(180 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:21 am PT...
We're waiting!!! Hungry for the goods!!!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:34 am PT...
:laugh: Good. It's about time. Will it be reported or ignored? I am so sick of this administration that was illegally installed by means of FRAUD. I hope they are all impeached and imprisoned.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:45 am PT...
Is this the BIG one they have been talking about? Please let this be good!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:51 am PT...
Oh good, but will the media get off Laura and Bush's facsination with jerking off horses to print it?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
InTruth We Trust
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:54 am PT...
Who?What?When?Where?How? You'll notice I left out the "Why" since we all the answer to that. They are corrupt to the core and the consummate in hipocracy.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Mike Oxbigg
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:59 am PT...
I would hope this does not bump the Paula/American Idol, Jackson, and Runaway bride headlines.... because that would be disasterous to the American people. DUH!!!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:02 am PT...
I doubt it will trump the war profiteering income ... but there is no end to the corruption so I will wait and see.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:09 am PT...
I'm ready to lay money on the fact that this story's going to die without a whimper. WHY? Because it has the names "Bush" and "Cheney" in the headlines. The story ISN'T that they're corrupt...the REAL story will happen when ("if") something is done about it. I'm really sick of this "Bush is going DOWN...HARD" baloney. Wake me when the impeachment trial begins.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:13 am PT...
Thew real story is the Media (MSM)is corrupt.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:19 am PT...
Sic em! Sic em! Get 'im boy! Get 'im good!
Woohoo! Please let the MSM know of this. This is FAR too big for even them to ignore!!!
- MrBlueSky
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:42 am PT...
Those three in the same tub
Now all we have to do is
pull the plug
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:43 am PT...
I can't wait to find out what this story is. Now it makes sense why DeLay is fighting hard to stay around. Because he's connected to the big hancho's and he has something on them to make him stay.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:44 am PT...
"Please let the MSM know of this. This is FAR too big for even them to ignore!!!"
They ignore big stories all the time. Don't expect this to be any different.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:49 am PT...
They are scrambling. The dam is breaking and soon they will all be scrambling trying to save their own skins.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:57 am PT...
Houlegirl (#13),
I understand your skepticism.
However, Shadowtwinchaos (#14) has it right. No one, not even Bushie himself will be able to ignore it when "the dam is breaking."
The MSM will ignore this story at their own (eventual) peril.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:11 am PT...
snore... this is not news...
wake me up when the real news comes on because i want to know more about michael jackso and tell me more about that run-away bride... haven't there been any white girls abducted yet this week, somewhere in America??? And don't forget about the weather - boy is it unusual, but don't you dare mention global warming, cuz it feels cool outside today to me!
zzz zzz zzz (snores 3 X), were you saying something? ... MSM's eventual peril? I'm afraid we could be dead by then.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:14 am PT...
This would explain the official WH stance of support for DeLay. If HE goes down on ethical/criminal grounds, so might THEY.
I'm not holding my breath...but this entire country could die of asphyxia before too long, because the great vacuum of corruption and greed has sucked all the moral and intellectual oxygen out of the atmosphere.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:23 am PT...
Why would MSM report this? Do not forget who owns MSM......probably the farthest righ winger out there. Chances are he won't let anything like that from being reported. Murdock dictates what is reported.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:28 am PT...
How did your bloggers get to be so cynical!
Look people, Clinton had sex with an intern and lied about it under oath. That story was long dead well before the 1998 elections. However, persistent Republicans kept it alive.
Keep the pressure on high and try not to be too cynical... we need to pull together to crush the Republican scam machine!
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:30 am PT...
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:49 am PT...
I agree with Shine comment 2. Prison should not be the only option though.
I personally hate the death penalty and think it should only be used in the most serious of crimes. I can not think of anything higher than High Treason against our country
These people have a facination with death, as long as they do not have to face it or risk anything or any family members, so did the french and russians until the aristocrats heads began rolling, the few survivors did not have time to try to rule the commoners after that.
If they were only imprisoned they would get pardons just like Nixon, all the irangate and contra felons did (many who are right in the thick of this adm. FELONS).
I do not condone a witch hunt, but war crimes, depleted Uraniam, Renditions, 9/11 coverups, lies about the Iraq war are all crimes against humanity.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:58 am PT...
I have mixed emotions on what is being said here cause everyone is telling it like it is.
There is reason for skepticism because when in recent history has an american administration used public money to pay the MSM to print propaganda with taxpayer dollars and gotten away with it?
None and nada as far as I know.
But at the same time the underlying (pun intended) story has always been exposed. That is reason for hope.
Back to skepticism again ... how much time do we have?
HOPE: It will break before '06 and help the elections ...
SKEPTICISM: the voting machines will change the vote again ...
Damn we are into a phase of bipolar politics and civics ...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 12:05 pm PT...
I agree number seventeen. I remember when the scandal started happening people were turning away from him. Cheney came out and said they should do an investigation but then Bush turned around and said he considered DeLay a friend. I thought that was very strange. And it's strange how long he's stayed around. Shouldn't he be gone by now?
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 12:08 pm PT...
Hey, MrBlueSky #19
"How did your bloggers get to be so cynical!
Look people, Clinton had sex with an intern and lied about it under oath. That story was long dead well before the 1998 elections. However, persistent Republicans kept it alive."
Simple answer: no voice. No tv, no newspapers, a tiny lamb's bleat of radio (i mean, I love AirAmerica, but tell-the-truth-n-shame-the-devil, my Grandma always said....they're a mosquito in the giant's ear).....WE GOT NO VOICE! I say it again, we are David up against a God-awful, monolithic goddamn Goliath, made up of the presidency, both houses of congress, the gagged, 24/7-propaganda-machine of the media, the courts (?Kafka routine goin on THERE) and the Bible-thumpers.
And you wonder why we seem a bit cynical?
Jesusinamotherfookinjar, son! You must be pulling my leg........
(not that I'm whinin, Teresa!!: y'all play nice!...)
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 12:15 pm PT...
Peg C #17 and Emily #23
Seems likely, however another RAW STORY indicates that support is crumbling (link here).
These guys have to face an election when bu$hit ratings are going the wrong way solid.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Chemo-Electric Trashman
said on 5/5/2005 @ 12:57 pm PT...
I just read the early parts of the Raw Story article. Brad did not mention that the contribution is technically legal. This is not enough even to scratch Bush, in the current environment.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 1:32 pm PT...
I agree with Chemo-Electric Trashman. As corrupt as a this sounds (AND IS) it is, unfortunately, business as usual and I can't see the unbelievably jaded MSM (or American people for that matter) getting much of a rise out of this. I hope I'm wrong. If this is Brad's Tsunami, all I can say is I love his hope and idealism but I'm afraid it's not likely to cause more than a ripple with the MSM or the general public. I'll keep my fingers cross that I'm the one who's too cynical.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 1:45 pm PT...
Man, it's not a good time to be the President. Ill-tempered chickens are comming home to roost, baby!
I wrote a letter about Bush and the Iraq bombshell memo that I am sending to everyone in my address book, even people I've refrained from talking to about the election fraud issues. I've posted it at DKos. Feel free to use/diseminate.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 1:55 pm PT...
An accumulation of "small" blows at the feet of clay is as good as a one-time bombing! Patience and persistence. We believe these people are major criminals; if we are right, the evidence exists - it will take hard work and continued thumping at the door to get the door open. And with the willingness to KEEP ON LOOKING EVERYWHERE, AT EVERYTHING...that's when and where you will find the evidence and get them to drown in their own muck. Yes, it's annoying. But EVERYONE is being tested here...the Bushites and ourselves! They may have the bucks, but we have the brains. This is very serious, but will not be the greatest problem ever faced by mankind. Further hurdles are ahead. Success in beating the "Bushgang" will make everyone stronger for the future.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 1:55 pm PT...
This is ludicrous! The report even says NOTHING IS ILLEGAL about this!
But guess what: We now have 14 Congressmen including a lot of Democrats rapped up in Delay-gate and the list is growing. So can we crucify those Democrats like you are Delay?
Oh, and by the way: BOLTON WILL BE OUR NEXT UN AMBASSADOR! Perhaps he will even be the Secretary General soon now that Senator Coleman has the files of the two UN investigators that said Koffi lied!
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 1:58 pm PT...
Say, weren't we suppose to have a DRAFT by now according to you liberals? I am pretty sure you all were hyping the "fact" last October that a DRAFT would be IN THE WORKS by May of 2005!
Another big lie by the left! No wonder you lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency!
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 2:01 pm PT...
Another 50 caliber "miss" ,on target but no bullseye.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 2:02 pm PT...
Great diary you posted over at DKos! I will forward it to those on my e-mail list. Thanks for you efforts.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 2:20 pm PT...
Dear Noitall #30, 31 - Every criminal, whether they CALL themselves a Demo or Repub, should go to jail.
Bush is a liar and Bolton no diplomat. The world should stand up against American bullies.
If Bush wants to nuke the Middle East, the draft will be coming. I hear he can't get any volunteers. Have you volunteered????
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 2:35 pm PT...
knownothing #'s30 and 31-
So, in your small way of thinking about things, you (and we?) can just ignore the fact that this is the most corrupt administration in the history of this country and we should do this because some (even many) democrats may also be corrupt or because, so far, they haven't reinstituted a draft but have chosen to continue a backdoor draft of reserves and enlisted personnel to continue this horrendous and ill-conceived war? And you think that, just because this Republican dominated Senate may be stupid enough to approve a person as inappropriate as Bolton to be UN Ambassador that there is even the remote possibility that the UN is going to then choose him to be Secretary General? Sorry, pal. The concerns of most people on this Blog go way beyond your petty little Republican vs. Democrat view of the world. If this is the best you've got to contribute, take it back to one of your little right-wing blogs.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 2:49 pm PT...
Hear, Hear Steve (#35)! Well said!
Actually, even though I am a progressive, I am also independent. I don't particularly care if someone has a "D" or an "R" next to their names. It is what is inside them that counts. (And this Admin and Congress are just full of black hearts! And from both sides of the aisle!)
Actually, my choice for the White House in 2008.... a Republican (Sen. McCain). I e-mailed his Senate office asking him to consider running. He's kicking DeLay's tail too!
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 3:06 pm PT...
Conyers for President!
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 3:17 pm PT...
Conyers/Boxer for 2008!
knownothing ,remember to "duck and cover" when the time comes.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 4:09 pm PT...
Steve said:
If this is Brad's Tsunami, all I can say is I love his hope and idealism but I'm afraid it's not likely to cause more than a ripple with the MSM or the general public. I'll keep my fingers cross that I'm the one who's too cynical.
Actually, that "tsunami" that Steve quotes me as referring to was actually in regards to another story. Though somewhat related. It looked to be ready first, but some new elements mean that things have changed, and that part is still to come. Probably early next week. We'll see as thing develop...
Brush away your cynicism (all)! Truth is light...More light to come...
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 4:27 pm PT...
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
Charles R Dubord Jr
said on 5/5/2005 @ 4:49 pm PT...
I think the most damning peice of evidence is not receiving enough attention...
The Sibel Edmonds Story!!!!
The government is currently invoking "state secrets" rights to enforce a gag order that prevents this ex- FBI translator from coming forward with evidence that could incriminate high ranking US officials in what could amount to the highest form of treason...
Please people get up to speed with this story and demand some answers...
here is the link...
Later, Charlie
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
America's Work Stories
said on 5/5/2005 @ 4:52 pm PT...
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Bin Laden's laughing hard
said on 5/5/2005 @ 5:38 pm PT...
If this is the same NOWITALL from Delphi,(and it sounds just like him) everyone please ignore him! He has been feverishly posting BUSHIT for years on Delphi forums and is a disgustingly STUPID Bush asslicker! ANYTHING Bush does or says is wonderful to him. Idiot!
Good work,Brad!
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 5:43 pm PT...
Maybe "noitall" is Bush himself! His one and only fan. But then again, Bush is too lazy - he probably hasn't a clue on how to use a computer or access the "internets".
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
neocons gone wild
said on 5/5/2005 @ 5:45 pm PT...
Hey how do the smiley faces work??
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
Bin Laden's laughing hard
said on 5/5/2005 @ 5:50 pm PT...
LOL! I wouldn't doubt it....he's too busy stealing money,killing people,and trying to jerk off male horses to learn about it! heehee
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 5:51 pm PT...
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 6:17 pm PT...
A number of east Europeans have said to me since 911 that they believed Israel was behind the WTC attack. I was surprised to hear this. But, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine that SOME radical Israelis would bomb the WTC in an effort to get the United States to attack Israel's enemies in the Middle East???? And that it suited Bushco to go along with the plan????
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 6:45 pm PT...
re-post from KIRA on another thread
Oink oink!!
I didn't know where to post this, so I decided here might be ok.
Winter Patriot - Brad - have you taken a look at the Media Channel Org.? There are 1007 global members for this network for democratic media. On the site you will find a link to words by Walter Cronkite who spoke out in their support when they launched this Internet Channel. Here's just a snip of what he said:
"I'm pleased that the Media Channel opens an immediately available resource for media whistle-blowers. Anonymity will be protected, of course—if their stories check out, of course. And, of course, are backed up with the facts."
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/5/2005 @ 6:51 pm PT...
That's exactly right, Peggy #48. Mucho evidence and stories I've posted here. I'll repost in a bit, if someone doesn't beat me to it.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 6:52 pm PT...
And poor IQ tanking Bu$h can't hope for any guidance from CIA Director Porter Goss, cos he has to ask his kids for help, when using that new fangled "internets" and eeeemail thingy!
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/5/2005 @ 6:57 pm PT...
Neocons Gone Wild #45 -
Torqued has created a tool for help in posting, but since I don't have that link:
right-click on the smilie of your choice, choose "Properties," then COPY the html. In your message, insert
[img src="pasted link" width="20" height="20"]
Instead of the square brackets [], use .
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/5/2005 @ 7:34 pm PT...
All I want to know is this: "Does this constitute a high crime or misdemeanor?" Those are the magic words for us to get rid of this varmint Bush once and for all.
Lawyers, please weigh in here.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 7:42 pm PT...
I have to agree with Charles #41
I think you all know about Sibel Edmonds, which story has been around for awhile but has re-surfaced & is EXTREMELY disturbing.
In an atmosphere of so many disturbing stories it's difficult to decide which to focus on, but this one is truly frightening.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 7:43 pm PT...
Yes, Robert, where ARE the lawyers???
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 8:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 8:07 pm PT...
Truth has no effect lets see if money does .....................
"From reports in the media about the trial in New York between the insurers and the insured WTC leaseholder, no sign of such motions has been made public. The dispute has been mainly over the question, whether to pay out $7 billion or “only” $3 billion, whereby the shareholders are supposed to be relieved at the latter sum as a victory of the “lesser of two evils.”
(link above)
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 8:46 pm PT...
Glad I was wrong about the Tsunami. Definitely didn't mean it as criticism when I know how hard you're working out there. Just being honest about how I felt. I'll try to be less cynical, though it isn't easy in this crazy, mixed-up world!
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 8:55 pm PT...
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:03 pm PT...
u c bbv z = k
u r rotm
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:19 pm PT...
#45 NeoCons Gone Wild (hehe! Love your moniker!)
How to post smilies & links -
The Amazing Torqued's HTML Generator
(Send the webpage to your desktop or keep link handy in a Word Doc.!!)
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 9:27 pm PT...
Good one, Torqued! In my opinion, it's TREASON. Bush has sold out America and its people many times over on a multitude of issues. If the American media won't call it as it is, maybe the rest of the world should start demanding Bush's empty head on a platter, or create an embargo. For instance, how about "no more oil for the U.S." Think that might get someone's attention? Or, how about a "special price" just for America: $200 a barrel? Maybe if all the SUV's ground to a halt, Americans might finally decide that Bush is a liability they can no longer afford!
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:00 pm PT...
MMIIXX #'s 56/57
Right! Building 7 caught fire and got 'pulled'--dropping like a rock. That is an open festering wound reaking for an explanation. And toss in the small puncture hole in the Pentagon caused by a Boing 757 which left no wing, tail, or any other parts. Of course we could get some clarifaction from the videos of the Pentagon at the time---whoops they were all secreted away. Ah, national security at work.
Insurance money at stake, maybe something will blow!
How about revving up the stakes a bit--with some
"Wrongful Death" suits naming lots of John D's like the Saudi's, bush's, bin Ladin's, our gov't, etc.
Nothing like a bunch of lawyers nosing around, demanding documents asking questions.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:34 pm PT...
Charles R Dubord Jr #41 We do understand about Sibel Edmonds and we do support her. We know that the facts were made "state secrets" so those facts could not be used against the criminals in power. We work a lot of fronts here and thanks for mentioning that one again. Also see Joan #54.
neocons gone wild #45 We tire of repeating this ad nauseum, but fundamentally it is HTML tags. These tags are supported here in HTML format. Need I say more? There is a link to a program/page that Torqued wrote (see Kira #61)which will do a lot of it for you. I do not know if you like to live in the wilderness or the city so I won't go further until you let us know the type of HTML dude you are (I like to do mine raw). Also see Peg C #52.
Peggy #47 and Peggy said #48 A top official in the administration was also an Israeli citizen and an official in a software company that developed software that controlled drone ("pilotless") aircraft.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:40 pm PT...
Peggy #48/ Peg C #50
Those wouldn't be those same East Europeans who drove the trains, maintained the tracks, helped round up "Undesirables", collaberated with the Nazi, didn't know??of death camps!, jeared at those crammed into cattle cars----would they?
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
american woman
said on 5/5/2005 @ 10:52 pm PT...
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/5/2005 @ 11:54 pm PT...
I'm nauseated and about to upchuck. This is the slimey, greasy, seamy, smeary, lurid, horrid MESS of a cadaver that, when living, was the United States of America - for God's sake! When was the last time you were kicked out of a church because you weren't a fundamentalist and a party adherent? When, in memory, was a crucial hearing held WITHOUT ITS CHIEF WITNESS? When, in the past 250 years, have we been so afraid that our voices will NEVER be heard?
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 1:20 am PT...
Let me help you out here. No, it will NOT be covered in the mainstream media.
Most Americans get the majority or all of their news from the local TV news shows. They aren't about to cut into their fast-breaking coverage of runaway brides and American Idol scandals for something as trivial as the President of the United States being on the take. Come on, people, where are your priorities??
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/6/2005 @ 3:26 am PT...
John McCain raised $100,000 for a guy who ran unopposed? That's unbelievable. What is the money needed for?
Not to mention that Lawton Chiles described Feeney as the "David Duke of Florida politics."
If nothing else, this proves that people contribute to political campaigns not because they want to help a particular candidate get elected (in this case, there was no contest), but for reciprocal favors. In other words, the $100,000 raised by McCain could only have been a bribe on the part of the donor.
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 4:02 am PT...
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 4:48 am PT...
These fundraising scams are hardly news. There are so many of them, and people are jaded. Not excited.
But the Sibel Edmonds story is interesting. It has substance. The stuff of a thriller.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 5:23 am PT...
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 5:31 am PT...
Oh! Thank you, American Woman #66!
This is for whoever posted recently that they wanted McCain to run for president:
"Further down in the article, there's another bit of bad news: "Just this week, popular Republican Sen. John McCain jetted into town and helped Feeney raise about $100,000 in campaign money."
I rest my case.....
Conyers for President!
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 5:43 am PT...
Thank you, Bushwacker #72, for that link.
The Sibel Edmonds story is right up there with election fraud in importance, imho.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:02 am PT...
More thrilling Sibel E.
And this on WH Press certification (mentions J. Gannon).
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:05 am PT...
Can someone help me out here? I think Brad posted a picture of Tom Delay recently with his hair kind of 'blowing in the wind' (sorry, Bobby D.) it possible for someone to post a link to that image?
I'm looking in Google Images but can't find it...
Several years ago I did a drawing of three senators as the three witches from Macbeth...(during the Clarence Thomas hearings).
I have a rather large project in mind that I want to do...I want to draw 13 of our esteemed righties (a whole coven) and I wanted to start with that great pic of Delay.
Yes, I confess, I do 'cheat' & begin from pix...sadly, the powers that be have not graced me with the skill needed to draw them freehand!
And hopefully I can finish this endeavor before I'm walking with a cane and/or dubya is crowned Emperor.....
Oh yeah! Also...I've picked 12...can someone suggest the 13th?? Can't seem to settle on that last one.....
(bush-cheney-rumsfeld-condi-rove-wolfowitz-limbaugh-oreilly-hannity-delay-coulter-falwell and....??)
so can anybody help me out with this stuff?
(GOD am I a pest or what......)
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:23 am PT...
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:28 am PT...
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:32 am PT...
OMG Joan!! What an idea! Beats whining, hehe.
I am wondering what exactly you have in mind.
That darn Jesus of yours has been stuck in that bottle for so long, poor fellow.
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:35 am PT...
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:41 am PT...
Hmmmm...blackwell...kind of leads me to consider katherine harris too. After all, I want to be fair to the fairer sex & I only have condi & coulter.....
Thanks, Teresa! Yeah, Jesus gets lonely in the jar...maybe that's why he allows the nutjobs to parade him around shamelessly on a leash as if he is their trained monkey and belongs to them alone??
Maybe next time he talks to george he should ask about that.....
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:44 am PT...
Bushwacker #72.
There it all is. Once again. It reminds me of Iran Contra and BCCI. Who knows. That story got somewhere.
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:45 am PT...
Thanks but no, it was one where his hair was blowing upwards, almost like that scene from SomethingAboutMary where she's'stuff'... in her hair, haha!
hmmm, I didn't consider that in relation to the tom picture lol!
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:50 am PT...
Joan #81, Ha ha! I wish he could get out of the jar occasionally and back on his bike!
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:51 am PT...
Actually, it could be a frontal shot of the same moment pictured at the top of this thread...
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:52 am PT...
Christ-on-a-bike, Teresa! What are you thinking??!!
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:04 am PT...
Hi, Cole #65 - In answer to your questions: no, these people did not participate in the activities you describe. If you are asking whether they are anti-Semitic, then my answer is "I don't know". If you are asking whether I am anti-Semitic, then my answer is "Absolutely not. One of my very dearest friends is Jewish." I think the one of the main points we have all been discussing over the past number of months, is that LABELS simply don't apply here. Angels and monsters come in all colors, all nationalities, all religions, all political persuasions and all forms. We here at Bradblog, I believe, are seeking the seemingly elusive truth as to what has happened, and what is happening in America today that is very rotten and very wrong for America and the entire world. I am just stating what I heard...whether it is meaningful or meaningless, I don't know. The info is "out there" and must be acknowledged as existing in order to deal with it, or not. Please don't take personal offense towards the info, though perhaps if I were in your shoes, or others, I too would get upset. Peace, brother.
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:04 am PT...
Yay Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hallelujah! He's ridin' through!
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:17 am PT...
Hot off the wires!
>>Wall Street Journal Publishes New Evidence of DeLay Ethics Violations
6 May 2005
When even the Wall Street Journal goes after a Republican for ethics violations it is hard not to take notice. They have new information on DeLay's trip today, showing it was primarily recreational in violation of House ethics rules.
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:27 am PT...
Just saw story on about East Waynesville Baptist Church telling all democrats to leave their church,about 40 others left in protest,it show a video of it on The address of the church is east waynesville baptist church 136 woodlane drive,waynesville,N.C 28786,anyone not a republican may not be able to worship God anywhere much longer.
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:37 am PT...
We all know There's Something about Tom!!!
.....but the bad hair look is definitely due to horns, not bodily fluids!
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:46 am PT...
Hi, Maxie! Extraordinary!!! I guess Jesus wouldn't want any true Christians to attend this Church anyway. Wonder if the Church will miss the donations going into the "plate" on Sunday???? Sounds like the nurses may be coming in white coats with strait-jackets for "someone" at that Church in the not too distant future!! Stay tuned, there may be repentence (on the part of the Church)...but I hope the "banned" will not return!!!
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:23 am PT...
Joan, if you are still looking for that hair-blown-up-in-front pic, try Scan down and see if the pic posted there is the one you want.
COMMENT #94 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:35 am PT...
Thanks, Rapt...I'll check....
COMMENT #95 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:05 am PT...
Rapt #93
Went to & didn't find it, alas! I could just take a regular photo of him & ADD the hair I s'pose....
I emailed them tho asking if they have it. Meantime, I'll get onto the other bad guys. Thanks, tho.
COMMENT #96 [Permalink]
John Bonham
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:24 am PT...
Hey everyone!
I apologize if everyone has already done this, but Sibel Edmonds has a petition to sign. Only a little over 10,000 people have signed it, so...
COMMENT #97 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:30 am PT...
Here's Sheila Leavitt's excellent work from a previous post with hyperlinks added! (It's a bit of a work in progess, format/layout wise) There is a reference to Judith Alter's Fact Sheet, which is not online as yet! If anyone is interested in polishing this further, I'm more than happy to email what I have to-date! I thought Sheila's handywork could perhaps be immortalized with a permanent sidebar link!
What are your thoughts guys?
Compiled by Sheila Leavitt
Ohio’s Odd Numbers
an article by Christopher Hitchens published Feb. 20, 2005 in Vanity Fair: This is a well-written, mainstream press piece giving background on not only the obvious problems in Ohio (long lines in minority precincts, selective paucity of voting machines), but documenting VERY SUSPICIOUS tallies in certain predominantly black counties. I believe, as do many others, that these are not isolated “glitches,” but a peek at the visible results of largely hidden electronic fraud.
Analysis of the 2004 Presidential Election Exit Poll Discrepancies, released March 31, 2005 (updated April 11, 2005): a multi-author, peer-reviewed study of the Edison/Mitofsky Election System 2004 Report (released January 19, 2005). This study was backed by the Utah-based non-profit corporation, US Count Votes. Their concluding sentence reads: “The absence of any statistically-plausible explanation for the discrepancy between Edison/Mitofsky’s exit poll data and the official presidential vote tally is an unanswered question of vital national importance that demands a thorough and unblinking investigation.”
Congressman John Conyers wrote yesterday: “In my view, the trump card in this debate was recently handed down by US Count Votes in a new study that finds the chances of the official reported results of the 2004 election being accurate in light of this poll data is one million to one. One million to one. Case closed.” Rep. John Conyers, writing on his Blog, Tues. April 5, 2005. For the full text see: conyersblog.
A fact sheet prepared by Judith Alter, Ed.D, titled “Santa Fe County: 2004 Election and the Straight Party Option.” Dr. Alter’s data suggests that machine-tallied votes in this county may have been erroneous because machines were calibrated to tally straight party votes in a way that significantly benefited Mr. Bush. [Not yet available online].
A Fact Sheet presented by Bernard Windham, a member of Common Cause from Florida, who has undertaken a heroic analysis of the thousands of specific complaints made by voters from around the country to the EIRS election day Hotline. The Election Incident Reporting System (EIRS) is a web-based software application designed to help voter protection organizations identify and respond to situations preventing voters from voting or from having their votes recorded as intended. The site links to state by state complaints.
A troubling PRESS RELEASE from Mr. Brad Friedman of titled: American Center for Voting Rights & the Baker/Carter Commission on Federal Election Reform: The Fix Is In. This report details the problems with a “voting rights” group, one of whose founding members, Mark F. (Thor) Hearne, II, was “the National Attorney for Bush/Cheney '04 Inc. and leader of the recently invented, phony GOP front group calling themselves the "non-partisan" American Center for Voting Rights
(ACVR) has been seated on the Academic Advisory board for the Carter / Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform.
A fact sheet “North Carolina’s ballot blues” from Joyce McCloy, coordinator of the N.C. Coalition for Verified Voting, a non-partisan organization of citizens from across the state who are very concerned that North Carolina is moving forward in with the implementation of DRE's (electronic voting machines) that are not secure, not reliable and not voter verifiable. They call for improved security and increased transparency in all election systems used in North Carolina.
A fact sheet from The Open Voting Consortium, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing open voting systems. The fact sheet is called “Transparent Liberty: Accountable Election Systems.” On their website you will find the an academic article titled A PC-Based Open-Source Voting Machine with an Accessible Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballot (with Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert & Karl Auerbach) a compilation of recommendations resulting from 4 years of work by this organization.
A document posted on the website of the non-partisan voters’ rights organization, titled “Restoring Confidence to Voters.” This is a report from the Independent Election Committee appointed by the Mercer County Board of Commissioners documenting voting problems from Nov. 2004 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.
An “Official Ohio Recount Affidavit” from Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D., professor at the University of Oregon, in which he documents his own exhaustive research into election fraud in Ohio.
Here are the websites of just a FEW of the many legitimate voting rights/election reform organizations providing a factual information resource.
COMMENT #98 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:17 am PT...
Peggy #87
And Peace to you sister.
Not to beat a subject a subject --but from my perspective the reliance of "believe" based on anonymous sources believe smacks of the same kind of rumor mill stuff coming out of this GopHER mob that hs been, unfortunately, so successful:
A rumor becomes justified as truth when repeated by others This is definately a contrast of your description of 'Bradblog--seeking the ellusive truth'.
That is my description of Bradblog also.
But, if you have gone down the thread (which you no doubt have) you noticed a fairly quick sign on to that rumor in several comments which followed.
I don't accept any of the various excuses given by bush as justification for War in Iraq, including the new version --that bush BELIEVED 'WMD' were in Iraq--so it is OK.
I hope we can be more 'selective' in taking a rumor as "info". There are millions who sign onto bush's crap and it is not because they are 'asleep', it's because it suits their needs. and rumors work fine.
COMMENT #99 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 11:12 am PT...
Hey Brad.
After reading the threads and seeing the anger of this group, do you think it may be time for an organized effort to pressure the media outlets across the country (both nationally and locally) to give us our voices back?
Changing the way the media conducts their business may be the force that finally changes the tide to our favor. Then, I think all these reports and stories (including your hard work) will pay off and get the attention they deserve.
What do you think?
COMMENT #100 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 11:14 am PT...
Yeah, that's all great for like Human Interest...I guess..but where's the Real news like....Will Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston get back together?! :hehe:
I dunno...I guess I figure that Bush and his cronies are Bound to hit one pothole too many or one too deep eventually and I just keep hoping 'this one' will be it. Til then, I'm just doing my best to hang on and stay clear headed. I don't know what I'd do without you guys to keep me up on things though. Some days it's all I can do to get dinner on the table and get the laundry done before everyone is running around in paper sacks, you know? Thanks again!
COMMENT #101 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 12:43 pm PT...
COMMENT #102 [Permalink]
Charles R Dubord Jr
said on 5/6/2005 @ 1:01 pm PT...
John Bonham # 96- Thanks for the Link
Please get as many people as possible on this... This is the smoking gun....why else invoke "state secrets"??
Lets find out please
COMMENT #103 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 2:18 pm PT...
Charles #102
I signed the petition in Dec. 2004. Thanks for keeping the link alive!
COMMENT #104 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 3:31 pm PT...
...BUSHW@CKER #97 You left out the classic (an associate of, one of the most respected and active voting rights orgs (link here).
COMMENT #105 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 3:46 pm PT...
Hi, Peg C #101 - Great article - thanks.
COMMENT #106 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/6/2005 @ 4:09 pm PT...
Will somebody please rescue Tom DeLay's hairpiece before it blows away? Somewhere there's a pigeon who needs a good home.
COMMENT #107 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 4:26 pm PT...
I'd sign Sibel's petition if I could, but I would have to borrow someone's address and zip code. Identity Fraud - Nah, think I'll leave the fraudulent activity to our Republican friends, they are after all the consummate professionals!
Seems to me, Sibel Edmonds desperately needs a
Vertebrate Congress(man/women) like JC on board!
COMMENT #108 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 5:08 pm PT...
DREDD #104, you’re dead right mate about, sorry Bev!!, all I've done so far is add hyperlinks to what sheila Leavitt had originally produced.
But, yes! BBV is a glaring omission - will fix that one!
Some of the phrasing will obviously also need to change as this was taken from a letter Sheila shot off to the good [for nothing] Dr R. Pastor.
I thought with a little massaging and some additions, this could become a BradBlog form letter to help spread these facts far and wide!
COMMENT #109 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 5:20 pm PT...
PEG C #101
Seriously funny and CHILLING all at the same time!
Yep! we're becoming SUPERSIZED down here too and our hospitals are buckling under the weight!
COMMENT #110 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 5:35 pm PT...
Hey folks - this is an interesting turn:
Karl Schwarz for President?
Karl Schwarz held a press conference on Monday May 2nd, 2005, in front of the Republic Broadcasting Network studios to announce his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States. He will run as a candidate for the American Independent Party. Following his announcement Mr. Schwarz went on the National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller to talk about a new video that seems to raise more questions about the information reported by the mainstream media and the 911 Commission. (see photos below) Karl Schwarz authored the recently published book, "One Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas", ("A Conservative Republican Speaks Out"), which details example after example of lies and deceit perpetrated on the American people by the Bush-Cheney administration. Based on the disappointing performance, soaring deficits and the extreme right-wing agenda set forth by the Bush team, Americans are ready for true change. Bush's dropping approval ratings evidence growing unrest within his own party. A groundswell of political organizing from both sides of the aisle is underway to form and certify this party in all 50 states in time to address the 2006 and 2008 elections on a national and state level...A brief description of the Political Action Plan for America will be presented.
"I want to wake up the American people to the truth that neither of the major political parties represents anyone but the corporate elite," states Schwarz. Blasting the protection by the current administration of corporate executives of companies such as Global Crossing and Enron, Schwarz notes: "No one is above the law. Not even members of the current administration!"
Listen To Karl Schwartz On the National Intel Report (link at website.)
COMMENT #111 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:03 pm PT...
Hurray, Karl Schwarz - Anyone NOT involved with the current group (Dems and Repubs) in power should be given serious consideration by voters. The current group in power is seriously TWISTED, BROKEN and CANNOT BE MENDED (with the exception of Mr. Conyers and maybe one or two others)! Mr. Conyers and the one or two (maybe 6 or 7) COULD, if the right circumstances prevail, consider leaving the Dems and joining a new party! Also, new parties should beware of infiltration by disguised "evil ones" who would do, say, anything whatsoever to retain power.
COMMENT #112 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:22 pm PT...
Hi Peggy #111
Karl Schwartz will be bringing the message of 9/11 to the forefront during his campaign. This is some of the best news I've heard in a long time. I pray he will be able to get some media coverage --- hmmm --- this will be interesting to watch.
COMMENT #113 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:29 pm PT...
I'm Australian
Don't eat me ,eat my brothers their bigger than me!
Hay isn't that what the goat said to the troll?
little "burn'n" bush should know that story from his "reading lesson" on 911 at the school (somebody was probably reading it to him via his "electronic hunchback" anyway).
COMMENT #114 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:30 pm PT...
Three cheers! Letters to Schwartz now, guys!!
COMMENT #115 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:33 pm PT...
We cancelled our Boston Globe subscription today after having read that paper for many years. When asked for a reason, I said that since Nov 2 (at least), it has been printing propaganda and calling it "news." The person who processed the order asked for specifics. So I gave him a few. He remained interested. So, I pointed him to Professor Griffin's C-Span2 9-11 re-run at 2:30PM (ET) tomorrow and I also pointed him to BRADBLOG.COM.
Depending on whether or not he follows through, and is persuaded, it is possible that I may have actually doubled the impact of our cancellation.
Having read thousands of blog comments, too many of them include words like, "We should..." and "We have to..." Maybe a blog subject is needed that is dedicated to specific accomplishments that include words such as, “I just...”
COMMENT #116 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:35 pm PT...
COMMENT #117 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:42 pm PT...
Good point, George. But you're preaching to the choir; these are activists here and should not feel guilty for hashing things out in this forum, letting off a little steam, gaining a little confidence, enjoying the camaraderie, and learning things too.
Way to go with the Globe!
COMMENT #118 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 6:49 pm PT...
Peg C. #116
Thank you for the Truthout essay by Robert McNamara - Apocalypse. Horrifying. It's truly horrifying that dumber than a rock bu$h --- all the loose cannon neocon chicken war hawks --- have free reign to "push" the nuclear button within 20 minutes of notification. Aaaarrrggghhh!!!!!
COMMENT #119 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:04 pm PT...
Hi, Kira #118 -
Yes. It truly is. Horrifying, I mean. The stakes have never been so high. Somehow, we MUST put grownups in charge of this country, right now, or the world may never be able to sustain life again, or not for the next few million years or so. (Cockroaches might be the exception, although what they'd eat I can't imagine.)
COMMENT #120 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:25 pm PT...
#117 Peg C,
I just finished reading, Criminals Belong in Prison by Will Pitt (thanks very much for the pointer). He does write well and this isn't the first thing of his that I've read. I wish that someday I could write nearly as well as he does. Since that day will probably never come, I'm doing the best I can (#115) in my capacity of playing several levels below a bit player.
By the way, if you haven't already seen this, it too is "right on the money."
COMMENT #121 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:26 pm PT...
Peg C #119 "what they'd eat I can't imagine"
Australians ... or Canadians ... perhaps???
COMMENT #122 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:33 pm PT...
I'm starting to feel nervous!
Can you please take Australians off the Menu!!!
.....reckon those Canadians would be more tasty?
COMMENT #123 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 7:57 pm PT...
From Apocalypse Soon:
".... just last summer, at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry said, "I have never been more fearful of a nuclear detonation than now.… There is a greater than 50 percent probability of a nuclear strike on US targets within a decade."
I seriously think that if Bushco go to jail, or better still are imprisoned in Iraq, America pulls all its military bases out of the Middle East and shuts down its international corporations, then maybe we will be allowed to live in some semblance of peace. Otherwise, it's already too late!
COMMENT #124 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:02 pm PT...
O.K., Peg C, now I've read Apocalypse Soon by Robert J. McNamara. We all better hope that our government is more capable than many of us believe they are. And we better hope really hard.
COMMENT #125 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:03 pm PT...
Here's a great post from Hunter at DailyKos about the teaching of science conference in Kansas. The loonies actually want to redefine the concept and nature of science itself! Waaaaaaaa....
Children of the Corn
COMMENT #126 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:11 pm PT...
Bushw@cker #122 -
I've always found Australians to be too tough, myself. Canadians have a piquant, evergreeny tang that pleases without being overpowering.
Why isn't the media covering the AIPAC espionage scandal now that Franklin has been arrested? There will be a panel discussion on this on BookTV, CSpan2, tomorrow at 10 AM EST. Info here.
COMMENT #127 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:18 pm PT...
COMMENT #128 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:21 pm PT...
Israel is not on Robert McNamaras list of Nuke Owners
COMMENT #129 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:32 pm PT...
Mmixx -
IT ISN'T?? I didn't even notice. My God, that's a strange omission, seeing as how!
COMMENT #130 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 8:39 pm PT...
Anti-Semitic maybe to "confirm or deny”?
COMMENT #131 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:01 pm PT...
The truth is, Bushw@cker #122 & Peg C #126, Americans are on the menu too. But about half of them are rotten and wouldn’t taste very good at all.
(Also, thanks for the heads up re: C-Span2, Peg C #126.)
Karl Schwarz Interview
Former RNC Insider and Bush Strategist Says He Has 9/11 'Smoking Gun,' Proving Government Complicity
A conservative who once 'rubbed shoulders' with the Washington neo-cons also says America is now under a fascist rule and Bush must be impeached
April 16, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
... "Now, moving away from financial corruption, he has turned his attention to the 9/11 truth movement, saying he has found a piece of obscure video footage which will conclusively show that the government lied about what type of plane struck the South Tower of the WTC.
As most detectives and investigators will readily attest, uncovering incriminating evidence involves 90 percent perseverance and 10 percent luck, Schwarz admits he had a "whole lot" of the later when running across the video footage in a French foreign film entitled "The Barbarian Invasion."
Contained in the film unrelated to 9/11, is a 1:52 second video segment, shot by an unknown amateur photographer at the WTC, which Schwartz says clearly shows a 737 airliner striking the south Tower, not a 767 Boeing jet as previously reported by the government.
"We tracked down the filmmaker and he acquired the original WTC segment from the Canadian News Service," said Schwarz, adding that he has had the tape analyzed by experts proving it’s not a fake. "We are tracking down the original photographer and want to get to him before the government does in order to prove its authenticity.
"This segment, however, conclusively shows a 737 hit the South Tower, not the 767 like previously reported. This in itself should be the smoking gun, which proves the whole story given to us by the government about 9/11 is untrue."
Originally, the government claimed the second jetliner en route to Los Angeles was a 767 Boeing. However, Schwarz said the video will not only show the airline dimensions to be that of a 737, but that he also has evidence that the engine recovered in the WTC wreckage was a model type CFM56, which propels a 737 not a 767."
COMMENT #132 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:41 pm PT...
"But about half of them are rotten and wouldn’t taste very good at all."
I don't think your right with "about half", after all if your spoon fed the "news" for your whole life ,like we all have been and up till recently you RELIED on the media to "BE YOUR WATCHDOG" against corruption etc. ,only to have their support disappear unknowingly (and quietly thru conglomeration) .Do you blame the victim or the disease?
Maybe the best we can do and hope is to break the pattern and show as many people as possible hints and examples that the MSM of today is not the media of the past .
COMMENT #133 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:47 pm PT...
Beware of the Pentgon ,setup central.
COMMENT #134 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 9:51 pm PT...
Tell me more ...
COMMENT #135 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:02 pm PT...
The most protected building in the world get hit by a 400tonne guided missile ,in an area recently cleared of staff for renovations,approaching from a direction that afforded the least eye witnesses,tape removed by FBI agents in 5 MINUTES of impact from two different locations ,etc..
I think caution is reasonable .
COMMENT #136 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:08 pm PT...
Yes...MMIIXX #135 ... I still don't know what to be wary about.
My personal feeling is that it looks like an inside job. David Ray Griffin put it rather well in his speech.
So - am I missing something?
COMMENT #137 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:30 pm PT...
I’m just paranoid now but say we cry look ,look the pentagon wasn’t hit by a plane it was hit by a missile,a small military jet ,whatever ,where’s the wreckage, that proves it all a conspiracy…………
Who ever is behind 911 if they could they would have covered their asses were ever possible.
David Ray Griffin is a ray of sunshine in this time of smoke and mirrors.
COMMENT #138 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:36 pm PT...
MMIIXX --- you're right about the level of professionalism we're dealing with. Wag the Dog.
COMMENT #139 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:40 pm PT...
Peg C #126
Hahaha! Canadians would also have a distinctly sweeter flavor, reminiscent of maple syrup, while the Aussies would benefit from a long soak in wine and a smear of Vegemite.
COMMENT #140 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:43 pm PT...
Kira -
Let's call Schwartz on that "smoking gun." I know the conclusion is right-on, I'm just not sure that Schwarz can really deliver the goods. If he can, why hasn't he? He seems to be in a rather precarious position if he cannot explode on to center stage with a "nuclear bombshell." If the guys with dirty shovels believe him, he's a goner - UNLESS he delivers in public.
COMMENT #141 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:43 pm PT...
nah sausages on the barby
COMMENT #142 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:47 pm PT...
Ok Peg,
What's the plan? How do you propose we "call him" & I'm ready.
MMIIXX has a good point, too.
(I'm sorry, anything Republican bothers me just a tad --- I've come to trust Chuck Herrin and I've followed Schwarz since I discovered his site in 2004 --- but I swear ........ I'm gun shy.)
COMMENT #143 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:55 pm PT...
Yo, Kira -
Me too. I'm shaking in my boots. But IF he has what he says he has, he's gotta show. Otherwise, we have to conclude that this is just another CON to sidetrack, obscure and de-rail.
COMMENT #144 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 10:59 pm PT...
Call by challenge - massive challenge. "You say you have the goods. Deliver or go down in political flame." Not too hard to figure out who's side he's REALLY shielding after that.
COMMENT #145 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/6/2005 @ 11:05 pm PT...
Mmixx #141 -
They're not ALL cylindrical and jammed into enteric casings, surely...
COMMENT #146 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 11:28 pm PT...
Haha! That reminds me of a joke!
COMMENT #147 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 11:30 pm PT...
COMMENT #148 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2005 @ 11:57 pm PT...
Great links, Bushw@cker #75!
(Haha - what am I saying "links"!! Considering the last few posts! LOL)
COMMENT #149 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 1:02 am PT...
Not so sure about the Karl Schwarz events, but I think I have found out alot more related to this CNN spoonfeeding event.
It looks like there is in fact mainstream media personalities on the internet doing widespread smear campaigns.
I don't know if you can officially call them a WATR, or a New Wave Media, or even Cybercast News Service. It looks like to me they all run under the same synonym though.
I think this is not a good thing. Whatever it is that Karl and the rest uncovered, it looks like there is an entire operation designed to smear them and kill off evidence.
If the mainstream media is really in attack mode now, I have a stuck gut-wrenching feeling that they are going after the reporters of the internet.
Something tells me there are some things out there that even the hardest of criminals can't deny, some evidence on the net they are hoping nobody will find. It also looks like these people are doing everything possible to prevent it being broadcasted.
COMMENT #150 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:06 pm PT...
We're being Spammed big time by this guy - on another thread - 20 so far. Who is Recycle Technology?
COMMENT #151 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:15 pm PT...
In a few hours David Ray Griffin will once again be in the airwaves. I am giving everything I have at the moment toward his effort to cut through the haze. He is a deep thinker, searching for morality, and an asset to our society.
COMMENT #152 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:16 pm PT...
COMMENT #153 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:20 pm PT...
Oh God, Teresa... I didn't mean to send Griffin a sausage! Our posts appear at random sometimes. This sausage goes to the spammer, may he melt in a Vegas hell.
COMMENT #154 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:24 pm PT...
:sigh of relief: Peg, I'm glad you cleared that up! Although, Mr. Griffin might like sausages!
COMMENT #155 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:30 pm PT...
It was mighty chancy, Kira. It's LONG past my bedtime, but you guys work strange hours! Those sausages are SPICEY. I would never ask a friend to bite into one.
COMMENT #156 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:34 pm PT...
COMMENT #157 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:44 pm PT...
COMMENT #158 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:48 pm PT...
Yup - I'm a night owl. I guess Australia is evening from 6-11 p.m. ??? And Pacific time is about 3 hrs. earlier than my time.
I like spicy and HOT!!! (I'm not trying to make a joke here. I'm just stating the facts.)
Interesting visual - melting in Vegas Hell!
Nighty-night y'all.
COMMENT #159 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 12:49 pm PT...
Teresa! haha.
Y'all are funny! I'm having a nice laugh tonight - it feels good. Thanks.
COMMENT #160 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 7:33 pm PT...
If Schwartz has evidence...hope he has given it to about one million people - remember Lemme with the needle and truth serum in his arm to "give up the details" and his "suicide, CUTS to cover up the needle marks, along with the deaths of many others. If Schwartz is right, I hope he has many angels on his side.
COMMENT #161 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 7:35 pm PT...
Hi, Dave - I think the MSM personalities, in general, are just morons. I doubt the majority of the American people are buying their political crap!
COMMENT #162 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2005 @ 10:19 pm PT...
PEGGY did I miss something
you said "remember Lemme with the needle and truth serum in his arm to "give up the details" and his "suicide, CUTS to cover up the needle marks"
tell me more
COMMENT #163 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/7/2005 @ 11:48 pm PT...
Yeah, Peggy. That stuff hasn't been discussed here, to my knowledge.
COMMENT #164 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2005 @ 9:42 am PT...
George #120 I found the discussion (in the article you gave the link to) about the pop myth rationale ("WMD") for going to war in Iraq interesting.
The neocon talking point "The president believed the intelligence agencies of the world" is just one more indicator of the hypocrisy in the neocon mind.
They condemn and want to impeach the Supreme Court Justice who wrote the opinion making it unconstitutional to put teen criminals to death.
The reason they cite is that he listened to the courts of the world who have done likewise. So they say it is ok for the president to listen to other countries but not the Supreme Court.
The sane position is that we should listen to any country if their ideas are good, but that their ideas are advice and not law.
The difference is that the president knew better because he had read the CIA reports that said it was not likely that there was a serious WMD problem in Iraq. That was ignored because the decision to go to war and invade and conquer Iraq had already been made.
COMMENT #165 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2005 @ 10:12 am PT...
Peg C #127 I liked the article. He makes a point I have tried to make about a lot of things such as republicans and judges and lawyers:
"Now, I don't mean to lump all journalists and newspapers together under the criticism I'm offering here. I know there are some great people out there who are actually doing investigative journalism and writing intelligent stories ..."
Important that sane people, of whatever persuasion, work to promote sanity. Sanity in congress, courts, press, and even in the White House.
COMMENT #166 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2005 @ 12:01 pm PT...
Dredd #167/8
I agree with you that the George #120 link was and is a great read, a ray of sunshine! The 'neocon' talking point is, to me, beyond hypocracy it is more like another Rove-ian chess move to re-write history, to make bush to be a poor pawn in he hands of greater forces while attempting to avoid exposing bush as just a gullible clown.
Sanity, promote it as you can, is just another commodity. It is our illusion.
COMMENT #167 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2005 @ 1:50 pm PT...
DREDD the key statement is :
"That was ignored because the decision to go to war and invade and conquer Iraq had already been made."
COMMENT #168 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2005 @ 9:47 am PT...
DeLay's criminal mind is still being exposed (link here).
One of the characteristics of criminals is the need to lay low once in awhile. DeLay is in lay low mode because he is so corrupt he can't keep track of it anymore.
COMMENT #169 [Permalink]
Elisabeth Ham
said on 5/9/2005 @ 10:50 am PT...
To find that Antonin Scalia's son was hired to make sure Bush won that 2000 election in Florida, and not being able to furnish the win, relied on Daddy in the Suppreme Court to give it to him. Have we sunk so low in this country that there aren't even any raised eyebrows at this immoral and unethical behavior? People by the millions would have taken to the streets in Europe and demanded that this travesty not be tolerated. We're like a bunch of sheep, busily nibbling grass while wolves surround us, teeth bared, ready for the kill.
COMMENT #170 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2005 @ 11:28 am PT...
Re#172: Elisabeth, welcome to America, home of a large percentage of the worlds sheeple.
When all the public discourse on politics in a country is being done by comedians, the biggest news is a bride-to-be with cold feet AND NO-ONE NOTICES, you know that something has gone horribly wrong.
Yamamoto may have "woken a sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve." in 1941, but in 2005 the giant isn't asleep and isn't filled with a terrible resolve, it's vegetating in front of a TV and is filled with chips and beer.
Ain't the truth a bitch?
The current MSM is the sociological equivalent of rohypinol, it's job is to keep you sedate while the ruling oligarchy screw you and at the moment it appears that addiction has set in.
Until the American public can be weaned off it, it's only going to get worse, we may be (reasonably) enlightened but we are comparatively very small in number.
Wish I could say it ain't so Joe, but I gotta call 'em how I see 'em.
COMMENT #171 [Permalink]
Gordon H.
said on 5/9/2005 @ 11:32 am PT...
Not that this is going to solve anything right off the top, but might not hurt to join in and start working with someone like these folks on how to really turn the whole Political scene around before it's too late -
Web Chat: Rep. John Conyers and Rep. Louise Slaughter
More info here!
posted: 05/09/2005
Join us for an online conversation with two of our great Democratic leaders in the House: Representative John Conyers of Michigan and Representative Louise Slaughter of New York.
The chat will be held on Tuesday, May 9th at 3:00 right here, and we'll open it up for you to submit your questions by 9:00 that morning.
In case my link above doesn't work you find the rest of the info at
COMMENT #172 [Permalink]
The Oracle
said on 5/9/2005 @ 12:27 pm PT...
And don't forget about the INTEREST that must have accrued on this in-kind contribution over the past 4 years. This would undoubtedly add tens of thousands of more dollars to the total.
COMMENT #173 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2005 @ 2:17 pm PT...
Dawookie #173
The extremely low poll ratings for the bu$hit regime says that americans are taking note of something and they don't like it.
Even with the nuclear power of the MSM, the atomic energy of the budget, and the lies of snake oil salesmen led by Karl the Rover, the american people in larger and larger numbers see thru it.
But like we bloggers who have seen thru it all along, we are plotting our what do we do about it strategy.
The Blairs and the leaders of the other countries who we like to call allies, who are now really just fellow criminals in crime, live in your country too.
Lets get together. We have the support of the people when it really comes down to it.
COMMENT #174 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2005 @ 1:42 am PT...
Dredd, couldn't agree more - Blair didn't want Iraq mentioned during the election, but every time he tried to bury it, it just kept coming back and IT HURT HIM. When he took us to war, 2 million people took to the streets of London and made it bloody clear that we weren't happy. If you look at the election coverage, virtually everybody said that Labour will win in spite of Blair and not because of him, the general feeling is that in the near to mid future, he will have to step down - good.
The big difference is that here we know of our PM's problems, foibles and failings - the media over here are by no means perfect but they certainly don't give Blair the carte blanche that Bush gets.
The American people may be starting to see through the Bushit, but if we are brutally honest it has taken military, economic, domestic and diplomatic disaster to bring it about and it will likely get worse before it gets better.
If I didn't believe that it could be changed then I wouldn't be here, but that doesn't mean that I have to be cheerfully optimistic - we are all in for an unpleasant time when it all does fall apart, the repercussions will be global and long term.
What it boils down to is that we are still very much a minority and the the masses are still mostly ignorant - it will take a lot to change that situation. A rapid change will mean that things have just got very much worse and that is bad news for all of us.
COMMENT #175 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2005 @ 8:55 am PT...
Dawookie #176
Too cool about 2 million Brits getting into the streets. The roles have reversed. Good, doesn't matter someone has to do it.
I agree that the price being paid is not worth it. I would much rather read it in a newspaper in any town in the US.
But they have become sales journals dedicated to hawking the corporate status quo and product talking points.
The death of journalistic conscience is going to take a heavy toll.
COMMENT #176 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2005 @ 2:15 pm PT...
Dredd, yet again we are in complete agreement. I have thought for a long time (and still do) that the root of the vast majority of the problems facing us today is corporate greed - it tarnishes everything it touches and poisons the democratic system as surely as it's waste poisons th air, land and water.
Corporations much prefer to deal with a one party state, it's easier to own and control without all that lefty whining going on, that nasty business in the US in the thirties backs that up.
Unless we (as a species) take the corporations to task soon, I fear it will be too late. I hope that the European parliament has the balls to do it, I doubt the British Parliament will and I'm bloody certain that the American Congress won't. Any Congress wannabe who started off by saying that they would kick the corporations out of politics would get my vote - if I had one...
COMMENT #177 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2005 @ 4:00 pm PT...
Dawookie, it is not 'corporate greed' which is at the root of our problems--although I like to think of it in that way too. The corp is just a bunch of papers and a seal locked in desk somewhere. The corp does not make the calls which jerks the media and the legislators to do its want.
The root is the people who hide behind the seal who sop up the benefits. They remain anonymous and hidden and untroubled and well protected from criticism. I know this is obvious. But I think we have to get beyond the corp shield and find a way of dragging those people out into the sunshine and exposing their shame. Right now we shake our fingers at the corporations and they report billions in profits with pride and glowing headlines.
OK, so I am just blabbing. But I think the answer is basically simple--maybe hard to implement---but simple, break up the corporations and deconsolidate their power. Trust busting worked, where is a Teddy Roosevelt when we need him.
COMMENT #178 [Permalink]
said on 5/11/2005 @ 3:40 am PT...
He never would get into politics these days - too much of a commie. The corporate money definitely would not make it teddy's way.
We all know that the people who NEED money the most are the ones that already have lots. If the poor needed money, surely they'd already have it? You know it makes sense.
I personally think that the easiest way to cure most of the worlds problems is to kill the richest 5% of the worlds population, steal their money back (because they sure as hell stole it from the rest of us) and put it to good use.
Not a popular opinion I know, but as I'm fond of saying I have never courted popularity.
COMMENT #179 [Permalink]
said on 5/11/2005 @ 11:04 am PT...
I just signed a petition (link here) to give DeLay his walking papers.
Please join in.
COMMENT #180 [Permalink]
Max Walts
said on 5/16/2005 @ 2:45 am PT...
It looks like the truth is finally hitting hard on Tom DeLay, and he has finally woken up to the facts of the evil which has gripped full hold of his life.
"If you stand up today and acknowledge God, they will try to destroy you." His main mission in politics, he said, was "to bring us back to the Constitution and to Absolute Truth that has been manipulated and destroyed by a liberal worldview."
He struck a similarly pious note --- but with a much less combative tone --- last week at a National Day of Prayer gathering on Capitol Hill. "Just think of what we could accomplish if we checked our pride at the door, if collectively we all spent less time taking credit and more time deserving it," DeLay told the group. "If we spent less time on our soapboxes and more time on our knees." He added that God makes all thing possible for "lowly sinners like you and me --- especially me." "
The real question is, who in this group called the "Council for National Policy" really honestly deliberately believed the idea that the Liberals and so called world view was so against god in the first place? That all others who are not conservative are EVIL and persecuting god, and who exactly made this belief so prominent?
Who recited this homonym so many times, that it became synomonous with what all the republicans are embellished in? A false form of GOD and ritual happenstance.
What kind of disgusting America have we created, when the likes of this man Ralph Reed becomes the voice of Congress?
Or the fact that they own and control the voting? Tom DeLay has spent his last cent, he knows the sins of which he is guilty of. But the rest of them are equally complicit and they need to wake, awake to the nightmare reality which is now taking shape.
George Bush, this man Jack Abramoff and these other religious tyrants have clearly created one of the most distorted and in fact dangerous viewpoints to see the world from.
The view that church and state must be married for things to be harmonious, that god influenced companies must control and pay for our vote, and that evil lies in the black hearted world. The world of the liberals and global "democracies"!
Do you know where else this amazing sentiment became their actual belief? The first Republic in Star Wars, until there was no more seperation. The Republic became the empire.
This needs to end once and for all. And it needs to end right now.
Max W.