"COULTER VOTER FRAUD: New Admissions! Digging her Own Grave..."
(97 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 9:29 pm PT...
Did anyone catch Hannity and Colmes last night? The video is at
I believe she addresses "certain" individuals over this voter fraud nonsense appropriately.
She asked Alan Colmes (a liberal) if he had been talking to her stalkers who knew her address and apartment number.
She also said that NONE of it was true. Guess we will find out.
I know, poor liberal bloggers try tactics and they get no attention. Ann Coulter makes statements and gets all kinds of attention, not only from liberal bloggers, but from John Kerry and most recently, Hillary Clinton! Check the news stories of how Hillary is "lashing out" at Coulter.
I also believe her book was number one at Now, I be willing to bet it has something to do with all this liberal attention she gets.
What do you think?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 9:43 pm PT...
LOL! The Reichpublican's Coulter of Corruption!!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 9:57 pm PT...
TTP.. are you implying with "She also said that NONE of it was true. Guess we will find out" that she didn't put 999 Indian Drive (or whatever) on her voter registration form and didn't take the $25k credit for the house in FL (not at 999 Indian Drive)? Cause, if that's what you're saying, you're saying Brad made it all up and faked all the docs.. or someone did, and gave them to Brad.
"I also believe her book was number one at"
Yep.. #1 at Amazon today.. and selling for 40% off the cover price.. Hmm.. perhaps most people who want the book understand that they can save a lot by waiting a few days for it over buying it at a book store? Also, note.. it has a 2.5/5 rating.. LOL.. And, further note.. #4 at Amazon was "Cesar's Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems [Deluxe Edition] [Large Print] " LOL.. good company for Ann..
Greg Palast's book was at #6 (one below where Ann was "yesterday", but has a 4/5 rating (same 40% off the cover.. I suppose Amazon has to find SOME way to stay in business).
#2 was a "never cold sell" book, a book for SALESMEN.. I recon, if you are gonna try and shovel Ann you'd have to be a salesman.. lol
"What do you think?"
I think she's an evil person. She's a hate-monger who spews filth at everyone she can to rustle up the troops (those psycho christian soldiers, don't ya know). She has no morals and no respect for humans in general. If the world were to lose all the people like her, and all the people who like/follow/listen to her tomorrow, we'd be VERY close to a eutopia. Alas, it's her and those who support her that cause all the ill in the world with their greed and hate and controll issues. Oh well, no chance there will be a virus anytime soon that only kills "evil people".. But I can dream, can't I?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:07 pm PT...
Yes Savanster you can dream,Can I dream along with you? Pretty Please? I hope the activist judges Nail her ass to the wall. hehe
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:12 pm PT...
I dunno Savanster, looks like she might be on her way to her FIFTH massive New York Times bestseller.
You guys are such Ann stalkers and it's true. She has you responding just as she wants you to.
Getting a ton of media attention from Hillary Clinton and making Matt Lauer cry and then getting liberals' reactions to Lauer's interview, it seems to me liberals are eating their own.
When you don't pick up 50 seats in the House in the year that you should (this year) as the Republicans did in 1994 after having only one term of Democrats winning Congress (haven't Republicans been in power for 12 years now?) you can reflect back to your persuading arguments on voter fraud.
But hey, look on the bright side, when Democrats fudge it up for their representatives and their representatives wind up losing, you can keep yourself busy for another number of years alleging voter fraud again.
Will it be Ohio again? Luckily this great land contains fifty states. LOL.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:16 pm PT...
God, the things that come out of this woman's mouth. It occurs to me (maybe because it's actually hard for me to believe that anyone is this deliberately evil) that MAYBE (and granted, this is also pretty vile) it's all just a "joke" to her. Anything to sell books, stay "famous" & talked about.
I dunno. I'm grabbin' at straws here, trying to understand how anybody can spew so much hateful crap.
The thing is, knowing how complicated legalese can be & how some people don't really read what they sign thoroughly enough, I'd probably DEFEND her, saying all this COULD POSSIBLY be an accident.
If she were not such a hate-spewing, vile, disgusting, venomous, lying bitch.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:31 pm PT...
"It manipulates one into thinking they don't have to spend THEIR money to fix all the problems in the world, that they should spend YOUR money. Obviously, you aren't responsible enough with your own money to know how to properly spend it, and Coulter points this out, with plenty of examples."
From the ONE dissenting review for Greg's book... the same wackjob put up a glowing one for Ann.. Go figure (and he bitches about 'liberals didn't read her book and put up fake posts!!".. I'm pretty sure this schmuck didn't read Greg's book either.. why give some "liberal" more money when they don't want to spend it on fixing the planet, they just want.. um.. YOU, who ever that is, to do it..
Here's the problem TTP (and other Ann supporting degenerates).. Liberals, when they impose taxes on EVERYONE, ARE putting their OWN money into the pot to help "fix the world"..
And I'd sure like to know how " isn't esponsible enough with your own money to know how to properly spend it".. I mean, I get all my bills paid on time.. in fact, I went from bankruptcy (college debt that the CC companies said "we don't care if you can't eat, your circumstances aren't our problem".. so I said "then if you want to fuck up my credit before I've missed a single payment and I"m trying to explain that my life has just been turned up side down, then you can eat the debt.. morons".. and filed for bankruptcy as soon as I got my first job) to having a FICO of 700 in 5 years. I own a home, bought a new vehicle (the year after my bankruptcy), and am getting ALL my bills paid ON TIME.. I guess I don't get how "this liberal can't manage my own finances".. And, I took on the $40,000 of debt to get my degree on my own.. Mommy and Daddy didn't pay it for me, and I'm still paying on that debt (on time, responsibly.. hell, I was even paying it monthly when I was unemployed for 6 months).
You right-wing nutjobs aren't based in reality. You keep pretending like the only "liberals" are street people and welfare cases. The truth is, anyone that has REAL compassion and dislikes being taken advantage of by businesses is likely a LIBERAL.. But that flys in the face of your hate-mongering.. so you ignore it, and distort the truth to fit your own ends.
Truely pathetic.. and a waste of breath to say so. You wingnuts will never pull you heads out of your asses because you are stuck at the lowest level of instinct there is.. pure animal drive of selfish to the extreme. The only other animals on the planet that are as fucked up as you are Chimps and a few other apes who still wage war, rape, and kill for entertainment. Pretty much NO other animals on earth (liberals included) are that vile. Just Repblicans, Conservatives, and shit-flinging apes.. Congrats.
And Laura, PLEASE do dream with me.. perhaps if enough of us get that energy out into the univers, the great maker will honor our request and purge the evil and filth from our existence
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:44 pm PT...
The pitiful thing about you is that you take such glee in throwing Coulter and the rest of the slime you support in the faces of those of us who are appalled by her and by the damage her supporters and this administration are doing to this country. She is a sociopath by any definition and it is NOT those of us who oppose and would never buy her crap that makes her the darling of the sick element that has taken over the Republican Party. It is people like you, who are bullies, just like her that give her the undeserved voice that she has in this country.
What kind of jerk does it take to need to go to sites like this where most people are expressing their heartfelt opinions, and then to gloat, like you do, about the sickest elements of a sick party that, by ANY means necessary has taken over this once great country. How about proving that you've got an ounce of dignity and self-control and going to some rightwing blogsite that will appreciate and even applaud your kind of pathology and where you can wallow in your largesse without poisoning the forums of those of us who have something real to say.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:47 pm PT...
Ann WHO?
Who's Ann KKKoolter?
Please fill me in here people as to why she gets all the attention. No one says nice things about her.
Was she one of the losers on American Idol, or something? Really, now.
Where might Ann KKKoulter be if there was no T.V.?
I have no cable, and really haven't missed her.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:58 pm PT...
Steve, the point, I think, is.. the kinds of people that laud Ann as some kind of hero are the exact problem in the world.
I think, that as time goes on, our world will be a better place as we find ways to prevent our children from becoming like these vile beasts. As we "liberals" find ways to get better education to more children, and find ways to make sure more people are raised in "loving homes", we will root out the disorders that afflict these poor lost souls. The irony that has Ann calling "liberalism a mental disease" is that it's pretty clear to rational people that Ann is the one that is out of touch, running on some broken track of 1/2 truths and delusion.
Here is a link to the guy I talked about above. Of note are the comments like "It just goes to show that liberals can't win, so they take their vitriol out on someone who is unable to defend themselves. A woman, no less.", yet Ann continously shows she CAN defend herself, and makes sure she attacks everyone she can every time she's in public. Couple that with the fact that she and the "religous right" want to restrict women's rights, and you have more irony with the 'defense of the poor defenseless woman'. I'd call that "deluded" in the sense that the belief clearly defies the fact.. Then you have "She knows liberals better than they know themselves.".. Ok, and on what authority does she "know" someone that is nothing like her? If she "knows" them, it implies some kind of empathy.. so, if she "knows" them and still feels they should be killed for.. well.. no good reason.. what does that say about her? And, I don't think -anyone- can actually say "they know someone else better than they know themselves", unless it's a specific individual and you've spent a lot of time studying them, and they are completely mentally incapable of functioning.
At the end of the day, these people who accuse "liberals" of having a "mental illness" exhibit many many classic symptoms of illness themselves. Ann's denying things that there is a paper trail for is an example. Her pontifications won't keep her out of jail..
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 10:59 pm PT...
Steve that was touching. The bottom line, is you guys act like mothers did in the 80's when Madonna wore lace panties on the outside of her pants everytime Ann Coulter makes a statement.
She gets the attention that liberals crave all the time. Her point is absolutely accurate about the 9/11 widows. One of these days, someone from your party is going to have to make a solid counterargument other than to say "this person is crazy or hateful or vulgar."
Hillary Clinton today showed us as well that was the max of her capacity to counter a point.
Savanster said:
"Laura, PLEASE do dream with me.. perhaps if enough of us get that energy out into the univers, the great maker will honor our request and purge the evil and filth from our existence
I can see it now: Once Savanster is finally finished with one of his long rants, he and Laura can embrace and shed tears as John Lennon's "Imagine" slowly fades in.
Let me know when the swaying beings so that I can look away before wasting perfectly good puke.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 11:15 pm PT...
"She gets the attention that liberals crave all the time."
I don't crave attention.. not at all.. and I'm very "liberal". Explain to me how your baseless assertion in an attempt to support your psychopath makes any sense?
"Her point is absolutely accurate about the 9/11 widows. One of these days, someone from your party is going to have to make a solid counterargument"
Of course, you are content to ignore the fact that there are "9/11 widows" who support Shrubby, and do the SAME thing Ann (and you) complain about from the "democratic widows".. Fact, not something wing-nuts are big on. Delusion! now, that you got tons of!
"Hillary Clinton today showed us as well that was the max of her capacity to counter a point."
and no self-respecting Democrat likes "Hillary Clinton".. she's a hack, a Republicrat and one of the worst kinds. Problem is, there are a lot of Dems out there who don't see it.. who are stuck in the same world as you Pugs... the one where "party is first".. Personally, I can't stand those kinds of Dems either. I have no respect for a woman who doesn't stand up for herself.. and when Bill got his hummer and drug the family into the spotlight, she should have left him for his moral weakness, and on the priciple of "you don't get to shame me".. At least, that's my opinion. I've never cheated, and never will .. and I have NO respect for anyone that cheats, or anyone that's not strong enough to leave a cheater. If you can't look out for yourself, how can you look out for anyone else? Note, a goodly number of self rightous, self absorbed, arrogant, narcissistic right-wing types cheat regularly. Liberals, in my expierence, don't.. It happens, but a LOT less.. kind of like corruption of leaders..
"The bottom line, is you guys act like mothers did in the 80's when Madonna wore lace panties on the outside of her pants"
LOL.. and I thought it was the CONSERVATIVES who were acting like asses over that.. I know MY mom didn't seem to mind. I guess though, you didn't say "which mothers" and didn't really express your meaning.. Of course, that's the typical way, isn't it? leave it all open without comitting so you can weazle out later?
K.. done feeding the trolls.. Jon Stewart is on and the Tivo is about 1/2 way through.. I can watch without being innundated with comercials now.. Comercials is why I stopped watching TV live.. I was missing out on some entertaining stories before I got my Tivo.. glad it's so easy to pass the brain-washing of Corporate America (for now).
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 11:16 pm PT...
hey ttp ,If you don't like it here, what are you doing here? Nobody is forcing you to come here and act like an ass.. Leave, we'll all be better off not having to assimilate the Bullshit you are slinging. Thanks and you have a nice day! OH and by the way "Imagine" happens to be one of my favorite songs. Hey Savanster... Hug Hug
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 11:35 pm PT...
-tt-p-p- Thanks For being an example of what Liberal folks must Counter & Destroy . . . . . Literally & Figuratively . . .
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 11:38 pm PT...
"Of course, you are content to ignore the fact that there are "9/11 widows" who support Shrubby, and do the SAME thing Ann (and you) complain about from the "democratic widows".. Fact, not something wing-nuts are big on. Delusion! now, that you got tons of!"
No Savanster. Just like Cindy Sheehan....a woman by the name of Laura Youngblood spoke out recently about how she does support the war (even though she lost her husband) and some 9/11 widows have come forward as you have documented (clearly none of the as famous as the self-titled "Jersey Girls") BUT NOT to persuade liberals to turn conservative or to replace Conservative debate by imposing a political belief on you (a VERY liberal person as you said) and dare you to respond simply because they had a personal tragedy.
The left set this structure up, the women and other dissenters such as Sheehan's husband and entire family speak up to acknowledge the politicization of a personal tragedy.
Tucker Carlson, CNN, Matt Lauer, Bill O'Reilly (who thinks Coulter went too far this time - as he said last night on his program) and etc all blathering about it last night and today are raising the overpall point that Coulter was making so that it can be discussed. And it has been. Finally, a lot of people are crawling out and saying that Coulter's remarks minus the vitriol echo a lot of silent opinions on people like Sheehan and the 9/11 commission.
Whether or not some agree with these statements made, you have to admit it's been interesting watching Americans at least debate the main point and watch others come out to say if it was right or wrong for the left to put people up like Joe Wilson, Cindy Sheehan, or the 9/11 widows to make it hard for conservatives to respond to without being labeled as hateful or heartless.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 6/7/2006 @ 11:39 pm PT...
TTP - Solid arguments re: Ann (and yourself). The rule of law matters. Or used to to both Ann, and I'm guessing, you. Not anymore as you apparently support criminals
(Before you tell me she hasn't been found guilty of anything, please keep in mind the case has been laid in front of you, with the documentation, so you can see it's airtight against here. On the other hand, when she called Bill Clinton a rapist and a felon, there was no trial).
One other solid argument. You're a horrible human if you feel "she's" right that the 9/11 widows rejoiced at their burning deaths of their husbands. Pathetic.
TO THE OTHERS: Please note Palast's AUDIO book (on which I'm told I am a reader and named on the cover) is #1 in the Amazon audio book section! As of yesterday anyway. Haven't looked today. Just sayin'
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:10 am PT...
"So, Ann is some genius set out to enlighten the world?"
No, I said she was a mastermind at manipulating the media. I also said she is a conservative author with a huge stage to speak her views. Where's your link to support your quote and gross destortion of my words?
The point of Invade, Kill, and Convert strictly referred to the people written in the previous sentence of that same column - the ones cheering and dancing in the streets (extremists who celebrated 9/11). It did not include everyone Arab residing in the middle east as papers led you to believe. However; Ann was more than happy at the overstatement of that quote because it gave her attention!
I'm not asserting that she did or didn't do anything (I have actually left that for you to do as you did so well regarding the alleged exemption, and the online property tax bill that was again offered up by a conservative debator on this same blog).
Last night on H&C She told Alan Colmes that liberals stalking her will never find out where she lives and laughed about it. She's rich, she's smart, and she's successful! Did she stumble on it? Or did she have a plan?
I graduated college a few years ago with a Bach in Business with a minor in Political Science. I went to a standard University and worked hard to do so. If you did the same thing, think of how hard or challenging it was to remain focused on accomplishing that goal.
Next, think of Ann Coulter. Making her way through Cornell University, then off to Law School, passing both institutions in the top her classes and moving on to pass the bar. Top that with various other credentials that she has earned and examine the success of all of her books.
Someone this intelligent is going to be stupid enough to allow anyone to go on Yahoo and obtain her personal residence and telephone number (see for yourself if you don't believe me) so that two Florida elections officials can get their names in the paper and screw everything up that someone in her position has achieved. Now throw in the possibility that just maybe people like you are being played.
Honestly, if you cannot outwit conservatives in general, how can we trust your party with out-witting terrorism?
I'll take a pass on the meds - but sleep is definitely in my near future.
Thank you and goodnight!
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:11 am PT...
And we claim to have killed al-zarqawi now.. news flash on FOX NEWS... lol..
How many times have we "killed important leaders" of terrorists?
And we say we've killed him, and note he's killed "thousands of civilians", yet they don't say "the U.S. has killed thousands of civilians too"..
more bushit, if you ask me.. and fox is touting it as "a major, major event for pResident Bush".. and at the same time say "nothing has changed, but look what we did!!!!"..
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:17 am PT...
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:30 am PT...
Al-Zarqawi was fictictious name made up by psy-ops
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!!
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:36 am PT...
OT,.. sorta,... more gross hypocrisy by fascists ?
It seems Laura and gwb are having marital difficulties of some sort,.. infidelities,.. extramarital
affair between chimpy and Condi ?
Link : Laura/Chimpy/Condi Affair
Well the story may not be that simple,..
Mr. Hyper-Clean family - values fascist (gwb),..
maybe Mr. Hyper-Hypocrite - dirt-bag. Who makes
Bill Clinton look like a saint.
Chimpy's sex drive seems to be all over the map,..
going in multiple directions,.. all at one time.
What an appetite gwb has got,.. what a hypocrite !
Link : Chimpy's dalliances
The Protection of Marriage Act ?
More like,.. The Theatrical Act of the
Sanctimonious Hypocrit !!!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:53 am PT...
Heres what the dead Zarqawi story is trying to bury
Old Zarqawi is just an (paid ?) extremist from the city of Zarqa
Pay attention
Psy-ops will have a new one to be scared of in about a week or so
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:05 am PT...
I've got a #1 bestseller in the works:
"The Wit of Sean Hannity, The Charm of Bill O'Reilly, The Sex-Appeal of Ann Coulter, and other Right-Wing Fairy Tales"
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:15 am PT...
"Today, Zarqa is also known as the birthplace and namesake of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of the Tawhid and Jihad militant group, which, in November 2004, announced it had changed its name to al-Qaeda in Iraq."
Wasn't the name change just before the election, as I recall ?
These bastards will do anything to keep our tax money flowing into the "war machine"
Wiki Link
How many Terrorists were from Saudi Arabia ?
Did we bomb them?
This guy was from Jordan, did we bomb them ?
This is sick
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:17 am PT...
Floridiot: Correct, I need to add an Al-Zarqawi chapter to my book. Thanks.
Also, TTP (I look at that and can't help wanting to add some letters, like shTTuP - kind of poetic, really), I will give you credit for this quip: "Honestly, if you cannot outwit conservatives in general, how can we trust your party with out-witting terrorism?" That IS pretty funny, on the surface. Unfortunately, wit has nothing to do with solutions to the present dilemmas facing our nation. If it was a matter of wit, well, conservatives are pretty well unarmed, aren't they? (Present company excepted - as I noted, that quip was a pretty decent zinger.) They're loaded to the hilt with ammo such as hate, fearmongering, wedge issues, pseudo-patriotism, etc., but I don't believe that wit is in their arsenal.
The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.
Keenness and quickness of perception or discernment; ingenuity. Often used in the plural: living by one's wits.
wits: Sound mental faculties; sanity: scared out of my wits.
The ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously humorous manner the relationship between seemingly incongruous or disparate things.
One noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee.
A person of exceptional intelligence.
Yup, I'm afraid that other than the rare individual (and maybe Coulter would satisfy one of these definitions) the right-wing is decidedly lacking in the wit department, regardless of which meaning you take.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:23 am PT...
I have to clarify one of my sentences above. I said "wit has nothing to do with solutions to the present dilemmas facing our nation." I did not mean to imply that we don't need "wit" to solve our nation's dilemmas, I meant to imply that wit is currently not being exercised or applied in any proposed solutions to those dilemmas by those who control everything in our government.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:50 am PT...
25.0 - Is it true president Fuck Face, that, once you go Black . . . . . You never don't go Back ? ? ?
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:54 am PT...
I thought this thing was a lawyer? Nice goin'.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 3:08 am PT...
A good depiction of the "Distracter in Chief"
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 3:34 am PT...
A story with pictures of Zarqawi, for kids
Can't make a link with this one, just copy and paste
add dot biz after -inc,
Quote from one of the captions
"Al Qaeda Is An Israeli Fabrication, Out Of Jordan"
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 4:34 am PT...
this "woman" is such a nobody--and she deserves absolutely no attention at all. she's like the kid at someone else's birthday party--so jealous and obsessed with attention she keeps pulling her dress over her head. isn't it obvious? she uses photos that are from years ago on her website--
her kryptonite is our disinterest. just ignore her and she's melting like the witch did for Dorothy.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Mike J.
said on 6/8/2006 @ 4:40 am PT...
Off topic, but what the heck, you all do it too...
Breaking news
The leader is dead, but the organization lives on. Perhaps they will be demoralized, perhaps not. But in any way, this is still good news.
If you don't think this is good news, then you are not looking at the big picture for America's future.
Have a nice day! (I know I will!)
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:13 am PT...
Come on. Coulter's publisher is Crown Publishing Group - a newly formed branch devoted entirely to conservative writers. Who else would publish this woman? Look for books soon from this publisher by Robt. Novak & Michael Medved. They appear to be following in the footsteps of Regnery Publishing - you know - the Publisher who relies on bulk buying from conservative organizations. These organizations purchase the books for next to nothing solely to quickly boost a book up to #1. Old trick. A con game.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:34 am PT...
Mike J #36
I saw that too. Some are calling him an al Queida terrorist and others are calling him leader of the insurrection.
I think he was al Queida and not an insurrectionist.
If he is such a big deal, as the regime here says he is, then it will show up as improving conditions there. If he has really had an effect, that effect should subside.
Sadaam's capture was touted to be almost equal to the second coming, yet things only got worse after his capture, imprisionment, and ongoing trial.
If it has no effect then it means little, except that it is good when a terrorist gets what is coming.
Just to be on topic: Ann Coulter is a hate slut elitist who thinks laws were made by god for other people ... she is lawless.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:40 am PT...
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:41 am PT...
I guess the Iraq War is over, then, huh Mike J???
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 6:07 am PT...
You support criminals everday by ignoring them here. But they are democrats so you dont care how many laws they break.
ZARQAWI IS DEAD! I wonder how many of you kooks woke up to this news and were upset by it. You will never admit it, but you wanted him alive.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 6/8/2006 @ 6:26 am PT...
For Loretta: You've got it exactly right. I know Brad and others disagree, but we pay Ann Coulter way, way too much attention here. She's just as you describe her...a woman/child who craves attention and resorts to outrageous statements when she doesn't get it.
The more we focus on her, the more her narrow base of right-wing fanatics loves it. They buy her books and pay her $30,000 per speech because she serves as their mouthpiece. Her goal isn't to persuade or change minds, or to contribute to a debate, it's to rally the troops against people she and they hate, purely on a personal level.
It's fine to show documents that prove she violated election laws. It's fine to mention the phony homestead exemption. But it's not fine to get down in the gutter and argue with Ann Coulter. It's counter-productive. We have more important things to deal with. Coulter absolutely doesn't deserve the attention she craves, any more than a Louis Farrakhan or a David Duke does, and every minute we spend on her is time better spent on election fraud, impeachment, Iraq, etc.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:00 am PT...
The hatred of ann against others is caused by the tension of desiring to morph into jeffie and the hatred of jeffie is caused by the counter tension of jeffie longing to morph into ann. Hence the ANNjeffIE culture of hatred is born and the neoCon airheads just love the little beenie baby.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:07 am PT...
TTP (who wouldn't know T if it bit him in the A):
Ann Coulter is the right-wing version of Ward Churchill. Fox News trots out Ward Churchill every time they want to get a so-called liberal to make an outrageous statement that they can then attribute to all liberals. The difference is that liberals don't even know who Ward Churchill is, much less agree with him. But, the right absolutely worships Ann Coulter.
Talk about getting your undies in a bunch, what do you call it when the right goes berserk over Dick Durbin when he says that the scenes described by FBI agents in Guantanamo might be mistaken for a Soviet gulag or a Nazi concentration camp? 'You guys' had to twist it around quite a bit to make it sound like he was actually calling the marines at Gitmo Nazis. Or, how about the wicked spin they put on Murtha's comments, just so they could feign outrage over him 'calling all marines murderers', as if he had actually said that.
The thing about Coulter is that, unlike the people on the left that 'you guys' have to misquote, take out of context, or just flat-out fabricate statements from, we can quote her statements in context and in their entirety. What she says is exactly what she intended to say, no editing necessary.
She's a sick bitch who probably out to start adding staff for personal protection if she's still going to do book signings in New York. Those four wives weren't the only people who lost loved ones on 9/11. For someone who is so filled with hate, and who repeatedly advocates the murder of masses of innocent human beings and thinks it's all a big joke, to start touting herself as a Christian is about as far out there on the offensive scale as you can get. She might as well be taking a dump on a crucifix.
And 'you guys' think she's just wonderful. Thats why your chances of holding onto the House and Senate have steadily dropped from a safe bet to highly unlikely. It's all about you, the Republicans. And America hates you.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:17 am PT...
Hey Dredd, did you hear about a big explosion over in Iraq after Zarqawi got it ?, the MSM was talking about it earlier when I posted above, now it has disappeared
Maybe the same incident, who knows
Or it was an insurgent attack, but covered up to let Georgie have his day
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
The Anti-Skank
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:23 am PT...
Well, unmarried childless blowhard flipflopper Spinster Coulter-- where DO you live? Florida or New York?
Lawless Bush and you think you can do anything you want, anywhere you want . . . . bwa ha ha ha. See you in Gitmo, Skeletor Skank!
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:32 am PT...
Alright Dredd - that's $19.95 for a new keyboard - I'll take cash or check only!
When the headline said "Reveals a Disturbing Medical Condition for BRAD BLOG Reporters!" I took it to mean she had some female problem which would destroy all of our conspiracy theories!
It probably should have read: "Reveals a Disturbing Medical Condition (of) BRAD BLOG Reporters!"
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:36 am PT...
I think as long as the MSM gives hatemongers a forum, we have to have a forum to reverse it, not ignore it.
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:36 am PT...
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:45 am PT...
Ann Coulter: The rightwingers' & MSM's icon of the Republicans.
They bash Michael Moore in the MSM, but he has a good heart & good intentions.
They parade Ann Coulter in the MSM, and give her a forum to spew hate and prejudice. Newpapers give her a column to spew hate and prejudice. CNN & FOX will let her talk uninterrupted and spew hate.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:54 am PT...
The difference between Ann Coulter and Ward Churchhill fundamentally is that Ward Churchhill makes over $100,000 from school funding and state funding. The only way Coulter makes money is by Republican organizations within the school that operate off of their own funding and makes it from book sales in the name of "free market." Of course Ann Coulter rakes in A LOT more than he does but that pretty much separates the two. If her sole income was derived from educational funding, then I could see your point.
Your statement about the right worshipping the ground she walks on or whatever your phraseology was on it; I'd have to say I disagree with. In fact; whenever possible, left-wingers like Arianna Huffington (when needed to attack Coulter) will point out how "even-Republicans" think Ann Coulter is appalling. In addition, fellow conservative Tucker Carlson and Bill O'Reilly think her latest statements were over the top, inappropriate, what have you.
Bill O'Reilly (and maybe Tucker Carlson though I don't think that anyone wastes their time watching MSNBC anymore thanks to the CNN & Fox) has a huge audience. Chances are more than none that a lot of conservatives think that she was over the top as well.
I guess we'll see how well the book does. I like Ann Coulter and do believe her tough statements FORCE dialogue to happen on certain issues. I think now because someone finally said it as tough and unrefined as possible, there can be some no-holds-barred discussion on the topic of these people and their personal tragedies being politicized.
The bright side for your side is: if Savanster is right by saying that the right has done the same thing then they can use this same newly created platform to expose the same thing and have the validity of those charges tested in the arena of true public opinion.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
Daniel DiRito
said on 6/8/2006 @ 7:57 am PT...
See a tongue-in-cheek visual depicting "The New War On Terror: Afgh-Ann-A-Skank"
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:04 am PT...
Loretta & RLM,
You're right. I regret now that I even posted a comment about her.
btw, ignore ricky & mike j, too. They're delusional disinformation-robots & not worthy of attention.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:11 am PT...
Sorry ... BlueBear 2 ... I couldn't resist ...
Ice to see you Big Dan ...
Floridiot, This is like the old west where people are rejoicing in killing an outlaw.
Reminds me of what Gandhi said when asked "What do you think of western civilization?"
He replied, "It would be a good idea".
Many are already saying the killing of Zarqawi could make matters worse and generate revenge killings ... which will engender more killings ...
Not a good way to run a fresh "democracy" (link here).
Yes ... civilization would be a good thing ... better than the current debacle.
But A. Coulter would have to morph into what she is not ... and that is unlikely.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Jeff Kleist
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:34 am PT...
Now that we have her open admission of voter fraud, in not one, but 2 places, as well as tax credit fraud, it is the duty of every good liberal to perform a citizen's arrest at her next book signing and making sure she is put in jail and extradited to FL for trial
And pray she resists arrest
Like all Republicans, she is an inherent criminal and liar. Nothing is wrong as long as she gets what she wants.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:40 am PT...
#51 Just a couple things here.
Minor: In spite of Tucker, MSNBC primetime is improving in the ratings and has for the last few months, Same for CNN. At the same time, Fox primetime has been dropping. They've still got the larger share by far, but the trend is pretty clear.
"I like Ann Coulter and do believe her tough statements FORCE dialogue to happen on certain issues. I think now because someone finally said it as tough and unrefined as possible, there can be some no-holds-barred discussion on the topic of these people and their personal tragedies being politicized."
Well, that is quickly emerging as Coulter's greatest selling point, according to the right. She forces dialogue, along with 'she says exactly what's on her mind'.
I don't think we really need to hear exactly what's on her mind when it comes encased in language that is more characteristic of a sociopath than a political commentator. And that's the appeal she has for her audience. The 'bomb all these people' and 'poison that person' statements make her popular with what kind of person? Who is gratified by those mental images?
And, specifically about the 9/11 widows, the dialogue she's forcing obscures the fact that these women are trying to prevent what happened on 9/11 from happening again. Yes, they can speak about grief from personal experience and they'd like to keep others from having to go through what they did. Did they politicize their grief? No. The situation was politicized by the administration not wanting a 9/11 commission for fear that it might shed some light on their inattention to warnings about terrorists and their ineptitude with regard to national security. They placed CYA above learning from mistakes and trying to prevent more attacks. It was politicized by the fact that the White House and the Republicans who control Congress refuse to enact measures that were called for by the 9/11 commission. If the Democrats were not trying to get port security and chemical plant security bills passed and were, instead, ignoring the issue as the Republicans have, then maybe the widows would not have the appearance of having politicized their grief. But, when it appears to be a clearly partisan issue only by virtue of the Republicans' steadfast obstruction of preventive measures, the 9/11 widows saw it as their responsibility to point out where the resistance was coming from.
And for that, they're called "The Witches of East Brunswick"? What dialogue? Who's having a dialogue? It's one person spewing hatred, and spewing it on people who have already suffered a great loss. What next, Ann? Shall we go torment some Holocaust survivors and call them a bunch of whiny Zionists?
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:44 am PT...
Ann reminds me of this hate filled preacher who used to show up every year at the University I went to. Brother Jeb absolutely reveled in all the insults that came his way because of his fascist reading of the bible in the quad area. Then I read later in the student paper that he said that he knows he is outrageous and that is his plan, because as students walk away saying "that guy is so wrong about God" then he has caused them to start having a dialog about religion in general and Christianity in particular. In his own sick way, this is how he was "bringing people to Christ", only it was obvious that anyone who would find Christ after a lecture from this guy whould be someone in need of psychiatric intervention.
I suspect that this is the model Coulter originally started with, but the money got so good and the need to continually shock is how the money keeps flowing so she has to really flog that beast harder and harder. Hence we have comments claiming that widows are "enjoying their husband's death".
If the righties posting here had any intellectual honesty they could see that it is reprehensible to say that people who watched over and over (hell, you couldn't avoid it) the video of their spouses being burned to death are now "enjoying " it . I wonder how many other people out there who had a loved one burned or crushed to death in the attacks are enjoying Ann's "enjoying their deaths" remarks? Carlson and O'Reilly saying it was over the top does not excuse her comments, and you can be sure that at the next big republican get together that as usual Ann's "lecture" will be the most well attended event, as it always it.
And, Coulter destroys her own argument, as do her supporters. Coulter is saying that the widows are using their position as widows to not allow anyone to criticism them. And yet when anyone criticizes her comments, we get the bloggy stormtroopers out there saying "you can't criticize Ann", but you can criticize the hell out the the 9-11 widows. So which is is boys, people are allowed to comment about the statements of public figures, or aren't they?
Of course it would be nice if there was some civility to the conversation, but civility doesn't sell Ann's books or get her audiences of keyboard commandos in a fit of rage. One look at a list of Coulter's quotes tells you that civility is not something she gives a rat's ass about. Her claiming to be a Christian after all her remarks filled with hate and who should be murdered (10 commandments anyone?) is just her needing to pander to another potential audience (the same one making video games for Christians where they get to kill liberals and nonbelievers - Jesus would be so proud!). And apparently another thing she doesn't give a rat's ass about is how many times she's registered to vote, tax fraud on the homestead exemption, or using her realtor's address to register to vote. Gee, that is some pretty heavy disregard for the rule of law and voting as the basis of democracy, but I wouldn't expect anything less from a uberpatriot llike Ann. She loves America so much she votes in 3 places!
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:59 am PT...
"As long as there are redneck idiots in America, I'll keep writing." — Ann Coulter
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 9:14 am PT...
This is a huge part of the problem in America, someone like this is put on TV and in print, unfortunately people will listen to the soundbites and be affected by her words.
Hatred is out there and will be stirred by someone like this. We must do whatever we can to discredit this evil woman.
There is a place for people like her and Limbaugh - a real or imagined HELL.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 6/8/2006 @ 9:33 am PT...
For KE: "If the righties posting here had any intellectual honesty..." is the crux of the issue about Ann Coulter. Not whether righties have intellectual honesty (some do, some don't, same as lefties), but whether their devotion to Ann Coulter is based on intellectual questions. It isn't, and that's the point.
What Ann Coulter is about isn't intellect. She isn't about issues, or debating issues. She's about tearing down liberals, period. "How to Talk to a Liberal...If You Must" is the title of one of her books, which says it all. Not "How to Listen to Liberals" or "How to Debate with a Liberal." Liberals are a lower form of humanity; we aren't the other side of a philosophical chasm, we're pond scum.
Should we, as liberals (code for Commie, traitor, anarchist, etc.) lower ourselves to Coulter's level? Every time we fill a blog with talk about how awful she is, that's exactly what we're doing. And it's exactly what she wants us to do. Please ignore her.
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 9:34 am PT...
If her hair was short and gray and she were in a business suit, she would look like John Kerry. I don't have photoshop, or I would give her a makeover. But someone could do it. Maybe she's an Annunaki?
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 9:55 am PT...
I always have to go back to read the subject of the thread after reading the posts that follow, as too much time is spent responding to morons on this site. Their purpose is to distract and antagonize.
Feel free to post your opinions and information..and I suppose whatever else you think might be related to the thread. Responding to dimwits is just wasted time and print. I honestly think some of these jackasses have nothing better to do then attempt to antagonize rational thinking individuals who respond here. More than likely they are the same freaks that support sites like rightwingnews.
My point is, responding to the likes of Falafa-ttp is like barking back at a barking dog. The barking dog ALWAYS gets in the last bark, and almost all of the time his content has about as much value and point as the barking dog.
Ann is a bitch. She preaches hate and intolerance. She thrives by appealing to the sick, hateful and demented part of our society. Our civilization has a number of those eager to eat more of her foul garbage. Unfortunately, there will ALWAYS be an audience for her, because we will always have these sorts of people in our culture to put up with. Let her sell her garbage to those same sickos. IF someone were to write a book supporting nazi ideals, there would be an audience for that sick mentality as well. The less time we spend focusing on her and her sick following, the more time we can spend on other issues that really matter.
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 10:32 am PT...
HURRAY! WE WON! ZARQAWI is dead. Bring the our troops home now before they can reorganize and we get stuck there another three years.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 6/8/2006 @ 10:35 am PT...
For Michael: I like your barking-dog analogy. I'd even take it a step further.
Why do some dogs bark at everything, while others never bark? Quiet dogs are trusting and comfortable in their surroundings, like rational humans who are able to discuss important matters rationally. Noisy dogs are the opposite. They're territorial, and/or feel threatened by others. They're like Republican trolls in that no amount of calm reasoning can prevent them from barking.
Not all barking dogs are vicious, though. Some just bark and never bite. Ann Coulter is a barking dog who is vicious...a Rottweiler for whom liberals are like worthless cats.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 10:52 am PT...
At a cost of 2600 American lives and 500 billion dollars we have finally killed a resurected dead man. Hardly seems worth it does it?
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 10:56 am PT...
I wonder, and I am sure most everyone else who has seen Coulter, about her sex. Is Coulter a female, a male, or something in between? This is just curiosity and not meant as a flame of anykind.
Anyone seen a copy of her birth certificate?
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
david porter
said on 6/8/2006 @ 11:04 am PT...
For Coulter, as with all Republicans, Facts are Hard ! :confused:
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 11:47 am PT...
NICE!!! I'd opt for SOULLESS.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:06 pm PT...
My family moved from Minnesota to Nebraska in late 2003, where we registered to vote. Despite being registered as Independant, my husband is included on RNC mailing lists. In the months prior to the 2004 election he received many mailings and phone calls reminding and encouraging him to register to vote absentee in Minnesota. The contacts shared just how easy it is to cast your absentee ballot in Minnesota. I wonder how often people actually vote in two places and the complicity of the RNC in encouraging it. I think maybe Ms. Coulter has given us a clue.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:07 pm PT...
"and dare you to respond simply because they had a personal tragedy"
I guess it's an accusation I've not seen any evidence for (not saying it's not there, I don't watch TV as I tire and get bored of all the talking heads spewing 1/2 truths in an attempt to draw the mostly brain-dead American public to their channel).
You assert that the "pro war" Sept. 11, 2001 widows "don't try to persuade you" to see it their way.. but by the very nature of them "supporting the war" and getting "air time", they are doing JUST THAT.. Now, you seem to assert that the "liberal widows" are "daring you to confront them in their grief".. Please! show me a link to where I can get an example of that.. if you can, I'll agree that it's a pathetic ploy.. Until then, "both sides are struting out widows in support of their cause".. at least, as far as I can tell..
"The left set this structure up, the women and other dissenters such as Sheehan's husband and entire family speak up to acknowledge the politicization of a personal tragedy."
Again, I've not seen anything to support this, nor do I consider a divorcae to be an "authority" on such matters.. I know when I divorced my wife, she'd have said I was eating children as a saccrifice to Satan, if she thought it would cause me grief. Why? Because she's a psycho cheating bitch who got busted in her lies and didn't want to be in pain alone.. I question all motives and only embrace "fact", not opinion.. it sounds like "Sheehan's husband" has an opinion, so I'll take it with a grain of salt, if you don't mind.
"BUT NOT to persuade liberals to turn conservative or to replace Conservative debate by imposing a political belief on you"
I guess this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. If you "support the war" and publicly state as much (on the news, or CNN or MSNBC or -any- TV show).. you seem to be "trying to convince people to see your side", and thereby "convert" to it.. I guess I don't understand how you can say "those shitty liberals who say this war is illegal want you to change your mind, but the conservatives just want you to know they support the war [and accept and support your not supporting the war]".. You give (in my estimation) WAY too much consideration to the right-wing fringe..
"left to put people up like Joe Wilson, Cindy Sheehan, or the 9/11 widows"
It would seem there are 3 classifications of people here, but you are trying to lump them all into "one" arguement..
Wilson wasn't "put up by the left", he came forward (as a REPUBLICAN) to say that Shrubby was lying about the Niger info.. Then your party villified him and exposed his wife and endangered various National Security Assets and disrupted a source of intel on Iran's nuke program... I fail to see how that has any bearing on "the widows"..
Then we have Cindy.. who started this on her own (to the best of my knowledge). Perhaps she received a LOT of support from "the left" as time went on.. but the assertion by the wing-nuts that "she was being used" doesn't hold water.. not unless Cindy says something like "I didn't want to do it, but they kept pressuring me".. If she's protesting this illegal war on her own velition (sp), then it has nothing to do with "the left".. period.
Then we have the "widows" being "paraded by the left", and making the statement (according to you and Ann) of "I dare you to criticize me in my grief!".. Again, show me some links/articles where they have "used their grieving as a tool to impede dissent to their views".. and I'll agree that it was wrong to do so. Until I see it "first hand", all I have is your word that "Americans at least debate the main point and watch others come out to say if it was right or wrong" as I've not seen anything about it. And, if by "Americans" you mean "media talking heads", you'll lose my interest again..
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:13 pm PT...
TTP #1 You are hateful and heartless.Every word you write proves it. #2 Since when did we put up Joe Wilson,Cindy Sheehan and 9-11 widows. They are doing their civic duty by holding a criminal administration accountable. We just get behind them. They were saying exactly what we were feeling. We would love to debate many things but are not given the chance because we are called unpatriotic and and told we are supporting the terrorists. I find the only ones terrorizing us is our own government. Mostly thru manipulation of the press. #3 I'd rather be a dreamer then a schemer any day of the week!
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:28 pm PT...
Yes, Brad, we really need to see its birth certificate!
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:29 pm PT...
Ricky I guess I feel the same way I felt the last time we came forth and touted Zarqawi was dead back in 2004. Rather copasetic. It seems big terrorist leaders only seem to be caught and killed in even numbered years why do you think that is?
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:30 pm PT...
For Ray: Ann Coulter is a bona fide female. She graduated from New Canaan High School in 1980 (two years ahead of my oldest daughter, who never knew her there). Her photo appears in the yearbook.
The questions about her sexuality seem to derive from the fact that Ann has an Adam's apple while other women don't. There might be some kind of Garden of Eden-type message there, but I'll leave that to Ann's Christian conservative friends who know about original sin and all that good stuff.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:34 pm PT...
Brad: do you realize that I could possibly put up at least 15 personal tragedies in my life that could make it impossible for you to respond to me by calling me a "horrible human"? But I don't because I don't think it's healthy to halt the political process in our precious democracy.
The reason I mentioned Madonna earlier is because the last time news and media were reacting in such a rage after the first day a famous person's product was put on the market like Ann Coulter's "Godless" book was when Madonna released the video for the "Justify My Love" song and after it's first day of release, we got to see Niteline for the first time in history playing a music video that showed nipples on national television.
What's funny is that a conservative author can now create that same rage over comments! You and I can sit and disagree on the harm or the severity of the comments Coulter made. This is nothing more than "We Should Invade Their Countries, Kill Their Leaders, and Convert Them to Christianity" part 2. These comments bop the opposition on the bridge of the nose and forces them to acknowledge the underlying point (which has been explained and ignored before by less-strident writers). Unfortunately not everyone will respond to the underlying point because it's something that most left-wingers won't want to acknowledge ever.
By reading much of your comments on many Republicans, I would be willing to bet that if your comments made headlines and got attention by Congressional big wigs like Bill Frist (as Coulter gets from John Kerry and Hillary Clinton), that you wouldn't give a whip if Conservative blogs were calling you "hateful".
Finally, this voter fraud nonsense has not even been acknowledged by the New York Times, Who; by the way, was the first newspaper to "expose" the NSA's wiretapping program that Democrats and your peeps so horribly detested (I mention this only because I know the typical response will be that somehow the NY Times will not report Coulter's alleged voter fraud incident because they are a right-winged biased newspaper afraid of "the truth"). There is an archived blog on here that a conservative poster gave the link to the property tax bill that you keep showing the portion of as your "truth". If you go to YAHOOpeople and type in that address, you will also get a phone number for Ann Coulter (maybe I shouldn't have said that BUT I think it indicates the cover of her personal residence and where she actually resides - in other words if you call the number you aren't going to actually get Ann Coulter herself).
On Fox News last night, she made fun of liberals knowing her "address" and "apartment numbers" who were "stalkers".
Brad, Ann Coulter is a mastermind at getting the media to work for her. She's a conservative author who gets a huge spotlight to give her views on any issue she wants. This same woman who cashes in on manipulating medias and comments also has the power to screw with you. In fact, she probably has "people" who do that for her. As long as you keep harping about something that isn't true; in her eyes, just gives her free attention.
For your own sake, in the end of this, I hope you are right because if this one incident blows up, it might not look so good for the rest of your efforts regarding the other various voter fraud issues that seem to be of great importance to you.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 12:49 pm PT...
"Unfortunately not everyone will respond to the underlying point because it's something that most left-wingers won't want to acknowledge ever."
So, please! explain to me the point of "We Should Invade Their Countries, Kill Their Leaders, and Convert Them to Christianity"
See, I don't think religion should ever be used as a club.. yet, Ann does (according to her remark). Since you seem to believe she means otherwise, please enlighten me. Explain to me how her comment, one that is a direct parallel to what the "terrorists" hold dear, isn't what it sounds like.
LMAO.. I just finished reading the rest of your post.. LOL.. oh my!
So, Ann is some genius set out to enlighten the world? she has "a cover address" because she wants to "fuck with liberals"????!!! LOL.. Ok.. again, you are asserting that she did NOT lie, did NOT claim a $25,000 credit for her FLORIDA home, and then say she lives in NEW YORK.. and used a DIFFERENT Florida address to register to vote (at a place she just said she doesn't live)..
WOW! either you're one deluded fuck, or she is.. either way, you can't win.. don't you get that? If you life is only about "fucking with people", you've wasted your life and the lives of the morons who follow you. Your assertions imply that she's simply fucking with people, that she isn't really a hate-monger, and you ignorant fucks that follow her "know better", but help feed into her facade.. WOW.. that's some serious spin!
Still no links that support your allagations that "the left drug out widows that said 'fuck you, defiy my grief!' ", which you asserted happened.. no comment to the bullshit conglomeration of Wilson and Sheehan to your widow bunk.. just a lot of bullshit about "Ann is a genius!!! I love her!... she has you mad!!!"..
get back on your meds..
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:10 pm PT...
Some babies are born without a clear gender, and the parents have to choose which one to rear them as. I know a woman who chose "daughter" for her child afflicted thus, and that "daughter" is one apocalyptically angry kid. This could be the genesis of Coulter's rage. If this is the case, I don't think the birth certificate would help. I think they choose a sex for it when it's a toss-up like that.
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
Shieldvulf at playful
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:10 pm PT...
Here's how all this pointless steam builds up so reliably. Mr. Coulter - like Mr. Limbaugh and that ilk, but especially Mr. Coulter - doesn't write a book or appear on television to express an opinion, or, at least, not very often. Instead, he talks about the one thing none of us can speak confidently about: the inner emotional lives and unspoken motives of other people.
Mr. Coulter tells us that those he opposes hate America, rejoice in atrocities, enjoy the deaths of their spouses, crave the media spotlight, and so on. He doesn't talk about their words or actions, but presumes to tell us what private impulses motivate them throughout, and to discredit them entirely on that unknowable basis.
It's no different from declaring how many feathers there are in an average angel's wing. It's an unknowable quantity, what someone else feels and what, at bottom, moves them to action. It's difficult to be certain of these things about ourselves!
So, when talking heads predictably throw these speculations up to Mr. Coulter, it's an open invitation to him to go on speculating and generally making things up. Such statements can't be evidenced either way, let alone reasoned from. So Mr. Coulter gets a pass on 1) offering an opinion, 2) evidencing that opinion, or 3) reasoning from that evidence to his opinion.
If the talking heads who host these book publicity appearances would instead keep their questions on real matters of opinion, forcing Mr. Coulter to reason his way to an approach to national security, or health care, or tax reform, or even handicapping Presidential candidates, we could observe the relative depth of his reasoning powers. As it is, all we know is he's clever enough to craft some baseless, incendiary language, and talking heads are feeble enough to leave him right there in his comfort zone.
In fact, I think that may explain the twitchy smirk he affects to restrain when his slanders are read back to him. He can't believe he gets to come on TeeVee and make things up about other people like a five year old. I'd be smirking, too!
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 1:51 pm PT...
For ann coulter's gynecologist . . . . . Please replace her I-U-D with an I-E-D . . .
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
General Jack D. Ripper
said on 6/8/2006 @ 2:13 pm PT...
I hope that calumnious bastard goes to jail.
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]
Gaia sighs...
said on 6/8/2006 @ 3:15 pm PT...
Hmmm. Lawyers face disbarrment if convicted of a felony. Since Ann is an attorney, that fact prompted the following:
Fatal Lie
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear felony for Ann,
And may there be no moaning of the Bar
When banishment's imposed, as lawyers can.
For, while last she seemed a tide of blooming red,
Too full of sound and foam,
Oh now, she's stricken dumb as though in dread
And turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell
To her embark;
For, though from out our Bourne of Time and Place,
the flood may bear her far,
Let's hope she meets her demons face to face
For having crossed the Bar.
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]
Pete Bogs
said on 6/8/2006 @ 4:35 pm PT...
she and Limbaugh ought to share the same cell down in South Fla... she can eat some of his rations so they'll kind of even out weight-wise...
Coulter called 9/11 wives "witches," but they are widows... to call Coulter a witch would be an insult to witches everywhere...
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 4:45 pm PT...
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 4:46 pm PT...
New and improved "Crazy Train" picture...avec Bush...with middle finger on rise...
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 6/8/2006 @ 4:49 pm PT...
From upper left to lower right:
Young Frankenstein, Richie Rich, the Distractor-in-Chief, "She's a Man, Baby", Bill O'LIEly, and Shawn "Let Freedom Ring" Hannity...
"It's wonderful to be here, it's certainly a thrill, you're such a lovely audience, we'd like to take you home with us, we'd love to take you home!!!"
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]
Paul in LA
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:04 pm PT...
"Ann Coulter is a bona fide female" ....Robert Lockwood Mills
That's the problem with liberals --- they always exaggerate.
A 'woman' with a bona is hardly female.
Anyhow, it's all the same under the white sheets, right?
And what's the middle initial stand for (H)? Whore is spelled with a W, but it was taken.
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]
BC Bud
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:24 pm PT...
Hey, lay off Ann Coulter. Everytime you respond to one of her spews you just put more money in her pocket. Ignore her is what I say. Let her fade away as just another noxious by-product of the Bush era. Stop inviting her to speak at your colleges. Why give someone thousands of dollars to have them yank your chain. Think of how much pizza you could buy instead.
I mean you'll never be able to communicate with her fan base. These people believe anything she writes because it just reinforces their already warped belief systems. And, remember, these are the same people who buy the National Enquirer for its news value. If you haven't picked up a copy lately you don't know what you're missing.
I'm sorry if I digress but I still remember my two favourite National Enquirer feature articles. The first was "Titanic survivors found on icegerg" and the other was "American astronaut left behind on the moon". Now that was journalism. As I recall both reporters went on to work for Fox News.
As someone else remarked, as Coulter becomes longer in the tooth and her looks desert her she will have to become even more extreme to get media attention. Let's not make her task any easier.
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:42 pm PT...
"I wonder how many of you kooks woke up to this news and were upset by it. You will never admit it, but you wanted him alive."
See, that's why you are so pathetic, pRicky.. You're projecting here about how YOU would feel if the the shoe was on the other foot.. That is, YOU are the kind of person that would be mad if a thorn in your opponent's side was removed..
Liberals aren't that twisted, pRicky. We don't have hate running through our veins, defining us, like you wing-nuts do. That's what makes it so laughable every time you accuse us of something that YOU would do/feel..
Anytime a terrorist is out of the picture, it's a GOOD thing. Sorry you can't understand that people who want a better world would have that opinion.
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]
Kelvin P
said on 6/8/2006 @ 5:55 pm PT...
I seem to remember that this thread was about Ann Coulter's apparently flagrant violation of election laws in Florida. What happened?
Oh, and by the way, she is trying to do it again. See below.
Meanwhile, Coulter is also registered to vote in New Canaan, Conn. - though the local registrar told the Daily News yesterday it's illegal to be registered in two places at once.
Coulter cast an absentee ballot in New Canaan in the 2004 election. She also owns a $1.5 million condo on Manhattan's East Side but has never registered to vote there.
Doesn't she ever learn?
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 6:01 pm PT...
Their must be X-boyfriends that would be willing to spill the beans for some Big Big Bucks ..... The Time Is Right ... NOW
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 6:07 pm PT...
86.0 Adjunct - Unless she has already paid them off . . . . . gop scum are too slick for simple mistakes . . .
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 6:17 pm PT...
Here ya go pRicky..
Talk about "wanting him alive".. Your pResident refused to kill him before we invaded Iraq.. Hmm.. wonder why.. SEVERAL chances to kill someone (post Sept. 11, 2001, by the way, when we were LOOKING for al-Qaida) but decided to let the "terrorists go for now"? Hmm.. perhaps so they could "kill people" and help "drive the war machine"?
You people are such a joke.. I'd laugh if it wouldn't let the vomit out of my mouth.
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2006 @ 8:40 pm PT...
"Ann Coulter is a bona fide female"?
Huh. I wouldn't bonify her with your...
Oh never mind.
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]
said on 6/9/2006 @ 7:00 am PT...
I'll say what I've said all along - just keep talking, Ann. And please, PLEASE keep reminding people over and over that you support the REPUBLICANS. Can you please start wearing a t-shirt or button or something? Let's make sure the world has NO DOUBT on which side you stand.
In fact, I think Ann Coulter should be one of the head speakers at the RNC next election cycle. She should be asked to speak at every opportunity at fundraisers for Republican candidates between now and the time she is convicted on felony charges. Every time she spouts off something hateful, she polarizes the audience - either they embrace her and are therefore defined by her comments as a fellow lunatic extremist, or they are repulsed by her and pushed closer to the other side of the political spectrum.
Either way, it's win-win for us.
Maybe she can even talk "her" church into allowing her to speak in front of the congregation, since it seems no one there has ever seen her attend.
Ann Coulter is the perfect poster child for the current Republican party - and we should do everything we can to cement that image in the public eye. Don't try to silence her, just keep handing her rope - she'll do the rest.
With all of her crimes rapidly coming to light, our time is limited. Let's make good use her while we can.
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]
said on 6/9/2006 @ 5:01 pm PT...
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]
said on 6/9/2006 @ 6:32 pm PT...
I hope the punishment is 5 years rather than the cash.
Someone find a husband for Ann Coulter!!
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]
said on 6/10/2006 @ 2:15 pm PT...
I think it is time to get a bit angry about the likes of Ann Coulter and start fighting back with their own medicine.
Her labeling of the East Brunswick widows as “broads” and “witches” is despicable. Suggesting that they are enjoying their husband’s tragic deaths is simply immoral, irresponsible, and ugly.
Ann Coulter is the reason for the saying that “beauty is skin deep, but ugly cuts right to the bone.” Ann Coulter is simply “ugly to the bone.”
She has suggested that the country would be better off if a Supreme Court Justice and a President were assassinated. That rhetoric is simply irresponsible. If a high school student were to make those suggestions in a paper for school about a teacher or principal, the student would be expelled or at a minimum, suspended from school. Behaving as a responsible adult and setting an example for our youth is so important, but Ms. “ugly to the bone” Coulter, just doesn’t get that concept.
Ms. Coulter owes these widows and the nation an apology, but that apology will never come because she is “ugly to the bone.”
COMMENT #94 [Permalink]
said on 6/10/2006 @ 2:19 pm PT...
Often, when I find myself in a bookstore, I grab a copy of the latest shit-paper book by the likes of Coulter, or Hannity, or Limbaugh, and I find a quiet out of the way place and I tear the book's pages. Sometimes I tear the pages out, sometimes I surreptitiously (and 'accidentally') spill ink or glue between the pages. Is this a revolutionary act, or vandalism?
Someday soon, if things don't change, we will all move toward the destruction of property to make things change.
COMMENT #95 [Permalink]
Happy Jihad
said on 6/11/2006 @ 12:00 pm PT...
She looks like a corpse smeared with Noxema.
COMMENT #96 [Permalink]
said on 8/11/2006 @ 10:44 am PT...
Oh for god's sake... am I the only moderate here who has any objectivity? i may be new but I know enough to know this: liberals suck up her writing because she says such stupid shit, and that's EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. On the other hand, some conservatives are equally stupid by endorsing the stupid shit that she says and that makes them lose any credibility they might have had.
Keep in mind, Coulter is rich. She doesn't care about who's president, who's a terrorist, etc. as long as she's making money. She's a greedy bitch. She thinks soo much of herself because she's rolling in profits.
Her political comments don't bother me nearly as much. It's her racial, bigoted comments that kill me. This issue is just one example of her lies. How about her bigotedness? She said that she would like to go over to the middle east, convert everyone to christianity and kill off the rest. She has repeatedly stated that Islam is a religion of violence that's ungodly and therefore one to be purged. I'm surprised islamic fundamentalists haven't targeted HER yet.
But if you believe in the laws of karma, there is hope. She'll get what's coming.
COMMENT #97 [Permalink]
said on 11/1/2006 @ 10:35 pm PT...
"If the world were to lose all the people like her, and all the people who like/follow/listen to her tomorrow, we'd be VERY close to a eutopia."
geez who is controlling and hateful again?
Let's suppose you agree with a tenth of what she says, should you then only "lose" an arm? Or just be labotomized?
Listen, as much as I dislike liberal politics, I wouldn't suggest they should be "lost"?
Take care you don't care so much about Ann Coulter that you become the very thing you despise about her.
If she makes you hate, don't read her.
That's what I do. Anytime Bill Clinton or Hillary come on the T.V. I turn the channel.
It's not worth it to get all frothy at the mouth.