Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
USAToday reports, “A study by the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University shows turnout in 2004 was about 4% lower in states that required voters to sign their name or produce documentation. Hispanic turnout was 10% lower; the difference was about 6% for blacks and Asian-Americans.” And what do we hear from the Election Assistance Commission that, last year, buried a report that found there was very little evidence of voter fraud, the very reason some say they need voter ID laws? The commission's chairwoman, Donetta Davidson, called the study "premature." More work needs to be done, she said. "You can't make determinations based on one year," she said. "We have new states that have ID requirements now that weren't in that review."” If Davidson can’t bury the truth it appears she will deny it exists....
Senator calls for a study of DRE machines for possible fraud, mechanical miscues LINK
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