(59 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 4/28/2006 @ 4:16 pm PT...
Whoaa I'm seeing double! - I liked the colored version best LOL.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 4/28/2006 @ 4:21 pm PT...
I wonder what the punishment would be if you or I had done this!
I'd love to hear what he has to say on his show about this, but unfortunatly I would only be able to stomach about 30 seconds before I had to turn the dial!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 4:27 pm PT...
I dream of a day when we are all subject to the same punishments for violating the same laws.
Until then, I guess I have to be resolved to living in the USSA, eh?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:01 pm PT...
It's about time! I can't stand that fat f*ck. It is a fact that he once stated ON AIR that "all drug addicts should be sent to prison"! I would give anything to see that narrow minded prick in stripes picking up trash along I10. That's exactly where that judgemental, hypocritical, narrow-minded freak belongs.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:07 pm PT...
Republican corruption is hitting a high watermark.
Arrested Republicans. Arrested development. It cannot happen quick enough to suit me.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:10 pm PT...
Limbaugh on drug use --- "Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods, which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.">link
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:11 pm PT...
He got off. 18 months the charge is dropped end of story. Huge win for him, huge loss for you.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:15 pm PT...
Who,among us, is surprised by this fleecing of the law by the fat Bimbo? Posters were writing, at the time he got caught, that ,when it came time to fish or cut bait, the Florida Courts had the best prosecutors and judges Republican Party money can buy. We knew then that Lush wasn't going to be shamed into being some bad guy's girlfriend in the abodes of the Correctional Corporation of America. So, by citing this precedent, all you have to do is promise to not get arrested for 18 months and you don't have to do the time. Money talks and the Fat Bimbo walks.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:16 pm PT...
Limbaugh on drug use --- "Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods, which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.">link
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:30 pm PT...
Sorry!! - I tried to send my message three times. Each time, I got a message that the process timed out and was stopped. I guess not.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:51 pm PT...
Brad you made The big time, your up next
(I listen to this all the time)
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:51 pm PT...
Ann Coulter said Limbaugh was innocent. And Ann always tells the truth, so he must be.
Damn those liberals for filing false charges against Rush. Paul Harvey will deal with bectha.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 6:25 pm PT...
Oh man, this is a goodie...for your viewing/listening pleasure:
Can't recall if ole rush is in there...I kinda think he is...he certainly BELONGS in there with the rest of the...well...just give it a listen...and enjoy.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 9:00 pm PT...
pRicky, please explain to me how a rich guy making a deal with a prosecutor (at the behest of very expensive lawyers, I'd guess) is a win? I mean, what we're telling the masses is, "rich people don't have to suffer the same punishment for breaking the law as poor people do"..
Is that the kind of place you want to live? I mean, you're obviously not "rich" or you'd not waste your time slumming here, you'd be off buyig lots of drugs and fucking a lot of whores.. I mean, seemingly it's ok to do those things if you're rich, but us poor folks.. we have to live according to a higher standard?
Could you please try to explain to us simpletons how your logic works? I mean, short of simply saying your either retarded or insane... provided neither of those are actually the answer, because if they are, then nevermind.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 9:55 pm PT...
Have you ever noticed how pRicky's posts always seem to end with:
"end of story" or " huge loss for you"?
The guy has no substance!
"When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks." Rush Limbaugh radio show (quoted in the L.A. Times, 8/20/95)
"I want to let you read along with me a quote from Jerry Colangelo about substance abuse, and I think you'll find that he's very much right…"I know every expert in the world will disagree with me, but I don't buy into the disease part of it. The first time you reach for a substance you are making a choice. Every time you go back, you are making a personal choice. I feel very strongly about that."" Rush Limbaugh TV show (9/23/93)
"'m appalled at people who simply want to look at all this abhorrent behavior and say, "Hey, you know, we can't control it anymore. People are going to do drugs anyway. Let's legalize it." It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten idea, and those who are for it are purely, 100 percent selfish." Rush Limbaugh TV show (12/9/93)
"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too." Rush Limbaugh TV show (10/5/95)
And pRicky exclaims: "He got off"
Rush Limbaugh - Worlds Lrgest Hypocrite
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/28/2006 @ 10:01 pm PT...
Now Ricky shows his true colors. Party before country. He's defending a convicted felon!!!
Mike J, banned Paul, any comments?
Let me try putting "Convicted Drug Addict" in front of his name.
Ahhh, sounds good! Couldn't happen to a (not) nicer guy. They're dropping like flies, those Republicans!!!
What Republicans will get thrown in the slammer tomorrow???
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 10:01 pm PT...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 4/28/2006 @ 10:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/28/2006 @ 10:05 pm PT...
"This is Rush Limbaugh, reporting live from the Big House. I'll be reporting from this location for a while...anyone got any Oxycotin??? I'll trade you some cigarettes!!!"
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/28/2006 @ 10:10 pm PT...
Mr. Mills, Ann Coulter says Limboob is innocent. They can both talk about it behind bars, after she is also behind bars for her federal voting crime!!! These criminals are Ricky's, Mike J, & banned Paul's hero's. They are soooo misplaced. Their hero's are jailbirds. What does that tell you about them? They are all finding out, one by one, that they are not above American law, no one is. And soon the Bush regime will find this out, too. They're going down one by one. If we were wrong, and they were right, why are they all going to jail?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/28/2006 @ 10:15 pm PT...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 2:14 am PT...
I agree with all posters here but Ricky.
However. After we finish kicking and heckling the fat boob, can we give him a begrudging nod for categorically stating that he "is not a victim" and takes full responsibility for what he did?
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 2:39 am PT...
Just a note to all If you rape someone or get caught with a load of dope hire Roy Black.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 2:53 am PT...
I don't think I can, Unirealist. His "arrangement" with the prosecution hardly qualifies as "taking full responsibility" in my book. He always called for addicts to be "sent up the river" when he was ranting about the issue of drugs in general, so his pretending to take full responsibility now smacks of mendacity, hypocrisy, despicability, and so on. So, IMO, thumbs down!
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Harold D. Cole
said on 4/29/2006 @ 2:58 am PT...
Slimeball Rush will never see the inside of a JAIL house AND never Will Kenney BOY LAY. I remeber when Slimebaall Rush said to lock all of those DRUGGIES up and through the KEYS away. AND NEWT SNOOT said the law is made for every ONE every body SHOULD BE THE HELD THE SAME. NO REPUBLICAN RICH WILL NEVER SEE THE INSIDE OF A JAIL SELL. BUT the so called little PEOPLE ARE TO BE LOCKED UP FOR JUST LITTLE INFRACTION that is the bill of goods that REPUBLICANS SOLD THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY AND NOW LOOK AT WHAT THEY HAVE DONE WE ARE BROKE AND IN DEBT UP TO OUR EYES. SO BELIEVE THAT THE REPUBLICAN ARE VERY CHRISTAN AND MORAL. H.D. COLE
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 4/29/2006 @ 2:59 am PT...
Happens on the friday night news cycle. How special!
That's the second post about timing out I've read in just the last couple of stories here. My computer went crazy doing the same thing.
Gee, wonder if is slowing down the whole internet! Hope so!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 4/29/2006 @ 3:07 am PT...
For Big Dan: I made that up. Did Ann really say Limbaugh was innocent?
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 5:08 am PT...
Now we know what was in the kool aid he was drinking. And how his mentality suffered as a result.
What he should do is give back all the money he took from people selling books that were a front to cover up his problem.
If he was not so full of pride he could have admitted it and gone to a "librul" psychologist of some sort and received the help he needed.
Hate is addictive and it leads to other addictions. Better that he enter humility and let the psychiatrist help him even if the doctor is a liberal.
His pride would not let him "bow down" to the liberal doctors so he could be helped ... instead he says all druggies should be locked up ... just to cover his deepening psychosis.
Mercy will not do him any good, nor will punishment. But an example should be set so that the kool aid drinkers can get some helpful hints as to his psychosis.
Whatever is done to Rush should be tailored toward helping those like Ricky who have become delusional like Rush, and who can't find their way home out of the forest of lies and hate.
I think he must have consulted with a lot of the republican dictatorship because they all tend to think groupthink and speak groupspeak.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 6:50 am PT...
Here's some good news for limbaugh, who I believe is a San Diego resident.
Mexico Votes to Decriminalize Some Drugs
By MARK STEVENSON, Associated Press Writer
3 hours ago
MEXICO CITY - Mexicans would be allowed to possess small amounts of cocaine, heroin, even ecstasy for their personal use under a bill approved by lawmakers that some worry could prove to be a lure to young Americans.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:07 am PT...
I wonder if Rush is really happy in the mugshot. Could he be another "Smiling Hypocrite"?
(BTW, I hope that quotation wasn't at the top all the time. (Probably was) re: my previous multiple post.)
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:57 am PT...
Mr. Mills: LOL, I thought she really said that. I'm gullible, sometimes I think I'm the only one of the regulars who thinks he has a sense of humor! LOL The thing is the Kook Aid drinkers are so crazy, that's not far-fetched, her saying that! LOL
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/29/2006 @ 8:03 am PT...
Know what? I think I'm a really nice guy, and always forgive people...but Rush Limbaugh has done more to harm this country than anyone I can think of. With his constant lies and propoganda, streaming over the airwaves, spreading misinformation as much as he can. I wish his penalty, instead of the slammer, was that he loses his show, or is forced to tell the truth on his show.
Nope, this is one guy I don't feel sorry for. He's the kind of guy you feel sorry for, then he'll strike you back like a rattlesnake while you're feeling sorry for him.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 8:07 am PT...
Rush's lawyer insists Rush was"booked" Not arrested. Since when is booked and arrested not the same?
Rush and O' talks doesn't it? No wonder there is more cheating in schools, kids learn what they see from the top down.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 4/29/2006 @ 8:10 am PT...
That upcoming GOP sex scandal I have linked in green above, is a DailyKOS article linked to from a conservative (real conservative) site rbnlive. I've noticed rbnlive has now linked to Raw Story, Brad Blog, and now DailyKOS. There is a groundswell of conservative opposition to Bushco. They know he's not a conservative. There is an ever-growing anti-Republican backlash against Bushco that won't be undone in decades. He has done more to hurt the Republican party than anyone in history. And it's further proof of e-vote fraud, as far as I'm concerned. 33% rating, but 51% of the vote??? It's 33% and sinking! The only thing Republicans have going for them is DIEBOLD & ES&S, and the more they steal elections, the more % of people they push to our side. It's their only choice, to be anti-Bush & anti-Republican, because they know their votes aren't being counted.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 4/29/2006 @ 8:38 am PT...
Hey, I missed it - when did Saint Paul become Paul the Banned? Wha' happened? Did he just lie once to many?
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 11:03 am PT...
Maybe Rush and Martha Stewart could host a new radio show together - the " Republican Criminals of America Show"
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 11:14 am PT...
Arry #30
No it didn't refer to you, When this story first posted it was at the top of the blog twice. First this one, then a second one with a color picture. At that point it had posted about 1 minute prior and when I tried to comment at the second one the server wouldn't let me, so I went to the first version and it posted there.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 11:26 am PT...
Soul Rebel,
"Hey, I missed it - when did Saint Paul become Paul the Banned?" - Sometime around the beginning of March to the best of my recollection.
" Wha' happened? Did he just lie once to many?" Yup!
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
Daniel DiRito
said on 4/29/2006 @ 11:31 am PT...
Continuing the trend, started by Tom DeLay, that involves being arrested in order to avoid the expense of purchasing publicity photos, Rush Limbaugh “elected” to be arrested in Miami. There is speculation that Karl Rove may take advantage of the free publicity photos within the next couple weeks. A Democratic source indicated that additional Republicans were expected to participate in the free photography services.
read more observations here:
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 11:58 am PT...
All these fools seem to have something in common.
They lash out at everyone for all these horrible, imoral things, but they don't seem to think that the rules apply to them.
Has the president ever taken responsibility for anything?
A right winger friend of mine seems to exibit the same traits.
What's the dealio??
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 12:47 pm PT...
Is this the repulsive smile of the year. RNC talking points: Of course #2 is Blame Bill Clinton. But the best is all repulsives are required to smile for their booking photos to put the best light on the situation. Sorry guys, but your smiling fat asses will still make good ads for 06 and 08. Just think of a slide show of smiling repulsive mug shots. Yikes, hope they just love it. By the way what happened to do drugs do time with Lush, I mean Rush.
BTW, Mexico is not for Lush. He only abuses clean prescription drugs, not those street drugs, ugh.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
Truth Seeker
said on 4/29/2006 @ 6:05 pm PT...
Why do you support liars and criminals? Is there any room in your life for truth, ethics, integrity?
The diifference between us is that I stand for the truth and doing the right thing. You support and enable the crooks and liars.
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Miss P.
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:27 pm PT...
The decent thing for Rush to do is get off the drugs and the airwaves, get the help he needs however long it takes and whatever it takes, and do some good. Can't even do it for himself!!
You know, I was involved in a bad car wreck, herniated discs (plural) in my neck, and never took the pain killers that I was prescribed and so badly wanted to succumb to. Couldn't even reach dishes out of the cupboard. Plus. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the consequences. Finally got long-needed surgery and was better. (Delay from accident to surgery was due to a diagnosis of cancer in the meantime, yay.) It was a hellava 3 years. Single mom of 2.y.o. and all. (That was 10 years ago.)
But never did I weaken.
So what's Rush's excuse?
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:49 pm PT...
Rush Limbaugh substitute hosts a television
talk show,... spewing his vitriolic right-wing ideology,.. the audience shouts him down
to the point where a riot almost ensues. The television audience is eventually removed from the studio,.. as Rush continues the remainder of the show.
Sub TV Host Rush Limbaugh gets shouted down
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 4/30/2006 @ 1:15 am PT...
The Old Turk #44 - I don't know how anybody came up with this old clip, but I just love the look on Rush's face when he realizes that a guy in the audience has just ruined his chance to ever have an audience participation show.
to heavily paraphrase:
"I knew Phil Donahue. Phil Donahue was a friend of mine. Rush, you're no Phil Donahue"
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 4/30/2006 @ 2:22 pm PT...
Larry Bergan post # 45,...
The above Rush Limbaugh,.. sub/guest host c.1990,.. for the short lived Pat Sajak talk show,..
(this Youtube link originally came from the link below,... but the video feed not as good.)
Link Here :
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 4/30/2006 @ 7:44 pm PT...
Good people get addicted to pain-killing drugs.
Some of you have done illegal drugs and still do.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 4/30/2006 @ 8:24 pm PT...
Is love ,... a drug ?
I think I may be addicted.
Paul,... about HATE,..
is that addictive too ?
(he is such a pain in the ass.)
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 4/30/2006 @ 8:26 pm PT...
Rush has a worse problem than drug-addiction - It's called hypocrisy. And, of course, that's the point.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 4/30/2006 @ 8:37 pm PT...
Paul said,......
....."Good people get addicted to pain-killing drugs."
.................."Some of you have done illegal drugs
...................and still do."
(Paul try singing a new song,...)
Paul's new song : Link
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
said on 4/30/2006 @ 9:37 pm PT...
It is ok to use pain killers for acute pain. If someone has unmanageable pain they will be referred to a pain clinic. No one need ever go outside the law for pain relief. Dependance on pain relief and addiction are not the same thing. Using doctors to get drugs for euphoria is a crime. Limbaugh is a criminal who used the good will of a caring doctor to get high.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 4/30/2006 @ 9:39 pm PT...
When people have acute pain it is ok to use pain killers. That is what they are for. When people have chronic pain that cannot be managed with oral doses prescribed by their physician, they will be referred to a pain management clinic. They can be fitted with a pump that pumps a measured dose of narcotic into their system at a prescribed rate for pain relief. Being dependent on pain relief and being addicted to drugs are not the same thing. No one in real pain need ever go outside the law for pain relief. We who provide health services are there to help. The only time people need to get pain medication illegally is to get high. They are taking it for the euphoric effect. Substance abuse is a public health problem and a social problem. Doctor shopping is a crime. Limbaugh was doctor shopping to get high. If he was in pain his health care provider would have given him the help he needed. He is making excuses for criminal behavior.
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 5/1/2006 @ 8:40 pm PT...
well you hate filled libs, what happened to the "10 felonies" the prosecutor said he was "sure" limbaugh committed?.....hahaha,....after almost 3 years of trying everything they could think of to get some charge, ANY charge, on Mr Limbaugh, they got a not guilty plea to a charge they cannot try him for because they have no evidence, and the reason they have none is because there is none!..So keep living in your little hate filled dream world libbies while real people keep this country moving forward........hehehehe......
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 5/1/2006 @ 10:20 pm PT...
Limbaugh's medical records cannot and will not be made public. His medical privacy is protected. All Americans have a right to medical and health care privacy. His records have been released for review by investigators but, as I said, they cannot be made public. We do not know what evidence the prosecution has but apparently it was enough to get Limbaugh to make a plea. He is a common criminal and a hypocrite.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 5/1/2006 @ 10:39 pm PT...
Just wanted to add that even though I think Limbaugh is a hypocrite, I also think that drug addicts like Limbaugh should be treated not imprisoned. This is true of all drug addicts-rich,poor,republican,democrat or otherwise. The place for substance abusers is rehab not jail.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 5/2/2006 @ 9:20 am PT...
We all know what Rush is.
HE knows what he is too.
That's why he's a drug addict--to avoid facing himself.
Who wants to face old age knowing they've been nothing but a shill for criminals?
Being a big-mouthed, fat ass phony is not exactly a proud legacy.
Take some more pills Lush...I mean Rush. If I were you, I'd go on & kill myself with them.
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 5/3/2006 @ 7:54 am PT...
Rush should come on over to Prague. I could rustle up some salvia divinorum for him to put in his pipe and smoke it...
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 5/4/2006 @ 6:04 am PT...
Bill, you Limbo ass licking douche! Should we say the same about Clinton? After years of investigating all these phoney charges you catch him getting a blowjob which is NOT illegal. I don't defend Clinton for his sexual appetite but you defending your fat ass lying scumbucket Limaugh shows us exactly what you are. Grow a brain before you come back. You just embarrass yourself with comments like the last one.
(Sorry for the foulness everyone but I can't take nits like Bill.)
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/7/2006 @ 1:17 pm PT...