With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 6/11/2013, 4:00pm PT  

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Record jump in carbon emissions on track for 5°C increase in world temps; US & China reach major climate agreement; Another court victory for Monsanto; PLUS: As California breaks new solar records, one of the state's old nuclear plant will now shut forever ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): BP ends Gulf cleanup operations; Coal Subsidy: IG says US sold public's coal too cheap; KXL: Transcanada recruited local police against opponents; More pests developing resistant to GMO crops; Egypt warns Ethiopia against Nile mega-dam; Ocean acidification killing baby oysters; Methane leaks from fracking could negate US emissions cuts ... PLUS: What to make of a warming "plateau," and what happens when it ends ... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • BP Ends Oil Spill Cleanup In Gulf, Except For Louisiana (AP):
    Reports of oil sightings in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida will soon be the U.S. Coast Guard's responsibility to investigate.
  • US coal sold too low, taxpayers lose millions -government watchdog (Reuters) [emphasis added]:
    U.S. officials who administer a federal coal program have undervalued the fuel, costing taxpayers $62 million in some recent mining leases alone, said a government report released on Tuesday. About 40 percent of the coal sold in the United States is drawn from federal land and the program is administered by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management, which is required to seek a fair price on behalf of taxpayers.
  • TransCanada prepped local police for prosecuting pipeline foes (E & E News):
    The PowerPoint presentation given to EnergyWire by Bold Nebraska, a group organizing Plains-area locals against the $5.3 billion heavy crude line, illustrates the extent of the company's preparations to face continued civil disobedience by environmentalists mobilized against further development of the carbon-rich Canadian oil sands. The briefing, dated December 2012, includes names and photos of more than 20 activists arrested for protesting Keystone XL, including actress Daryl Hannah...
  • 'No Nile, no Egypt', Cairo warns over Ethiopia dam (Reuters):
    Egypt's foreign minister, vowing not to give up "a single drop of water from the Nile", said on Sunday he would go to Addis Ababa to discuss a giant dam that Ethiopia has begun building in defiance of Cairo's objections.
  • Growing Number of Pests Developing Resistance to GM Crops (Yale e360):
    An increasing number of pest species are developing resistance to crops genetically engineered to be toxic to insects, according to new research. In an analysis of 77 studies conducted in eight countries, a team of U.S. and French scientists found that five of 13 major pest species had become resistant to so-called Bt cotton or corn plants, which are genetically modified to exude a bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, that is toxic to insects. Three of the cases occurred in the U.S., where half of all Bt plantings occur.
  • Late and lame, farm bill finally clears Senate (Grist):
    You may recall that once there was hope for major reform in the legislation: Strip away the subsidies supporting giant monocultures, and move that money to support the kind of farming that makes people, and the environment, healthier. Remember that? Yeah, not going to happen.
  • NRDC chief: Fracking 'most complicated thing I've encountered' (The Hill's e2 Wire):
    She explained that fracking presents a double-edged sword of sorts. It's facilitated a growth in domestic natural gas, which has half the carbon content of coal. But at the same time, Beinecke said, it's still a carbon fuel. On top of that, Beinecke said it's still unclear what fracking might do to public health.
  • Ocean acidification pushing young oysters into "death race" (MongaBay):
    The scientists found that while ocean acidification in the region was not yet reached the levels where it would begin dissolving adult oyster shells, current levels were making it increasingly difficult for more vulnerable oyster larvae to build their shells.
  • Methane leaks could negate climate benefits of US natural gas boom: report (Guardian UK):
    Reduction in carbon emissions triggered by America's shift from coal to gas is being offset by a sharp rise in methane
  • Court ruling called a game changer for renewable power (EnergyWire):
    A federal appeals court found last week that it's unconstitutional for Michigan to discriminate against out-of-state renewable electricity --- a decision being described as giving a major edge to clean power in the legal fight over the future of the U.S. grid.
  • VIDEO: Water in the Anthropocene (CSIRO):
  • Water in the Anthropocene is a 3-minute film charting the global impact of humans on the water cycle. Evidence is growing that our global footprint is now so significant we have driven Earth into a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene. Human activities such as damming and agriculture are changing the global water cycle in significant ways.
  • By Degrees: What to Make of a Warming Plateau (NY Times) [emphasis added]:
    What happened when the mid-20th-century lull came to an end? You guessed it: an extremely rapid warming of the planet. So, if past is prologue, this current plateau will end at some point, too, and a new era of rapid global warming will begin. ...We might one day find ourselves looking back on the crazy weather of the 2010s with a deep yearning for those halcyon days.
  • The 'Social Cost Of Carbon' Is Almost Double What The Government Previously Thought (Climate Progress) [emphasis added]:
    The U.S. government updated its estimate of how much carbon pollution harms the economy. They found that their previous estimated costs were too low - ranging from 50 to 100 percent depending on the year and the estimate.
  • Number of the Day: $675 million in saved energy costs during 2012 thank to LED lights (Treehugger):
    This would be the equivalent of about $37 billion in annual energy costs!
  • We Have Met the Unknown Unknowns and They are Us (Legal Planet):
    There are uncertainties about climate science such as tipping points and feedback effects. But these pale in comparison to the biggest source of uncertainties: people. Here are some of the major things we don't know and really can't know about future society.
  • Warning: Even in the best-case scenario, climate change will kick our asses (Grist)

  • Skeptical Science: Get the FULL DEBUNKING of ALL Climate Science Denier Arguments
  • Warning: Even in the best-case scenario, climate change will kick our asses (Grist)
  • FOR MORE on Climate Science and Climate Change, go to our Green News Report: Essential Background Page

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