What goes around comes around. Again...
By Brad Friedman on 6/12/2024, 1:48pm PT  

Our friend and occasional BradCast guest host Nicole Sandler had this to say on the site still known as Twitter today...

My reply...

Yup. I tested positive today as well. She in AZ. Me in CA. Guess something's going around.

In my case, in any event, it is, so far, pretty mild. I started fading very suddenly and quickly mid-show yesterday. Fatigue is the worst of it for the moment, along with a few mild symptoms not unlike those Desi displayed in her most recent case(s) a week or two ago...which I thought I had lucked out and avoided somehow. Apparently I did not. Or, I picked it up independently somewhere.

Either way, while I'm largely fine at the moment, I've been advised that resting is smarter than doing a show today. I'm hoping to be back tomorrow but, well...you know...life with COVID... :-(

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