"Scathing WaPo Editorial Calls for 'Paper Trails' in Maryland"
(8 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 2/20/2006 @ 4:03 pm PT...
On topic: Once again good work Brad. Someday i really hope you have some historical acknowledgement for your dilligence in following up on the truth about US voting issues during this time period. Really wish we could send all these corrupt individuals to Mars since these fckers and their team of media bullhorns are so hell bent on destroying this earth and doing their best to try and coverup the truth.
Off topic: We must impeach and jail the BUSHIT ADMINISTRATION so George Dubbya can never as in EVER be allowed to celebrate PRESIDENTS DAY as a legitimate president which he is not.
When we have foreign Arab companies watching our ports we won't even need another 9/11 in order to take away more of AMERICAN'S rights and attack other nations on the Bushit agenda. Counting 30,000 dead Iraqi civilians one at a time.
Way to go Bushit administration lyers. The gallows are calling you bastards.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 2/20/2006 @ 4:38 pm PT...
This should clear up that issue once and for all, when you see that Linda Lamone is a Democrat.
This just happens to be a scam going on both sides, even when it favored the republicans in the national races. It in the end does not have loyalty, the machines are there to elect the stooges "these individuals" want...
That's the bottom line.
Doug E.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 2/20/2006 @ 4:52 pm PT...
Thanks for the kind words and recognition Grizzly BD!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2006 @ 4:17 am PT...
Doug E #2
It is obvious that you are not lazy.
All the work it takes to find and prosecute democrats who are not in power in this republican regime and republican congress, compared to how very easy it is to find and prosecute republicans (even republicans can do it, link here).
Hey, my hats off to ya, you got drive, purpose, agenda, and above all hope.
Hope you find all those powerful democrats hiding in the white house and the congress who are running things.
And all this time the MSM has been feeding us this BS about republicans being in control of the government and therefore, in theory, qualified to be held accountable.
What next?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2006 @ 7:07 am PT...
It occured to me this morning that what we need to do about E-voting is to convince wealthy progressives like George Soros, etc. to put together a consortium to BUY OUT Diebold, ES&S, and any other privatized company that is involved with conducting our elections and/or counting our votes. If our elections are for sale to the highest bidder, we should at least pool our money and put in a bid. But, more realisticly, I see this as a way to shine a light on this issue in a way that even the wingnuts can understand and get behind. They don't have any problem with selling out democracy as long as it's their side who ends up owning it, but can you imagine the howling they'd be doing if it was progressives who bought the right to count the votes? Maybe then they'd come around to support transparency in the voting process, and see the wisdom of
By honest and non-partisan officials, not campaign co-chairs.
Anybody with me? If so, please spread this meme around.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 2/21/2006 @ 10:19 am PT...
Dredd, stop pretending that "Democrats" are some how "wonderful".. we're talking about "people in power".. their "name" is irrelavant. That's mostly Doug's point, I think (still not sure I buy into the whole "isreal is the root of all this evil", though it IS clear that there are outside forces pushing various buttons behind that curtain).
And, when you KEEP bashing on this whole "poor Dems, they don't have any real power.. poor them..leave them alone.. stop digging 'hard' to find bad things about Dems when there's so much dirt on the surface with Repugs".
The bottom line is, just because someone had (D) infront of their name doesn't mean they are -really- a Democrat, for one.. nor does it mean they hold the "typically conceived notions" of the Democrat ideologies. That is, people want to "fit into one of the 2 groups", but those "two groups" NO LONGER WORK. Stop defending the "concept" of Democrats, start defending PEOPLE.
You keep saying "Dems have no power, stop blaming them", yet we see that there ARE ways for them to make a huge stink.. they don't make that stink (near enough). NOR are they out there on local TV for their constituents explaining how fucked up things are in Washington. The -bottom line- is, at the end of the day, 90% of them are POLITICIANS.. their affiliation be damned, they don't care.. they are about power and money, period. The Democratic Party, as it were, is dead. Just like the NeoCons fully infiltrated the Repugs, there are Dems in cahoots (as this article points out). Stop defending criminals just because they are in your party.. it puts you in the same boat as the Repugs who do it.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 2/21/2006 @ 2:40 pm PT...
Dredd again, I do not subscribe to that BS. And I really believe you truthfully don't understand the issue.
Because its mentioned in the article he points to. You need to stop seeing it in such a partisan tinted light or its going to ruin your focus.
Its just my warning. I really don't care if you blame all republicans for everything, that you can do. What I do care about is when you insist no democrats have anything to do with it.
There's plenty of democrats, and even some wafflers who are INVESTED in voting machines and corruption.
Especially the DLC itself. When you say its all republicans fault and theirs alone since they are the majority, it turns alot of people off to your message by making it strictly some partisan thing. Through your partisan eyes.
As an independent however I see it quite differently and as others have said: It is alot of the republicans, and quite a few democrats and others who keep this corruption in PLACE.
It is ALL of their faults. Now, there is some republicans who might not be like that. And they are FEW and far between. And as for democrats there may be alot who are not involved in this BS coverup as well; but apparently they don't have a voice in the media. And they certainly don't denounce the DLC and the rest of the democrats who "play" the game with their handlers.
And as I said, those are just the facts of the game.
Doug E.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2006 @ 5:27 am PT...
Savantster #6, Doug #7
The criminal paper trail could not have been done alone.
Senate Standing Committee; Chair, (R=repub; D=dem); (Member Count)
Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; (Chambliss, R); (11 R, 09 D)
Appropriations; (Cochran, R); (15 R, 13 D)
Armed Services; (Warner, R); (13 R, 11 D)
Banking, Housing,and Urban Affairs; (Shelby, R); (11 R, 09 D)
Budget; (Gregg, R); (12 R, 10 D)
Commerce, Science,and Transportation; (Stevens, R); (12 R, 10 D)
Energy and Natural Resources; (Domenici, R); (12 R, 10 D)
Environment and Public Works; (Inhofe, R); (10 R, 08 D)
Finance; (Grassley, R); (11 R, 09 D)
Foreign Relations; (Lugar, R); (10 R, 08 D)
Health, Education,Labor, and Pensions; (Enzi, R); (11 R, 09 D)
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; (Collins, R); (09 R, 07 D)
Judiciary; (Specter, R); (10 R, 08 D)
Rules and Administration; (Lott, R); (10 R, 08 D)
Small Business and Entrepreneurship; (Snowe, R); (10 R, 08 D)
Veterans Affairs; (Craig, R); (08 R, 06 D)
"the Senate divides its tasks among 20 committees, 68 subcommittees, and 4 joint committees" ...
"The chair of each committee and a majority of its members represent the majority party. The chair primarily controls a committee’s business" (link here).
How many democrats, independents, greens, etc. chair committees in the senate or the house? (Zero)
Therefore, republicans are where the power and the accountability of congress lies.
Both the White House and the Congress are republican controlled. All the Cabinet is republican.
Face the truth, it's a republican thang.