By John Gideon on 2/7/2007, 4:29pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

As related by John Bonifaz of Demos and the National Voting Rights Institute, in a blog on BradBlog.Com, “[Yesterday], Congressman Rush Holt introduced H.R. 811, a bill trumpeted as requiring 'a voter-verified permanent paper ballot.' But before we all jump on this train as the new guarantee that our votes will be properly counted in future elections, we ought to beware of the warning flag. A paper trail from DRE (Direct Recording Electronic, usually touch-screen) machines cannot protect the integrity of our elections.” And “the Holt bill tries to say it is requiring a paper ballot even for DREs, but, in the end, a DRE 'paper ballot' is nothing more than a paper trail, which requires voters to verify their votes after they have cast them in the DRE machines. Studies show that most voters will not spend the time to verify their votes after casting them into DRE machines. Thus, the 'voter-verified paper ballot' is a fiction when it comes to DREs.”

In the wake of the resignation of Cuyahoga Co Ohio’s election director is the news that memory cards used in local elections in the county failed again.

Officials in California and Idaho are calling for legislation to allow counties to use the Oregon Vote-By-Mail plan....

  • NAtional: Why the Holt Election Reform Bill Must Be Amended to Guarantee a Real Paper Ballot LINK
  • NAtional: Legislation would demand paper trail of voting records LINK
  • NAtional: Senate Rules Committee Hearing Testimony LINK
  • NAtional: Politicians call for e-voting paper trails by '08 election LINK
  • NAtional: E-Voting Machines Get The Fish-Eye LINK
  • NAtional: Key senator calls for paper trail of 2008 presidential votes LINK
  • CA: Mail-only elections on considered LINK
  • CA: San Benito County - No Problems with SBC Voting Machines LINK
  • FL: Victory Video: New Florida Secretary of State Says He's 'Physically and Mentally Exhausted from Defending Touch-Screen Voting' LINK
  • FL: Advocates renew call for paper voting trail LINK
  • FL: Study: Blank ballots less likely with paper LINK
  • FL: Polk County - Charlie and the Paper Trail LINK
  • FL: Sarasota County - Feinstein wants federal audit of Sarasota's voting machines LINK
  • ID: County clerks push vote-by-mail measure LINK
  • KS: Lyon County - A paper trail to safe voting LINK
  • KY: Webster County clerk opposes election system change LINK
  • MS: Itawamba County - More [DRE] voting machines requested LINK
  • NV: County officials ask Nevada legislators for election-law changes LINK
  • OH: Oh My Ohio: Cuyahoga County Election Director Resigns! New SoS Requests Audit of Blackwell, Shredded Documents! LINK
  • OH: No changes are expected, state official says LINK
  • OH: Elections not keeping up with the times LINK
  • OH: Cuyahoga County - Glitch hits Cuyahoga County election...again LINK
  • PA: Cambria County - Broken water pipe soaks voting screens LINK
  • TX: Anderson County – Commissioner’s Election Will Be Heard Again LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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