By Brad Friedman on 7/22/2005, 12:16pm PT  

Another BRAD BLOGGER in the news! (Add him to the list.)

Yes, in a front page story now up at RAW STORY, our own Winter Patriot --- Official BRAD BLOG Concierge, frequent Guest Blogger, and all around good guy --- gets some ink of his own for his smart Whispering Campaign website.

Devastatingly simple, the brilliant campaign offers readers single-page, large font versions of important, under-reported stories which can be easily printed out and distributed about town where they may be seen by folks who might not otherwise patronize those websites and blogs which are reporting the real news seen as unfit for our failed modern Mainstream Corporate Media.

The RAW headline terms Winter a "Modern-day samizdat bring[ing] news to public places." We admit we had to look up the term "samizdat" to find out that it's defined as follows:

Etymology: Russian, from sam- self- + izdatel'stvo publishing house
: a system in the U.S.S.R. and countries within its orbit by which government-suppressed literature was clandestinely printed and distributed;

Given the remarkably Kremlin-like state of our current White House, coupled naturally with an intimidated and repressed American Press Pool that has failed for four-plus years now to report on the unprecedented dangers wrought by this damagingly un-American Administration, a "modern-day samizdat" sounds like a good description to us!

For being the media...cuz someone's got to...we say: Waytago, WP! Keep up the good work! America --- and The BRAD BLOG --- thanks you! For all that you do, this blog's for you!

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