in Texas and Ohio?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 4:18 pm PT...
the justice department refuses to do its job and the supremes make sure that a private lawyer cant get paid(or even recover his cost)even if he wins when he is trying to preserve democracy
maybe it is too late
btw cspan has the unity meeting of hill/barak on its web page but it wont watch stuff on cspans web site all time so i dont think its my puter.....there have been times when peops said,obama/mccain both r evil or the "powers that be" wouldnt of let them get this far that i questioned obama but i gotta say when even cspan is censored so the public doesnt get to hear what he says,i think he is the one they r afraid of
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 6:31 pm PT...
Does this make the circle complete?
Can't bitch to the house, they don't care
Can't bitch to the senate, they don't care
Can't bitch to the sos they don't care
Can't sue em, (Rigged) DOJ don't care
Can't reverse bad results, and de-throne the elected, (they accept power too fast, and care less about oath of office)
Can't use a civil lawsuit, cause it get's delayed or takes so long that it's made irrelevant
Can't use the Constitution, since it's been pissed on.
And finally the catch 22
Can't vote em out because of bad electronic vote tabulation devices
Can't vote at all because of voter roll manipulation
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 6:39 pm PT...
There fucking has to be a way to stop these motherfuckers!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 7:08 pm PT...
Also an update.
I don't want to vote for Obama anymore.
Just being brutally honest.
He swore an oath to protect the constitution, and FISA is fucking unconstitutional.
I won't vote EVER again for these corrupt oath breakers.
(somewhere deep inside me I think it's going to be a violent end to this shit)
The good thing is that once someone dies, it's just over. Ya know? Like George Carlin said.. (hopefully you listened to the specific audio streaming files I linked you to)
I am only telling you the thoughts inside my mind at a deep level, I am only saying that I feel like this whole corruption thing is similar to a hard core chess game and it's not going to end pretty. My MIND thinks this. We can laugh and joke along the way, but the piper will be at the end if we get checkmated.
On the one hand, I hear folks thinking out loud that elect Barack and he will turn this shit around, on the other hand, I am not going to support these fucking oath of office breakers.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 6/27/2008 @ 7:16 pm PT...
I think we're now undeniably a Banana Republic, and I don't think it was an accident that the DoJ finally cut them loose, only for the Supremes to make it impossible for an attorney to get even expenses paid to represent those who would expose the corruption.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 6/27/2008 @ 7:35 pm PT...
Samuel Chase (April 17, 1741 – June 19, 1811), was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court and earlier was a signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Maryland. Early in life, Chase was a "firebrand" states-righter and revolutionary. For unknown reasons, perhaps just emotional maturation, his political views changed during his life and career. In the last decades of his career he became well-known as a staunch Federalist, and was impeached for allegedly letting his partisan leanings affect his court decisions. Chase was acquitted.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 6/27/2008 @ 8:24 pm PT...
I'm tellin' ya. Floridiot#1, you're right. But who has ever scrutinized the entire national election process this closely before? Suppose elections have been heavily rigged since 1868 and the new technology is just now shedding light on it...anyone ever going to be able to check?
I mean, not one voting machine company can solve a fundamental programming 1 homework problem (literally) in six years?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 6/27/2008 @ 9:20 pm PT...
YOU #11: You get a star for the day! That is pertaining to questioning past US election results. I believe the elite 1%ers who have been running this country for decades could have easily been putting on the election voting sham for years unchecked. Once these skull and bones figured out no one could really question a normal descrepency or stuffed ballot box, it's probably been a long standing inside joke for these criminal fcks. If there is ever a question about who the man is, the Electoral College is in place to trump any popular vote problem. Working in conjuction with organized religion and the mob at times, there would be no problems.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 5:54 am PT...
In order for any possibility of legal and fair elections the Electoral College MUST be abolished.
With it in place it permanently keeps the chance of viable 3rd & 4th parties all but impossible.
That is the ONLY reason it remains today.
We currently are saddled with a 99.999% corrupt Duopoly, anyone that thinks the democrats are not just as guilty in the crimes committed the past 8 years are deluding themselves.
/sigh, and sadly this is the exact mantra that has been beaten into the general populace for many decades. Basically whatever happens regardless how egregious, regardless if ALL of the avenues of redress of grievances have been completely sewn up you are just supposed to lay down and do nothing.
Just go home (if you still have one)and watch the TV, go to work (if you still have a job) and make your boss richer. But whatever you do, don't do the ONLY thing that could possibly actually effect change.
The ONLY thing that is LEGALLY left for citizens to do when the Government gets so corrupt.
I realise these papers don't mean anything anymore but they were what this country was founded on and they used to mean everything.
Declaration of Independence
""That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.""
I can assure you the founders of this country were not referring to marching around with a sign singing Kumbaya or that this altering, abolishing, & throwing off of such government was just going to magically happen if we all sit around and do nothing but ask nicely.
Sitting around doing nothing and asking nicely is what has gotten us where we are today.
We the People have been neutered with such BS Kindergarten rules for decades to the point to where we all have become utterly worthless.
Elections are blatantly stolen and 10s of millions of us KNOW this for a fact and we do nothing.
This country was attacked in a false flag attack BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, both sides know it, both are guilty of committing and covering up the crime and the Mainstream media is also fully aware of this attack and helped commit and cover up the crime. At LEAST 40% of this country KNOWS this for a fact, that is well in excess of 100 Million people and yet we do NOTHING.
We sit back and hope, we go out pretend to vote on machines we know are corrupt in an election we know is rigged and for candidates we know are all bought & paid for by Big Oil & the top 2%.
As if the slightly lesser of 2 insanely corrupt evils is somehow going to make a damn bit of difference.
We have all lost our collective minds.
Yep, this is exactly what we are going to do, NOTHING and we deserve exactly what we got coming because of it.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 9:59 am PT...
#11 & #12, I've been thinking the same thing recently, that the elections have ALWAYS had a degree of corruption if not outright rigging. Concerned citizens are just now able to communicate in near real time, that's why we're catching it more.
#13, I feel your frustration and am glad somebody else posts the DoI in order to remind other citizens of their duty. I partly agree with your statement:
We the People have been neutered with such BS Kindergarten rules for decades to the point to where we all have become utterly worthless.
The main rules that came to mind when I read that were the rules regarding the Prohibition of Cannabis. With that BS and unconstituional prohibition, the government literally is infringing on the citizens' "cognitive liberty": their right to think and affect their own consciousness how they deem appropriate. All other rights are downstream from this fundamental, right to one's own consciousness. When I think about cannabis prohibition, and how the government took the most useful and non-toxic plant on the planet, and conjured up the fraud that it was the most dangerous, in order to reap immense profits for their corporate benefactors, while simultaneously creating the largest prison population on earth and effectively continuing the Pharmacratic Inquisition, and then maintaining this fraud for over 70 YEARS!, even with millions of people knowing that's it a fraud, hell, 9/11 seems easier to pull off in comparison.
But we're not all useless. Millions of citizens everyday, BREAK THE LAW, regarding cannabis prohibition, and bless them for it.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 12:46 pm PT...
Election reformists have faced so many obstacles over recent years. What sustained me was knowing that these qui tam lawsuits against the electronic voting companies were still pending.
I realize Rep. Conyers has his hands full, but do you think he can take on one more thing?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 1:33 pm PT...
#11 You, anytime post Jacksonian is about right for the 1%ers rigging elections at a steady pace, you're on the money man.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 1:58 pm PT...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 2:06 pm PT...
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
... Nunyabiz
Quoting you quoting me...
I HAVE TO SAY THAT! I produce a fucking TV Show. I am actually a public figure. (as lame as that sounds)
To leave the public with the WRONG IDEA, is a "Call to Arms" and I am NOT SAYING THAT. Don't DO THAT. I am only saying what I THINK. Get it? Got it? Great.
Now if you happen to have something you want AIRED on my show, I would be happy to oblige, sadly I have that offer up for FOUR YEARS NOW and nobody but BANDS have taken me up.
I don't have unlimited resources, I am one man. I do everything, web, production, submission, editing, everything. I don't get paid, I don't ask for shit, no money, it COSTS ME MONEY.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 2:40 pm PT...
Electronic voting machine tabulations are controlled remotely.
While everyone is searching for software-related fraud, they miss the hidden threat: transceivers embedded in the machines' electronics.
Electronic snooping is so advanced, now, that certain in-home devices may be switched to transmit voice - and in some cases visual - activity to spy agencies.
No election outcome tabulated through electronic voting can be trusted as accurate/true.
None whatsoever!
Stop hunting for bad software and search for remotely accessed components, used to switch outcomes as desired.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 6/28/2008 @ 3:01 pm PT...
Deacon, look up E-line. Wiki has it.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 6/29/2008 @ 3:33 am PT...
To #6 Phil,
The circle has not reached the 6 O'Clock position yet. This circle in other terms, revolution.
Now onto my comments.
I do believe, those with the ability to listen and make the needed changes we are growing to demand, will not slink away from the current masters until we place into their collective desires and lay it all down for them to finally understand this fact, they will be on the defendants bench when the trial finaly gets underway, and the charges are capital crimes.
Make that call and just remind YOUR REPRESENTATIVEs and be the nice friendly guy. Tell them they had better turn to the side of the peoples witness or be a defendant for capital crime(s) and treason(s).
That said, how to fix this organized crime infested representation we have.
"Writ of mandamus" against all law enforcement and the courts themselves to honor the Ninth Article to the Bill of Rights that states,
"The enumeration in the constitution (Intoxicating Liquors) of certain rights, SHAL NOT BE construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
The intoxicating powders, leafs, etc., are all protected rights of the people because organized crime thought intoxicating drink was worth enumerating into the constitution with the 18th and then the repair of that error with the 21st amendment.
But it is time to gain back that control of YOUR OWN PAINS from the DEA's computer database. Imagine a reasonable man giving another the ability to tell the first how much pain they must endure,,, "you better be nice to me or you are gonna be in serious pain. Pay up sucker. Where's my tip?".
In the early 1980's, a gram of tampered with cocaine was selling for about $120.00 per gram, at the same time, the pharmacutical grade of cocaine was selling for TWO PENNIES for a gram, UnTampered for 2 American fake chips of copper (fake copper at that).
Can you see the motive for organized crime families to keep the bush (just an example clan) clan in power. The fruity loop once said, "I'm out of the loop", to a question of what he knew about the Iran/Contra drug deals. Turns out he was the loop.
Big money can buy a lot of programming and voting machines, it's a slam dunk.
Hence, the only way to FIX all these problems, is with Liberty of the people by the people and for the people. If there is some minor conflict of whether or not something is a crime or legal, the people decide for liberty every time, organized crime goes for state domination every time. If you are not getting the hint, your government IS organized crime.
It all starts with the demands for a luxurious life style, by criminals that place their friends into political positions. Do you think this is a new idea the mexican mafia has come up with by putting their street thugs into the military etc.!
Wakey up folks. Ending prohibition(s) is the only method you have to put a serious dent into the plans of these criminal chickenhawk thugs. And you do this with what hs been enumerated into the constitution, or have you bought into the contract on all americans.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 6/29/2008 @ 8:34 am PT...
Shit, on my #20 Deacon, they're starting to change terms around already on Wiki since my last look on the subject.
You can get to it all on Wiki now by searching "Goubau-Line" and "single wire transmission line".
What's really interesting is they can get into your shit just by aiming a frequency matching propagation cone at any power line and come right in through your 120 volt outlet...very high tech.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 6/29/2008 @ 6:06 pm PT...
Okay, I am a bit dense on this whole matter. I admit it.
The Rockwell decision appears to say first-hand direct knowledge is essential for the collection of any reimbursement for bringing the case. I thought that is what Singer had. If he attached all sorts of inferences and speculation to what he knows or knew, that would be reason enough to ditch the case---but I am not getting that from Brad's reporting.
If the DOJ had decided to join the case, the Rockwell decision seems to say it is possible the litigation could be amended, and the SCOTUS then says an amended case runs the risk of cutting out the whistle-blower (and his attornies) if for some reason the amended complaint depends on something other than (or does not depend completely upon) the whistle-blower's firsthand knowledge. And if DOJ does not choose to join the case, then the whistle-blower's attornies alone run the risk of not being paid should they lose it. (This suggests the attornies really think adding the DOJ is extremely helpful to their chances--but given the current DOJ , I have my doubts about that.)
So the whistle-blower (as in Rockwell) has to be exactly right about his allegations and has to have personally witnessed the offending conduct himself, or have in his possession the physical evidence. Otherwise, no attorney is going to attempt a suit. Gotta have the smoking gun.
Pap is saying this ruling undercuts the "free market" for whistle-blower attornies. Contingency fees = free market.
I suppose the legal framing of this entire issue is "product liability". A defective product. False advertising. Bad faith contract. I don't exactly know whether "harming the democracy" counts for anything in this case.
Am I summing this up correctly?
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 6/29/2008 @ 6:37 pm PT...
I don't think you are. By the nature of these cases, stuff the government should be prosecuting but isn't, in order to proceed with them privately, you have to give the DoJ the chance to do it themselves first. It's not optional. And you can't go shooting your mouth off about it until the DoJ has decided whether or not to take it themselves.
Even though I haven't read the decision yet, it seems to me the SCOTUS has made a fascist ruling, here, saying the government will decide which corporate felons they will prosecute and which they will protect, and private citizens, whistle-blowers or the rest of us, including the attorneys who want to litigate this stuff when the government won't, can just suck eggs. They don't care whether we know they're protecting election fraudsters. What are we gonna do about it? If we can't nail them in court, and we can't vote them out because they control the outcome of all our votes, all we can do is revolt. Then they can throw us in the slammer....
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 6/29/2008 @ 6:42 pm PT...
Doesn't matter how rich the attorneys are who represent whistle-blowers, if there's no payday at the end, even just for costs, they're not going to spend the millions it would take to get this stuff adjudicated... mostly they can't.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 6/29/2008 @ 7:59 pm PT...
It all boils down to one thing, the Goverment isnt ours and continues each and every day, as a traitorous one. People have to understand there is a need to stop the bleeding and its our right to rise up. Peaceful protest mean nothing, These people who we elected and depend on havent cared for a very long time, knowing we are whimps and will do nothing. Violence I am afraid as our founding Fathers said, is the only thing these people understand. That is an opinion but the only way out. Otherwise, every single person that writes here, is wasting their time blah blah action all talk.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 6/30/2008 @ 8:31 am PT...
It is time brothers and sisters for a revolution. We all know it . Do not pay taxes...stop spending your money on anything but absolute necessities. I still like the idea of a symbolic Boston tea Party with Willie Nelson and the band. No taxation without representation. Our Democratic pres. nominee , despite being a constitutional scholar , does not think it is necessary to vote against the new FISA law. Our elected officials no longer listen to us. The courts are a joke...only for the wealthy and corporations. What are we waiting for?
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 6/30/2008 @ 9:21 am PT...
GTash -
Actually, you're analysis is pretty good. You paid close attention. So now I can offer a few more details that I didn't put into the story (since time was short when I wrote it, the story was already getting long, and the additional explanation was complicated and nuanced).
I'm not an attorney, of course, but my understanding from speaking with those involved with the case, is that there was concern that the Rockwell case was exceedingly limited in that, for example, if the discovery process showed that versions of the system that Singer had worked with and blown the whistle on had since been updated, the complaint might need to be amended to deal with the newer systems if they still contained the same flaws as reported by Singer.
But getting that info via the discovery process even, might not be considered "original source" under Rockwell. So you can see how limiting the ruling is/could be. And the worst thing, is that one wouldn't find out until the case was appealed on the basis of Rockwell.
The attorneys might spend years and millions and millions of dollars on the case, win every complaint, and only after appear 3 or 4 years down the road find out that the money the plaintiff (relator) was awarded will go to the government and not to either the relator or even to the attorneys to cover their fees.
It's a very very bad situation as far as I can tell. Fortunately, the decisions doesn't apply, as far as I know, to state qui tam cases, so that might be a route still available to whistleblowers like Singer, depending on the particular state.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Laura Stein
said on 7/1/2008 @ 5:05 am PT...
Sen. Grassley (R-IA) has been trying to get the "False Claims Act" amended to prevent this sort of thing. He's been a voice in the wilderness on this and other "good government" issues, so I sent him the following letter:
Dear Senator Grassley,
Even though I know you can't respond to my message because I'm not a "constituent", I still feel the need to write you to thank you for standing up for the ordinary U.S. citizen time and again. I saw you on CSPAN calling out for a real investigation of the DOD no-bid contracts that stink to high heavens of war profiteering and massive administration corruption, and similar contracts by FEMA and the FAA. I think the only reason the Dems refuse to follow you down that path was that they knew such an investigation would inevitably lead to overwhelming grounds for impeachment of Bush/Cheney, and they are absolutely fixed in thinking the American public won't follow them there, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Under this administration, no matter what the extent of the blatent corruption uncovered in a federal agency, no-one, especially not the agency heads, are ever held accountable. The concept of "heads rolling" doesn't exist.
Thank you also for trying to protect the people by limiting the federal False Claims Act to exempt whistleblowers whose evidence instigates an investigation against corporate wrongdoers, but whose cases must be shored up by inclusion of some material in the public domain. Sometimes the passage of time a case takes working its way through the courts means that the specifics of the situation have changed enough that the case must be amended to include public material. This is what happened to the case William Singer started, as "relator", against Hart InterCivic, a sleazy provider of election machines. Now his lawyers have had to drop it because they won't be able to recover the millions of dollars in costs for a case crucial to protecting Americans' right to fair and secure elections.
To be honest, until I saw what you've been trying to do for us, I thought "Republican" and "honest" were contradictions. Now I know that the shining light for accountability and conscientious government in the U.S. Senate is a Republican. Though it might seem to you sometimes that you're tilting at windmills, and that your fellow Senators have long stopped hearing you and only wish you'd stop running your mouth, I can tell you that the people thank you and only wish there were 99 more like you.
Again, thank you,
I discovered his efforts on this when I ran across complaints online line by various industry lobbying groups. Let's try to get his bill ressurected in the next Congress.