The Vote-Rigging Whistleblower Turned Congressional Opponent to Alleged Vote-Rigger Creeps Closer and Closer to the Bush's...
By Brad Friedman on 10/27/2006, 12:07am PT  

In a cover story interview in the Crawford, Texas Lone Star Iconoclast, Clint Curtis has a few no holds barred thoughts on his race in Florida's 24th Congressional district, on his opponent, the corrupt Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Abramoff), and on his plans to fight back at the retaliation Feeney has levelled against him for blowing the whistle on Feeney's vote-rigging attempts and other alleged malfeasance...

[S]ince I did testify before Congress, and I did contact several of the agencies like the FBI — in retaliating against me rather than just a straight standard campaign, there is a section of [Sarbanes-Oxley] which says that it is a criminal offense to retaliate against a whistleblower who has provided information on a federal crime — espionage.

He has broken that law, so we are actually going to file that with the U.S. Attorney’s office, and hold him accountable for that, too. It might actually get more investigations going, and it’s his turn to start explaining things.

If you don't know who the fearless Curtis is, what cave have you been living in? We originally reported on his remarkable story in December of 2004 and have been doing so ever since. The rest, as they say, may well be history in the making.

For more info on The BRAD BLOG's continuing investigative series on
The Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney/Yang Enterprises Vote-Rigging Scandal series, please see:
- A Quick Summary of the story so far.
- An Index of all the Key Articles & Evidence in the series so far.
- Curtis is now running for U.S. Congress against Feeney.
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