(37 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 1:07 pm PT...
"I am not a lawyer", but I don't see how Rove would be able to claim executive privilege in the Siegelman case. Would he not be implicating the White House if he did so?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Carol Novack
said on 5/22/2008 @ 1:56 pm PT...
Oh I can't wait to read about his attempts to weasel out of testifying, with the assistance of the corrupt rulers at the helm. Fifth amendment along with privilege? Ha. Watch the power abusers invoke the Constitution they only believe applicable to themselves. Wondering what Laurence Tribe would say.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 2:14 pm PT...
Don't forget inherent contempt.
I hope Conyers finds the courage to use all the authority available to him instead of the weak threats he has used so far. The Democrats cowardice has me really discouraged. I think they will regret their lack of action before the year is out.
If I'm right, I hope we will still have a means to hold them all accountable, but I doubt it.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 2:50 pm PT...
I agree with ONYX. Unless Conyers and the Dems are ready to back this subpoena up by invoking Inherent Contempt and sending the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House to arrest Rove, the subpoena is not worth the paper it's written on. With the Justice Department now part of the Bush Crime Syndicate, that is the only way that any House or Senate subpoena will be enforceable. It could certainly provoke an interesting confrontation that I see no reason to believe the Dems are up for based on their behaviors to date.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:04 pm PT...
dan abrams had sanchez on his show last night and she announced that justice had opened a case (which should be good news if we trusted them )
whatever happened to the dusty faggo case carol lam was fired ovr?
if i remember correctly that case had whitehouse connections as wades first govt contract was the 140,ooo "office furniture" for cheney , wade(who was convicted) and faggo were connected
so many illegal acts from current admin,so lil time
wexler,sanchez and conyors have all mentioned inherent contempt,call and let them know u support that course of action if nec
great reporting as usual brad
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:11 pm PT...
Now we get to see if "The Architect" can REALLY dance!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:16 pm PT... you think the Siegelman case is what Conyers was referring to when he was overheard saying he was going to kick Rove's ass?
I hope so.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:17 pm PT...
Did Conyers run out of OPEC people whose time he wants to waste?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:18 pm PT...
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:21 pm PT...
Conyers isn't going to kick his ass. He hasn't kicked his or anyone else's ass on other subpoenas already issued. There is NO reason to expect it will turn out differently this time.
All any of our Democratic committee chairs have been doing is making a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. They never take it to the matt. It's a damn cabaret out there.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 3:57 pm PT...
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 5:24 pm PT...
It is a qui tam moment. There is some scientific proof that qui tam's by godlike beings and subpoenas by mere mortals move at the same speed.
On Dan Abram's show a few weeks ago, Karl Rove's lawyer said "Sure", when asked if Rove would appear under oath before the Judiciary Committee.
Now he is qui tam'n the cookoo's again.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/22/2008 @ 6:00 pm PT...
Translation: The legal term "qui tam" has become synonymous with "delay" in Dredd's mind since the horrifically long time it took for Bobby Kennedy Jr's and Mike Papantonio's [men he does not seem to admire] qui tam suit/s to get underway. It would appear that Dredd is trying to say that Rove's lawyer is stalling foolish people.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 6:25 pm PT...
Just watched professor Turley on Keith Olberman's show.
He gets it. He knows that Skunk Shumer and Lyan Finestain selected and voted for Muckassy who now mocks the congress.
Traitorous scum of a bitch ... but I do like Conyers. But they have all done litle to stop the morph of America into Amurka.
Yep, 99 bottles of qui tam on the wall, take one down and ass it around, 98 bottles of qui tam on the wall ... qui tam ... its not just for gummit lackies anymore is it?
My definition of qui tam: "Mr. Gonzales or Mr. Muckassy, would you and Mr. Rove like to help us bring you folks to justice by helping us in this case?"
Street definition of qui tam: "Chatty Kathy on steroids ain't got game dog."
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 8:23 pm PT...
Larry #6.... I really take exception to your use of the title "Architect" in describing Karl Rove. Being one I rarely see it used to describe an actual licensed architect.... and so it bugs me.
Implementing "Inherent Contempt" is a line Congress needs to cross to get the respect of the Executive Branch.
Then again... it will get the White House's immediate attention and an irresponsible reaction. Something that has me worried.
That roundup of 300 illegal aliens in Indiana last week looked like good practice didn't it?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 11:57 pm PT...
Tighten his chain.
I must admit I was not happy about hearing another 2 month delay.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2008 @ 11:59 pm PT...
Let's hope the democrats don't trip over their shoestrings again.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 12:10 am PT...
#15 He is the architect.
You must be trolling,
search keywords "ARCHITECT" + "KARL ROVE"
Karl Rove aka "Turd Blossom" is one rotten piece of dung, who has managed to install himself in our government. This guy should be behind bars an in chains for life. Rove needs to have his everything (power, security clearance, access, and assets, finances, an communications) revoked yesterday. And if it was today, it wouldn't be too soon!
Feel free to get as angry as you want.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 12:20 am PT...
Since Mike Malloy volunteered to bring him into court.
I'd happily volunteer to do two additional things,
1.) make sure his thumb isn't in his nose, and
2.) wipe the fucking smirk off his face.
Of course, this would be dependent on my being legally authorized to engage.
e.g. Authorized by the House Judiciary Committee.
Whatever happened to a SPEEDY TRIAL?
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 12:25 am PT...
It would be nice if there was a way to take away Bush's power of pardon until after his (Bush's) trial. Knowing ahead of time that there will be a trial.
One thing I don't volunteer to do is their laundry.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 5:12 am PT...
Agree with #3 Onyx #4 Steve.
These spineless, worthless, and clearly COMPLICIT Democrats are not going to do a damn thing.
They have the full authority to have Rove brought to them in shackles and then put in prison until he squeals, BUT just like every other time they will roll over and piss on themselves like scared puppies as soon as Rove wipes his ass with the subpoena and tells them all to go to hell and simply refuses to show up.
He wont have to give any legal or even dreamed up illegal reason (Executive privilege) all he has to do simply go about his crooked ways like the subpoena was a junk mail.
I think to anyone sane it has to be quite clear that EVERYONE in this congress is COMPLICIT in the crimes committed the last 8 years.
The Democrats were put back in power Nov 06' with a mandate to IMPEACH these Treasonous war criminals that have laid waste to this entire country, put us 10 TRILLION in debt, destroyed the constitution & Bill of Rights, have turned this country into a FASCIST DICTATORSHIP with a complete moron at the wheel that is clearly a sock puppet for the Neofascist crime syndicate that has spent the last 30 years or so slowly taking over every facet of this government & the Mainstream Media. What did the democrats do with that mandate? First thing out of Pelosi's face was 'Impeachment is off the table" I knew right then and there that we have been had.
Impeachment should have been THE ONLY THING ON THE TABLE.
They have control of the Media, the elections, the DOJ, most all of congress and have Lobbyist with billions in their pockets to make sure that everything goes their way.
There is only one way this is ever going to stop but sadly things are going to have to get WAY WORSE before enough Americans finally pull their head outa their arse and physically TAKE this country back.
Electing a democrat in Nov isn't going to change a damn thing except we will finally have a Resident that wont make a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth.
The democrats are not just spineless, they are COMPLICIT because even a mouse will stand up to the eagle when he cornered.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 6:07 am PT...
Phil #19
Yep, Amurkan gummit is two fools at a turtle race each praising the speed of his turtle.
While the building burns to the ground.
The plan of the military oil complex is right on schedule. When the frustration reaches a climax with all this turtle talk, they will strike again and the MSM arm of the military oil complex will declare how happy the people are to have removed the turtles. Amurka will then become a serpent race.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 6:23 am PT...
Whoa .... #21
There was a case here in Texas exhibiting a certain "mentality" or the lack therof.
The state government reasoned that since those folks held similar beliefs and conducted themselves respectfully one to the other, they must be a family. Not a community of families, one family. And thus the abuse of one child was the abuse of all children in the "family". Thus, the state child "protection" agency concluded, we can take them all away from those they love and those that love them.
In other words, the state lost the concept of individualism, a backbone of democracy. Everyone was lumped in one mass of flesh in the state's eyes and so they went into the small town and took all the children.
The court of appeals reamed them a new one, pointing out that they were not a family because they had like views. Americans are individuals and American families are individual families.
To lump everyone into the same mold is hazardous thinking and can lead to a snake race replacing the turtle race (post #22).
We need to study how the nice, decent folk of Germany let Hitler in ... what was it that turned their turtle race into a snake race? Too much frustration ... what???
Whatever it is I suspect the snakes in the military oil complex more than I do the turtle fools.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 7:02 am PT...
You nailed it Dredd. To lump all the Democrats in with Republicans is wrong. The problem has to do with the military war machine. So instead of someone slamming the Democratic Party, they should single out which exact Democrats stink. A lot of them do, unfortunately.
Some Democratic Party members from the House make a lot of sense. They can sometimes be found on CSpan with next to no other coverage. In Massachusetts, we have Ed Markey, not a bad guy. Slamming the Democrats as a whole is simply doing the work of Karl Rove.
People need to be careful with their sweeping ideological statements. That's how a liberal state like Massachusetts ended up with Mitt Romney.
People can be very shallow. Some listen to shock jock rubbish and become Reagan Democrats.
While the Democratic Party did regain some power in 2006, it wasn't enough to overcome the veto. The one party that can be slammed completely is the Republicans.
That's why they steal elections. That's why they send trolls to all the message boards. They can't win when there is a level playing field.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 7:04 am PT...
So is Rove really in trouble, or is this more Fitzmas bullshit?
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 7:31 am PT...
Socrates #25
Rove is in real trouble if he has to tell the truth, because he can't.
The whole exercise, from his lawyer's standpoint, is to keep him away from any place the truth must be spoken.
That is why his lawyer advised him against going to heaven
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 8:42 am PT...
No worries Dredd, because Arlen Specter is on the Bill Belichick spygate story.
Maybe there is enough proof to indict Rove without perjury involved. But after Fitzmas, after Nancy "impeachment off the table" Pelosi, it's tough not to be cynical.
For those who don't have a clue, please research the White House Iraq Group and the Downing Street Memos. Look into how Yoo and Gonzales justified torture policies. Research the Military-Industrial complex.
you can't start illegal wars and mayhem based on lies
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 8:56 am PT...
I don't know what others might think about this mess but I believe that the constant pussy footing around is making the Judiciary Committee look foolish and weak. If the shoe was on the other foot after the first request being ignored the guy would have been arrested and brought forcefully to answer the questions. So why not use your power judicially so to speak? It's not as if the Committee hasn't given him a lot of time and deference to make his way to the Capital Building to be questioned. It's time to fish, not cut bait!
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 9:31 am PT...
As I stated earlier.... I'm worried that the WH will decide to make our covert self regulated neo-fascist society into an overt police state.
Their 'bring it on' shallow bravado mentality carries a real actionable threat to all of us who believe in a working democracy.
I think it's a mistake to push this early before the Democrats have an overwhelming majority. A suspect majority at that for in our oligarchical society quite a few in government are bought and paid for by corporate interests.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
John H Kennedy, Denver CO
said on 5/23/2008 @ 9:35 am PT...
To Impeach before Nov 4, Do Something Different, Quickly!
Bush doesn't want Rove testifying because sooner or later he will utter a lie that will entap him and drag Cheny and Bush into an Impeachment Hearing where no one will be able to cry "executive privilige". This is what is needed ASAP, before the election.
The worry is that Conyers and Pelosi are just posturing for political advantage prior to the election.
The fact that Conyers delayed Rove's testimony to mid July is I think the tip off. I suspect he is still trying to run out the clock on holding Cheney and Bush accountable by impeachment. (If not, my apologies to Conyers)
We the voters can make impeachment happen but it will take some guts. You will have to go into the streets and aggressively do negative campaigning against the Congressional Democrats on just one issue. That their failure to honor their oath to protect the US Constitution make them a traitor to Our Constitution. We are finding that our Colorado Congressmen are quite sensitive to the word "traitor", use it often and loudly. Show up at every public appearance by these cowardly Democrats and demand they hold impeachment hearings before the election. Scream "traitor to your oath" at them.
We activists have, now in this period up to the election the most power we will ever have to cause impeachment. Do not waste the opportunity. The Iraq war will go on for years in one fashion or another regardless of who wins the White House, but our opportunity for accountability will disappear after November 4 2008.
Please see these links for more information on what we in Colorado are doing to push the House Democrats to Impeach.
To Impeach before Nov 4, Do Something Different, Quickly!
Activists need to get tough with House Democrats who are seeking re-election.
Time to Quit Playing Impeach Games with Conyers & Pelosi
John H Kennedy, 43 yr Democrat & Obama delgate and organizer Impeach Colorado Coalition
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 9:44 am PT...
If they don't apply Inherent Contempt this time around, I'm afraid that the only conclusion is that they are all, indeed, complicit in the theft of our once-great country. Rove should be shackled and frog-marched before the committee and jailed until he cooperates. We're talking about real criminality here, criminality that has resulted in many lives ruined and at least a million lives brutally extinguished. Criminality that has resulted in the destruction of a democracy which, while at least partly illusory and very weak, was, nonetheless, the best we could manage. No longer, alas - it's gone, and if the Congress lacks the integrity to arrest the criminals, well, you're all welcome to join me in this former Warsaw Pact country, where the corruption is out in the open, and tolerated because of its penny-ante nature and relatively harmlessness...
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 11:43 am PT...
Timelessness is a virtue, and now is all there is.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2008 @ 12:04 pm PT...
I lumped the democrats in with the Rethugs because they have shown in their ACTIONS that they are ALL complicit.
I don't give a ratz ass what they "say" just what they end up doing is what counts.
All the democrats are doing is running some dog and pony show, one will "say" something decent once in awhile, make some speech presenting what they KNOW is the right thing to do, then they go and vote exactly the opposite.
Congress has the authority to end this BS right now yet they flatly refuse to uphold the law & their oath of office.
They ALL should be held in contempt.
I am just telling it like it is.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 5/23/2008 @ 12:23 pm PT...
Since Karl Rove is the master of our reality these days, maybe he could really prove his ability to make fools of us once and for all by writing this years annual "Will Your Vote Be Counted" article for Newsweek. Of course Don Seigelman will be the focus of the article since he is the only public official to come right out and say his election was stolen on the machines.
Come on Rove! You know you can do it, and you're already on the staff at Newsweak! Make us a new reality that we can study before the next, you fucking loser!
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 5/23/2008 @ 12:29 pm PT...
I sense that people in America are more then hungry for justice. I hope congress realizes Karl Rove is the main course. The dessert will be even more delicious!
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 5/24/2008 @ 9:16 am PT...
Karl is probably friends with Strider and Aaron of Firelight.
If you want to ask them, one is President of the Federal Bar Association in Washington DC, and will be at the:
June 4, 2008
Pentagon, DC, Capitol Hill, and Northern Virginia Chapters Joint HAPPY HOUR!
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Front Page Arlington at Ballston, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203
Hors d’ouevres will be provided at no cost until they run out.
In addition, the FrontPage will have a 1/2 price burger night.
Questions: Email or
(DC Federal Bar Assoc., emphasis added). Wow, not bad, rubbing elbows with military brass ... Aaron of Fairlight, brother of Strider.
Questions anyone???
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
Katherine Gibson
said on 7/25/2008 @ 10:42 am PT...
Hold Karl Rove and the Bush Administration accountable for their abuses of the Constitution and the rule of law!