PLUS: Jesus' General Suggests a Website Redesign to More Accurately Reflect the Efforts of the Washington State GOP...
By Brad Friedman on 2/15/2008, 2:53pm PT  

The Republican women of Snohomish County, WA, seem to be lacking a bit in the self-respect department. While we're sure that's not the case for every Republican woman in the county, that's the message that's just been sent with the following photograph that appeared in this morning's local paper...

Though he claimed during last night's appearance with the proud shameless, self-loathing Republican women of Snohomish that "we're neutral as a state party," and aren't endorsing a candidate, The BRAD BLOG has previously noted "Esser the Suppressor's" fealty to John McCain's state campaign chairman, AG Rob McKenna, Esser's old chum, and the man responsible for helping to push the last state chair (a woman) out of the job, in order to replace her with Esser.

He arguably returned the favor during last Saturday's GOP caucus in the Evergreen State by halting the counting with just 87% of the returns in, just after McCain, who'd been trailing Huckabee for most of the night, finally took a 242 vote lead...

Huckabee played the old USSR card on Monday, telling CNN, in reference to the unique tabulation-style of Esser's WA State GOP, "Maybe that's how they used to conduct it in the old Soviet Union, but you don't just throw people's votes out and say, 'well, we're not going to bother counting them because we kind of think we know where this was going.'"

"There's nothing that unites like a common enemy," The Suppressor is quoted having said last night, according to the The Daily Herald, who noted his call for Republicans to "save their criticism for the Democrats."

Should be easy for him. Here's just part of what The Suppressor had to say many moons ago about such "common enemies", under the supposed guise of "satire"...

Like any sport worth its salt, in politics you have adversaries, opponents, enemies. Our enemies are loudmouth leftists and shiftless deadbeats. To win the election, we have to keep as many of these people away from the polls as possible.

In the meantime, the good Jesus' General suggests the State GOP might wish to spiff up their website a bit since, he pens in a letter to Esser, it currently "fails to tell the story of your efforts to make the Party a winning enterprise again."

The letter, from the very very heterosexual Gen. JC Patriot, goes on to recommend the following redesign which, he writes, "does a much better job of showcasing what you and the Party are doing"...

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