By John Gideon on 11/14/2005, 5:09pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

It was a relatively slow news day today. There are a few races, across the nation, that have still not been decided and at least one may end up being re-voted. In Louisiana it has been recommended that any New Orleans election be delayed for awhile. ...

  • NATIONAL: Where in the World is democracy? http://www.dailyrepublic...ists/opinloguercio.txt\">LINK
  • CO: Boulder County - More time needed to decide on voting gear (Hart InterCivic) http://www.longmontfyi.c...ocal-Story.asp?id=4641\">LINK
  • FL: Supreme Court turns down Florida voting case http://www.orlandosentin...oll=orl-home-headlines\">LINK
  • FL: Palm Beach County - Fur flies at meeting on voting technology http://www.palmbeachpost.../s1b_geo_col_1114.html\">LINK
  • LA: Delay recommended for elections in New Orleans;storylist=louisiana\">LINK
  • MA: Waltham - Residents call for CPA recount\">LINK
  • NC: Company seeks clarity on voting machine rules (Diebold)\">LINK
  • NC: Wilson County - Election hearing focused\">LINK
  • NJ: Monmouth County - Provisional ballots still being counted\">LINK
  • NY: Re-vote may be necessary to decide Legislature race (Lever machine)\">LINK
  • NY: Wry Observations On Election Day 2005\">LINK
  • OH: Trumbull County - Room to improve remains\">LINK
  • VA: Deeds, McDonnell proceed with plans to assume AG office\">LINK
  • WI: Editorial - A simple but vital win for democracy\">LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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