"Two National Polls Appear to Show Dip in Dem. Support for Obama in Wake of Rev. Wright Controversy"
(47 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:13 am PT...
Knowing what has been going on the last 7 years, knowing positively that McCain would continue the failed Bush policies & lies verbatim then there are only 2 possibilities.
1. The MSM are as usual lying through their teeth and making up poll numbers to sway voters or at least give the appearance that it is possible for McCain to "win" so that they can get the real percentages close enough to make stealing yet another election easy.
2. The American public in general is stark raving insane.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:40 am PT...
Here's what I question.
From the Article: 4,367 registered voters' preferences for the general election. The general election survey has an error margin of 2 percentage points.
Why do these 4.3k people take polls?
How do these 4.3k people even find out about polls?
Gallop can't prove the 2% error margin.
When the phone rings here and someone starts asking questions, I tell them NO, or F-off and hangup. I question the intelligence of these 4.3k people that always seem to know where to go to to take polls, and are all to willing to give up personal information to a stranger in this day an age.
The other half of this is the web polls. Being ran by TCPIP they are exploitable. Proxies, Tor, Zombie boxes, and crappy code.
And yeah it's true, I hate to hear polls when they are bad news and love to hear them when they are good news.
And your point number two about the American public in general is closer to the truth, I have been totally surprised by the answers I get when asking about patriotism, the constitution, or something as simple as right from wrong. The fascist media, broken families and failed schools are doing a heck of a job on people. And so yeah I agree with you the fascist media does exploit favorable results to their agenda and simply ignores things that are not in their interest.
Just like we just saw with all the stories recently. Either Censored or Spun or Lied
buying votes
Winter Patriot
Protest Marches
and on and on and on.
No followup on election fraud.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:46 am PT...
Another Quote: The nominees are formally chosen by delegates at the parties' conventions in the summer.
Interestingly enough, it seems they have made a Freudian slip here. If one cares to read between the lines.
The voters will decide nothing, the delegates and electoral college do.
This nonsense needs to stop, our entire election system is broken beyond comprehension. It must be fixed, and the oath breakers that allow it to continue be forced to be accountable. It's no mistake that when grandma goes and takes out an electronic voting machine with a bat, she goes to jail in less than 15 minutes, and fined $5k + but when some scum sucking oath breaker does it, either nothing happens or it takes years for them to get hardly any punishment or fine.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 9:35 am PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 9:44 am PT...
I'd like to hear what hillary has to say about her "experience" in connection with clinton trashing of banking system laws, which happens to be at the heart of our financial crises now.
Gee, I wonder why she's so reluctant to make public their tax returns?
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 10:00 am PT...
Let's see they:
1) started spying on Americans illegally the moment they stole their way into office
2) they did 911 as a shortcut to dictatorship, milking it very effectively
3) they inititated a mass murder campaign against innocents in Iraq --- one million murdered so far
4) they allowed a whole city to drown in a flood --- engineered by levee blowups, or not.
5) they've put America an additional 5 trillion in debt, siphoning stupendous amounts of cash out of the pockets of future taxpayers and into the savage maw of Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater and other criminal gangs.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 10:44 am PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:57 am PT...
didn't hoover spy on americans:, malcom x, martin luther king, abbie hoffman, etc?
Didn't we start aggressive wars a long time ago so we could get cheap bananas?
Didn't we put small pox on blankets and give them to the indians?
Didn't we keep the slaves from voting through intimidating laws and actions?
The ONLY thing that has changed is that WE are waking up, and being pissed about it is a normal reaction. There is nothing wrong with that anger. If you don't feel it you are prob still asleep at the wheel.
The crap that they are throwing at us is nothing new. We are just realizing it and recording it for cross reference.
And really, why would they trust the American public to pick anything other then the next american idol? Do you think you even own your own body? HA
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
james k. sayre
said on 3/20/2008 @ 1:16 pm PT...
Polls, schmoles. If you want to believe corrupt corporate polls, then Rudy G. would now be the GOP nominee for President: he was twenty or twenty-five percentage points ahead several months ago, but a funny thing happened: actual elections! And Queen Hillary, the presumptous (sic) and presumptive Democratic nominee was also miles and miles ahead of other candidates, until oops, along came Iowa and South Carolina...
Gallup is known as a right-wing poll, they had Bush seven points or more ahead of Kerry back in 2004. Of course, Gallup was questioning more Republicans than Democrats, thus distorting the real world, when Dems outnumbered GOPs, even back in 2004.
The real point of corporate Republican polls is to soften up the people so that they accept a GOP electronic election theft again, and again. Worked in 1996 (Nebraska), 2002 (Georgia, Minnesota) and 2004 (twenty to thirty states rigged electronically, all for the gangster traitor Bush).
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 1:33 pm PT...
#9, that's why the election workers have to cover up the letters Republican on the DRE machines with a piece of tape, just so you don't think they're being rigged
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 3:02 pm PT...
It shows that the Dem side of the electorate are as fucking stupid and shallow as the other side. We'll get what we deserve. The only question for me now is where to emigrate. Really, I've had it. A government of the stupid, governed by the stupid for the stupid.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 4:33 pm PT...
Although I don't agree 100% with Michael Tsarion, he really does know his shit. And I would trust him and I would work with him.
Strangely enough I have some knowledge of symbolism from studying and practicing magic. Like him I have always been interested in the occult as well, an celtic stuff as well. A couple of the books that have had a lot of influence on me were the Witch's Grimoire of Ancient Omens, Portents, Talismans, Amulets by Yvonne and Gavin Frost (not the one on Amazon currently, the original red book, which has now been stolen, and destroyed by the catholic church. heh.), Israel Regardie's The Golden Dawn, Enochian Magic, and a library load of others. I also took Gavin and Yvonne's Witchcraft course. I have books stacked to the ceiling at this point.
That cross in the beginning of the first video is the Rosy Cross, I am surprised he didn't say anything about it or the Golden Dawn, only the OTO.
The astrological stuff seemed spot on.
I am not sure if I buy into all the "Intent" behind some of the companies though, some simply could have just paid for advertisement artists and been completely clueless as to the symbolic meaning.
I got to admit, even I haven't thought about exploiting the old ways to try to live like a king like the fascist corporations are doing. But I can see it's quite possible.
My problem (Problem?) is I don't want to exploit people and fuck the world up and live like a king. I only wish to maintain my own balance between health, wealth and prosperity. I basically live in poverty, but my needs are met by what I do for others. If I want to own a bad ass computer, I say so, and it appears.
One danger I might inject for those who take him up on trying to learn this stuff, is that it CAN KILL YOU. You need to really know yourself first, and you ALSO need to know exactly what it is your fucking with. Don't just put ancient symbols on shit that you don't know what they mean, real real bad shit can happen. It's not like anyone on this board would believe me but I have made it thunder, and other times rain on a clear summer day. I won't get into how many years of negative pay back I had to endure for the abuse of omnipotent powers. I did learn from it though.
Anyway, Millions of people have prayed and worshiped certain things, god's and goddess's and they do have power available to be tapped. And it might be more than one bargains for.
I suggest that someone attempting to go through such things do it under the guidance. Be practical with your experiments, swear an oath to yourself to harm none. And of course use the wonderful "Cult Evaluation Chart" by Isac Bonewits before selecting such guidance from strangers or some coven.
I must admit I won't be looking at symbols quite the same from here on out. In the past, I was mostly scurrying around looking for some shit that someone might have placed in my home to fuck with me as opposed to it being everywhere. That makes me think immediately of the freeway blogger! (If they can do it, on the sides of bus's and billboards so can we) And I might just start using it more in my tv show.
Sadly your presenting what's wrong, but no solution to these problems other than saying in 2012 the crap will be cleansed by photons as we pass through GOD (with a big G.) that still does not put a stop to the river of blood and red mist on the "square" red carpets. But I guess were all going to die one day eh.
I hope this wasn't too "windy" but hey that was a couple hours of video. (well put together I might add, and I love the guy's accent!)
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 4:37 pm PT...
Oneguy, one more thing.
I should mention that some of the first symbols I started out with (big mistake) were the UPSIDE DOWN PENTACLE (without the circle) ABOVE THE UPSIDE DOWN TRIANGLE.
Not the symbols you really want to go with...o;)
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 4:43 pm PT...
Didn't we start aggressive wars a long time ago so we could get cheap bananas?
I didn't.
Didn't we put small pox on blankets and give them to the indians?
I didn't.
Didn't we keep the slaves from voting through intimidating laws and actions?
I didn't.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 4:58 pm PT...
Actually Gallup usually favors liberals and not conservatives. I agree, though, that often these polls are dead wrong. In this case, however, I hope they are accurate because this Country needs Obama as our President like it needs another 9/11. How do you voluntarily elect to participate in such a racist church with that lunatic preacher "for 20 years" and try to spin that you don't agree with the preacher's beliefs? Obama must think most Americans are morons. What arrogance and lack of judgment once again by this guy.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 5:07 pm PT...
I don't speak for Obama. He really wasn't my first choice.
But I will remind you that one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bundle. There may be plenty of people in that church that are not evil or racist.
The other thing is that OBAMA didn't fucking say it, someone else did.
The only people making an issue out of this shit are the fascists. TURN THEM OFF. UNPLUG YOUR TV! CUT THE CABLE WITH WIRE SNIPS.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 5:08 pm PT...
If you can't do that, then at least go to the circuit breaker panel of your home and TURN THE POWER OFF once a day for an hour.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 6:40 pm PT...
I have often thought about the freeway blogger using some sort of positive symbol. Something that would effect people on a different level. I wouldn't know where to start though. But if say, someone knew of one or used one then maybe it appear everywhere.
Your diagnosis of Tsarion was right on the money. There is no way that I could ever agree with him on every point. Some of it is pure speculation, I will admit to that. However I have been reading, watching, and listening to what he has been saying for several years now. He is a very entertaing subject. And yes he screwed me up on the symbol thing thing as well. It is very hard to watch commercials now.
Yeah I'll admit that I'm an arm chair quarterback at the moment. I def don't have a tv show or my own blog or even a web page. I would love to again spend my energy on trying to spread the message. But it would need to be a symbolic message not one of words.
However my point in pointing out the problem with out any real solution is to 1. remove the shock value of the bs they throw at us now. 2. We need to remember the past in order to go forward. The stuff they pull now is not new. And to be quite honest I was fishing for a good suggestion from some one.
If everyone is acting insane, then maybe we are sick as a society. Sick because of societal brainwashing that goes beyond mere words.
Maybe we need some good healthy symbols. Something that invokes the feeling of peace. Shit I don't know, I just trying to toss some stuff around, think O-side the bizzox.
I'm positive that the icon of brad looking all suave with the cig strikes far more fear into the heart of evil doers then do any of the articles. Cause the pic is just saying I got ya truth right here, and I'm damn good at my job.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 3/20/2008 @ 6:58 pm PT...
It's the cigarette. I don't care what any of you health nazis say!
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 7:24 pm PT...
phil whats the magical symbol for truth?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:14 pm PT...
One danger I might inject for those who take him up on trying to learn this stuff, is that it CAN KILL YOU. You need to really know yourself first, and you ALSO need to know exactly what it is your fucking with. Don't just put ancient symbols on shit that you don't know what they mean, real real bad shit can happen. It's not like anyone on this board would believe me but I have made it thunder, and other times rain on a clear summer day. I won't get into how many years of negative pay back I had to endure for the abuse of omnipotent powers. I did learn from it though.
Kos and others are astroturfing that BradBlog is conspiracy nutter material. So when posts like this make it onto this board, it makes one wonder.
Was this guy's username stolen?
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:20 pm PT...
I trust Brad and the BradBlog 100%. It's the comments that sometimes make me wonder.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:28 pm PT...
socrates: You want we should emulate Kos? This is America, and that "nutter" happens also to be a patriot. You need to read the commenting rules in a big way.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:30 pm PT...
The NEXT big thing, will be, "Obama smokes"...
So, 1) Obama's pastor....2) Obama smokes
You think THIS is bad? Wait until it's Obama vs. McCain! They'll be saying Obama's pastor knocked down the world trade centers!
And the CMSM will continue to ignore things like McCain voted against banning torture and McCain thinks Iran is training Al Queda...BOTH WAY worse than Obama's pastor and Obama smokes! I'm just beating everyone to the punch with "Obama smokes". It didn't happen yet.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:35 pm PT...
How about "McCain is 71 years old"??? Anyone think THAT'S an issue???
Think of EVERYONE you know who's in their 70's...your parents, grandparents, friends, etc...IF they're even alive at that age! Are they in sound state of mind and health? THAT'S not an issue??? And they're retired...HELLO!!!!!!!!!
Maybe that's why McCain doesn't give big speeches like Obama, and when he does, Joe "Zell from Hell" Lieberman has to whisper in his ear and correct him!!! That will be McCain's running mate, I guess, why would Lieberman be following McCain around everywhere he goes? Why is Lieberman with McCain all the time, btw...???
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 3/20/2008 @ 8:39 pm PT...
And don't say "Reagan was old" because
1) He was a horrendous president (why aren't their any polls of what people thought of Reagan, ever wonder that?)
2) He has alzheimers! Proving my point about age!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 9:50 pm PT...
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 10:34 pm PT...
The last thing I want to do is cause turmoil, and I apologize if that happened.
This seems to be the rule I need to be careful with:
2) Do NOT make personal attacks on other commenters. Public figures (and thus, even your humble host) are a different matter. Disagree with each other all you like, but try to do so respectfully. Ad-hominem attacks on fellow commenters will not be tolerated.
Phil wrote:
...It's not like anyone on this board would believe me but I have made it thunder, and other times rain on a clear summer day...
Maybe you can make a response to his comment, Agent99. You know the rules better than me. Thanks for your time and consideration.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 10:52 pm PT...
#18 Oh man I would suggest some ideas now.
I know a lot about symbolism actually. to Reverse it would be a privilege. Someone asked about truth and I need to think about that (After all it's three deep) and then wow as I am at the bottom here posting again I see Socrates thinks I attacked someone? I am really basically a public figure even if you don't see it that way. I won't argue with any decisions on that though. o)
I did make it thunder, I couldn't believe it myself. But that wasn't the bad part, the bad part was when I made it rain on a CLEAR summer day, I have one witness to this event who is still alive. Basically I was trying to discharge power. I didn't know what the power was and or what to do and I was at my wits end. How I discharged it was this. I decided that a one time affirmation that I truly believed and then threw the talisman into an empty field. Rain, then crash boom thunder, then it went away.
I wasn't attacking anyone here I am just telling you how it is and that this stuff IS DANGEROUS.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 3/20/2008 @ 10:53 pm PT...
Indeed, and sometimes it is really hard. Brad has to remind me of them sometimes, when I get really, really angry or tired.
I have no wish to address Phil's statement. He might have been speaking metaphorically, or he might have been merely stating fact, or anything in between. I have a wish to address this filthy habit in Liberal Blogistan of labeling people "nutters" and "crazies" and all manner of other outright insulting things. The speed with which some resort to it also appalls me. Seems to me it's not only nasty, but extremely childish too... like high school cliques distinguishing who's in and who's out.
It's just exactly what has turned DailyKos into such a harmful and dangerous circus.
Thank you for consulting the Commenting Rules with dispatch.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:11 pm PT...
As far as truth, I think it depends on if you are eastern religion based or western religion based.
Although let me think about it more. Just flippin though pages here and brainstorming...
Do you want black magic white magic?
Maybe the Rosy Cross?
Page 82 in the Golden Dawn V1 B1 is interesting...
Truth must be challenged.
Maybe study S.L. MacGregor Mathers (my favorite)
Maybe truth ain't what you want?
I don't really see a way to do a truth symbol.
study the shit?
That's an interesting question.
The Truth is a whole.
The TRUTH is I can't trust any information.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:14 pm PT...
Oh and by the way I also use the WAITE deck for those cards.
Maybe there is where your truth exists?
Scurry out a deck on your own and see what the truth is, then make the symbols for that moment in time?
Hell I dunno what the truth symbol is.
At least I am smart enough to say I don't know.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:18 pm PT...
When you are doing magic what do you care about the truth? Your trying to change nature.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:22 pm PT...
Okay, okay, Phil. Yer driving the poor guy nuts now. Let it be. Please.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:23 pm PT...
The truth is I could teach you how to banish your own family's spirit[s] to the dark shades.
I wouldn't want to go there would you?
I don't think your family's spirit[s] would either.
The fact is I can make it go away. Regardless of communications or plain caring one way or the other.
To try to contact them and find out what their problem is and lead them to the light is another way to make them go. It's ethically the RIGHT way to make them go.
If you banish your family's spirits to the dark shades your not going to be able to change that.
Most of my magic has to do with defense.
Like I said I got Stung. and stung bad for screwing around.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:26 pm PT...
peace agent 99, he did ask me a question. Night night. Peace and Love
I'll drop it now, if he wants he can contact me.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2008 @ 11:35 pm PT...
Found it, by randomly flipping though pages.
Thooth, Truth has two aspects --- The higher and the lower. the Higher is Absolute, the lower is suitable to human comprehension. To tell the higher form of truth to one who cannot understand it is to lie to him because, though correctly formulated, it will not be correctly received.
Pg 375 The Golden Dawn: Volume III Book Five - Admission of the Candidate
Night night for sure this time..
Peace love and light.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 3/21/2008 @ 12:04 am PT...
Well, and, socrates, somebody emailed me this link today. Food for thought. If he really did paint that seascape without help, if he is as they say he is, as he says he is, there is definitely more to this world than we only think.
Plus, are we to just give up trying to accept all our fellow Americans who want to weigh in here, whether or not we agree with them, because others are "astroturfing" us for it? Reminds me of Obama getting dissed for something his pastor said. Reminds me of his pastor getting dissed for expressing his rage over great injustice. I read somewhere someone defending Reverend Wright because he'd served in the Marines and has received all kinds of honors, but, really, he had the right because he is a human in America. It says so in the Constitution.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 1:04 am PT...
That's a good point Agent99, that BradBlog in itself shouldn't be held liable for any comments guests make.
It doesn't appear that Phil was speaking metaphorically.
By the way Phil, I was the one who was gently warned about the need to not attack. I simply don't believe your claims of some kind of telpathic ability to influence the weather.
I do not know Phil. I'll admit that I have agreed with most of his posts. It's good to be passionate about issues.
I did make it thunder, I couldn't believe it myself. But that wasn't the bad part, the bad part was when I made it rain on a CLEAR summer day, I have one witness to this event who is still alive. Basically I was trying to discharge power. I didn't know what the power was and or what to do and I was at my wits end. How I discharged it was this. I decided that a one time affirmation that I truly believed and then threw the talisman into an empty field. Rain, then crash boom thunder, then it went away.
I know firsthand what it's like to be referred to as a "conspiracy nutter." People can check out the top section of the forum/blog in my username and see which issue I have tried to master.
While I don't doubt the story about the blind painter, while I admit that sometimes miracles do occur, e.g. with the Red Sox in 2004, I do agree that there are sometimes unexplainable things.
However, I do not believe that anyone can influence the weather with their own mind/spirit.
There are covert weather modifications taking place all across this country. People need to look up more. They are trying to legalise it.
I'll end this self indulgence with saying I was always amazed with Helen Keller. The astroturfing with her is that people are real quiet about her lefty/progressive activism. Gotta get some shut-eye.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 2:39 am PT...
For a number of years I have not found any Gallup poll credible. It is easy for clever pollsters to rig a poll to reflect any result the client aims for by carefully choosing sampling methodology and the wording and order of questions in the survey.
IMHO Gallup is a prostitute among pollsters. He will take money from anyone and give the client the desired result. Take any result they publish with a HUGE grain of salt. Gallup is a big liar.
Remember, this is an age where the oldest and most respected institutions will sell themselves for a song and dance - such as Enron's auditor Arthur Andersen.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 5:31 am PT...
The poll that counts (according to the faith) is the election.
The poll that counts before that is the primary and caucus totals.
Where there is a conflict between the political polls and the vote of the people it is a no-brainer.
I am keeping my eye on the voter's "poll".
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 5:48 am PT...
The Latest Story Never Told
Thought we needed a conspiracy theory somewhat attached to this Obama thread.
From the viewpoint of the bushies the passport invasion story is a leak.
The bushies not only allowed/planned the privacy invasion for political purposes, they thought they had a lid on it.
The spying on Americans by Amurkans found some vulnerabilities in some state department folks. They were told to keep a lid on the fact that Obama's files were being rifled thru ... or else.
Now three months after the plot began, someone leaked the truth. Now the bushie army is in full retrobution mode trying to find the leaker.
The "leaders" of the state department say they found out from reporters about the Obama privacy invasion ... now how much does that sound like the Scooter story?
The real story is that the story was leaked. Ellsberg was where when this happened?
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 6:23 am PT...
Thanks for the answer phil,
thats alot to digest so I'll just shut up now, maybe see yall in a few weeks
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 6:35 am PT...
one more thing, whether or not phil or I believe in this stuff it is out there. And maybe that should be taken into account escpecialy if these beliefs have been used by the upper elites.
Wouldn't that change the playing field? So you've never heard of it or don't buy it, no worries, but when stories of battles happening on astrological dates with pagan symbols attached to everyone doesn't that sound like a ritual. This and many more anomolies (look at dc and tell me how many zodiacs you can find) can be found in our violent past and maybe it IS a good idea to study more of this stuff because to me it appears that it is being used against us. Wouldn't you consider it to be black magic if all of our money could be folded a certain way to show the destruction of the wtc. I realize that it is creepy that it is there but really who has the time to figure out that if you fold the bills like an airplane then you get this scene. And who leaked it after the fact, like we are all being told it.
So anyway nutter out......
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 10:37 am PT...
My posts last night were not meant to attack anyone. And although I above typed that I made it thunder, I didn't in fact control the thunder, it just happened, same with the discharge /rain / goodbye part. I specifically said I don't expect anyone to believe me. That's fine you all have free will.
You all are right, I am a nutter right now.
I do apologize for misdirecting the original thread. (I went nuts over at C&L or Think Progress also) I am sorry, perhaps I just can't handle this anymore. I did create an account at and posted a message.
I think it's really important that everyone here read it. (forget about me, absorb the spirit of the post)
That's where I am at. I can't deal with this anymore. I am not angry at anyone here.
I don't care about my image, or what you think about me, or label me. I just can't stand what's happened to our country. It kills me inside.
I am so sorry I am not like most people. I can't shut this constant noise out. I can't seem to just "let it go."
I am happy to link folks up with causes, events, and things, and my offer still stands to anyone that has some compelling video that want me to air. And I might add now, that also if you don't want to be affiliated with me, just pop of that email to me and I will remove whatever you want gone. (see below for explanation)
It bewilders me how this just keeps going on and on and the people are not in mass protesting all this corrupt utter nonsens.
I think the proper course of action here is for me to go into a second extended hiatus. I learned from my first haitus. The only way I know to avoid hijacking threads, is to not be there in the first place. I guess I could request to be banned. (don't laugh) But I will just try to muster up the willpower to not visit. Besides, I got plenty of things to do that I have put off for the last 4 years. I really wish more people would participate it really feels like a small world.
So for right now goodbye.
(I just shed a tear)
I am sorry to everyone for my nonsense.
Phillip Caine
(Officially now a burned out, nutter version 2.o)
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 11:44 am PT...
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 3/21/2008 @ 1:27 pm PT...
Hey Phil
I know how frustrated you feel with the system as it is now, hell, I feel that way also and I don't live in there, but you know what, I can see the tide turning for you all.
More and more people are beginning to awaken to the corruption that is rampant in your government and although it seems that the wheels aren't turning fast enough, at least they are turning slowly but surely.
I see hope with Obama, sure he's young and doesn't have a lot of experience, but that isn't what is important. What IS important, is that he has given millions of people hope for a new tomorrow, they listen and can sense that here is a man who sounds sincere and is genuinely wanting to envoke change AND to govern without the graft and theft that has been responsible for a good part of the downfall during this current administration.
So hang in there...!!!! You are needed to further the fight for openness, truth and justice, because without folks like you and the other patriots that fight here and at other blogs where I visit, there won't be the changes that are so desperately needed to restore America to what it once was.
Hugs Phil....... ((((( Phil ))))) ..... and a joyous Easter to all our neighbours south of the border, from your friends in Canada.