"BREAKING - ES&S MELTDOWN CONTINUES: Legal Actions Filed in Indiana and West Virginia"
(13 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 12:06 pm PT...
This situation brings up some vote-for-who? ideology.
I think the proper strategy is to increase the democratic count in the House and the Senate, so they become the majority party.
But while doing that we can put some progressives in to replace dead enders.
For example what about throwing Jane Harmon out and putting in one who is said to be sensitive to electronic voting issues (Raw Story Link)?
I do not know these candidates well, however, I do know the strategy is to move dems into the majority so we can stick a pin in the republican dictatorship bubble.
And if we do it with someone who is aware of the planet they are on, why not?
Just a thought ...
I mean, Brad is telling us that democracy is at the mercy of electronic voting machines that are f***ked up ... so lets listen and support folks who are also in tune to the Slow Train Coming up around the bend.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 4/28/2006 @ 12:13 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
NC Voter
said on 4/28/2006 @ 1:32 pm PT...
DREDD said
"I think the proper strategy is to increase the democratic count in the House and the Senate, so they become the majority party."
We need to remember to beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.
Some wolves:
“Dear Colleague,” Rep. Robert Ney, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D), Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Chris Dodd (D), March 3, 2004. They warned that amending HAVA to require VVPB would cause "numerous adverse unintended consequences. Most importantly, the proposals requiring a voter-verified paper record would force voters with disabilities to go back to using ballots that provide neither privacy nor independence, thereby subverting a hallmark of the HAVA legislation.”
Georgia's Secretary of State, Cathy Cox, Democrat) could easily be considered the official Poster Girl for Diebold Election Systems, Inc. ...
Maryland's Secretary of State, Linda Lamone (Democrat) is a staunch defender of Diebold:
Maryland is of national interest because Lamone is the President of the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) and the most vociferous advocate for paperless voting in the United States.
Joe Andrews, former head of Democratic National Committee now a Diebold lobbyist: September 30, 2005
Joseph J. Andrew, who was head of the Democratic National Committee from 1999 through 2001, is now lobbying for Diebold, where he is demonstrating that he is even more mendacious than the veracity-challenged Mark Radke, the PSI (damage control) firm's David Bear, the protective Marvin Singleton, and the script-reading Joe Richardson.
Harris Miller, running for US Senate as Virginia Democrat, As head of the ITAA, Miller specifically lobbied Congress against verified voting, on behalf of the interests of Diebold and other manufacturers of paperless e-voting machines --- members of ITAA.
The vendor community doesn't like it. "We oppose the idea of a voter-verified paper trail," says Harris Miller, president of the trade group Information Technology Association of America. Introducing paper into the mix, he says, defeats the improved efficiency and reliability e-voting promises. "There was never a golden age when paper ballots were accurately counted," Miller says. Adding paper to e-voting will only make the process of administering elections more costly and time-consuming without improving accuracy, opponents assert.;558873322;fp;4;fpid;21
More about Harris and Diebold, as well as other things not so positive here:
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 2:23 pm PT...
The West Virginia Sec. of State is a Republican. This is the first one in my memory. So, I'd guess the suit was instigated by the Democratic Attorney General who is quite activist. Also, his brother was a member of the State Supreme Court until the last election when he was smeared by national Republican party money. There may be a little payback involved there. The county commissioners is a group I know nothing about. But, each county independently decides on the equipment it will use, not the Sec. of State.
It's exciting to see so many of these cases going on all over the nation. Isn't it amazing that the national media can somehow ignore such a tremendously important story. F' 'em.
Aside from these state-wide cases we also need people prepared to challenge election results (for primaries or general elections) and to get restraining orders from courts, so the results of a bogus election can't be executed until a thorough investigation is completed. We don't need any more of those 2000 presidential election results where the 'presumed winner' is given preference in court and any slowing down of the process is viewed as bad, rather than patriotic. We need to take back our Democracy and use the courts Liberally to do it.
I wonder, are there many newspapers reporting on all the electronic voting system court cases? The more public awareness of this issue the better.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Dave G.
said on 4/28/2006 @ 2:33 pm PT...
It is difficult to comprehend the amount of harm the cons are inflicting on the people. W. is angry with the people. He knows how badly he lost two elections and how much he needed to cheat. He wants to get even with everyone for not electing him, for not buying his BS. So our insurance keeps doubeling along wit our fule prices. Maybe he's saying "You better vote for us - U see how we can get even with you." Well they may have to turn 80% of the votes this time to get their 51%.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
NC Voter
said on 4/28/2006 @ 3:09 pm PT...
DREDD said
"I think the proper strategy is to increase the democratic count in the House and the Senate, so they become the majority party."
We need to remember to beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.
Some wolves:
“Dear Colleague,” Rep. Robert Ney, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D), Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Chris Dodd (D), March 3, 2004. They warned that amending HAVA to require VVPB would cause "numerous adverse unintended consequences. Most importantly, the proposals requiring a voter-verified paper record would force voters with disabilities to go back to using ballots that provide neither privacy nor independence, thereby subverting a hallmark of the HAVA legislation.”
Georgia's Secretary of State, Cathy Cox, Democrat) could easily be considered the official Poster Girl for Diebold Election Systems, Inc. ...
Maryland's Secretary of State, Linda Lamone (Democrat) is a staunch defender of Diebold:
Maryland is of national interest because Lamone is the President of the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) and the most vociferous advocate for paperless voting in the United States.
Joe Andrews, former head of Democratic National Committee now a Diebold lobbyist: September 30, 2005
Joseph J. Andrew, who was head of the Democratic National Committee from 1999 through 2001, is now lobbying for Diebold, where he is demonstrating that he is even more mendacious than the veracity-challenged Mark Radke, the PSI (damage control) firm's David Bear, the protective Marvin Singleton, and the script-reading Joe Richardson.
Harris Miller, running for US Senate as Virginia Democrat, As head of the ITAA, Miller specifically lobbied Congress against verified voting, on behalf of the interests of Diebold and other manufacturers of paperless e-voting machines --- members of ITAA.
The vendor community doesn't like it. "We oppose the idea of a voter-verified paper trail," says Harris Miller, president of the trade group Information Technology Association of America. Introducing paper into the mix, he says, defeats the improved efficiency and reliability e-voting promises. "There was never a golden age when paper ballots were accurately counted," Miller says. Adding paper to e-voting will only make the process of administering elections more costly and time-consuming without improving accuracy, opponents assert.;558873322;fp;4;fpid;21
More about Harris and Diebold, as well as other things not so positive here:
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 4/28/2006 @ 5:30 pm PT...
The Ugle truth rings out again and again about the rigged unreliable US voting systems at the BRADBLOG. Thank you Brad and your modern day US PATRIOTS bloggers for your efforts to save our Democracy!!!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 6:13 pm PT...
NC Voter
It is very simple. Change beers, or change ... I will support you either way.
Just remember ... your state senator is not related to the congress member in the senate or the house.
... uh ... actually ... I can't really communicate with you it seems ... maybe tomorrow????
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 4/28/2006 @ 8:56 pm PT...
When the Nov election comes, we all need to write=in the same person for President. We have to get the same person signed up to be eligible as a write-in on the ballot everywhere first, according to HAVA rules, I believe. Then we have to all vote for that person. The write-in votes must be hand counted. ALL those election judges/citizens will need to be crooked to make the results be crooked.
Who shall the write-in be?
I suggest Oprah Winfrey for Pres with Ralph Nader vice Pres.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:25 am PT...
NC Voter
I had some coffee this morning. Also all the kittens are rescued from the storms here. My lady and I take care of homeless cats and give them food and shelter. Rescued 5, lost 3.
I think I get what you are saying now. Thanks. Yes, there are too many Zel Millers out there ...
My post was just to let my fellow bloggers here that I am not a kool aider for any one political party.
I want them to all have a say eventually, once we fix the bad rules of the Senate and the House that make it an all or nothing system; that make it a situation where the majority party lords it over the minority party.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:31 am PT...
Charlene #9
Yep in Nov '08 we will have the presidential elections to think about.
I am almost afraid to say the next president could not be any worse ... but I am as shell shocked as the rest and really do not know what to say about the presidential elections for sure.
If the dems take the House and/or Senate in November this year then at least the republican dictatorship bubble can be popped.
That will help a lot.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 4/29/2006 @ 7:47 am PT...
Shifting the balance of power in both houses of Congress presumes that we will actually have a viable election in November. If the e-voting companies have their way, this will never happen, it seems.
Paper only! and closely bipartisan-monitored VOLUNTEER hand counting of the ballots!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 2:21 pm PT...
I envy indiana.Concerned about an honest election how refreshing..We used to have that...I am from ohio where corruption is just as bad as the white house with our all republican congress and gov..pugs know they cant win an honest election..