By Brad Friedman on 5/2/2004, 7:11pm PT
Even the hardest to the Right seem to now be recognizing what a fine Mess o' Potamia we've gotten ourselves into...
Pat Buchanan: "Virtually all Iraqi's see us as Occupiers, not Liberators...We're gonna have to leave...[Fallujah] is the beginning of the great retreat."
John McLaughlin: "Three out of four Iraqi's regard us as Occupiers, not Liberators. If that doesn't tell you we've lost the hearts and minds of the Iraqis, what does?...14,600 Iraqi Civilians dead - that's another reason we've lost the battle for the hearts and minds."
And finally, Eleanor Clift, who still makes my ears bleed, but she got off a good line nonetheless:
"It's the most ill-conceived battle since Custer."