Bush-Cheney Beneficiaries of 'Massive In-Kind Donation' from Abramoff's RNC Lobbying Firm!!!
Whitehouse's Outstanding Tab at Atleast $314,000! Larger than Anything So Far Tied to Embattled House Majority Leader!!!
By Brad Friedman on 5/5/2005, 9:16am PT  

In the first of several reports from RAW STORY on an expansion of the widening fundraising morass currently plaguing Republican House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, the White House itself is now being named as a major beneficiary of Jack Abramoff's lobbying firm in dollar numbers that dwarf anything DeLay has so far been tied to!!!


In a major afternoon exclusive, RAW STORY will report that Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff's lobbying firm, has made what amounts to a "massive in-kind donation" to Bush-Cheney to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars!!!


Bush-Cheney 2000 Recount Committee has $314,000 "unpaid" to Greenberg Traurig from total bill of $800,000!

Four-plus years after recount, outstanding portion of Bush-Cheney's bill to Abramoff's lobbying firm still unpaid.

Newsweek reported in 2001, when the unpaid number was still at $800,000:

"What you've got here is a bunch of rich lawyers bellyaching," one former Bush official told Newsweek. "Yet these guys got huge in-kind contributions to their reputations out of this."

We suppose those "in-kind contributions" to the "reputations" of Greenberg Traurig employees may have served as a fine trade for the in-kind contribution that Greenberg Traurig appears to have made to Bush-Cheney by not collecting on their billed fees...

RAW STORY is now reporting that many of those employees, including the son of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who was hired by Greenberg Traurig during the recount period after being retained by Bush-Cheney, have enjoyed great boosts to their resume from the work done on the 2000 Recount...

Full story now available at RAW STORY!!!

Clarification from RAW STORY on their original edition of the article...

The original version of this article used the figure $320,000. To ensure the number was sound, Raw Story reduced the number to $314,000, the minimum Greenberg Traurig could be owed if their entire legal bill was $800,000. Some believe the total outstanding bill is actually greater than $400,000.
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