By John Gideon on 2/17/2008, 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Another voting system has been proven to be inaccurate and deeply flawed. Colorado’s Secretary of State has posted a report from his “Voting Systems Testing Board” on the Hart Intercivic eScan voting system. The test panel found that stray marks on a ballot may cause the optical-scan machines to count inaccurately. A stray mark can be read as an overvote by the machines, ignored by the machines, or read as a vote while the real vote is ignored. This is yet another voting system that was tested by an Independent Test Laboratory and accepted by members of the National Association of State Election Directors Technical Panel even though it clearly does not meet the Voting Systems Guidelines for accuracy. Will NASED take any action? Of course not. No one will warn other states that there is a problem that they should know about. The EAC? They tend to ignore their mandated duty to act as a “clearinghouse” so they will take no action. If you are in a jurisdiction that uses Hart eScans, pass on the report to your election officials so they are warned about the problem. You will be the only one who will do it....

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