By Brad Friedman on 7/1/2024, 6:05am PT  

I mentioned it a few times last week on both The BradCast and Green News Report, but we are gonna be off this week for travel over the Independence Day holiday and I'm gonna try to stay offline as much as possible. For those who may have missed the heads-ups last week, however, and might be wondering where we are this week, that's where!

We're back next week and, of course, always greatly appreciate anything you can leave in the tip jar to help us fill up what is usually our old Prius tank. This time, unfortunately, it's an SUV tank(!), since someone side-swiped us a few days ago and we had to scramble to get the Prius into the body shop and pick up a last minute rental car before hitting the road. Prius temporarily sidelined by full gas guzzler! :-( Because it's just been that sort of a week, I guess. So, onward, and thanks for any help in advance!

I hope everyone here, nonetheless, has a safe, healthy and somehow peaceful 4th of July holiday! --- Brad

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