"WATCH: CNN's Sanchez Slams Fox 'News': 'You Lie!'"
(20 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/18/2009 @ 5:38 pm PT...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/18/2009 @ 5:41 pm PT...
The misinformed FOX-baggers.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 9/18/2009 @ 6:55 pm PT...
I've caught Mr. Sanchez's news show a few times...
It's not bad for MSM...he gets a B+ for effort...
and a hearty BRAVO! for that Fox smackdown.
The blowback from Fox is gonna be lame, but really persistent Mr. Sanchez...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 9/18/2009 @ 7:54 pm PT...
Let's see --- Sanchez says he covered the "thousands" who protested the war. Slight understatement there, no? Or maybe that's how he doesn't "promote" it. *sigh*
But yeah, nice smackdown of Fox.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 9/19/2009 @ 1:06 am PT...
Right. Sigh.
This is not a victory, you guys.
Fox just totally conned Sanchez into re-airing a full 5:13 more minutes of full coverage of their Stupid-Con, Fiction-Fest, Loony-Baloney, 9/12 hooey.
I'm sure Fox is thrilled. Great investment when a full page ad in the Washington Post yields five times it's return in eyeballs exposed by sucking up all the oxygen on every other network. And then(FREE BONUS!) watch it subsequently trickle-piss it's way down to the best blogs on the internet at no additional charge. (Great new model for the new media paradigm, everyone.)
And all it took were ginormous sums of money and a little twist of Sanchez' little-bitty ego-testicles - apparently it's just that easy to get your main competetor to air your bullshit propaganda in full.
Of that entire 6:42 minute CNN "rebuttal" only 1:20 of it was Sanchez actually telling Fox off. (Tho' yes, 'twould be Heaven most Pure to see Obama / Congress buck up and shut them up for even half that long.)
I see this as another way Dems are self-defeating, another noteworthy broken spoke in our collective failure to fight this teabagger bullshit effectively. Something I don't see being discussed anywhere: why are we using our hard-won microphones to do nothing but amplify their crazy?
And what are some alternatives?
As for the Dems, I am no longer surprised by their willful intent to forfeit. What I wonder now, mostly, is how much longer they'll mount the effort to pretend to try?
The 2 party country our Farfurthers gave their wealth and sacred honor to defend - the socialist ball-less ball-licking billionaires, and the riot-inciting, race-bating paranoid fringe billionaires.
(Brad: very much looking forward to your Acorn piece. I am most sincerely devastated by this disgusting turn of human tide. The other day in Westwood I was mortified to see a graffitied street sign spray-painted on an city cable box with even, stenciled font across the bottom that read: "ACORN FREE PROSTITUTION ZONE" or something to that effect. Holy...! Does FreedomWorks have goons in the OC that have ACORN stencils at the ready for this shit and drive to liberal university enclaves at night prepared to deface city property with their corporate propaganda?
My heart is braking for what Acorn is facing.)
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 9/19/2009 @ 1:10 am PT...
99, oops ... not braking. I DON'T brake for assholes. MeantBreaking.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 9/19/2009 @ 3:01 am PT...
CNN / Sanchez, dumbasses. FOX 'News' got you to do exactly what they wanted you to do: keep the 'tea parties' in the news. Again: dumbasses.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/19/2009 @ 5:36 am PT...
Has CNN exposed the background of the "players" in the ACORN video and the subsequent "players" who gave them the media vehicle to megaphone it?
Media Matters (not CNN/Rick Sanchez):
Still, the story at this point really has a lot more to do with Fox News and conservative media activism than with ACORN. The undercover videos first appeared on, founded by Andrew Breitbart, a protégé of Matt Drudge and a conservative with a long record of highly partisan and inflammatory statements. Giles, daughter of conservative blogger Doug Giles, attended the National Journalism Center in Washington, one of the many right-wing institutions conservatives have established to flood the field with young, motivated, and rabidly partisan "reporters." For his part, O'Keefe has been a far-right activist since college.
Breitbart has developed a direct line to Glenn Beck, and so it wasn't long before the videos were being presented breathlessly on his TV and radio programs. This week, following his 9/12 rally, Beck escalated the attacks over ACORN.
Including false claims such as:
- the conservative pimp wasn't thrown out of any offices
- an ACORN employee murdered her husband
Where's the great Rick Sanchez and CNN on those investigative stories? The people above are right: it just gave the teabaggers even MORE publicity.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 9/19/2009 @ 5:48 am PT...
Yup, you guys are right. Us Fox folks love it:)
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Steve B
said on 9/19/2009 @ 8:00 am PT...
For CNN to call out Fox News for lies is the equivalent of the pot calling the kettle black.
Fox,CNN and their ilk are engaged in a far more effective method of news reporting than merely lying about it.
Not reporting news which does not fit their agenda allows them to ignore facts without mentioning them. This is more useful and comfortable for them than the outright lie because,when one lies,there is always the possibility of being discovered and called out on it which means that the liar then has to concoct an explanation as to why the lie occurred.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 9/19/2009 @ 10:35 am PT...
Since so few people actually watch CNN who really cares..... CNN & MSNBC & ABC & CBS are all practicing 'agenda journalism'. All Obama all the time! YeeeeeeeHaaaaaaa
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Roger Raffee
said on 9/19/2009 @ 11:37 am PT...
It blows my mind how many people think Fox News is real news. MSNBC leans a bit left, Fox News leans way to the right. CNN seems to be the closest to political neutral largely because, in my opinion, they seem to want to avoid in depth reporting if it steps on the toes of what Fox is "promoting". Fox is fascist, right wing propaganda. Fascism by definition is extreme reactionary right wing politics. Fox is in the bash Democrats, liberals, Acorn, and Obama, and anything that's progressive and liberal business. That may be your politics, and that's OK, it's a free country and right wingers may have some points on some issues, but you're not fooling anyone if you're going to try to pass Fox's constant "promotional" right wing propaganda off as "fair and balanced". Yeah, right...That's like saying only right wingers who support right wing politics and who vote for right wing Republicans are true Americans..Democrats and anyone who doesn't agree with you, Bush, Sarah Palin, Gingrich, Beck, Hannity, etc. should be kicked out of the country for being communist leftists. People should only be taught creationism, and most of what people learn in college about history should be rewritten to make sure everything America has done in the past is written in the best light possible so people don't get "leftist" ideas from studying history. Ignorance is bliss, ain't it..Wave the flag, beat up leftists, war against anything you're told is unAmerican. You're right, right, Right?..
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 9/19/2009 @ 11:53 am PT...
Found a picture/ article about that anti-Acorn grafitti that went up all over L.A. - apparently targeted Shepard Fairy's Los Angeles Offices as well. It reads:
Good Lord.
WaPo article:
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 9/19/2009 @ 1:55 pm PT...
As with somebody else on this blog, I'm wondering why they couldn't get one good sky shot of the 9-12 rally. The picture in the Washington post and CNN's picture doesn't look anything like 60 to 70 thousand.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/20/2009 @ 5:09 am PT...
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/20/2009 @ 5:11 am PT...
So, if FOX claims CNN didn't cover a conservative event, CNN will give additional airtime to it.
And, if FOX does NOT cover a liberal event...NEITHER WILL CNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/20/2009 @ 5:13 am PT...
Here's what I want:
CNN covers how Karl Roves emails prove he fired David Iglesias for not pursuing false voter fraud charges against ACORN OR the Sibel Edmonds story...AND THEN CNN HAS AN ADVERTIZEMENT THAT FOX DIDN'T COVER IT!!!
...but you won't see that happening.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 9/20/2009 @ 5:32 am PT...
Heard a doctor on NPR this morning. She had been on Fox for a 5 minute interview on health care. She said the interviewer brought up death panels 3 times and killing off the elderly 7 times in just the 5 minutes. Fox isn't a news service but a propaganda arm for every group that hates every American that isn't wealthy.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 9/20/2009 @ 2:22 pm PT...
As a mediocre virtuoso, (never could make a living at it) I am usually vindicated within six (6) hours of any given post, as I am exactly six (6) hours ahead of my time. But THIS time I am way under par @ 12 hrs with this recently released, gloating quote:
"When asked about their competitors' (Sanchez's) reaction to the ad, a FOX executive laughed and said, "Thank you very much, and a special thanks to Rick Sanchez who has always been a sucker. He's a gift that keeps on giving."
Here's to hoping I'm now a full day ahead of my time. If you wanna know what's gonna happen tomorrow but not the next day, give me a shout.
(Big Dan @ #16 - succinctly put! Way to chip away the inessential. That's the boiled down heart of my previously long winded blah blah.)
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
{CB}Marsupial Vomit
said on 9/21/2009 @ 10:22 pm PT...
Why was this even a broadcast-worthy piece? Even if Fox was being overbearing with that print ad, did it warrant all this name calling?
I agree that it seems more like Fox was baiting all the other networks to do exactly what was done here : get the story about the protest out there even more than they could possibly do on their own. Even if I thought that Fox did horrid reporting and CNN was the greatest news organization in the world, I would turn the channel after seeing this. This is the kind of petty, in-your-face, name-calling crap that has ruined the very concept "journalism". When your news story is some six-odd minutes of bashing another news agency, something has gone seriously wrong with the news room.
I'm not a Fox "fan", nor am I a CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, or any other network, "fan". News networks shouldn't have fans. They shouldn't be entertaining. THEY SHOULD REPORT NEWS. And we the people should look to several different news agencies to see multiple angles on the stories.