More lawsuits and complaints are now being filed to stop the use and/or purchase of electronic voting systems around the country. On Wednesday, two more. One in California, another in Wisconsin.
In Alameda County, CA a suit was filed to stop of the use of Sequoia Voting Systems touch-screen DRE's, alleging the county "has not performed independent, expert security vulnerability testing on its new Sequoia voting equipment. The group claims such testing was a prerequisite stipulated by county supervisors before the county would issue payment for the system." ...
You'll note that Alamada was originally named in VoterAction's suit against the use of Diebold touch-screen systems in 18 counties across California, but was removed from the suit after they agreed to stop using them. Instead, they decided to use Sequoia.
Also note, the report we linked from Contra Costa Times would seem to have an error in stating that the original Diebold/California suit has "been dismissed."
In fact, as we understand it, only the plaintiff's request for a temporary injunction to stop the use of hackable Diebold touch-screen machines this November was recently denied when the Judge decided there would not be enough time for counties to implement alternative systems prior to this year's general election. The suit itself, we're told by the good folks at VoterAction, calling for those shitty machines to be decertified in California altogether, goes forward and will be heard after the election.
The Courage Campaign has additional thoughts and details. For lack of time ourselves right now, we're happy to associate ourselves with their thoughts on the suit.
Meanwhile, in the state of Wisconsin today, a complaint was brought to State Regulators by VoterAction activists asking that voting systems by four companies be discontinued prior to the November election because they are said to be "inherently unreliable, open to tampering and susceptible to human error."
The companies named in Wisconsin are Diebold Election Systems, Inc., Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc., ES&S, and Voting Technologies International. recently won their suit in the state of Colorado to decertify touch-screen systems made by four different manufacturers when it was revealed the state had few or no standards for use of such machines and did little or no testing to determine if they were secure. Power to the people.
(Hat-tip John Gideon)