DNA and Forensic Science Could Solve America's Greatest Crime
By David Edwards on 9/11/2005, 9:09am PT  

Guest blogged by David Edwards

According the latest edition of Denver's Boulder Weekly:

...a former Bush appointee is asking why this forensic science has not been used to its fullest in solving what was arguably the greatest crime in American history.

Morgan Reynolds, Bush's chief economist for the Department of Labor from 2001-02, is an outspoken leader in a movement calling for a full-scale, unbiased, independent scientific study into the events of Sept. 11, 2001. He claims the story the government wants Americans to believe is riddled with inconsistencies and untruths, and he recently penned a comprehensive paper detailing those oversights. He thinks the collapse of the World Trade Center, the crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Penn., and the attack on the Pentagon were all weaved together as an elaborate inside job, a claim that only forensics can prove.

"I knew that all of this was a lie," he says. "And it's all been confirmed. This is beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bush/Cheney administration lied us into Iraq, and now it's not going well and more and more people are unhappy."

The Downing Street Memo, which states that intelligence was being fixed around the policy to invade Iraq, supports this claim. His realization that Bush hadn't been truthful about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq led him to doubt Bush on other issues.

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