By John Gideon on 7/8/2008, 4:12pm PT  

In the wake of Connecticut’s Secretary of State, Susan Bysiewicz, taking action to highlight the terrible decision by the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs with regards to voter registration drives Washington’s Secretary of State Sam Reed has taken action. Well, he investigated and wrote a letter to the state congressional contingent asking them to take action. While Secretary Bysiewicz went to a VA facility and actually registered voters contrary to the DVA’s directives, Secretary Reed wrote a letter and issued a press release. I am one Washington state resident, Viet Nam Vet, who would have liked to have seen Sam stand-up for all veterans in the state. It’s too bad.

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WA: Editorial - VA policy that bans voter drives is flawed and must be fixed
Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed has asked members of the state's congressional delegation to review the policy.

WA: Press Release - Reed again urges policy change on voter registration drives in VA facilities

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