Open Thread to Take Your Country Back!
[UPDATED] Cloture Passes, Filibuster Fails...72 to 25
By Brad Friedman on 1/30/2006, 11:05am PT  

UPDATE: Only 25 Senators voted to continue the debate over Sam Alito by voting NO on "Cloture". Thus, the filibuster ends, and Samuel Alito will likely be confirmed tomorrow morning in time for King George to shove him up America's ass in time for the State of the Union speech tomorrow night. Bless all of you patriots who care about our country and were willing to fight for it no matter the outcome. In particular, thanks to The Young Turks for setting an example of what a "noble cause" actually looks like. Still busy in large part today, but I'll try to post a list soon of those Senators who deserve the support of nobody in America ever again. History will not forget them. Shame.


Unfortunately, I've got some pre-scheduled appointments throughout the day, which is going to make it difficult for me to cover the play-by-play of the attempted filibuster of Alito. So please feel free to use comments in this thread to Be the Media today, while I do my best to come in and out.

If ever there was a time for Dems to step up and fight for this country, to draw a line in the sand against George W. Bush's extremist takeover of the government and his hatred of American Values it is now!

Keep listening to The Young Turks who continue to filibuster on air. You can watch their live video feed here. Live audio feeds are here and here.

At this hour (1:58p ET), C-SPAN lists the tally of announced intentions for Alito Confirmation as YES: 57 NO: 35. The vote for "Cloture" (ending of the debate, and thus ending the filibuster) is scheduled for 4:30p ET. It takes 60 YES votes by Republicans and turncoat Democrats to end the filibuster.

Keep calling Senators constantly to share your opinions if you care about the future of this country and feel that George W. Bush does not deserve unrestrained Executive powers! Phone numbers are available here.

Add any other thoughts or info you have here in comments...

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