Okay. He didn't use the word "bullshit". But, other than that, good news: At least we now know that Obama knows the jobs claims and gas price claims made by the Keystone XL pipeline proponents are bullshit.
Via The Hill...
So, "maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline...and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 [chuckles] jobs in a economy of 150 million working people." Good to see the President's people actually allowed him to notice that very key point that has otherwise been allowed to become, until now, a key talking point for the fossil-fuel industry spokesmen that are Fox "News" and the Republicans (and too many Democrats.)
By way of comparison to reality, here are the kind of lies the Republican leadership are still telling about this. Rep. Eric Cantor lied to his brain-dead followers on his official House Majority Leader webpage just this past week by listing "Three Ways to Immediately Grow Jobs and Strengthen the Middle Class". His very first suggested "way" [emphasis added]...
1. Approve the Keystone Pipeline: The Keystone XL Pipeline has been awaiting approval for over 1,750 days now. It has already undergone extensive scientific review and the failure of the Administration to authorize the pipeline is costing us 20,000 direct and 100,000 indirect jobs.
"20,000 direct and 100,000 indirect jobs"? Really, Mr. Cantor? Because the independent Cornell Global Labor Institute report on this [PDF] finds that the data from the actual owners of the pipeline, TransCanada, seriously dispute that claim. "Based on the figures provided by TransCanada for the Canadian section of the pipeline," the report explains, "the new permanent US pipeline jobs in the US number as few as 50."
And, just to repeat the earlier point, Cantor isn't a Fox "News" anchor, he is the Republican Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. We're screwed.
[Hat-tip D.R. Tucker]