"When Did You Start Reading BRADBLOG? And Why Did You Continue?"
(46 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Blue Shark
said on 7/8/2005 @ 3:19 pm PT...
Day two of the re(s)election fiasco.
This site is one of few that looked fully at the evidence and came to the logical conclusion. The election was black-water rotten.
I keep coming back after finding links to Bob Koehler, and the Baker/Carter election reform farce. I am proud to be one of the six or seven email hounders out there.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 3:21 pm PT...
I started around the time of the election, probably shortly after (it's all kind of a foggy haze...). Been coming back (and donating $$) ever since.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 7/8/2005 @ 3:27 pm PT...
I started coming here on the evening of November 3, 2004, because I was frantically unhappy about the "election," knew it had been a "fix" and needed to get real information. I found it by rooting around on links from other blogs, accessed originally from BuzzFlash.
I always read comments, because they say so much about the feel of a site, and read you, Winter P, Dredd, Freebird and others and liked the tone here. This is a great group, it's home, and I'll stay here, thanks!!
And thank you, Winter P, for all you do. Thanks to Steve and Torqued too!!!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 3:41 pm PT...
I started coming here around October of last year. I believe I also found you through Buzzflash while researching pre-election scandels.
Through you I also found RawStory where I go for the most up to the minute news.
I keep coming back because I appreciate your insight and the work you do to keep us informed of current events we here little or nothing of from the main stream press.
The discusions are always enlightening, especialy the links posted by yourself, Winter Patriot, Kira and all.
Plus the occasional troll is always good for a laugh - or should it be sympathy?
Keep up the good work.
Bob Thoke
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 3:58 pm PT...
I discovered Brad Blog by linking to it from BuzzFlash (I think) regarding the Clint Curtis story.
I keep coming back because it seems so *real* - citizen blogger taking on entrenched and usually smug interests, cutting through the diversion, phoniness, and hypocrisy that they hope we accept and don't look into very closely.
It's not only fun in the sense of grassroots, people's journalism; it is necessary. I think we are all realizing that it's now or never. When the chips are down, when the mainstream corporate media has become an arm of the would-be corporate (and in many cases criminal) masters, we have to take take affairs into our own hands - as Brad is doing.
Mainly, Brad and the contributors seem like such good people and wouldn't it be something if the good guys won?
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 3:59 pm PT...
Hi all. I was listening to Air America when Brad broke the Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney/Yang Enterprises vote rigging story and hit this site just as it was going down from overload. I kept coming back, read through much of Brad's old stuff here and this site became my hangout.
My attraction to The BRAD BLOG was the journalism at first, then soon the exceptional resident journalist, then quickly the many outstanding people here. The intelligence, integrity, passion and talents of the bloggers in this community keep me coming back for more, several times each day.
I've found a thrill and a purpose here. I love all my loyal friends and I'll keep coming back.
I hope you will too.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 4:05 pm PT...
I can't remember when or how I first found the Bradblog.
I think I was hooked when the Clint/Curtis story broke and I became really impressed with Brad's work, with his standards & his concern for accurate reporting.
I also started to really like & respect alot of the people who posted here, thinking people who gave a damn & had alot of knowledge of history, alot of good ideas and (mostly!) a sense of humor.
I DO remember I once sent Brad an email saying something like "You do incredible work, really important work....but cool it with all the exclamation points!!! It makes it sound less serious..." or some such pompous drivel.
And he emailed me back a very gracious message explaining why he was going to keep using exclamation points!! Good for him!! Who WAS that crazy broad anyway?! Certainly not ME, because THIS Joan now realizes that Brad is a genuine hero and patriot and he can use any amount of punctuation he damn well pleases!!!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 7/8/2005 @ 4:05 pm PT...
I found BradBlog and a bunch of other sites with alternative news maybe a day or two after the November 2004 "election". I was very interested election fraud and Ohio. I remember there was a time when the BB got overwhelmed and a second site had to be set up. (I'm not making that part up, am I?)
I checked out these various sites often, but eventually began looking at BB as first choice because Brad had something of interest every day, and also continued because of the comments, which often provided very educational links.
When Brad responded to a few of my emails, I realized how much he is personally involved in keeping up with events, and how seriously he takes his Blog work. Most of the other sites I originally looked at were not blogs, and they didn't seem very personal-- not exactly anonymous, but kind of "generic" and overwhelming-- sound news, but not so engaging.
I witnessed the birth of the "6 or 7" crowd during the Pastor episode, and had an education there, as I had previously thought that Pastor was a reasonable person. The David and Goliath aspect of this whole series of events really tickled me, as I realized that ordinary people can really have an impact on the lives of those self-appointed to positions of power-- haha-- Pastor got dragged out of his Ivory Tower by Brad Bloggers. I loved it. Power to the "6 or 7".
My interest and my willingness to write comments and contribute more to the Blog were sealed when the excitement arose about Brad's chance to do a radio show. I listened to the first show live, and have heard to most of them live since. Brad's interviews are always interesting and informative-- great questions, great guests, great saavy in dealing with technical glitches.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 4:13 pm PT...
#8 Valley Girl,
YES! Bradblog Two! Or was it Bradblog Too? Hahaha, I had forgotten that.
The folks here have more than once bucked me up & dragged me up out of that "What's the point...I might as well give up" stage. Thank you, guys. You are awesome.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
donn r witherspoon
said on 7/8/2005 @ 4:37 pm PT...
I stumbled across bradblog while looking for something else about the election last year and have returned every day almost religiously. Its my first stop in the morning before anything else. I then go to rawstory, buzzflash, and a few of the others, including Winter Patriot. I am a veteran with a BA in broadcast journalism, that spent most of my life as a professional clown. I do smiles. It's what I do best and being such a person with this background I started to notice things right after the 2000 with regards to the media. There was a slant. Damn near every story about Bush&Co had a positive spin on a negative story. I quit watching the news on TV. I then started buying all the books written about Bush&Co, the first being Bushwacked by Molly Ivins. Greg Palast. Richard Clark. Paul O'Neill, etc. What amazed me is that with all these negative books, no libel suit was ever filed by Bush. So, there's a good chance this negative shit was all true. That's bad news for the Americans. Enough, enough. Just let me say thank you to all of you doing what you do. You give me hope and inspiration that maybe, just maybe, the People will represent America rather than the government.
One more thing and it is a major one for me. Please do not refer to politicians as clowns. It is an insult to clowns around the world. I'd appreciate it.
Thank you. Have a happy. spoontheclown
P.S. Thank you for correcting the spelling on the blog. Drove me nuts, it did. Correct mine, too.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 4:51 pm PT...
I thought I had been reading bradblog months before the election last year, but looking back at the archives it must've been sometime in late October. I had already been researching electronic voting and all of its shortcomings since around June, and it had been a foregone conclusion that they would play a huge role in the election that year. After 11/2, what kept me coming back day after day was Brad's excellent reporting on Ohio, Florida, and more.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 4:55 pm PT...
In retrospect I now remember like so many others here that it was in fact the Clint Curtis story that brought me here.
To donn r witherspoon - While I have called politicians a number of things, clowns was not one of them. I will remember to refrain from doing so in the future.
Happy Birthday Brad!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 5:30 pm PT...
I started coming here not soon after the election because I found the Blackbox Voting site. And there was some question about the validity of Clint Curitis's story on their message boards. Well, before, in a former life before outsourcing and downsizing . . . .Uh November 2000 to be exact, gee wonder why . . .I was an information technology professional . .yah a techy. But in MD we still had ballots we marked by hand, at least in my district.
Anyways, November 2004 , totally unaware of the BS HAVA, I go to cast my vote . . . (and they call me a conspiracy theorist and sore loser even though I am registered independent, for reason). I am horrified at this ballotless, electronic voting machine. In fact, as I vote and as the day progresses, I'm getting sick to my stomach realizing that our elections can now be controlled. Why? because I have been a database administrator and I know how simple and easy it would be to change numbers and there be no way to tell who won an election.
The day goes on . . . Kerry is winning, I feel better. (Mr. Cobb i wish i had known anything about you then, but i just didn't. I saw you speak on Jan 6th though in DC) Anyway I go to sleep on the couch, and wake up in time to see on CNN, that the whole entire computer system has gone down, but they are working to bring it back up and assuring everyone that no data would be lost.
My heart begins to pound and race . . and then the computers come back up again . .Bush is now beating Kerry by the same amount that Kerry was beating Bush by. FOUR years of that clown, myself and MANY friends had been in and out of work. And I KNEW what had happened in my heart, but I just did not want to believe it.
Ok, shortening this up . .I can't remember how I found Black Box Voting and Votergate TV but I did. And so Bev harris was saying something about not being able to verify Brad's story on Clint Curtis. SO . .I never just accept someone's opinion. I came to see for myself what Clint Curtis was all about.
And Clint Curtis was a programmer but I know a lot of programmers and I found Bradblog and Clint, professionally and entirely credible.
And so I kept coming here Plus Brad RoXxor!! And he was doing what I had come to the realization the media would not. Damn, I have my degree in Mass Communications and I was watching the Major networks and Cable news stations LYING!! And i was damn mad to know I could not believe ANYTHING they were saying anymore.
I had a rude awakening. But I am damn glad I am here.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 5:36 pm PT...
I started Nov. 3rd. I was online searching for news about how the election was stolen & found AmericaBlog. I liked his blog so I checked out all the blogs on his blog roll and ended up here. This is by far my favorite blog. I think it's because of Brads fighting spirit. This blog seems more alive than most, and I'm addicted to it.
Happy Birthday Brad!
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 5:42 pm PT...
I believe I came first to BradBlog when I was looking for video
on the Ohio Conyers hearing about the election irregularities.
I'd heard of Clint Curtis (didn't he appear at the end of the
Washington Conyers election hearing?) and been skeptical
because the fact that he'd contacted the FBI, and CIA, and
everybody in sight suggested to me that he was a nut. Now I
understand that he had very good reason for being a bit
I'd been respectful toward Keith Olbermann's post-election
coverage, and I was impressed when Brad was able to lecture
Keith on journalistic ethics in a credible way. That's when I
decided Brad was the real thing.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 6:05 pm PT...
I found Bradblog a few weeks after the 2004 election. Nothing that had happened made any sense to me and I'm an Army wife whose husband had already done one tour in Iraq! I was deeply concerned because the President of the U.S. orders my spouse to do things that he has no right to order anybody else to do. So long as he is elected by the people and thereby my husband is doing the will of the people then fine, but it didn't feel like that was what was taking place. It seemed that I was sorrowful everyday from the moment that I awoke. We have war in Iraq and chaos concerning America's perception and credibility worldwide. What if this person who claims to have been elected and has brought so much of this on wasn't really elected? How could the exit polls be so wrong? Why won't my stomach stop telling me that something is very wrong with the whole deal? I couldn't get rid of the feeling that the election was a sham. That is why I kept coming back and checking on what was happening. If my husband defends Brad's rights and trains and works daily to defend those rights.......Brad has worked and dug and asked and probed seeking the all of the truths that in turn protect my husband's rights! It's a good trade!!
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 6:51 pm PT...
i have read the Brad Blog from the very beginning, and i continue to read because i enjoy his attitude --- just a pinch of snark on top of precision reporting --- literally making the search for truth fun again. and also because i am too lazy to bother with all the Corporate Media sites, because i am sick and tired of hearing about Michael Jackson and the runaway bride.
yes, Brad indeed is the real thing. he pulls no punches; he is honestly, deeply committed to truth and justice.
i have learned from him that one person really can make a difference.
i really enjoy the commenters here; you guys have also brought much to this blog, this little village commons, with your eloquence and humor.
(by the way, i just want to make sure that it is written somewhere for posterity that this Blog is named as such not because Brad has a galactic-sized ego and must put his name on everything; quite the contrary. i happen to have it on good authority that it started out as an inside joke, appreciated among friends and family, and was met with much hilarity. then he began getting thousands of hits per day almost right off the bat, and was stuck with it. so now you guys of the loyal "6 or 7" know the real reason behind the name)
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 6:55 pm PT...
I'm so sad I don't remember how or when I came here! Yes, I was a major stoner but I have a better excuse - a major head injury 4 yrs. ago, resulted in seizures, anti-seizure meds, etc. So on top of short-term memory I have that too... Really good excuse isn't it!
I do remember the Clint Curtis story though and being drawn somehow to Brad's "style." Like "I know this guy" kinda feeling. His honesty, warmth, intelligence and dedication to getting TRUTH out combined with thoughtful, thought-provoking writing kept me coming back. You could just tell he's a great guy!
On top of that was reading the comments and having that same feeling - like I KNOW you guys - a strong feeling of familiarity. And always always the most amazing thoughts and links coming from the 6 or 7 who post here! I guess it might sound kinda lame, but there really is a good "feeling" here and it's ALL you guys. I think on some level we've all been together before... Oh and I was one of those 6 or 7 defending Koehler!
So although I don't know how I found you guys I'm so happy I did! You've created a special place here together! There's a real similar "feel" at my other "home" CCN (Clark Community Network) and I often think of us all as one big (trying to be happy) activist family!
Winter Patriot, The Whispering Campaign ROCKS!! And Torqued, I use your "Community Assist" constantly!! And everyone, I love you!!
So Blog on Brad Blog Blogathoners!! And Happy Birthday Brad!!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 7:32 pm PT...
I found this blog by typing into yahoo something like " +2004 +election +fraud +recount". At the time, and actually still, I was in such disbelief over the election. I couldn't believe it had happened and the MSM seemed quite satisfied with the results. Because of the 2000 election I wasn't at all convinced that Bush won legitimately. I couldn't have gotten through that period of time without Brad's hard work and all of your support. What a great group of people. I do pop into Brad Blog almost every night and read the headlines. But unfortunately I have lost my enthusiasm for changing the bull that is our illegimate President and his administration. I've accepted that we've been screwed. And I know that someday the truth will be known across America. But it probably won't happen until George Bush has truly ruined us. We are almost there. Thanks to all of you.for all you have done for our country, and for what you continue to do. It is deeply appreciated.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 7:36 pm PT...
Oh Yeah! I started during the "BradBlog Too" time.
When was that? It was after the election wasn't it?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 7:49 pm PT...
I came for the Clint Curtis. I stayed for the atmosphere.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/8/2005 @ 8:38 pm PT...
Please visit The Brad Store which is NOW OPEN!!, and spend a few dollars protecting what's left of your democracy!!
Or ... Make A Donation via PayPal if you don't feel like buying anything!!
Either way it costs you a few bucks, but we think it's worth it --- and that's why we're here!
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 8:44 pm PT...
I also came during the BradBlog 11 days. When was that anyway? Just after the Clint Curtis thing?
I found Brad to be intelligent, clear-headed, logical, compassionate and a great digger! The way he wrote about the issues made me feel like I was having a conversation with my brother.
This was the first blog I found when I was feeling really depressed and scared about the direction the US has been taking since that terrible day in September. I felt lonely and alone in the way I was feeling and thinking. And when I came to Bradville, it was like I had discovered a whole community that shared the same hopes and fears that I did. That has never happened to me before and it felt like I had come home. All the posters were wonderful; they made me feel welcome and a big part of the very large family.
Besides, Brad is the only blogger that has personally acknowledged each and every donation that I have made and let me know just how much he appreciated the help. He's very polite and gallant! (Maybe I have a wee bittee of a crush on ya, Brad)
Anyway, that's why I keep coming back. I love the feeling of having "family" spread out across the US, Canada and the rest of the world. Rock on guys! We are making a difference, you betcha!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 9:03 pm PT...
Just last month I was searching the net for some story that the LA Times did not cover. I vaguely remembered some mention of Brad on Air America.
I keep coming back because I know I will see reports and discussion of the important stories of the day.
Can't live without it now.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 9:33 pm PT...
I also came here during the "Bradblog Too" time. My small town newspaper carries an Op Ed column by Gene Lyons. One of his columns featured a list of his favorite blogs. He rated Eschaton as the best, but he didn't mention Bradblog. I didn't even know what a blog was at the time.
When I went over to Eschaton I found others just as depressed as I was over the outcome of the election. There was real commiserating going on over there and I felt at home. Since I live in a staunchly Republican county in Ohio (imagine that!) and my entire family is in the Republican twilight zone, I needed to connect with others who felt the way I did. I followed a link from there to Raw Story, and a link from Raw Story to Bradblog.
I have to have a Bradblog fix every night now! I think it was the insolent look and the cigarette hanging out of his mouth that lured me in. Ha Just kidding, but I do love that picture!!
Seriously, I found Brad to be meticulous in his reporting, and extremely credible. He was not afraid to challenge power, and always came out on the winning side. To my knowledge, he has never had to recant, because he gets it right the first time. This same standard is displayed with Winter P, Kira, Torqued, and all the regulars who post here. I have never encountered such intelligent, knowledgeable, caring people. I am humbled to be able to come here and feast on your wisdom. I have learned so much from all of you!!
Even though I don't get a chance to post very often, I do feel like I am part of the 6 or 7 of you, the real American Patriots, who are working to take our country back from the bush crime family. I may not be making much noise here, but I am making a good bit of noise in other places. I expect a visit from the Cheney gestapo sometime soon. Happy Birthday, Brad!!
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 9:49 pm PT...
Linked from buzzflash to Brad Blog too in November right after the fiasco of an election. I come back for the great links and and the family feeling that I find here every time I stop by. I have been educated in what is really going on in our world. I find stuff on this site I don't find anyplace else.I've learned I have activist blood in my veins, since my re-education. I would like to send my thanks to you all, for all you do to make this a place I like to visit as often as I can. Soooooooo Thanks !
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 9:53 pm PT...
Happy Birthday Brad!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 7/8/2005 @ 10:55 pm PT...
Cheryl #23 !!!
THERE you are!!!!!!!
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 7/8/2005 @ 10:59 pm PT...
And: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Brad Friedman!!! We're glad you're on our planet!
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 7/8/2005 @ 11:12 pm PT...
Thanks again Brad! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! (maybe the exclamation point thing is a "good Cancer" type trait...can't believe Shrub is a Cancer!!!)
I've been "lurking" or at least reading every week since I heard Brad on Thom Hartmann's show...only awhile before The BRAD SHOW started. I invited all of the Thom Hartmann chatters to listen to The BRAD SHOW and came to the blog to invite the bloggers to a more immediate stream of consciousness-style conversation while The BRAD SHOW the the chatroom at his site :hehe:
Well, Dredd joined us and a few others in the chat & on the blog during the first BRAD SHOW and then I REALLY was hooked. :satisfied: :satisfied:
Thank you!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!! Thank You Brad and all for "being the media!!!!!!!!" :hehe:
:crazy: :crazy:"Ooooh I get mad...but then...I get Brad, Raw Radio"...
(if it's catchy have my contribution and permission...sorry I'm outta work and $.)
BlogOn Brad!
From behind the "emerald curtain" in Humboldt County,
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 7/9/2005 @ 5:32 am PT...
I found my way here as a result of my involvement in the electronic voting issue here in Ireland. Someone in Irish Citizens for Trustworthy E-Voting had posted links to Black Box From there I found links to Brad Blog (during the Clint Curtis breaking story--Dec 04?) and other excellent websites.
I keep coming back here because of the high-quality new information from Brad, his contacts (RAW Story etc.) and from other posters. I value the investigative work Brad has done (and hope the Blog & Show don't get so time-consuming that it precludes more original investigative journalism).
Also, troll disruption is minimal while allowing various points of view to be heard.
I loved the Pastor "six or seven" escapade!
And I love hearing about other people's creativity (e.g. Sheila's cardboard activism).
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2005 @ 8:39 am PT...
Hi Peg C!
Glad to see you. Love the fractal art. It's not payday until next week so I'll contribute then; but save me one!
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Jeff J.
said on 7/9/2005 @ 9:47 am PT...
I first came on board the day after the 2004 “election” fiasco. I was so angry and outraged and couldn’t believe that the MSM wasn’t reporting about any of the irregularities that occurred in Ohio and other places. I was so thirsty for information and I scoured the web for any tidbit of information I could find. I was elated to find BradBlog because it seemed that Brad was focused on the very same stuff that I was interested in hearing about. I’ve been coming back ever since.
I have never been a political activist in any sense of the word, but I am an outraged citizen of the United States that wants to do everything in my power to restore democracy to our government and throw out the criminals that now occupy the White House. The more I hear, see and learn about them, the more sickened I become. BradBlog has been such a powerful outlet for me to feel that I’ve at least spoken out against the tyranny that these criminals have perpetrated on us, and at times have felt such satisfaction, knowing that we were able to make a difference, no matter how small that difference may seem.
I was so proud of the six or seven of us that bombarded Dr. Pastor with personalized emails that supported the Velvet Revolution’s demands for real election reform, and was so elated when we heard that the “Commission” at least invited Congressman Conyers to sit in on their forum. I think it surprised the hell out of Pastor when he saw that we were actually real people who were more than a little concerned about the election fraud that took place in 2004.
And it was great to bark back at the Chicago Tribune, the St. Petersburg Times, the New York Times, and Washington Post after they published pure garbage and showed themselves to be nothing more than shallow propaganda rags for the criminals in Washington. I actually heard back from a couple of them.
It’s not so much that we’re moving mountains or pushing Bush off the edge of the impeachment plank, but it feels so right to fight back against the lies and crimes that this government has wrought upon us. Doing nothing just isn’t an option for me, and I relish the thought of how much George Bush and Karl Rove must hate us and what we stand for, and hopefully we scare them, if even just a little bit, and make them wonder just how many of us are really out there.
I apologize Brad, for not being able to make any financial contribution at this point, but my finances are more than a little challenged these days. Hopefully this will change in the coming months and I’ll be able to help out monetarily as well. At least know that I support you all the way and I admire your courage and tenacity to tell it like it is and keep all of us so well informed. You do a tremendous service to us all and I really appreciate all the hard work that you and so many who blog here do.
Thanks to all of you who have done so much to educate me and direct me to websites where I’ve learned more than I ever really wanted to know. It’s really scary and at the same time it feels so good to know that I’m not just sitting on my hands in ignorant bliss while the criminals in Washington rage on with their obsession for power and domination. They are some really sick puppies.
Thank you Clint Curtis, for standing up to the bullies and blowing your whistle as loud as you can! Thank you Larisa, for your tenacity and getting the truth out to America! Thank you John Conyers, Barbara Boxer, Stephanie Tubbs Brown, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Cynthia McKinney for actually doing what your constituents elected you to do! Thank you Robert Koehler, Jim Lampley, Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman, Chris Floyd, Steve Rosenfeld and the others who wrote such great stories! And thanks to all the great BradBloggers who keep me inspired and informed!
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2005 @ 11:53 am PT...
From Nov 3rd... I've been checking in every couple of days, sometimes 2 or 3 times on a busy day.
I stay here because of the integrity of the blog and the fact that regulars here like to think about what has happened rather than jump to conclusions.
Everything the regulars bring... they bring with evidence, references and knowledge of what they're talking about, with the exception of the resident troll Jimmo.
He's like a pet troll though... It's almost comforting seeing an annoyed freeper trying pathetically to distract us from our mission to seek (and expose) the truth about how severely corrupt this administration is.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Paul - Madison WI
said on 7/9/2005 @ 3:53 pm PT...
I don't remember when I first came here, probably late last year.
But I remember when I stayed.
It was Brad's coverage on the ACVR, the phony republican voting rights organization which was formed overnight and claimed to be non-partisan - yet was being interviewed by congress as though they were a legitimate voting rights group. Yeah, right, they're about as non-partisan as bush's cabinet.
Anyway great work Brad and Winterpatriot and all of the others who help out and participate here.
I don't participate much here but I do read the stories and some of the comments. I've been spending my time at places where people do NOT necessarily agree with me, and I try to lead them to the light....
I'll send some $$ soon, it helps when you list things like it costs $500/week for the studio, etc. It brings it home that this kind of work does incur real costs which we lurkers need to help bear if this kind of site is to contine.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2005 @ 8:35 pm PT...
I was fortunate enough to find Brad while following a link I saw posted at dkos by Understandinglife as he was trying to rally support for recounts right after the sElection. I read only for a few weeks and like Winter Patriot above, I too wondered why Brad did'nt get many comments, but the irony of me reading without commenting and wondering why there weren't many comments was........well, self evident. I think I, like a lot of others, was still in shock about the election and was searching for some validation about my beliefs that the election was stolen and was wary of putting that belief out there because of some of the attacks I'd seed on people like me on other blogs.
Long story short.......Brad GETS IT. Not only does he get it, but he seeks the truth actively and follows the evidence wherever it goes without fear.
I can think of 6 or 7 other reasons why I like Bradblog too! Although I haven't posted many comments lately, I can assure you I have been here, following along and listening, and watching this site explode in popularity.
Brad, Winter Patriot, all you 6 or 7 Bradbloggers, and especially Peg C, Cheryl, and people rock.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2005 @ 9:11 pm PT...
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2005 @ 10:41 pm PT...
I was lucky enough to be at the Freedom Cinema Festival, in Park City, Utah, when I first heard about the Bradblog. The Freedom Cinema Festival rocks with spirit, and they had an amazing line-up of live shows. Native American John Trudell spoke. The movie about his life, "Trudell", was playing across the street at Sundance. Michael Franti came out to play music. His excellent movie "I Know I'm Not Alone", was playing at Slamdance, down the road. In the movie he takes his guitar to Bagdad and Palestine, gaining an intimacy with the locals that is immediate, and heartrendering.
And then one night, there is Brad, interviewing Clint. Six or seven of us were in the audience, max. Sitting in that room, I can tell you bloggers of cyberspace, in my intuition, my judgement, up close, these guys are telling the truth.
I can't walk away from this story. In light of the larger picture, it matters big time. All the cracks in the armor, lets put in a chisel and keep hammering.
I get the best news from this site, and it's great to know you're all out there keeping watch and stirring things up. Solidarity.
Happy Birthday Brad
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2005 @ 11:19 pm PT...
It was a dark and dreary night! OK - I was having some democratic friends over to watch Kerry win the election, and winning he was! My friends said, "It looks as if Kerry is winning, and we have an early morning tomorrow. It has been an enjoyable evening!" I said, "It sure has, hasn't it? Yeah Kerry!" They left.
I relaxed in front of the tele, to watch the results for a bit. I even dozed a moment, --- perhaps two --- when all at once the numbers seemed to begin to substantially reverse themselves. I saw and heard that garbage! I started yelling, "NOOOO!!!" Election reform has received my full attention from that point on!
I did an internet search soon after that on "2004 election fraud," and found Brad.
I probably comment just enough to cause you to say, ... "Who's that?" Not to fear, I'm out here daily, reading Brad and commentors. I'm also listening, spreading the word, and helping in every way possible!
We saw those debates, didn't we folks? No way, no way, that man could have won a legitimate election!!
How many of their own banana peels can Bush&Co fall "upside down" on before one does the job and they slide right out of office?
On that happy note, best wishes to all!
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2005 @ 6:36 am PT...
Brad, I heard you on raw radio saying that you liked this thread, I do too. But what about you? How & why did you start this blog? How long before it became popular? Did you ever imagine you would become one of the leaders of the verified voting movement? Do you still act/write/direct/software design?
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2005 @ 6:38 am PT...
{deleted at the request of the poster}
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2005 @ 8:54 am PT...
{deleted at the request of the poster}
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Catherine Guadagnino
said on 7/10/2005 @ 1:06 pm PT...
I started reading the Brad Blog in April, I also linked thru Buzz Flash which was mentioned on C-Span. I have been here since. I read all these reporters and very intelligent people and at first I thought I can't post anything I am not as intelligent as some responding. Then I kept reading and I had to say something, might not be original, might not be perfect but, it is where I can read people who think as I do. And, I get the truth from those who are in the know!
This has been most exciting and my Home Page is now the BRAD BLOG!
Keep up the good work. Thanks
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2005 @ 9:08 pm PT...
Alison -
I guess I'll have to hold most of the answers to your questions so I'll have *something* to write about if anyone ever gives me a book offer!
But for a few hints, I spoke to some of those things a few weeks ago when I was on Barry Gordon's show. Don't worry, it was at the front of the show, so you won't have to listen to the whole thing!
The link to that interview is here:
Now I have to go look up in the super-secret archives what it was you said that you asked WP to delete!
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 7/11/2005 @ 10:16 am PT...
I had been a poll watcher in Florida, and from what I saw down there and what I read on-line in the first few days after the election I knew fraud had occurred.
But I had never heard of Clint Curtis or Ray Lemme. The Curtis affidavit came forth soon after the election, and I was linked to bradblog through it (I believe from One thing I noticed was that bradbloggers actually read one another's postings (unlike other blogs where people post just to see their names in print or spew hate).
Bradbloggers COMMUNICATE. They have open minds, capable of absorbing nuance and complexity...bradbloggers are everything George W. Bush is not, and everything Brad himself is.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
raincity calling
said on 7/12/2005 @ 7:26 pm PT...
I can't recall for sure, but I think it was when I was searching for information on Clint Curtis. I can't recall how I first heard about Clint Curtis, but shortly thereafter, I found Bradblog. I keep coming back because this blog is the best site for reporting on election fraud issues. All the information on the Baker/Carter Commission and the GOP fake organization known as the American Center For Voting Rights was amazing. I also keep coming back because many of the people participating in the blog I met or at least had some contact with them, at the Nashville election reform conference. Although I don't know these people well, and most will likely not even remember me, they feel like family now because I finally met people who feel strongly about this issue and see how important it is. I keep having to explain to people that it does not matter how organized we become on other issues, if we don't fight to save our election process, nothing else matters. Brad and the other bloggers understand this, and that is why this blog feels like home. Keep up the good fight everyone. We must win this one.