Report: Republicans paying legal bills for 'a former Bush campaign official'
... who is 'charged with conspiring to keep Democrats from voting in NH'
By Winter Patriot on 8/13/2005, 9:47pm PT  

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

No! We are not making this up! We have it via Lex18 in Lexington, KY and the headline reads: Republican Party shells out money to defend voter suppression case

The Republican Party is footing the bill for a former Bush campaign official charged with election dirty tricks in New Hampshire.

Despite a stated zero-tolerance policy on tampering with voters, the party has quietly paid nearly three-quarters of a million dollars for private defense lawyers for James Tobin.

He's charged with conspiring to keep Democrats from voting in New Hampshire in 2002. Republican John Sununu won the close Senate election.

Prosecutors say Tobin worked with a state G-O-P official and a consultant in Virginia to jam Democratic and labor union get-out-the-vote phone banks.

The other two have pleaded guilty and are cooperating with prosecutors.

That's a zero-tolerance policy on what, exactly? Could it be a zero-tolerance policy on democracy, by any chance?

A tip of the BRAD BLOG hat to a loyal BRAD BLOG reader for that great catch. No names, please: You know who you are, don't you, John?

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