Special BRAD BLOG / Velvet Revolution coverage
of the Sep 24-26 Rally in D.C.
Guest blogged by Dan Wilcox

{Katrina Wilcox, of VelvetRevolution.us, and her husband Dan, are in D.C. for this weekend's rallies, and are covering them for us here at BRAD BLOG.}

Katrina asked you if you were tired of writing, calling, and signing. Today, you answered with a resounding “Hell, Yes!”

We got to the Metro to take us into downtown D.C. There were a bunch of people at the ticket dispensers trying to figure out how to get tickets and how the machines worked. It was obvious right off the bat that this was no ordinary tourist trip. Tie-dyed peace symbol shirts, protest signs, people helping each other with a knowing “Oh, you too” smile. We get on the Metro. “Where do we get off?” “Metro Central. Then you can transfer to the Federal Triangle or the Smithsonian or like me, you can walk from there. I like walking, come on with me”. At each stop more shirts, more signs, more smiles. “Is it going to be big?” “Do you think there will be enough of us?”

We pour out onto 13th street. The sidewalk is already crowded with smiling, friendly people headed “that way”. “I see the Washington Monument”. Our destination. A square, a rally. “Montana Women for Justice” or maybe it was “Code Pink” with all the pink balloons. The streets are starting to swarm with US, stopping traffic as the rainbow river bursts across. We're starting to impact Washington and the march hasn't even officially begun!

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