"Sunday '2025 Terror, Trump and Tesla' Toons"
(4 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 1/5/2025 @ 6:49 pm PT...
It must never be forgotten that the DNC elevated Trump as their handpicked pied piper. This "existential threat to democracy" was put in position because the Democratic leadership played chicken with the fate of the nation in their pursuit of power... and lost!
That albatross needs to be hung around their collective necks in perpetuity.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 1/6/2025 @ 6:57 am PT...
Kamala Harris, what do you say to your disempowered voters?
What do democrats say to their disempowered voters?
What do disempowered voters say to GOP devotees of criminal, anti-democracy, Russian asset, & predatory psycopath Trump? They intend to tank the U.S. dollar and economy to enrich themselves and empower Russia, and ruin all the rest of us.
I think that rural conservatives and even maga devotees wouldn't go along with losing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and the GOP tanking our dollar for cryptocurrency while raiding Fort Knox as some predict, which would cause money inflation and a great depression.
We could all be impoverished in a flash. Left dumbfounded.
I like what Greg Palast is doing:
We're working feverishly to get the data to calculate the effect of racist voter suppression trickery on the election’s outcome. Not unexpectedly, we are getting stonewalled by red-state officials about the number of provisional ballots uncounted (> 42.3% we find from well-hidden data), the number of mail-in ballots discarded (> 2 million), and the number of vigilante challenges to legit voters (> 852,000).
Here’s what the numbers are telling us so far : https://www.gregpalast.c...he-kochs-and-the-donald/
The U.S. media will write about vote suppression tactics during an election. But never would the media report on the effect of suppression on the November 5 vote count.
But the Palast Team does, with precision, based on data and facts. And here’s what the numbers are telling us so far. Absent vote suppression tactics,
“The wholesale attack on votes and voters cost Kamala Harris Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia — which would have brought her to a winning 286 Electoral votes.”
As Gerald Griggs, President of the Georgia NAACP told me, “Vote suppression and voter intimidation won.”
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/6/2025 @ 8:30 am PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 1/9/2025 @ 7:36 am PT...
Joe Biden has said that he would have won the election.
How, given that legitimate Democratic Voters were denied their right to vote and Kamala's valid win.
According to Greg Palast, Jessie Jackson told Biden and Harris at a White House visit about the GOP's plan to steel votes from Democrats and so from Kamala.
Will Vigilantes or Voters Choose our President?
by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.For the Chicago Tribune Syndicate
November 4, 2024
“We’ve marched too long, we’ve worked too hard, and died too young. Don’t let them steal your vote.” — Rev. Jesse Jackson
So informed, what plan did they or she have to thwart GOP anti-democracy theft of votes? Any plans for Nov 5th did not work, no communication, no remedy, or plans now, or upcoming plans?