By Brad Friedman on 6/20/2013, 11:08am PT  

Posting may be light over the next several days, as I make my way to Northern California for the Netroots Nation 2013 conference in San Jose and other related-ish missions.

Tonight (Thursday) I'll be at a screening of Jean-Phillipe Tremblay's fantastic Shadows of Liberty, a documentary about the menace of the corporate media monopoly in the U.S.. The screening is at the California Theatre in Berkeley, benefiting KPFA, the Pacifica Radio affiliate in San Francisco, the Media Freedom Foundation and Project Censored. More details on that screening, and the related after-events right here.

On Saturday night at Netroots Nation, there is another screening of Shadows of Liberty and a panel following (details here). Also on Saturday night, there is a screening of John Ennis' new film Pay 2 Play, on the menace of post-Citizens United corporate money in politics (details here).

I appear in both of the documentary films, but they are each excellent anyway. If you are at #NN13, or otherwise in or near the Bay Area, I hope you'll stop by one of the events above and say hello!

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