Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer
UPDATE: Newshounds has some thoughts on the show's most recent attempt at "comedy", calling yesterday's outting "painful" and "the longest 1/2 hour I ever experienced watching a show on FOX News."
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Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer
UPDATE: Newshounds has some thoughts on the show's most recent attempt at "comedy", calling yesterday's outting "painful" and "the longest 1/2 hour I ever experienced watching a show on FOX News."
"VIDEO: 1/2 Hour News Hour Returns To Fox 'News' With a...You Decide..."
(14 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 3:32 am PT...
Good flick, Alan.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 5:48 am PT...
I tried. I couldn't make it all the way through. Leftisbest you are stronger than me.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 7:31 am PT...
Wow. It goes from kneejerk to completely offensive. Telling that the only repub they attack is McCain.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 10:35 am PT...
republicans cunt do comody . . .
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 11:18 am PT...
They must have all new writers. Their "political" stuff is still not funny at all, but most of the clip was pretty much non-political, I had to smile at a few of the shticks. I think they'll attract people with slightly more intellect than the idiots who enjoyed it's last incarnation. The Right just doesn't have ANYTHING remotely close to Colbert or Stewart, because the Right lacks anything remotely close to humor, honesty or humanity.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 11:28 am PT...
If they keep improving at this rate, they'll have reached the level of a really bad traditional media sit-com by year's end. The guy at least has some sense of comic timing.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 5/14/2007 @ 4:43 pm PT...
The show is perfect for its target audience. The intelligent humor of Colbert, the Daily Show, etc. would simply mystify JimBob and BillieJoe in Lower Asswipe, Mississippi. But they will laugh their suspenders off while watching HHNH.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Janus Daniels
said on 5/14/2007 @ 5:43 pm PT...
Best (only?) joke (such as it is) comes in the last 2 minutes, a moment before the last minute. You can watch the first 22 minutes for educational purposes, or just drag the slide to 2.0. I recommend the latter.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/14/2007 @ 7:46 pm PT...
I guess fascists and racists just aren't Dennis Miller a writer? I couldn't get through it, especially since the Daily Show is coming on right now... The little I did get through, seems like they just take Limboob and Sean PropagHannity talking points, and just say them again?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/14/2007 @ 7:50 pm PT...
To put it bluntly, they should show this at Abu Ghraib, as some sort of sick torture...I'll take the waterboarding instead... There would be Arabs in Abu Ghraib, on their knees, begging, "Please! Not 'The 1/2 Hour News Hour'! Anything but that! I'll admit to anything!"
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/14/2007 @ 7:53 pm PT...
I just figure out why it's tanking: FOX's idiotic viewers don't know it's a comedy show! They think it's part of the regular FOX News! "What comedy show?"
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/14/2007 @ 7:59 pm PT...
Here's a better idea: Shitcan this show, and put a laugh track on the REGULAR FOX News:
Cheney: "I won support for Iraq" (laugh track)
Bush: "We're making progress in Iraq" (laugh track)
Cheney: "It's in the last throes" (laugh track)
"28% approval rating" (laugh track)
Gonzales: "I can't recall" (laugh track)
McCain: "It's like a walk down an Indiana marketplace in the summertime" (laugh track)
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 5/15/2007 @ 7:36 am PT...
I see it as an attempt at getting your porn with your news. (sic)
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Bugs Bunny
said on 5/23/2007 @ 10:30 pm PT...
What a bunch of whiney women. The irony is you morons watched it and then took time to whine about it. It's not great, yet, but then Colbert and Stewart still suck. I count all previous posts and Liberals and yet you all watch Fox News. Typical.