Lance Cpl. Chase Johnson Comley, 21, of Lexington KY, buried yesterday
killed while conducting combat operations near Amiriyah, Iraq
By Winter Patriot on 8/14/2005, 12:53pm PT  

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

BRAD BLOG reader and commenter "WTF" pointed out an article [and photos] from the Lexington Herald-Leader. We found the following passages notable, especially given their source.

[I]n a departure from the norm in Kentucky --- one of the reddest of red states --- some of Comley's relatives, including a few sitting in the front pews, have spoken out strongly against the Bush administration and the war that took the 21-year-old Marine's life.
[O]n Friday, Comley's grandmother, 80-year-old Geraldine Comley of Versailles, described herself in an interview as a former Republican stalwart who is "on a rampage" against the president and the war.

She said she would like nothing better than to join Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier who has been holding a peace vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Texas.

"When someone gets up and says 'My son died for our freedom,' or I get a sympathy card that says that, I can hardly bear it," Geraldine Comley said.

She said her view, developed before her grandson's death, is that Bush pushed for war because Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had tried to assassinate the first President Bush, and to get control of Mideast oil.

"And it irritates me no small amount that Dick Cheney, in the Vietnam War, said he had 'other priorities,'" Geraldine Comley said. "He didn't mind sending my grandson over there" to Iraq.

It irritates us too, Geraldine. No small amount, indeed!

Our heartfelt condolences, and sincerest best wishes, to the family and friends of the late Chase Johnson Comley, and to all the other families and friends who weep today.

Click here or on the photo for more. Thanks to the Lexington Herald-Leader.

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