"'Daily Voting News' For November 15, 2005"
(7 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2005 @ 5:14 pm PT...
a bunch of rednecks yelling "tally" after every five votes - wheee what fun
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2005 @ 6:43 pm PT...
Maybe someone needs to send the citizens of Bluffton SC links to, and WHO's COUNTING. They obviously aren't paying attention - but even here in OH I know that's the case.
I read reviews written by locals in the little local rag after Diebold machines were previewed at the County Fair this summer and the people here just loved how EASY they were to use... Ugh. I wrote endlessly to the paper pointing out the problems with electronic voting but none of my letters were printed...
John, thank you from the depths of my heart and soul for the work you do. I love that you're blogging these daily reports here.
You, Brad, Bev, Clint, Fitrakis, Wasserman, Lynn, well, the list goes on of the true patriots of this country who will one day be able to proudly claim that they (you) were the ones who saved our democracy.
I just got done reading the lastest email from BBV and between that and your links here it's just mind blowing that this is actually happening in our country.
Thanks again! And if you get the chance please check out Who's Counting and leave us a message and let us know what you think.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2005 @ 6:50 pm PT...
no, they need to be sent back to the trailer park. Why cant they just vote for governor and president and all when the vote for their favorite nascar driver?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Ready, Set, Go
said on 11/16/2005 @ 1:15 am PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 11/16/2005 @ 2:12 am PT...
Now Dean is he going to take this all over the media? Because otherwise the GAO will not given a spotlight! Too many things to distract from getting the GAO into frontpage news.
Doug E.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2005 @ 6:36 am PT...
Ready, Set, Go #4
I read your link, and offer this exerpt:
"The General Accounting Office just came out...the General Accounting Office - about the most neutral, non-partisan group in America - came out with a big study showing in fact that it was easily possible to program these things [voting machines] to make them do whatever you want. That's not good for America. This is not a partisan Republican-Democrat issue. This is an American issue. American have to believe their votes count (link here).
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2005 @ 8:36 am PT...
Call To Arms 6 or 7
CNN asked for email concerning the question of torture. Here is my post to them:
"You asked the question Should the US torture detainees?
That you would ask this question, to me, reveals that you are in bed with ('embedded') the forces at work to kill our democracy with 'a thousand cuts'. A slow death to democracy.
You have not covered the GAO report that shows that voting machines used in the last two or so elections can be hacked and corrupted by elementary students (link here).
The report is not an internet conspiracy theory. Instead it is a matter of fact report by a government agency composed of americans and is bi-partisan.
Should we torture? Torture who? Torture the american democracy with tired stories as democracy dies?
As elections are stolen one after the other while the MSM partakes of lurid lust with its partners in covering up the big crimes?
The answer is not only NO, it is HELL NO!!!
Stop supporting torture of democracy in all its forms. Or suffer the fate of newspapers ... fading into the obscurity of being irrelevant to what we call news.
If you want to tell them what you too think, the email address is: