By John Gideon on 12/3/2005, 5:15pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Today we have a hodge-podge of news items. It seems that most of the news makers of the last few days are having a snooze and getting ready for the next flurry of excitement. Today we have a report from Texas were there is concern about a contract they have with Accenture (you may remember them as Arthur Anderson Consulting and their work with Enron) now that Colorado has just canceled a voter data base contract with them. In Ohio a judge has denied a request by attorneys for Gov. Taft and SoS Blackwell to dismiss a lawsuit against them by the state LWV....

  • NAtional: Experts: E-voting has a long way to go http://www.insidebayarea...s/localnews/ci_3275263\">LINK
  • IN: Porter County - Porter county voters join high-tech world (ES&S Op-Scan)\">LINK
  • IN: Lee Hamilton to lead election law debate http://www.courier-journ...51203/NEWS02/512030376\">LINK
  • KS: Leavenworth County - Voting machines purchase approved (ES&S iVotronic) http://www.leavenworthti.../12/03/news/news01.txt\">LINK
  • MA: Berkshire County - Recount doesn't change outcome (Half of the precincts were counted and 19 votes had been added and they say the machines counted accurately – Diebold Precinct Based Op-Scan) http://www.berkshireeagl...m/localnews/ci_3274901\">LINK
  • NC: Diebold and the Miracle of the Immaculate Certification\">LINK
  • OH: U.S. judge declines to dismiss lawsuit (LWV v. Gov. Taft and Ken Blackwell)\">LINK
  • PA: Northampton County: Recount ordered in Upper Mount Bethel\">LINK
  • PA: York County – Dover Do-Over (Revote in one precinct due to malfunctioning lever machine)\">LINK
  • TX: Trouble mounts for firm working on call centers (Accenture) http://www.mysanantonio....ccenture.1d5fe440.html\">LINK
  • WV: Logan County - FBI Plants Sham Candidate in W.Va. Race\">LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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